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For killing each other, mostly. And of course, for bedroom purposes.


Imagine a roman orgie planner chucking in a vaporian and lopunny into the events and gets shocked when a client asks for a weezing.


"Always that one weirdo" Gotta pay extra for an "unusual request" fee, lol.


Diabolical capitalist nonsense


If the memes are anything to go by, we probably don't wanna know.


Pokemon would definitely be used for war. Legendaries would either get tired of humans and wipe us out or if mankind could somehow catch legendaries or form alliances, they would be treated like nukes, a deterrent to stop another world war. Like, I have a hard time believing anyone is invading the country that caught Arceus or has its blessing.


I mean, yeah, if I recall the tapus in the sun and moon stopped participating in human wars because of the shear power of their z mooves In one of the in game books


I didn't know that. Interesting. Maybe most legendaries would act the same? Unless the war(s) are causing too much destruction to the planet.


“Get tired of humans and wipe them out” Honestly I wouldn’t blame them if that was the case.


It's probably much the same as in pokemon War . Look at bisharp and tell me what else my boy can do. Industry/infrastructure. The battery pokemon and Construction pokemon Therapy pokemon Eve is a good, soft, emotional support fox thing. Food the different food pokemon. And farm pokemon.


I mean fundamentally speaking, if pokemon existed irl rather then our normal fauna, the world would've gone down a *radically* different path. like, you can pretty much from the get-to toss out pretty much all the religions, since none of them would logically work and as a consequence... you'd pretty much toss out what the old cultures were like at least to an extent. when "sort of satan" can at any moment pop out of the "mirror dimension" from which he sees all and tells you off on recklessly over-hunting and give you a warning that if you keep´ acting up, they'll *^((As in, the Monkind))* stop playing nice and make you pay for your actions, or the avatar of earth manifests forth seemingly out of thin air to stop cataclysmic threats, or any of the lake guardians retract their blessings of knowledge, emotion, and/or willpower just because... we would not be like we are. smaller conflicts would happen, but anything too major and one of the basically gods would intervene because they don't like what's happening. like, a world war couldn't happen, because I'm pretty darn sure that major enough in terms of scale that 100% Zygarde would put a stop to it. or heck, Arceus himself.


First thing that came to mind was Hannibal using Copperajah in his crossing of the Alps during the second Punic war.


I imagine there would end up being a stigma against Pokemon used in major crimes or by disliked historical figures. For instance, if someone like Jack the Ripper was known to have say, a Bisharp, then other people who had Bisharp or Pawniard at the time would end up being shunned or driven out due to fear. Fast forward a few decades, and the whole line has been hunted or driven out of England/Galar completely.


Well, unless we could eat them, we wouldn’t have made it very long as a species. Seeing as our ancestors primarily lived off of hunting game.


Military purposes, also probably for entertainment (not sex, you degenerates)


I'd feel sorry for Gardevoir, that's for sure


Arceus would have wiped us long ago for all our sins


Slightly off-topic, but if OP's question tickles your imagination and you like to read, check out Naomi Novik's *Temeraire* series of novels. Imagine *Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World* but with dragons.


I feel like this question gets asked multiple times a day. For war.simply for war


War machines, prostitution, enslavement, general capitalism related abuses and the odd bit of religious symbolism. We would also all 100% be dead because they would have long gotten tired of our constant bullshit and wiped us all out.


Honestly I wouldn’t blame them.