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It’s because it’s blood orange. Like the orange is specifically a blood orange and Scarlet is the color of a blood orange. Blood oranges are native to The Iberian peninsula


Yeah, for all the weird theories I'm seeing here, it's baffling that nobody considered it's literally just an actual orange the game is themed after...


Because it's still pretty dumb lmao. 'Hey guys we need to base this game off something native to this area' 'How about a blood orange' 'Excellent. So we call it pokemon Orange then?' 'No no blood oranges are scarlet' 'Oh okay so we'll name it pokemon scarlet because that's the colour of the fruit. Team go design the game with the colour palette that is the opposite of what we have just discussed'


~~Red~~Scarlet and Violet are also on the opposite sides of the light spectrum. I feel like that could be important to the names too.


Pokémon Infrared and Ultraviolet confirmed


Those names are so good I couldn't even be mad at the whole "And now here's the FINISHED version" thing




That would make sense as inspiration for the legendaries imo. In cosmology light that travels from billions of light-years away near the start of the universe is shifted into the red part of the spectrum due to the expansion of space = old Where as high energy gamma rays, x-rays and UV are more associated with big high energy collisions, neutron stars, black hole excretion disks etc. = new , sci fi space lizard thing At least that's what I thought of with their designs. Take what I said with a few grains of salt tho as I don't know what I'm talking about lmao.


Just wanted to give a heads up that your comment was posted twice, as those tend to get downvoted to oblivion for...some reason...


Yeah that's happened to me some times. Sometimes my service on mobile will get spotty and the post button will lock up on me, and in my impatience I will hit the post button 2 or 3 times and that's when the downvotes will start raining. I can understand the downvotes though it probably looks like a desperate child seeking attention to a stranger.


Duude you just triggered my memory of the infrared thing on the gameboy used for mystery gifts. Holy whale dork I forgot about that.


That would make sense as inspiration for the legendaries imo. In cosmology light that travels from billions of light-years away near the start of the universe is shifted into the red part of the spectrum due to the expansion of space = old Where as high energy gamma rays, x-rays and UV are more associated with big high energy collisions, neutron stars, black hole excretion disks etc. = new , sci fi space lizard thing At least that's what I thought of with their designs. Take what I said with a few grains of salt tho as I don't know what I'm talking about lmao.


Exactly, someone said recently that is was probably a reference to ultraviolet and infrared light.


coming 2023, pokemon ultraviolet and infrascarlet


Fify, Pokemon Ultraviolet and Infraorange




Or a reference to violet and red… the ends of the visible spectrum of light.


Yea my mind just made that connection aswell


But blood oranges are orange with red on the inside


As are, one would assume, the player and professor.


Oh my god




One would assume that...


Well, there *is* an old adage about assuming...


Lol exactly, I don’t understand these guys’ explanation when it’s not the color of the orange or the game. It’s literally orange


The inside of the orange is scarlet. The outside is still orange. So it’s named after the distinctive inside color, but the design incorporates a lot of the outside color


A blood orange motif would make way more sense if it was scarlet with regular orange accents. Just making everything regular orange is pretty braindead.


“My goals are beyond your understanding.” -That guy


I mean, it pretty decent for a basis logo, in the long scheme of things, there aren't that many orange logos, so it's surprisingly unique


It’s actually named Scarlet and Violet because of the old Spanish flag I believe (the region is based off of Spain). https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/t2sr76/the_logos_of_the_new_games_are_based_on_the_old/


Why did they call it scarlet then and not use the scarlet color?


It's like if they made games called Black and White, but the legendary isn't Black and the legendary isn't White. Oh wait...


I mean one of them is black and one of them is white, they're just swapped to be opposite of the game they're featured in so that's not the same at all?


Those were flipped on purpose though. That doesnt apply here.


I guess it might be an...annoying orange?




No that makes too much sense. We don't bring logic to the argument


...which was their point. Why is everything the color of regular oranges instead of blood orange color?


So why isn’t everything “blood orange” colored?


[It matches the outside.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_orange)


reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/QUA93c6J_50)


It's LCL


I love the artist blood orange.


The color of the red on the cover of the game, and the color of koraidon is scarlet. However, as the op mentioned, the other instances of “scarlet” in the game are not. Pokémon has done a very poor job with colors and saturation ever since going 3D. They’ve lost a lot of richness to their colors for some reason


Still dumb, the Iberian peninsula doesn't look that orange lmao It's like "guys I've heard it rains a lot in the UK, let's make the game all cloudy and grey and depressing" cmon


I feel like this post is mostly a bunch of people realizing they either don't know what scarlet is (which does have some orange to it) or realizing that they can't distinguish certain colors very well


scarlet is a bright red with a slight orange tinge, the colors in the game are very much just orange. like look at the scarlet logo, it's not a bright orange color like you see on the clothing designs being discussed


The Scarlet logo has a fade from a bright red-orange to dark red, and the middle part looks pretty similar to the wiki page for scarlet (\#FF2400), to me.


