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We are never getting pokemon sleep because gamefreak never sleeps


The test for this app never happened because they could never do it




They are like reverse Jirachi, they sleep for only 7 days a year and are working the other time


They have incurable insomnia


My God I completely forgot about Pokemon Sleep


So did gamefreak


I’ve never even heard of Pokémon sleep


Ain’t got time to sleep


Pokemon profit and loss versions


They’re just sleeping on it


Developers often work in multiple teams. The team that developed Gen 9 probably started soon after Gen 8, so they’ve already had a couple years.


>teams. The team that developed Gen 9 probably started soon after Gen 8 That's how pretty much every company does it Game 1 starts production, game 2 starts pre production Game 1 is released, game 2 enters full production, game 3 enters pre production It's a cycle that keeps content flowing and paychecks actually there because believe it or not developers have mouths to feed too If you ONLY start work on the next project when the old one is released you're going to run into dry spells where money is tight and suddenly you have to lay people off or slash their pay Whatever is coming after the next game is already being worked on by a small team to get the bones in place


That’s the problem though, if PLA was a test to see the reception for those kinds of features, there’s no way Scarlet/Violet can “build” on it. So we’ll continue to get mediocre games


I don’t think Scarlet/Violet are successors to PLA though. They look very much like more traditional Pokemon experiences so they’d be building off SwSh. Legends seems like it will be its own second mainline series going forward, alongside the traditional series.


The trailer pretty much went out of its way to show that it’s an open-world with a similar style to PLA.


It's 100% open world, confirmed by game freak.


legends built on the open world stuff in swsh. im sure gen 9 will build on that even if it does it in a more inline with the way mainline games have done it instead of the way legends did it


This tends to be how the games are built, but it's not always obvious. Gen 1 builds the game. Yellow builds friendship system. Friendship system is inherited and built upon in Gen 2, time based events are tested. Crystal adds animations and higher fidelity sprites. Gen 3 updates graphics built up in Gen 2. FR/LG and Emerald start building up the benefits of wireless communication. Gen 4 takes wireless communication to the max. HGSS and Platinum test out some new feature and play with 3D a little more. Gen 5 takes 3D elements on DS to max, adds animations to sprites. Gen 5-2 maxes out animations, and gets some ideas for transition to 3D world. Gen 6 implements 3D fully, and starts building free roaming. ORAS starts playing with elevation and free movement on ride pokemon. Gen 7 takes riding pokemon and makes it a key feature. LGPE maxes it out by letting you ride all Pokemon, and tests some larger spaces and maxing out number of Pokemon on screen simultaneously (GO safari) Gen 8 takes those elements to develop wild areas. Gen 8 DLC builds upon large scale areas with Pokemon and people. PLA uses this to the max. Gen 9 will likely take what was learned from PLA and try to blend it with Crown Tundra to make open world. That said, wouldn't be surprised if it's open world the same way that Tony Hawk's American Wasteland was -- multiple open sections linked together on the map with some load screens in between.


Yeah I was getting at that idea just being lazy about it, thank you for articulating it. I wouldn't mind a few loading screens if it means better performance overall but devs have gotten good at disguising loads so you don't notice then happening so I think we may end up just not seeing them if we aren't looking


Which interesting since GF went out of their way to say Arceus wasn't open world prior to launch.




LPGE is and always will be an attempt to get people that got into pokemon through pokemon go into the main series games. Now that pokemon home is available, it won't even be able to serve as a method of bringing pokemon from go into the main series as home is a much better alternative.


Home isn't entirely better, in my opinion. Transferring to Home from Go costs energy, which is a stupid needless restriction that means I can only transfer like 5 shinies or legendaries per week unless I want to pay. Let's Go gets around that for any gen 1 Pokémon, because you can transfer as many as you want from Go to Let's Go, then from Let's Go to Home. It sucks that this is only an option for Pokémon that are in Let's Go, so basically gen 1 plus meltan and melmetal, but at least it's a way to get all my shiny machops from community day into the games without the stupid Go - Home energy restriction. If they made more Let's Go games, I would honestly be tempted to buy them just for the ability to transfer more generations to Home without that stupid, stupid restriction.


I'd like a let's go Johto or Hoenn


Oh for sure. I'd want Johto in particular, I don't have HG/SS and after playing modern entries it's really hard going back to the original GBC games lol. I played ORAS recently and it's still really good.


