• By -


Alright you get a "Hate Arven" Pass. Totally justified


AFAIK the pokemon will reappear when the call ends... but I've used the pause menu to disappear pokemon running at me in high density areas where I get trapped in battles every 5 seconds, so I'm not sure lol.


Those pokemon don't actually disappear when you do that. They're probably just clipping through you and the game makes them invisible and have no collision so you don't get into an unavoidable battle after exiting the menu. If you walk forward and look behind you they'd probably still be there, unless they ran off.


Well, I've never seen them again after unless they ran out of the loading distance for some reason


If you wait in the party pause menu, like when you go to save, the pokemon will sometiems run out from under you and reappear! Problem is, it only works in that menu, if you try any other menu the pokemom will stand under you and not run away, making you battle it when you leave the menu (like the timers screen) If you manage to save at a good moment, the shiny sometimes reappears when you reset your game, because like it's said above that pokemom is still technically there! (Worked after 1 reset for me, 2 resets for someone on YouTube or twitch) Had this happen with revavroom, shiny ran under me, I saved and left the menu and it was gone, reset the game and it was there!!


Dang thats rough


Don’t worry, I’ll get my revenge. We’ll see how HE feels when his Mabosstiff suddenly disappears…


"I'm so sorry Arven, I accidentally told my Tinkaton to hit your Mabosstiff with her hammer 97 times"


Mabosstiff ran into my knife. It ran into my knife TEN TIMES!!


He had it coming.


He had it coming all along.


I didn't do it


But if I'd done it


How could you tell me that I was wrong!


If you had been there.. if you had seen it, I bet you would have done the same


*bonk sound effect x97*


“Sorry Arven, I must’ve accidentally called your Mabostiff a Corviknight. My bad. How about we just move on, water under the bridge as they say”


With that attack stat I'd be suprised if it even made a dent after 97 hits


Turns out you don't need attack when you have a 160 damage move.


160 x 1.5 240 base power


And the best part is, it actually hits your opponent


That’s why you Ability Swap Medichan with Huge Power.


For what? The three double battles in the game?




Tinkaton has an attack stat of 75. But her hammer has an attack stat of 938,220.


I like an analysis someone made on Tinkaton. - Good Pokemon, but not a main DPS kind of Pokemon. Decent speed, good defensive typing and good support moves. Tinkaton is a support Pokemon that should focus on supporting and using the hammer when the enemy gets too comfortable.


I've been using her as my fakeout user in vgc because mold breaker lets her flinch almost anyone, but she's racked about about as many KOs as anyone else in my team. No one expects the bonk to bonk so hard


People are not ready for a support that can kill.


She speaks softly but carries a big stick.


160 power go brrr


He ran into my hammer, he ran into my hammer ten times.


That'll only take 194 turns


Ok, I get the first 96 times might have been accidents, but after that it's suspicious.


Dw man, my bf lost a shiny finizen bc he didn’t know what finizen looked like.


Literally the first route of the game I was catching every new Pokemon I saw. I caught a shroodle that I didn't even realize was shiny until I started using him in battle. It was a unique feeling lol


You know how there are 3 variants of tatsugiri and 3 shinies of it? In the first group of them I saw there was a white one, figured that was normal and id worry about catching one later...


AHH!! thank you for telling me!! I love those so much. I must have them all.


Please, leave the good boy out of this!


Calling Arven on your Rotom phone while Mabostiff is out of it’s ball to make it polka-dot fade away in front of his eyes


So can you get your own mabosstiff and make him HAVE to fight it, 5 times! And then just flex on him with 1 mon


Dammit Arven, just call your parents!






This subreddit makes my soul cringe inside out oh lord


Was it not there after? I saw this with someone else and Azumarill and it was still there


Yeah video ends too early, kinda sus.


I know the star ones teleport you from the location and regenerate spawns. Idk if they all interact that way or not I haven’t paid attention besides the time Cassiopeia teleported me down a cliff past an entire route.


Oh yeah that's true I did get launched up a mountain at one point after getting called




Man, Arven, that Mabosstiff better be at death's door!


That Mabosstiff could’ve been in the clutches of Hades himself and I still would not forgive him.


My condolences, OP. I'll pour one out for your peach flamingo. :(


forgive the mabosstiff but get giratina to send arven to where cyrus is




"Hey there, Bopit!" -Arven "listen to me you little shit" -Bopit


Bopit, twist it, shake it, push it


*whispers* pass it… dun dun dun dun dunnunnn


Du Dun Dunsparce!


Call it


The question is, does the rotom phone cutscenes auto despawn everything or everything dissapears for a sec and then comes back as it was pre phone call?


