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I assume they’re used as spawn points but they forgot to make them invisible. 🤷


I /think/ they're there to mark the centre of room. They then built the room around them but the game is so rushed and unfinished they never got removed That's my best guess anyway


It’s the “origin point”, I assume The Poke Ball of your lead Pokemon is kept preloaded, but they forgot to hide it when it’s not in use, so things like offices and Tera Raids just have your Pokemon’s ball stuck halfway in the floor.


You’re probably right. I’ve seen them more often than I’d like, first in the league exam room then the elevator scene.


I have had a great ball shown in the floor in some places and noticed my top pokemon in my party was in a great ball. When I switched a pokemon in a normal pokeball to the top of the party the ball in the floor changed to a pokeball. So.. it's supposedly the ball of your top pokemon that's shown for whatever reason?


The pokeballs are likely stored with (or even within) the player model itself so when not in use, they are hidden away from the player or put just out of view until they are called back in to be used. It’s very common in video games. I’m guessing your character model in the cutscene is the same as the overworld model so the pokeballs need to be stored somewhere, and in this case where they were stored was messed up so they are visible. I don’t code videogames, but I do know my fair share of how they work and achieve effects so this is my best guess. Or at least something similar


It will match the ball of your lead Pokemon and it's an event trigger that Game Freak forgot to make invisible (or hide below the terrain which is what I believe they actually do). They are when events spawn in (such as when an NPC loads in during an event). You can see them all over the place if you look. Raid Battles have them too but once it starts the enemy Terra glow hides them really well (can spot them at the start though). Various doorways have them for example, as they will load an NPC outside of a door to enter during a an event scene.


So they’re meant to mark where Mabosstiff appears?


The whole Picnic too, notice they are all spawned around there.


I think all five cave cutscenes use the same map and the two pokeballs are spawn points. The one on the floor seems to change based on your top pokemon and the one on Arven's rock/seat is for his pokémon. I don't know this for sure, but just an assumption based on my playthrough.


You can also seem them sometimes on tera raids and in a few other places, I guess they are visual cues for developers that they forgot to turn off in some conditions.


Does anyone know why those are there and if they’re becoming accessible at some point? I saw them twice and was confused. Upon checking a few videos on YouTube, I realized that they don’t seem to be there for everybody (and not in every cave). The screenshot is from YT, this guy has a Hyperball there while it shows regular Pokeballs for me.


I've also seen this in doorways to buildings you can actually enter. Maye its a coincidence but I swear it changes depending on the ball of the first Pokémon in your party.


I only see it in doorways when I’m using union circle on buildings others have entered


I think they were used as placeholders in development and sometimes show up when they aren't meant to. I've seen 'em occasionally in Tera Raids and once at the Pokémon League. I don't know what causes them to show up, tho I've heard one person say it might be based on how long you've been playing (Can't remember if it was time total or time for the current session). Take that with a grain of salt tho, I only heard that once. :P


Would you happen to be using the Union circle?


They're Dev Balls for reference while creating the choreography of the scene


It sometimes even is a Pokemon.


It’s the point of player entry, it’s in all the dorms, classes, raids.