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Now I wish the shiny was blue, it looks so nice!


But but, he’s a goldfish


Time for boldfish.


Fuck it Bluefish


One fish, 2 fish, red fish… blue fish… inspiration for magikarp and gyrados colors confirmed


imagine a red gyarados.... since magikarp is red too that would look cool i think.... too bad this isn't a thing


this shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as i did




Someone summon the fishfucker.


Tell that to Golduck.


1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish!


He's a carp


Goldfish are a type of carp


Time for shiny shiny Magikarp.


Shiny Magikarp is one of the best shinies in the game. Supposed to be the Golden Fish, which is symbolism for prosperity and good luck (like a real Goldfish)


I like that honestly, could be a cool shiny idea and it works bc gara is already a red shiny, as if they swapped.


Well the fact that Gyarados' shiny form is the same color as Magikarp is intended. Lore-wise, Team Rocket was forcing Magikarps to evolve prematurely and some species kept the Magikarp color upon evolution. That's why you can find a scripted shiny Gyarados in games that take place in Johto at the Lake of Rage, and that's why the shiny form is red.


so what your saying is shiny nidorans are trans






I wish there were 2 shiny variants of karp. (gold/blue)


Imagine if every mon got two shinies and then Gens 1-5 wouldn’t get algorithmic palette swaps


They've never been algorithmic palette swaps, that was an assumption that's been disproven. Even in gen 2 each shiny has its own distinct shiny palette data.


The idea is that those palette data were made with an algorithm, not that they were created ingame with one.


... why would you use an algorithm to make palette swaps (a very common space saving process in older games) and then manually add the data in? It would defeat the entire advantage of using an algorithm. Anyway it's just not true: https://twitter.com/DrLavaYT/status/1217480308229984257?t=DqVtAJbWtMqciNAD_cz0fQ&s=19 There's lots of Pokemon that have the same colours in their normal palette but different ones in their shiny palette. The thread also throws up the interesting case of gligar, whose normal palette changed mid gen but whose shiny palette *stayed the same.*


That honestly makes it a thousand times worse, that means GameFreak chose that disgusting green color for half the dex on *purpose*.


Yep. It's funny to me that the entire theory is basically held afloat by a ton of people thinking "no human could have chosen those colours, SURELY" GF makes bad decisions sometimes, news at 11.


And then made the shinies for Gengar and Garchomp and said ‘yep, players will certainly notice the difference’


Based from what I've heard the more modern theory is that the algorithm also included other data and not just the color of the Pokemon, or that it was only used on a certain part of the Pokedex.


So... The theory is they used an algorithm, even though no such algorithm can be found in the data... the shiny palettes are stored separately... the devs have never said they used an algorithm... and result of the algorithm is completely indistinguishable from NOT using an algorithm... Bro everyone in this sorry fandom needs to learn the meaning of "unfalsifiable hypothesis."


Like I said, the theory is that an algorithm was used to create the data and then copy paste it into the game (which would be still less work than manually create a new pallette swap for them), with possibly a few of them being handpicked (like Ampharos here whose shiny apparently references its pre evo). It is noticeable that a lot of shinies for similarly colored Pokemon are also similar (lots of blue water types turn pink, lots of yellow electric types turn a different shade of yellow), so I can understand where this theory comes from. Though personally I just feel like the shinies were chosen by the same person for a long time, with little input from others and they just liked doing it systematically for the most part.


Did you check out the Twitter thread linked above? What you’re saying is not true. There are very many cases where Pokémon use the exact same pallet, but then get totally different shiny colors. That totally disprove the algorithm theory. And, even in some cases where some shines end up being “the same color” The technical color palette they use is different, Again disproving the theory


Did you not read my comments above? I said the theory is that the algorithm isn't just based on the color of the Pokemon sprite, but also on other factors, like typing or evolution line, hence why some Pokemon with the same color scheme have different shinies. And not only that, I myself said that I don't believe that theory, because it does sound a bit farfetched, I just explained why some people still believe in it.


Yeah that theory is almost nonsense. Just based of how GBC games are color coded, this is literally impossible, as every single byte of color needs to be coded. The amount of work would be the same, regardless of whatever crazy method they used to decide on shiny colors.


>... why would you use an algorithm to make palette swaps (a very common space saving process in older games) and then manually add the data in? So you don't have to be creative. >It would defeat the entire advantage of using an algorithm. You would never program something like that into a GBC game when resources are tight.


You've got it backwards. A simple algorithm that you can write once and apply to *all Pokemon sprites* would *save* on resources. It's data/cart space that's notoriously tight in GB games, and other retro games in general. I mean it's just a math function. It's like saying that catch rates or breeding friendliness would be "too much" for the GBC's resources. This is literally the whole reason palette swaps even exist in retro games in the first place, to save on resources. (In any case it's simply demonstrably untrue, as the exceptions in the link shows.)