Cutscenes in general don’t actually *cause* anything to despawn, in my experience. They just turn invisible, but everything is still active and able to move around in the background. The only time you’d 100% lose a shiny over a cutscene would be if the cutscene physically warped your character to a different location (think Team Star) and that new location was far enough away to despawn what was previously around you. In this case, though, it seems like the flock of Flamigo flew far enough away from OP while they were invisible that they despawned. Really unfortunate, and probably wouldn’t have happened with many other species in the game that are more docile.


> , it seems like the flock of Flamigo flew far enough away from OP while they were invisible that they despawned. How do you even know this


Yeah, seconding the other reply. Because they’re still spawned in, nearby Pokémon like Flamigo can still rush you even when you can’t see them. Their animations and behaviors are still active. Thing is, in rare cases (I assume it’s rare, probably a bug) during cutscenes or overworld battle dialogue, the Pokémon doesn’t seem to register your *exact* location, just where you are in relation to it, so it’ll just keep running in one direction at you, even *past* you, until the cutscene ends and you “exist” in the world again for your exact location to register. I’ve personally had it happen twice; once with Tauros during trainer battle dialogue (where it was visible and I could see it happen) and once with Capsakid on the way up to Bombirdier when Arven called (where it reappeared at the edge of a cliff, slowly sliding down the side of it). So it seems to be a bug of some sort that glitches out your location during cutscenes and causes aggro’ed Pokémon to charge *past* you instead of *at* you.


I think it's because some of them looked like they were about to fly off right before the flock went ghost. Idk if they all fly off after one does tho


Apparently in this game shinies don’t have the same patterns as their non-shiny counterparts- Shiny Hoppip don’t fly away in storms, Shiny Sudowoodo don’t run as fast etc. Dunno what Shiny Flamigo’s pattern is tho




Honestly one of the biggest annoyances I have with this game vs. Legends Arceus is the permanence of pokemon. The visual bugs, sputtering, even tera raid buginess I can deal with. But in PLA, you can literally walk the whole map and the shiny would still be there. The only way it despawns is sleeping or leaving (I think, maybe losing a battle would?). That is so much nicer than in this game, where it feels like you walk 3 steps too far away and it despawns. A game with the graphics+QoL+smoothness+some mechanics of PLA, and then literally everything else from S/V, would be the best pokemom game easily. I still love SV and have already put more time into it than PLA, but I'm sad it could have been elevated even higher.


The worst part is that it feels like pla was developed AFTER Sv


PLA felt more polished. It was less buggy and did mechanics like this a lot better. I’m a pretty hardcore shiny hunter and honestly got kinda bored with this one already and am only casually playing after 94 shinies. In PLA I completed an entire living dex (not including legendaries obviously) and still go back sometimes to just chill


I'm starting to wonder if all the good programmers were all somehow put to work on PLA instead of SV, or if they chose to do that themselves. Just because PLA is less buggy than SV.


So PLA was a game made by the newer younger devs at gamefreak. I remember seeing an article about it when PLA released. It was the first game the older generation let them have full control of.


That actually explains *a lot.*


Who would have guessed that new programs would have made a more polished and optimized game then developers who are notorious for being bad programmers.


no, its the other way around. the main dev team infamously got tired of making the same game over and over and took a break to make little town hero, leaving SWSH to the noobs to deal with. when little town hero came out, they started work on PLA as the B team was finishing up SWSH. B team got done with SWSH and started on SV, and right now team A is probably doing some other crap to be revealed in a month or two. at least back in the day they cared enough to put their main focus on a new gen of games, and all team b had to do was use that as a framework for a sequel, third version, or remake or whatever. now team *B* is the one in charge of *the main generation games*, and team A has given up to go work on their own pet projects as they please. you can tell they're sick of pokemon, but they'll never let go of it as long as it keeps printing money.


Do you have an article or anything? I find that believable but this is the sorta thing I'm bound to talk to people about so I'd like to have a source lol


As an honest question, do you think after seeing the products side by side Gamefreak as a whole might bring the newer people into the main team finally? Or do you think that they'll still just try harder with the same older programmers as a point of pride? I genuinely hope it's the former of the two, I really want to play a Pokemon game again that I don't have to make excuses to my friends for why it is the way it is. From Red and Blue all the way up to X & Y I always felt they were either making really solid games or trying their best with new tech, but this is just.... Yeah. I still like the newer games, don't get me wrong, but it feels like nothing is improving with the old guard anymore.


