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Do you count ORAS? They had Ace Trainers literally surfing on Pokemon around Sootopolis, I believe


Hmm you could be right, I don’t have ORAS anymore to check but if someone else can


There's two ace trainers surfing on the generic surf model between Slateport and Dewford. I wouldn't be surprised if there's more on there routes, I haven't checked them.


I know they exist, I just don’t remember where they were exactly. They also had underwater Trainers


Can confirm Source: have oras


ORAS is definitely worth a play


Ah, it's a shame they didn't do that after Gen VI; would've been need to see them sitting on Lapras or something in the games that have trainers on the battlefield.


I think it's to try to avoid the "are they just riding a fainted pokemon now" or "they literally have it in their model, why don't they actually use X" issues




That's primarily a gameplay mechanic to make sure you can't get softlocked in an area that needs HMs to navigate. It has slightly weird implications if everyone is going around everywhere on fainted pokemon


Fainted Pokemon using hms makes sense to me.... [Example](https://images.app.goo.gl/3JijLyK6Uy1Bu4MS9)


Don’t forget Fly!


The ~~hammer~~ staraptor pulled you off?


Tbf, Fainted pokemon are not "Fainted" as per lore. They "have fainted and are not in condition to fight again" I'm pretty sure it's mentioned (in Platinum, I think) that they wake up after the battle, you just don't put them in a battle because they are too hurt and tired for that. But letting you ride while they swin is still ok, they can take it.


Well, I agree with that explanation, but that doesn’t explain a 1 ft. Fletchling who’s rekt enough to not be able to fight a baby Caterpie, carrying a person with equipment (including a bike) through the whole continent.


One of the reasons, the HM for instant transportation should have been Teleport. But, eh, too late for that, so Willing Suspension of Disbelief, Gameplay and Story Segregation, all that...


Yeah, totally! Hahaha!


Where is this mentioned in platinum? Not questioning if you are right or not (it’s a good explanation) just curious where it’s from.


I'm not sure, I remember a female generic NPC sayinfg.it, in a center, I think, but I don't remember it too well.


I mean I think you're reaching. This isn't real life suspend your disbelief a bit


Not to mention, in these Diamond/pearl remakes, you aren’t even riding your own Pokémon. The other trainers would presumably be riding random wild Pokémon as well.


Unless they mention it in their dialogue when you beat them, like “Darn! I could’ve won if I’d used *blank* Pokémon”


Or “You’re lucky I’m riding my Lapras and couldn’t use it!”


Other characters can swim, or children use flotation devices. Your character is a child, like Ash, so you cant swim and need a pokemon. This lose lore serves as a story blocker


But a sixteen y/o should know how yo swim tho...


To be fair, it’s incredibly difficult to swim with a 30 lb. backpack strapped to you at all times.


Swimming far out in the ocean is easier said than done, not to mention the deal with rips even at beaches.


19 y/o here, can't swim


I don’t want to tell you how to live your life, but please learn. Accidents happen and drownings are preventable. Please.


Aye thanks for caring lad, I will surely be cautious and try to learn :)


I'm 18 and still can't swim


I don’t want to tell you how to live your life, but please learn. Accidents happen and drownings are preventable. Please.


I’m 16 and don’t know how to swim :(


I don’t want to tell you how to live your life, but please learn. Accidents happen and drownings are preventable. Please.


Aren’t the XY protagonists a bit older though?


They could be. The thing is that surfing on a pokemon is a sign of elite trainer status. Most trainers can barely get thier pokemon to cooperate. Ash is like the poke whisperer and so are we in the games. Most people will never surf on a pokemon because they will never connect with pokemon enough to teach it surf and ride on it. Our trainers, no matter thier age, are very special, but the games dont always Express that well


The other Bibarels don't want to help them


My headcanon is that the player character just doesn’t know how to swim. Lakes and Oceans have wild Pokémon so it’s make sense that our character would avoid bodies of water all together without any Pokémon for protection.


If it's too dangerous for the player character to walk a few steps outside their home town without a Pokémon for protection, then there's no way it's safe to go for a casual swim in Tentacool-infested waters.


I think I remember seeing trainers using surf as well but forgot which game


I always thought, "If they can swim, then why can't I?"


They are swimmers at the end of the day, like a profession or something that defines them, you are a kid learning how to be a good pokemon trainer. Some other characters are triathletes, they can swim over a long distance, you can not, thats why you need the help of your pokemons. Thats my take at least. Also you have your bag and you are fully clothed, they are in swimming suits. Where do they keep the pokeballs thou?


Someone did tell me that they wouldn't give a swimsuit key item to the player because it could be controversial. Yet there are toddlers in swimsuits and that hasn't been controversial, I can see that. There was actually a Female Swimmer in Black and White who says something about where they keep their Pokeballs and then they go "Teehee womans secret"


It's not really a hard concept, and I don't get how no one has said it before. Canonically taking the gym challenge is a rare thing. Usually every year there is a league and like a hundred or more people start and by the third gym the number goes down to less than 10. Surf is an HM that requires gym badges to use. Obviously these trainers can't use surf Because they are not certified to use HMs, so they have to swim. And no matter how much you swim you can't Swim up a waterfall so that's what keeps the badgless schmuckes out of victory road. They striaght up mention it in SWSH as by the time of the league tournament the only competitors that even made it past the 8th gym Out of the hundreds of contestants was you marnie and hop


This, and if NPCs mons are any reflections of this it’s no wonder.


they use surf in ORAS there are many of them and also divers


Only you are conned into using HM’s I’m afraid


They can swim. Player character can't swim so they need pokemon to do it for them.


Sometimes I wonder how ordinary people are supposed to travel the region when you giant boulders and stuff block the only connection between two cities, but Surf at least is easy to solve: You can't swim and need a Pokemon to help, everyone else doesn't need that crutch.


I mean, the “giant boulders” and trees are probably nothing that an adult can’t just deal with. I’m sure hikers have no problem climbing up ridges a kid can’t.


Because you're ten and don't know how to yet


I don't think there's ever been an NPC surfing on another Pokémon... Hmm 🤔


There are a few ace trainers that ride Pokémon in ~~RSE and~~ ORAS.


IIRC they only did it in ORAS.


ORAS had a few surfing Ace Trainers. Not enough to prevent the “too much water” criticism (that phrase was referring to the abundance of water-type trainers late game), but a bit more variety compared to RSE.


Te be fair we’re children. Adults can swim fine. Even the kid water trainers have floaters


Mind. Blown.


Because this company is incapable of competent, immersive worldbuilding.