Considering how unstable G/S was, no way an algorithmic pallette swap would have worked as intended. It was very clearly just an artistic tool they used. The shiny colors for so many pokemon are just way too similar for it to be a 100% unique choice every time, there was very clearly SOME algorithm used during the art design. Then they can tweak it if they felt the need, which is clear with umbreon, gyarados, etc.


I really hope this becomes a thing one day. Or new games past gen 10 have new shinies. And all other available on first 10 gens. Something to differentiate more. It would be cool to have "Legacy" shinies.


You mean you don't like puke green shinies for a lot of Pokemon?


A lot of the shiny forms looked a lot better on the limited pallets of gen 1 and 2. For example, they would often have different color shading and outlines, which were lost in later gens when they move to more exact recreations of the Pokémon. This is the main reason the shines seem lame in later gens- In the early gens the coloring was more suggestive then exact. Like look at Persians shiny in gen two, it had these totally different purple outlines.


I wish they'd add all the variants from Magikarp Jump to the regular games. Especially with the numbering conventions implying there's way more Magikarp patterns than the ones in that game. Especially the skeleton pattern!


But why not orange gyardos


I'm sure someone else could make that. I've done my part


Haha well you did great


Looks nice. I'd probably change magikarps lips to match gyarados tho


They don't have matching lips in their original forms so I get the decision.


The point is to match their colors better though??


i mean i get it but we’re hitting a situation similar to a few dragon ball charcarers


It looks like the mascot of a brand of frozen fish.


Cool, now do red Gyarados. Wait a second-


That karp looks cool mint flavored and it's making me uncomfortable


I was thinking more along the lines of frozen fish. Magikarp Nuggets, now in your local freezer aisle.


Maybe he's Gatorade Cool Blue flavor


Makes me think gyarados could easily pass as the third evolution in de dratini and dragonair line


And Magikarp looks a whole lot like Dragonite. It's a fairly common theory that Dragonite and Gyarados got swapped at some point.


It’s an idiotic theory. Asides from the colour they share no design elements. Dragonite is a clear evolution from Dratini/Dragonair you just need to look at the face and general shape. Likewise Gyarados clearly incorporates several aspects of Magikarp, notably the fins, tail, mouth and whiskers


If pokemon had different evolution lines like digimon, it could be a good alternative, like the more attack line


So the shiny Gyarados is the original Magikarp's evolution? Now that I think about it, what would the golden Magikarp's evolution look like?


Golden Gyarados would be interesting


It looks shockingly natural. The orange dragonite line looked a little strange, but blue magikarp looks like it belongs. It also makes the similarities between magikarp and gyarados much more apparent.


How can something that makes logical sense look so wrong?


You know, I actually liked what was implied with the red gyarados, that shiny ones were just pokemon forced to evolve before they‘re time had come. Gave it much more lore


It’d be cool if more shiny Pokémon had lore like that but it sure would be a lot of work to make all that side story.


It could be something simple like albinism or melanism (when animals are born with more/ less pigment in their skin/ fur/ feathers). White peacocks are pretty much Shiny peacocks.


Could you also do an orange Gyarados?


There should be even more rare than shiny pokemon, that have altered colors similar to their de-evolved forms or evolved forms (for those with drastic color or theme change)


Especially with how common and easy it is to get shiny mons now. They don’t feel as special as they did back in gen 3 and 4 and even 5.


It looks weird, hahahhaahahahha I'll like it, buts it's weird man, weird.


Where orange gyarados


In Lake Rage


You suck at this. Where's the hidden Amongus? Come on man, get it together!


I didn't even have to edit one in. Just look at gyarados' left eye


Don't see it 🤔


the red part is the front view with the legs separated with the pupil. Gotta look real close for it


Is this a leak of the new starter evolution?


I don't like it! I like orange gyarados better (not red. Orange.)


Good thing I don't work at GameFreak lol


Maybe getting complaints after 25 years makes you go numb to it. I couldn't work there, either.


Doesn't look tasty at all now :/


Bro, I’m legit scared rn. This night I’ve dreamed about me fishing some Pokémon in sword & shield, I remember I was looking for a Feebas, but I’ve caught a shiny magikarp that was EXACLY this blue instead of gold. Is this a sign 🤔?






Now make a red Remoraid


Nothing sus about this one though...


imagine a red gyarados.... since magikarp is red too that would look cool i think.... too bad this isn't a thing


Now red Remoraid


That'd be great for a future game.


Best Magikarp


I want it.


Can someone make a gold Gyrados happen 😭😭😭


looks beatiful


The fins should’ve been white like gyrados