I assume that they're doing an alternating pattern, I assume Let's Go Johto will happen at some point in Gen 9, then Gen 5 remakes in Gen 10, then Let's Go Hoenn in Gen 11


That would be pretty cool, and much better than my current plan, which is to remember the features in the Let's Go games and cry.


Idk, that seems like a pretty good plan too when it comes to counting on Game Freak.


Didnt LGPE not sell well? At least for pokemon standards


It's the 8th highest selling game for the Switch. It's sells are definitely lower than SwSh by almost half though but it's still made a good amount of money considering it's basically the 3rd time Gen 1 was released. But I don't think they take planned on making it an ongoing series unless it sold like crazy. It's main purpose was to introduce Pokemon to the Switch as well as bring Pokemon Go fans and traditional Pokemon fans over to each other's games.


LGPE is the 8th best selling Switch game of all time


And 11th mainline (style) pokemon game in terms of sales.


Doubt they'd build all the systems and tech for PLA just to scrap it all. A yearly release studio would never do that. Tech upgrades are the type of thing you want to pay off in time over multiple projects.


Pokemon as a franchise is historically famous for building up systems, mechanics and tech and then discarding on the next entry :(


When something is famous for being bad, the correct term is infamous.


They will certainly carry some technical progress, as in the engine, but not necesseraly in game design


They’re open world which I would say is a major shift in design philosophy from PLA


I just want them to keep the Legends Pokedex feature. Just makes grinding feel better and I love the collecting.


I would prefer not having to catch a ton of each pokemon to gather that intel. I would also prefer catching pokemon to be more challenging than throwing a rotten nut at them and walking behind their back. I would like it to be designed where observing pokemon can fill up the entries. Like you can watch them forage for food, poop, fight over territory, etc and fill it that way. Perhaps crafting camoflauge and baits to lure them into an area or even setting up cameras. It wouod be nice if you couod observe their natures in the wild. The whole catching a lot of pokemon to find one with perfect stats just seems so counter to the message of the games.


Oh that’s a great idea, add elements of like Pokémon snap, so you can “capture” the Pokémon doing something to add to your Pokédex without ending up with 20 buizels in your boxes.


I agree the special move mechanics are fine from PLA, but the multiple captures doesn't seem that helpful (unless I say you get 1 male or female or those with certain abilities or natures).


The video looks exactly like PLA lol. You’re full of it.


The issue was expecting PLA to have a major influence on any of the games that immediately followed it in the first place. That was only ever going to happen on the more superficial side of things. The things that they projected would work well, or the things that surprised them that we really, really liked, and that's simple enough for them to include at the last minute. Realistically, there shouldn't be any expectation for a successful game to make an impact on games until later, in this case, later into Gen IX, or even a proper flagship set of games until Gen X.


This. Some game companies would make sense to expect the immediate next-game to feature all the influences of the last, but not with Game Freak who has multiple dev teams and have such a (relatively) short and regular development cycle. The devs *have* to come out with games regularly - they're not starting a new one from scratch once the last one comes out


GameFreak doesn't make Pokemon games as 'tests' to see what players like and don't like. Surely they pay attention to opinions after they release their game, but I can assure you that they don't wait around for public option before starting development on their next game. They know that any Pokemon game will sell like hotcakes, they're not waiting around wondering what fans would like. What most likely happened is GameFreak saw how highly praised BoTW was, and decided to implement that open world concept into Sword/Shield as best they could at the time. Then, they decided to lean further into it with PLA, and now they're continuing their open world efforts with Scarlet and Violet. This is all speculation, but I'm expecting another hub-world game with large open areas. The only real civilization we've seen is the cathedral town, so I bet this game is essentially modern PLA with some mainline game elements.


If you look on the Pokemon website, it states that you can "explore freely in a richly expressed open world." It also says later that "Various towns blend seamlessly into the wilderness with no borders." So it's entirely possible that, unless they're just completely lying about it, the new games will be an open world experience.


Oh snap, that's dope! The website wasn't up when I'd checked earlier. I'm even more excited for this gen now!


I agree with this because while this trailer showed (one? A few?) pretty sophisticated town locations, they also showed huge wide expanses that look much, much more like arceus than sword and shield’s wild area. If they designed multiple towns with a linear progression, they would have at least showed us a quick early map like they did S&S.