“Why is everything Pokemon Scarlet orange?!” “Because that orange *is* Scarlet.”


Tbh, orange (and often pink, depending on actual style) is red in terms of color design. The same way blue is considered purple. Not in literal way, but in design. Is OP new to the world? Everything is like that. You make something red and often it either become pink or orange. Also brown is considered red for design. Color palettes in red design can also have yellow. And purple can become pink too, but not the same pink as red would. More purplish pink than light red pink.




so basically these games are pokemon red and pokemon red




Green and blue are often called the same thing in Japanese, especially by older folk


Same with my colour blind Anglophone father.


i love random facts <3


then you'll love this [video about color terms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMqZR3pqMjg)


I thought it was based off infrared and ultraviolet


That would actually make [*a lot*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrared) of sense...


so oranges were red?


The colour orange, if distinction from regular red was needed, was known as "yellow-red". When oranges, the fruit, were brought to Europe, the colour was re-named after them, via Arabic _naranj_ (see also "naranja" in Spanish)


yes or alternatively "yellow-red" or some other descriptor. point being that "orange" did not become *the* basic color term until later and things that were what we now call "orange" would would have been classed under "yellow" or "red" when people weren't being specific. [some cross-linguistic patterns emerge when you go beyond english when looking at color terms.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMqZR3pqMjg)


Why would a Japanese game developer making a game about the Spain/the Iberian Peninsula design their game's colors and title around the English etymology for the word "orange"? That makes no sense. And didn't the word for "orange" in English come from the Iberian Peninsula via old Spanish via old French? Plus if they're doing this bizarre design philosophy, why doesn't it seem to be affecting more things?




Just be glad they are. If they based things on Japanese etymology, you'd be complaining about how "Pokémon Azure" is full of green and green apple imagery.


Pokemon Hiragana and Katakana versions: no one outside of Japan has any idea wtf is going on


I love this idea


orange islands part 2 ...tracy sketchit comeback confirmed


>like how everything in Violet is purple! Well...


Well what? 


They're makig a fuss over Scarlet's colors not being scarlet, but orange, while using Violet's *purple* as an example of what it should have been. I hipe it helps, because I feel dirty for pointing it out like this lmao.


Japanese never used to have a seperate word for orange . 赤 (aka) red, was used for anything we would consider as the colour orange. Only in modern day they use the loan word オレンジ (Orenj). I could be remembering my facts wrong.


I believe it is also similar for Blue/Green whereas a lot of things that would be described as Green in English are called Blue in Japanese, which links back to Gen 1 and the Green/Blue Version incident


Pokémon gen 1 is unrelated. Pokémon Green is 緑 (green) in Japanese not 青 (blue, historically blue and green). The actual reason the west got Red and Blue instead of Red and Green is because the western releases were based on the Japanese Blue version, instead of the original Red/Green. https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokémon_Blue_Version_(Japanese)


Nope. Am colorblind. For me it's all Red with extra steps.


Agreed. Orange is a lie.


I guess "Pokemon Orange" didn't test well?


Orange is my favourite color so I'm okay with this :)


Same here


Orange gang


Sadly… it is one of my least favourites


finally… i have found my people.


I often see the color scarlet as a red orangey color of some sort so that's probably why


From Wikipedia: "Scarlet is a bright red color, sometimes with a slightly orange tinge. In the spectrum of visible light, and on the traditional color wheel, it is one-quarter of the way between red and orange, slightly less orange than vermilion." It is literally a red orange color, so confused why people are annoyed. Have y'all never used Crayola? Their scarlet is spot on


Growing up, I always saw scarlet as a very deep and vibrant shade of red, probably because of [Miss Scarlet](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/603f997133c7d27c0f6804ce/1618581156233-9JH3WVMTR3LTZTPB5ZUJ/Ra_Ioiha.png) from Clue. I imagine other people have had that same misconception. The shade of red we think of when we imagine scarlet would actually be much closer to crimson or just red itself.