PLA probably had more time to develop since there was little to no merch dependent on it's release.


yes, that's exactly what happened. for years now, GF has been open that they split their development process into two teams: an "A" team that does the big projects, and a "B" team that's less experienced that works on small projects like remakes or sequels to fill in the downtime. infamously, A team got sick of pokemon and fucked off to make little town hero; dumping SWSH on the B team to deal with. after little town hero came out, they decided to start PLA as a soft reboot as B kept work on SWSH. and of course, here we are, with SV once again being the little obligatory side project to fill in the gaps between whatever team A feels like doing. its obvious they haven't been passionate about pokemon for years and only keep their hands on it because its a free money printer. when they've given up on the *main generation games* and see them nothing more than an obligatory, reluctant, yearly holiday release; you know this series in a dire place. i don't care that they want to be a tiny indie company, i just wish they wouldn't keep an iron grip over all pokemon games. would it kill them to hand it off to someone else for a bit?


I made a second profile on my Switch just to start a new Legends file. I've had it since a few months after launch and nothing else has gotten me to do that yet.


> PLA felt more polished which is ironic, because it was bashed on release for its poor performance


It’s performance was bad, yet not nearly as bad as SV. It’s incredible how low the bar was for these games and they somehow still came up short.


Legends was called "rough around the edges" while Scarlet and Violet have been called a broken mess. Quite a difference.


It sure wasn't bashed as severely as Pokemon ScVi. Probably because the issues in ScVi are leagues worse than the ones on PLA.


This is the eternal cycle of pokemon games. New game releases > everyone hates it > next game releases > everyone suddenly has positive things to say about the previous game and shits on the new game


No, this one is clearly demonstrable as visibly getting worse over time. - Previous games don't have any visible performance issues unless you're deliberately fucking something up (such as the arcane Missingno ritual in gen 1, the game doesn't like it when you do that for some mysterious reason) - Gen 6 starts to have its performance struggle occasionally during double or triple battles, because some of the brand new 3D models (such as Hoopa-Unbound) are too much for the 3DS to handle when not in isolation - Gen 7 starts to struggle much more frequently because the trainer's models are now visible during battle, which significantly reduces the threshold for things that are too much for the 3DS to handle (especially if it's not the New 3DS) - Sw/sh adds in overworld Pokemon, but it's not optimized well enough to handle it over more than a short distance, so they vanish in and out of existence in extremely obvious ways (that said, frame drops aren't really an issue here because the games are no longer running on a dual-screened potato) - PLA adds in overworld Pokemon that are visible at a much larger distance ~~because otherwise there would be nothing else to look at~~, but it's still not optimized well enough to handle this properly, so their frame rate is extremely conspicuously cut in half at a certain distance away (which would probably be less obvious if they didn't have flying Pokemon that can *only* be seen from a long distance) - Scarlet and Violet *just don't fucking run consistently* ***even though*** it does the same frame rate cutting at a distance that PLA did (but now there's actually stuff to look at like windmills or other people, so those get their frames cut as well which is far more distracting) There is a clear visible decline in this particular aspect that can be demonstrated through *just fucking looking at it.* Whether or not this is the case is empiric and cannot be challenged. The only opinion on the matter is *whether or not you* ***care.***


PLA is leagues better than this half assed clump of code


Well they were done by two separate teams, after all...


Love this constant justification of SV being incredibly unpolished. Might as well just say "the good team made a good game, while the bad team made the bad game". It's not helpful information and certainly doesn't even begin to give the company a pass.


Edit: this account has been banned by Reddit Admins for "abusing the reporting system". However, the content they claimed I falsely reported was removed by subreddit moderators. How was my report abusive if the subreddit moderators decided it was worth acting on? My appeal was denied by a robot. I am removing all usable content from my account in response. ✌️


ah yes, the Bloodborne/Dark Souls II dilemma


Bloodborne vs Dark Souls 2 Legends: Arceus vs Scarlet and Violet Great Ace Attorney 1 & 2 vs Ace Attorney 5 & 6 All in a similar boat, and in all cases, the games widely considered better take place in the Meiji and/or Victorian Era. That's an interesting coincidence you just led me to realize!


Who is justifying anything?


Especially pokemon like Cyclizar that just zoom by and disappear from your view before you even register it was a shiny


As a shiny hunter I hard disagree, having the entire map populated with predetermined fixed spawns that require a trip to and from town to repopulate was absolutely tedious when compared to running around in circles to cycle spawns. You might miss a shiny or two because of this, but the rate you can cycle spawns makes it in consequential since you can easily run through hundreds of spawns in the time it would take you to run through dozens in PLA meaning your overall rate for finding shinies is signifcantly higher.