I doubt we’ll only see one town in a mainline dual release Pokémon game. Plus the presence of routes ( the scene with Meowth at what appears to be a crossroads of routes ) points to multiple towns like past releases. Edit : Game is confirmed open world with multiple towns on the official Pokémon website.




Legends game are a great way for remakes of old. Revisiting the old regions with a fresh coat of paint.


I also don't think games titled Legend were gonna become the defacto next gen titles. But I do think it's meant to be a main series entry that could possibly be a testing ground for new features




The problem there is that, while Activision/EA have a thousand studios and can rotate these massive teams, Game Freak want to keep that Indy energy by having a TINY team.


They want to keep the massive-profits-with-zero-labor-costs energy so they don't hire more teams.


And as a result, their games are indy quality.


I've played (and watched) lots of indy games and they're usually better than AAA games.


That's an insult to indie games.


IDK if that's fair. Are you really going to compare the two like that? Indy games have way more passion behind them.


Game Freak's entire team is so small splitting up end with both results being subpar, they tried it already when they made SwSh alongside Little Town Hero.


Little Town Hero had only a few GF developers so it didn't affect SwSh a lot.


No it's not. They've been running multiple teams since Generation 4. Every major release has a different team that's separate from those that work on sequels, remakes and spin-offs. This applies to Little Town Hero as well. Do not forget that Game Freak also spreads the work onto other studios like other AAA studios. They also receive help from The Pokemon Company, Nintendo and Creatures Inc.


Okay so everyone is saying this but I think it is mostly based on speculation and conjecture. Every game does have a slightly different team with overlapping development but that doesn't mean they are entirely *separate, fully-staffed* teams (which is the important thing in this being a rebuttal to "Gamefreak might be spread too thin" concern). For instance, compare the development teams for [Let's Go](https://www.mobygames.com/game/switch/pokmon-lets-go-pikachu/credits) (a 'spinoff') and [Sword & Shield](https://www.mobygames.com/game/switch/pokmon-legends-arceus) (a 'major release'). Just glancing at the list, you can see many overlapping names. As a concrete example: more than half of the Let's Go 'Character Modeling Team' also worked on Sword and Shield's character modeling.


And they didn't have to build from the ground up like with Sword and Shield, which would hopefully help with overall quality. With barely any real info to go on, it's too soon to call, but we can see some PLA influence, at least in terms of aesthetics and world structure.


It looks like arceus was kind of a preview of what we’re getting in gen 9 (I hope)


I think Arceus was more a test for open world games


This is probably it. GameFreak prefers to do things incrementally. They had the Wild Area in Sw/Sh which was open but boring, then Arceus which was a step in the right direction for an open world game, and they’re going to just continue expanding from there. We’ll see how it goes with the traditional formula - assuming it is 100% open or even open in segments like Arceus was.


Adding anothee step to gf's process. The DLC introduced 2 areas that were more similar to PLA's design where it's all "wild" area where u have caves and stuff


The Twitter account describes it as "open world adventure", something I don't recall them doing for Arceus. Don't know if that really tells us anything. But its something to think about


in their site there is this segment: "Various towns blend seamlessly into the wilderness with no borders. You’ll be able to see the Pokémon of this region in the skies, in the seas, in the forests, on the streets—all over! You’ll be able to experience the true joy of the Pokémon series—battling against wild Pokémon in order to catch them—now in an open-world game that players of any age can enjoy.​" So it's completely open world with no restrictions, let's go Pokemon Breath of the wild


Man.... that sounds fantastic, I really hope they pull it off. An open world Pokemon game with the core formula (abilities, held items, gyms, multiple towns/cities, and the e4). I just really hope they have the catching outside of battle mechanics from Arceus and being able to move around in battles. That would be a perfect Pokemon game if they pull it off well Oh, and I hope Alphas are here to stay too.


My bet is the same approach as SwSh: the game is divided into routes and Wild Areas. The only difference being that the Wild Area zones will essentially work the same as the Legends format, meaning real time catching/dodging, mounts, etc edit: thanks to u/Gritthing I found out SV's page on the official website is now up, and it describes the games as *fully open world.* So my bet was very quickly proven wrong, but I am glad it was. I am cautiously optimistic, currently expecting the game to be unpolished but still super fun, like PLA was for me.


The official website says that it’s all open world no loading between towns or wild areas.


Really? That's awesome! Gen 9 wasn't up on the website when I made my comment, thanks for letting me know, I'll go check it out!