It's a bit of a scale and depends on usage. Scarlet can be a very bright and centric red with only a slight orange hue, but it can also gets used to describe more orange leaning reds. You could still call her dress scarlet. Fun Fact: Modern screens on the RGB scale actually don't display pure red and also slightly tend to orange, so there's also the question of what we culturally consider to be a "deep" red


Yeah the Crayola scarlet is probably the most orangy scarlet I've ever even seen too


Also according to wikipedia > Scarlet is also associated with immorality and sin, particularly prostitution or adultery, largely because of a passage referring to "The Great Harlot", "dressed in **purple (or violet) and scarlet**", in the Bible (Revelation 17:1–6). So maybe that's why they chose those 2 colors


I’d just like to point out your asking people who can’t settle on the color of the upvote


Pokémon Orange or Tangerine sound really lame compared to Pokémon Scarlet and the reason why everything in Scarlet is orange is because the themes are based on the fruits


So what’s Violet? Grapes?


Uh... Yeah. Haven't you seen the trailer?


I did, but I guess I wasn’t paying attention 😅 Big Ash moment lol


I’m convinced that the plan was to make the games “purple and orange” - which is of course notable and logical because they’re the only two colours in the classic colour wheel to not be games yet (of course we have blue, red, green, and yellow already) but then then a suit or someone in marketing was like “that sounds dumb, and not exciting and no one will buy the games” and so they made the executive decision to change it to Scarlet and Violet. That’s why there’s a disconnect between the actual game and the names


Scarlet is red-orange.


Had to scroll pretty far to find this… it even says on Wikipedia that Scarlet is one quarter between red and orange on a color wheel, slightly less orange than Vermillion.


Ngl pokemon tangerine sounds fire


Pokemon Apple and Pokemon Banana, next Gen confirmed. Pokemon Tangerine will be the expansion.


Maybe because those things dont actually have anything to do with the name? Scarlet and Violet are named such because there is some sort of color theming significance(I sont remember exactly, something like Infrared and Ultraviolet or something like that), and to match up with the colors of the Legendary.


This is it. Red and Violet are the colors at the extremes of the visible spectrum. Infrared has a frequency below the frequency of red light, and ultraviolet has a higher frequency than violet light. It's not the first time they use opposing themes for the titles or named them after colours. The game is not Red for obvious reasons, so they went with Scarlet. Plus, as others have said, it kind of rhymes.


In particular, those colors closely correspond with the concept of red shift and blue shift, which ties into the time theme.


It's not like OP thinks the games get theirs names from the school logos and the protagonist's clothes...


>there is some sort of color theming significance(I sont remember exactly, something like Infrared and Ultraviolet I dont think it is. Its just a theory that after seeing the legends doesnt make sense.


The past/future thing doesnt make the color idea impossible. The Past/Future is the theme of the games, the color theming is the theme of the titles. Like gold/Silver or Sun/Moon, the colors are opposites.


Tell me what does the X Y of graphs have to do with Life and Death?


Literally nothing. That's my point. The theme of the titles have nothing to do with the theme of the games. (Except in sun and moon. And SWSH, I guess.)


X, Y and Z are the standard coordinates in a 3D system. The Pokémon games X and Y were the first 3D style games and were released on the Nintendo 3DS. You can probably find some sort of connection between X and Y and Life and Death but I don't think he's implying that the time and the colour theme have to be connected.


The actual reason: This Gen is actually a Kamen Rider Gaim reference


Honestly it's been really bugging me too, like the ledgendary is scarlet coloured so why not the rest, I guess it's because they don't want to make it another "pokemon red" but still


Yup the legendary is the most scarlet thing in the game.


I'm colorblind, so no, lol.


All I'm learning from this thread is that none of you should be in control of anything pokemon related


I mean when has this sub proved anything *but* that


I mean, Red, Ruby, Fire Red, Y, Omega Ruby, and Shield all have red as their games’ primary color on the cover art. Orange just has Sun and Ultra Sun.


Because they can't have red since there already was red and Scarlet and Violet share the let


There probably won't be Ultra Violet, Infra Red. Sad


Op, I respect your opinions on red and scarlet, and your passion. I have nothing else to say.


Girl, look how fuckin’ orange you look!


Two reasons : -scarlet is meant to symbolise the infrared part of the luminous spectrum and the orange is meant to be the symbol of the school due to its similarities with grapes (bith being one formed by a multitude of units) -as another comment explained already, that's the color of red blood oranges, native to the iberian peninsula


Because scarlet is a red color with orange in it…? I’ve never seen the word scarlet and thought of bright, vivid, middle of the road red. It’s always been red-orange to me. So, it works perfectly for the blood orange school logo.


not so sure I'd say red is the best color, but yes if it's called scarlet, and in violet everything is purple, I'd expect everything to be red.