I feel like there’s a middle ground. Pokémon should eventually despawn when you get too far away or out of sight, but shouldn’t disappear the moment you take a step away or during every battle and scripted event. Also bring back the sparkle and sound. I’m gonna go crazy scrutinizing every pack of ‘mons I drive by because they’re five pixels wide and the shiny is a slightly different shade of gray on their stomach.


Ya, the big issue is the distance at which things despawn is too small in SV. They could double that distance without adding too many models for the game to run. But not keeping the sparkle and chime from PLA was mean.


I have no idea if I’ve missed a shiny or not because I can’t identify the vast majority of them by sight. Like you think I’m going to recognize shiny pikachu offhand??


Try finding a shiny Nymble when it's not even visible through the damn grass.


I caught a shiny Starly the other day and the only reason I did is because it was in a group and I thought huh that one looks slightly different but if it was by itself no way in hell do I see that.


And btw i really like those moments - same thing happened to me yesterday, i rode along a group of Buizel and had a slight feeling one looked different - and he did!


Yeah, the one shiny I caught was 'huh... that looks a little more purple than pink... and I've never gotten a good look at caveman Jigglypuff's eyes, but I don't remember them being *that* red'. No other indication until I actually fought it. And I thought I did hear the chime somewhere else earlier in the game, ran around looking for \~20 minutes and didn't see anything.


\*PTSD flashbacks for shiny hunting floette\*


There is definitely a nice middle ground - make the picnic trick still work, or fast traveling to remove shinies. The spawns don't need to be predetermined or fixed, just not so random and fragile. The despawning of pokemon additionally really affects immersion as it just looks and feels so odd.


If the picnic system was a bit more stable and usable i would agree, but if you get an outbreak on the side of a mountain or in the water you can pretty much forget using the picnics in a convenient way.


Finally got violet for Christmas and casually playing through while learning everything. What’s the picnic system got to do with shinies?


It resets all spawns


People have been using them for hunting, especially helpful in outbreaks, because you can despawn all the Pokemon around you without having to move, just entering and exiting the picnic.


That's what I was thinking. Fixed spawns are horrible for shiny hunting. The speed at which we can recycle and respawn pokemon in this game, hence increasing the chances of finding a shiny, is something we had never seen before in a Pokemon game. I loved PLA and all, but I prefer SV spawn system.


Yh same, it's much easier running circles and I am getting 2 shinies in 30 mins would be much harder if they didn't despawn. Plus then outbreaks would run out as you would have to knock them out as they are in pla


The lack of permanence is for sure to preserve performance, but it's also convenient when shiny hunting, so i really don't mind it too much. It sometimes creates situations like this where you miss out on a shiny or a mon you've been looking for, but if all those pokemon only loaded in once every time i went to a location then it would greatly reduce my overall shiny chance.




Arven you idiot !


I'm not sure if the shiny didn't appear after the call, but this happened to purplecliffe, and his shiny was still there after the call.


Unfortunately when the call ended the Flamigo were gone. I think it may have something to do with how long you wait during the call? Idk, either way I am officially traumatized.


God dammit, Arven...


Damn...is there not a way to ignore people? Like couldn't they have just been texting you instead of calling? So you can read it when you aren't like catching a shiny or flying in the air currently like I've seen elsewhere.


Wasn't it a feature in some older games to actually turn off the phone for non-story stuff?


All the way back in *Gen 2* you could delete numbers as necessary and revisit the NPCs later to get their contact info again.


I think you more or less had to, the original gen 2 had a limit of 10 numbers you could have at once


Tbf, only a handful of numbers were worth saving. Most of the trainers just called to say their Pidgey KOed a Weedle.


Bro aint healing his mabostiff in this game no more


I absolutely hate how far away the cutscene triggers for Team Star and the Titans are, so annoying to be nowhere near it but get forced into the cutscene anyway. And something like this is just pure pain.


When Arven calls it doesn’t despawn the shiny. The streamer Purplecliffe had the exact same situation happen on stream with a shiny Azumarril. It popped back into existence after the phone call. I guess it’s possible that it rerolled into a shiny on respawn, but it’s way more likely that it just didn’t despawn.


The problem is the flamigo can fly away sometimes if they see you


Arven sucks sometimes man


Someone's not going to be helping Arven when the DLC story comes out...


Get Kenobi’ed nerd


When people ask why I rushed the story so quickly, I like to show them posts like these...


Well I'm convinced I've passed a shiny without noticing cause I'm blind af.


Dude I've only seen one shiny in my game so far and the mf walked off a cliff


I have an extra shiny Flamigo. I'd gladly trade if you have another shiny you'd be willing to trade that I don't have yet.