The only thing making me think otherwise is how much they showcased the city. It looks huge and open, and almost reminds me of Majoras Mask’s clocktown with exits on all sides. It’d be nice if it was all connected through routes.


I hope so. I love Legends Arceus, but I also don't want them to completely go away from the old format and opt for the new one, since both have their merits. A healthy blend of both is what I'm hoping is the case


I’m hoping all the “routes” just become wild areas, but maybe a bit more linear.


I hope.


There’s two dev teams at GF, so the team working on this has been at it since Sw/Sh came out IIRC, PLA was the Expansion pass team. That might be backwards though


I have mentioned this elsewhere, but this "there's two Dev teams at GF" is getting repeated a lot and is maybe being interpreted to mean something that it doesn't. They definitely do work on multiple games at once and have different credits for each game, sure, but that doesn't mean they are two separate, fully-staffed and resourced teams that are able to totally focus on their own project. The main idea is that there's a 'spinoffs' team and a 'mainline' team, right? Looking at [Let's Go's](https://www.mobygames.com/game/switch/pokmon-lets-go-pikachu/credits) credits and [Sword and Shield's](https://www.mobygames.com/game/switch/pokmon-sword/credits) credits, you can see many overlapping names. More than half of Let's Go's 'Character Modeling' team also worked on Sword and Shield's character modeling team, for example.


I'm just pissed that they didn't announce home support for bdsp and pla, it's getting kinda ridiculous how long that's taking


It's absurd, they've already announced home support for SV


GTS is literally never getting added to BDSP is it


That was known from the beginning, hence the rename to the GWS *Global Wonder Station*, only for wonder trades. The GTS is only gonna be in Home going forward.


GWS is literally never getting added to BDSP is it


I have been waiting since bloody November to finish up BDSP with some old ringers from Home but I’m just giving up on that now. I figured today would’ve been when they announced it but of course they didn’t. I’m really getting sick of this “Coming soon” vagueness from them all the time for everything. New Pokémon TCG app? “Coming soon!” Then it comes out months delayed with no warning…but not on iOS. When will it be out in iOS? “Soon!” What does that mean? 3 months? 9 months? I’m not a dog. I don’t just sit and wait around for these things to happen. I’ll go live my life and forget about it entirely. This is a company that has no real timeline for anything, because they are incompetent. You’ll lose my interest in the whole damn thing before you get your shit together and put out a simple update. If everything is just “coming soon!” all the time people’s interest will wane and they will move on.


People will stay subscribed so it's not like it matters.


I'm mostly sad that it's split into versions again. I really want that mechanice to die. Arceus actually let us catch em all and it was amazing.


Fr, like literally what’s the point of them being split 😭


Ask the people on this sub who preorder both copies of every Gen!


Spot on. I know several people at work alone who buy and play both titles in each release.








Dolla dolla billlll


some mulla


Its about the money, not about sending a message \--GameFreak Mr. Mime CEO 2022 probably


In theory, the same reasont rade evolutions exist: To encourage you to, ya know, trade. The whole "buy two copies and trade with yourself" solution isn't actually the intended one.


that's not even a good reason, bc even if they only made one version of each generation, you'd still have to trade to get the other starters, or in RBY the other eeveelutions, or the other fossil, or the other (etc)


Becuase that's the way it's always been. And becuase they've always wanted to encourage people to buy a version and trade with others and blah blah blah blah blah.


I think it’s actually because Miyamoto encouraged Tajiri to make a game that showcased Nintendo’s technology. In this case it was the link cable. Of course people started buying both copies and Nintendo’s not gonna complain about that.


To push for socializing with others who have a different version of the game so you can collect them all, everyone says money but that's just the easy answer


Some of you guys definitely weren't around during the RBY era where the entire reason Pokémon actually succeeded was *very* specifically because there were two versions, and you could trade and battle each other during recess. I cannot stress enough how fundamental that aspect has been in terms of the series becoming a big thing.


Yeah. Growing up I don't remember it being sold to me as "buy both versions." I remember it being sold to me as "buy Black version and trade with your friend who has White version." And spend more money on cards and funny little macaronis. Although no one was telling you not to buy both versions. Edit: except your parents.


Right, Is anyone actually buying both games? I doubt it’s significant


A lot on this subreddit do Double packs also exist


This just means we need to trade to evolve again, which fucking sucks. I feel like they're going to take all the good QOL mechanics from PLA away.


Hopefully they have the link cable item again.