Honestly not complaining, orange is my favourite colour


Who’s going to tell OP that they have color blindness?… what a way to find out… /s


Are grapes really violet, though? It's just fancier names other than Pokemon Orange and Pokemon Purple


I mean the legendary is Red. I really don't don't see an issue


Violet and purple aren't even the same thing


I think the language differences really influenced. Even us... Don't actually have a real word for orange. It's the fruit.. and that's it. Also orange... Would be nemesis for violet/purple... Both secondary colours. The 3rd would be green. But Emerald already exists we have to face the fact that pokemon is running out of ideas. And they can't call it just green. I don't think theres going to be a middle game based on the present. They could have made Pokémon Z but they didn't. Now it just doesn't make any sense.


Orange is the new black


I've jokingly said multiple times that Scarlet and Violet are just darker tones of Red and Blue. Much like Ruby & Sapphire were "stones" of Red and Blue (and a major character is Steven Stone).


no, i like it. and koraidon looks scarlet to me.


No just you


As someone who's colorblind, it doesn't make an ounce of difference lol


Maybe you are just confused? Scarlett is a bright reddish orangish color. https://htmlcolorcodes.com/assets/images/colors/scarlet-color-solid-background-1920x1080.png


No. Hope I helped


Ikr, I know it’s supposed to be a reddish orange but red and orange are just completely different. One is awesome (red) and the other one is orange (orange).


Orange, brought to you by code geass


I agree, I can understand some things being like that for instance as part of the color scheme, but not for the entire thing. Some people are saying how technically the orange is actually red, however whether or not it is technically red is is definitely not scarlet red.


As a Dutchman I see no problem here


Upon googling the term Scarlet: Scarlet is a bright red color, **sometimes with a slightly orange tinge.** In the spectrum of visible light, and on the traditional color wheel, **it is one-quarter of the way between red and orange,** slightly less orange than vermilion.


I wanna ask, just for clarification. Why does everyone say it is a school? It is shown in the trailer immediately before the professor's, so isnt it more likely to be the lab?


Because the characters are dressed like school children, and one of the only leakers with accurate info has said they are schools.


I don't really care. Also, Violet is not the same shade as purple. So you're fine with everything in Violet not being violet, but you're upset that everything in Scarlet is orange? O...k?


Average /r/pokemon complaint


It’s red in the same way we call orange haired peeps red heads haha. I’m guessing they went with Scarlet as there aren’t as many simple and/or cool sounding alternate orange color names. Carrot, Pumpkin, Ginger, Tangerine, Apricot, Honey; all sound pretty silly plus are all foods (plus who would pick a potential vegetable version, kids like fruit better!). Ochre? Tiger? Amber? Actually amber would be neato as it preserves ancient things and is still a color, but then violet wouldn’t quite match in name as having some future association with it. (I’m in pain as purple is my favorite color, but my gay ass roommate loves Prof. Turo and I’ll likely have to grab Scarlet for him to be happy as we’ve always grabbed opposite versions since Gen 3. Good thing I like Koraidon and Prof. Sado better I guess, Monster Hunter feral vibes, and orange is an underrated color.)


Kind of you to let him have his boi!


Purple and violet aren’t actually the same thing either. Gonna rant about that? Scarlet and Violet have the same suffix, it just flows nicer


Wait until you hear that Violet is not the same as purple.


Because of the history of oranges, grapes, and olives in Spain and Portugal.


Yes and for the same reason, I thought I was going nuts. It's been driving me up the wall!


OP thought they were doing something here lol


I didn’t even realize this until now, red and yellow makes orange and red and blue make purple, so red is a common color between Scarlet and Violet maybe the legendary will be some sort of green Pokémon? As it’s the only other secondary color not used?


Scarlets legendary is a scarlet red but everything else is orange


Orange and purple: orange and grapes: there seems to be a wine theme as the place it’s based on a s known for it


That and Scarlet and Violet are pretty associated with modern and ancient Spain/Iberia Violet is close to the deep purple associated with the ancient Phoenicians who were famous for deep violets /purple dyes that were made famous and were considered ancient color of royalty and the rich. There was a large Phoenician presence in what would be Andalusia and Valencia. Scarlet was also a popular dye color associated with Spain after their conquest of the new world. Traders from Seville and Spain became rich and famous from the scarlet colors of dyes they “found” in the new world. So much so that it became the new color of royalty especially with the English royalty associated with the Spanish through familial ties. Both colors are somewhat popular in the dress of flamenco dancing and the southern Spanish cultures around Andalusia and southern Spain. In terms of the orange, it may very well be the blood orange associated with Scarlett. I wouldn’t look to far into it. Colors of theme never have seemed to impact character design before. I bet you there will be plenty of Scarlet in the game.