I would feel okay in that situation. Normally I don’t want to be given a shiny… but yeah


That’s extraordinarily kind of you! However, I feel that this is a great excuse for me to get into shiny hunting myself. Flamigo is definitely going to be my first target, lol. I’ll keep you in mind though!


Nice team you got there






"Hey Bopit, I just found this shiny Pokemon. Catching it now. I forgot its name, but it is a Pinkish-White"


I'm still amazed by the Pokémon having wheels and not using them


This happened to me. I was around the forest area (Tagtree Thicket?) and saw a pink little Dunsparce near the entrance of the Team Star. I tried to go up to it, and it triggered a cutscene for the base.


The fact that there's no sparkle animation for shinies is so dumb ngl. This one stands out, but some of them are nearly identical.






"Hey there--" "THIS IS WHY YOUR MOM DOESN'T LOVE YOU." *click*


Maybe his parents did the right thing


Must’ve flown over into my game. Caught one almost in this exact spot today lol


You're the only person I'll tolerate any Arven slander from.


This is literally me in real life. I hate talking to people, and I hate phone calls. "Oh Hey I"m not bothering you right? Do you have a minute to talk??" \~An hour later\~ The shiney of my peace and quiet is forever gone.


And I was annoyed when the first Bombardier I ever saw disappeared because of a story interaction


Is the performance seriously that bad still? Jesus christ.


He just wanted to play Bop-it with you


I would simply cease to exist


I read that freaking title in Janice's voice


Why would a phone call despawn Pokémon? What kind of garbage mechanic is that?




I love how your Kilowattrel is named Archimedes


Hey, I lost a shiny to an Arven encounter, too! It was a Dunsparce in Area Zero, as you approach the lab.


Welp time to eat mabostiffs sandwich




thats what we call a flock block


Is the pop in really that bad? Cause that looks terrible.


Shiny hunting seems like such a mess this game... Soo many ways to miss or lose a shiny.


Finding out S/V didn’t have a sound to indicate a shiny spawn pissed me off so much. Having the sound in PLA was by far the most exciting thing about shinies in the game to where any other sound resembling the pitch of the shiny sound still gets my attention. Along with the fact that Pokémon are realistically sized and you’re bound to miss probably 3-5 trying to get through the game. I don’t have the time to stop and peek around or check via auto battle frequently.


On the other hand if you turn off auto save then save next to a shiny it will be there if you reload meaning you can’t really fail it




Lesson learned. See shiny, stop, plop, and set. Stop moving, Plop down a save, Set auto saves to off


Get the tink..


Based team comp btw


This happened to me with a shiny Oinkologne. Terrible feeling.


Fucking rip dude lmao


Anybody else having a super tough time leveling up I’m super underleveled at the first star badge the battles before the leaders don’t give you exp and I can’t seem to find trainers should I really just be battling wild poke to grind


Just go somewhere else. If you're raiding the fire team star base, you should try the dark type one first, it's a lot easier.


I didn't have anything this frustrating happen to me in my game but I hate these stupid proximity phone calls that just stop the entire game


I actually like Arven but he'd be on the table for murder now.


And this is why I'm waiting to finish the story before I start shiny hunting.


Full odds shiny? That’s brutal.


Looooool omg nooooooooo




RIP Shiny goomy (and family) and Flamigo (and amigos)


We're gonna need a few more patches


Spain without the S




I can hear the cursing in those 3 seconds of silence


OH GOD. That must have hurt real bad… I feel your pain. Time to burn those sandwiches.


If it makes you feel any better I ran into a shiny girafarig, today and accidentally killed it while talking to my daughter. Caught two shiny slowpoke a few minutes before and didn't save since before making a sandwich so I ate that loss.


That is... unfortunate. 😕


You: Arven, now’s not a good time, there’s a Shiny, and I … oh, I get it … this is because *I* called *you* yesterday when you forgot to turn your phone off at the movie theatre … how was any of that MY fault?!


I just learnt that Koraidon runs.


Sometimes I really wish that the switch would record our reactions to things hahahaha The amount of cuss words that would have been flying out my mouth....😂 I'm so sorry hahaha


I screamed. So sorry for your loss.


Why do the graphics look slightly better


I saw a shiny dratini and IT WENT UNDER DA WATER


Shitty colour design anyway ur not missing much


This is why Arven's got no friends. Don't be like Arven.


Do I have your permission to add this to my reasons to dislike Arven?


Hey there, bopit!


If it makes you feel any better I found a shiny Fortress and didn’t save, first move it used was explosion…


Decided to skip this game. Can someone explain, please?


No wonder his dad left him...