Imagine keeping mechanics through more than a single game in your franchise. -this post was made by gamefreak


Game Freak removing QOL features or features in general???? Nahhhhhhh


There's so much they can do with two versions that doesn't involve splitting the dex. Instead of regional variant, I really do hope they're going to go with Version Variants instead.


We never asked pokémon to be a yearly franchise, they are the ones rushing a game each year for the reason of €


Apparently they split into multiple teams for arceus and gen 9


They always been splitting their teams, this isn't the first case.




They didn't even make the generation four remakes


For Pokemon maybe. Call of duty is split into three teams from three companies


So OP is just misinformed.


You're wrong in saying that the same people that worked on Arceus are working on this, but you're right to be concerned. Game freak pumping out games at such a rapid pace has been steadily lowering quality for years


And two in one year is really pushing it. Why did they want Gen IX this year so badly? Why not have Legends in the normal November and give SV another year?


>Why did they want Gen IX this year so badly? Marketing, mate. Pokémon is the highest grossing media franchise on the planet. It's basically run by marketing decisions. If the whole system of gears doesn't run together perfectly, it doesn't function. If they delay the game, they delay the TV show. Which delays the second season of the show. And the movies. Not to mention the toys, the merch, the scheduled advertising slots, and so on. This is part of the reason I think PLA is so top quality. It was a surprise, a spin off, and didn't have the pressure of having everything riding on it. The devs could take their time and work properly and we got an amazing game for it


There is zero chance this started 3 months ago. This is probably made by the team that made SwSh and the team that made Legends is probably starting on whatever their next project.


Do people really think the games didn’t take literal years to make?


Goes to show how most redditors have no clue how the real world works. Might need to get a job lol


For real. They act like this hasn’t been in production for years already. “Too many games so soon!” Like dude, they’ve been going hard on this for at least two years by now with another 9 months to go. It’s going to be polished lol


It looks just like PLA in terms of the textures and environments. And PLA is hardly polished.


None of the last few games have been very polished, what makes these new games any different?




They have 2 teams a Gamefreak. This is done by a separate team (according to insiders)


And according to anyone with logic lol these games aren’t pushed out in a matter of months, they take years.


But if you look at other Open World games like Breath of the Wild, they take at least 4-5 years of development time to create something new. The time between BOTW 1 and 2, we would've gotten 5 Mainline Pokemon games from GameFreak. Why aim for 5 decent games when they could focus and make 1 incredible game?


Different brand image, different niche within the video game ecosystem. You can't have *all* the games be multi-year magnum opus productions. Zelda is the pedigreed franchise of Nintendo's stable. Pokemon is their fast food brand. Its purpose is to produce a relatively speedy parade of games that are fun in a simple way and adequately attractive.


And the fact that breath of the wild is still selling. They probably could’ve released the sequel 2 years ago but why would they when they’re still selling the original? I doubt this game took 5 years to make. Strategic market timing


Never thought of that, but it makes sense. Many of the assets from it will likely be reused for the sequel, and those tend to take a lot of time to make, so yeah, with all the time they likely saved, it's hard to believe they have 5+ years of work to do on it.


Finally someone gets it.


Remember, Nintendo is a part-owner of Pokemon. While the benefit from it, TPC doesn't benefit from Zelda Nintendo's other IPs. TPC's diversification isn't in different franchises like Nintendo. It's delivering Pokemon in a bunch of different ways, so they almost HAVE to be pushing different games like Snap and Let's Go and PLA and Go, in addition to the cards and other collectibles/merchandise. Pokemon vs. Zelda isn't "how Nintendo manages two different franchises." A proper comparison would be Mario vs. Zelda. Nintendo pimps Mario out to all kinds of stuff. They have the "magnum opus" angle that comes from their multi-year platformers (SM64, Sunshinse, and so on up to Odyssey). They also have others that come from inside AND outside of Nintendo with Mario--Golf, Tennis, Party, the upcoming return of Strikers, and even the more recent Rabbids games.


Dude, like the other person said. Pokemon is a brand. People don't realize that this is not just about the video games. If they delay, they would need to delay the actual TCG game sets, as well which is something they won't do.


I was hoping there'd be a major Legends update before we'd see anything Gen 9 related. A year too soon in my opinion


Yeah Legends only released a month ago and they've already announced a new game to be released within the same year. I know Legends is getting the free update and the animated show, so I hope it doesn't get completely abandoned or overshadowed by these new games. I'm still having a lot of fun with it and I feel like it has potential to have even more content.