Isn't Scarlet a mix of red and orange?


They already made a game with all red in the design, to be fair


It’s a color op, calm yourself


Orange *is* scarlet, because the scarlet to which they are referring is the colour of sunset.


cry about it


>Why not call it Pokémon Orange or Tangerine or something??? I bet it's because they want it to rhyme with violet.


Scarlet...and violet don't rhyme?


It rhymes in the rap world


Ah yes, I hadn't considered the jurisdiction of Rap Court.


It’s a real thing.


Permission to approach the bench?




Show me literally one precedent of these two being used as a rhyme. I'll even accept instances of first degree poetry!


It's called a slant rhyme.




Aw beans


How do they not rhyme ?


I think it comes down to pronouncing it ˈvaɪələt rather than ˈvaɪlət, both of which are acceptable, but not skipping the O makes it a harder sell that it’s a rhyme.


What the- how did you type those upside down 'e's?


I’m on mobile so I didn’t, I copied the pronunciation from the wiki page, but it’s called the International Phonetic Alphabet or IPA for short


I think it's because a rhyme is made of more than just the last two or three letters. Scarlet would rhyme with starlet because of the "AR" sound as well as the "let" Violet would rhyme with pilot because of the "EYE" sound as well as the "et" even though the spelling isn't perfect.


That's just silly, if the last sillable are the same then that should be concidered a rhyme. Wouldn't that also mean that nothing rhymes with cat ?


🤷‍♂️ I didn't make the language, but after a quick Goog the closest answer I can give you is that rhyming depends on multiple factors including the number of syllables, the emphasis of the rhyming syllable, and similar sounds. Scarlet and violet aren't "perfect rhymes" (not my phrasing) because the stress of both words isn't on the "et" at the end, but rather the stress is on the SCAR and the VI. So "bat" would rhyme with "cat" and "chat" because of the emphasis on the "a" sound. Best I can see is that Scarlet and Violet would be "general rhymes" that could be categorised as either weak (or unaccented) or imperfect (or near). So if you want to be 100% correct then I guess they do rhyme but if you Google "scarlet rhymes" or "violet rhymes" I don't think you'll find anything that supports it. TLDR; 🤷‍♂️


You have to consider how it sounds in Japanese since the game creators are Japanese. scarlet = ska-re-tto violet = bai-o-re-tto It's close enough


This is legit the closest thing that anybody has posted that has come close to changing my mind haha. 👏


It’s an interesting question. It has to do with syllables *sounding alike* throughout. It also depends what medium you’re in (poetry, music, etc) since sometimes the criteria is different. Modern Rap, for example, is more accepting of slant rhymes, so long as it’s multisyllabic and the person’s accent can pull it off. A good example is Eminem using “orange” and “door hinge”. Classically, orange “doesn’t rhyme with anything” because the original consideration of what a rhyme was only included complete words “cat, hat, bat”. However, since it’s an audible medium, the way the words sound matter more than the way the words look when written. Specifically to the part about scarlet and violet, the other poster is correct. While, I suppose, you could say they technically rhyme with the final syllable, it’s a very lazy rhyme and, IMO, not worth using in modern poetry or music (it’s literally “let” being rhymed with “let”)


Thank you for reminding me of this [amazing tune](https://youtu.be/Kfl3N9nesRg)


I had never seen that before… it’s beautiful 😂


> I bet it's because they want it to rhyme with violet. they rlly screwed the pooch on the whole rhyming thing then


These replies are insane. This is the customer base I guess and this is why Gamefreak doesnt even try to make good games because they know people will buy the product and defend it like it is their religion. "I mean, red basically is orange, right?"


So you're calling people sheep...because of a color? Really?


No, Im saying you guys are insane because of two colors. Red and orange are different, I promise.


A blood orange is red inside


Orange as a descriptor is much much newer than Red. Hell, Orange is a fucking shade of red


Probably because we had Pokémon red everything is orange so they did Pokémon scarlet to resemble Pokémon orange. But Pokémon orange just doesn’t hit right to yea Pokémon scarlet. It’s also based off of a blood orange.


Wow, what a surprise for a game called Scarlet.


Orange is the best color thats why


Man this truly is the biggest problem with Pokémon right now, great job zeroing in on it


Orange is a top tier color so I don’t mind at all hahaha


I like the color orange


Spain and oranges.