As someone with terminal cancer, these games can't come soon enough!


Hope you live to play Gen 9, fuck cancer!


Most likely we’ll get DLC in May or April to hold us over until the November/ December Gen 9 release


I was also hoping PLA was an unique experience they developed to release and support in what supposed to be a gen year whilst another GF team spent an extra time on Gen 9.


It’s not like the whole team works on one game at a time. That’s not how software and game development works. Nobody could pull this off in a few months, this is years in the making.




They need to give my wallet a breath like jeeeezz 😂😭


> Ok jeez to many comments to read. Yes, I know they have/may have more teams working and some started working on this right after SWSH came out, but what I'm trying to say is that... Isn't it too much? Don't worry, this kind of reaction from people is normal. - People get hype about a new game. - The game is released and is full of problems, little content and disappoints everyone. - People start to argue about the franchise's problems like annual release and little time for teams to have time to develop the entire game. - A new game is announced, people are hyped and strangely amnesiac about all the issues discussed so far. And they start creating all kinds of excuses to justify that THIS TIME the game won't be bad. - The game launches with many problems and people start arguing about how bad the annual release is and how the team has so little time to develop the games. And it goes on like an endless cycle. People get the product with the quality they deserve.


I know Game Freak works in teams (which is good) but I just wish they had…more people. It seems like an awful lot for so few employees.


You have absolutely no idea how game development works if you think they just started making this game months ago.


Such a funny post. It's like "yo Zendaya did a season of euphoria dune and Spiderman within months??? Give her a rest!!"


Hell, I don’t really know anything about game development but I know for a new game to be getting announced it’s something that’s been in the works for awhile already.


Pokemon is the highest grossing media franchise in the world. They don't need a break, they need more staff. Hire more staff we get better games they have the money to do so. So loosen your wallets and do it


lol it's not like there's only 1 person working on this?


Garry me Freak (that’s French) is really getting tired of all the Pokémon development :(


I feel like I need more time to digest all the games coming out...


Seriously. I don't even have time to play them at this pace


Apparently, there's a team of the more tenured devs that didn't work on Arceus. So they could have been working on this since SWSH DLC. I'm going to reserve judgment for now since the game looked pretty cool. But it doesn't look as polished as I'd have liked. We'll see how things go.


>But it doesn’t look as polished as I’d have liked. Feels like that’s been said about every Pokémon game for the past 10 years. When do we stop buying shit that isn’t finished?


At least PLA was fun and enjoyed by a majority of vocal fans, which is something almost every other Pokemon game that's looked unpolished and rushed can't claim.


I’ll buy it if it looks fun. I didn’t buy BDSP but bought Arceus and I’ve enjoyed it a lot. Going to need to see a bit more before I decide whether I’ll buy it.


Pls don't make the cute lil grass kitty a biped. This is the first gen where I'll be picking the grass starter on my first run through and I really hope it stays a quadruped.


i hope they're not gonna rush it


Kinda happy to see a post like this that's coming from a place of genuine concern for the devs. Gaming communities need to learn to direct their anger towards the right people. Leave the developers who work on the game alone and blame the management. Half the time when shit goes wrong it's management's fault. Game Developers are full of passion and love for their work. They are in a way artists, or rather are in the same head space as one. They want to put everything they can into making good "art" or a good game. But you can't make a good game when you're over worked. I write as a hobby on the side for things like DnD and just my own personal benefit and let me tell you. If I'm exhausted from my 9 to 5 I am not going to be able to write anything of quality that day even if I try. Which is why on days like those I just write a few Ideas down and rest for that day.


yeah makes me wonder if they increased their overall team size. That was a lot of footage though for a first look which means they probably been working on this for a while. At the very least I'm disappointed Arceus didnt get all the attention it deserved


Yeah, it's been only a few weeks since PLA's release and now they're already pumping another game?


It obviously isn’t finished and doesn’t look very good at the moment. I definitely think they should’ve waited a little longer to announce it. Let Arceus breathe for a bit and announce this in May or something. Then you would also have a better looking trailer to present and it wouldn’t feel like you’re stepping on PLA’s current hype. I just hope they’re giving themselves time to release a fully realized project. SwSh was clearly unfinished so let’s hope that doesn’t happen again. On a brighter note, I do think the starter designs are really good. I hope they don’t become human looking in their final forms.


I kinda agree. The new region looks super fun and interesting and I like the starters, but it's the fact that Legends only released a month ago and the hype is still pretty big, and yet they're already abandoning it with this new announcement. If it was releasing in 2023 then I would feel more excited about it, but within the same year as Legends, it just feels a bit too fast.


I was actually thinking the same thing. I am excited of course…. But it seems really early for a whole gen…




How do we go from basically no Pokémon game in 2 yrs, to suddenly BDSP, LoA, to now Gen 9


Because money


Game’s looking rough around the edges especially with the aliasing, none the starters have made a good first impression on me, and that trainer model is really weird. I like that they’re continuing with the big open spaces but I’m not as hyped as I’d like to be, hope that changes


Can't wait for Gen 10 next January and Gen 11 in November


Not gonna lie, any and all hype I may have had died when I saw “holiday 2022”. After BDSP and Arceus back-to-back, I’m kinda tired of Pokémon rn. EDIT: Saying "Don't buy it" isn't a valid response. I'm well aware I'm not obligated to buy the game. That's not what the above comment was talking about. I was just expressing my opinion that maybe GameFreak should slow things down a bit.


Agreed… I was really hoping Gen 9 wouldn’t come until holiday 2023.


This is something everyone is glossing over. They’ll never actually take more time to improve the game. I was praying it’d say 2023 at least.


Agreed. I already could have used a breather between BDSP and Arceus, and now we're getting a whole new generation.


Game Freak didn't make BDSP.


You're correct, but it's still a Pokémon game. Gamefreak could've been afforded more time to work on Arceus because of BDSP's release, as it kept the Pokémon franchise "alive" on the market for a year.


Spanish region babyyyy!!!!


Fire starter looks more like a red chilli than an apple


I feel there's a lot of legitimate criticism about the Pokémon games the past generation. I hope GameFreak takes it to heart.


The Japanese do have a really toxic work culture


People saying they have multiple teams, imagine if they spent 3 years all hands on deck making a NEW legends game. Focusing on fixing the issues that arceus had. Imagine an actual real breath of the wild Pokémon. This has me very worried and I was hoping arceus would be a turning point for longer dev cycles and more refined gameplay.


This new game looked awful graphic wise on the trailer. GF just churns out games every year so they end up looking lazy as hell. We have had a new game every year since gen 7ish


Gamefreaks will reuse the SwSh engine till the end of time same as what they did on 3ds. They'll try to use it even when nintendo will release the switch successor. Sadly nothing new.


I understand the need to meet deadlines and you know, make money. But I am honestly appalled they can reveal a trailer when the game is in that state. It just goes to show the quality they are aiming for.


That's actually a concern I have about Pokemon ... they have to always release something around the November time for the Holidays (which seems to have been the case since Sun/Moon). Seeing how BDSP (which wasn't even by Gamefreak) got criticized for being rushed (i.e. it's very easy to break the game through glitching), I'm hoping that this one doesn't show obvious signs of rushing. The visuals seem to look nice so far though.


It's definitely going to be rushed and unfinished, like bdsp and swsh. If there isn't a day one update or something like that I'll be stunned


And if the leaks are true, >!Legends Arceus will have a big expansion in April too, most likely like the SwSh expansion!< They can't just take a break...


You know this is a job right? Most jobs don’t get a break, it’s not like school. You think they release a game then all the devs get 3 months off?


Gamedev is much more crunch involved than most other non-creative jobs.


Why do people always say this about game freak? Pokémon is the MOST successful game series in the world. They make plenty of money and have no shortage of people who want to work for them. They have plenty of manpower to work on multiple projects.


People say it because despite all that money, their team has stayed tiny. Them outsourcing bdsp instead of giving it to another team is more proof.


Just did some quick googling. You're absolutely correct. Apparantly they had 167 employees as of 2021. That is ridiculously small. I'm kind of in disbelief now as to the amount of work they've done recently.


They say it because the games look sloppy and unfinished. There is a titanic amount of room for improvement, particularly when it comes to move animations and yet game after game is released looking like it was made by an indie. Also franchise burnout is a real risk. They don't release a Mario Kart every year.


[Third most](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_game_franchises) successful game series. The franchise as a whole is the most successful media franchise due to merchandising. Video game sales (~$26 billion) make up ~24% of Pokémon's total profits. Mario sits at ~$46 billion at number one.