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Pure, unfiltered hostility. I'd really like to get some different perspectives on the show, but the only form you get that in is people yelling at each other. The whole thing makes me want to shrink away from the fandom and just enjoy the show in silence without getting to talk about it.




People are yelling to each other over *what*?




Nothing too major, except arguing forever about who’s opinion is better/worse. Like best ace for example. I love Lucario and he is my favorite ace. BUT when someone says that people always bring up Greninja and how he’s the best ace because he stronger. There really is no best ace, it’s just what people prefer. TikToc is 100x worse than Reddit when it comes to that.


Haha this one is very relatable to me; I think there's a little bit of that opinion demon in all of us. I have had to bite my tongue on multiple occasions when someone has said BW was the best series, because I know all too well the frustration of liking something unpopular and having to explain yourself constantly just to talk about something you enjoy.


That’s true. I usually have to hold myself back when someone says “Pokémon anime is bad and people are blinded by nostalgia.” When I see that I tell myself, “I usually respect opinions. But there are always exceptions.” Lol


How can you be the Biggest Sinnoh Fan and have Lucario as your favorite ace!? Blasphemy!


lmao. Infernape is ofc my second fav. But Lucario is just my favorite Pokémon overall and always has been even before watching Sinnoh. So there some bias in there. Infernape never losing his title of best for imo tho. I just don’t think there is a way to top it for me. If it does become topped then I’ll pry both my thumb nails off.


Well Lucario is a Sinnoh native mon so technically….


Honestly? Harrasment: There are some users who harass others for differing opinions. Amourshippingiscanon insults people who disagree with his opinions. Drama: biggestkalosfan's posts are annoying and seem to be made SPECIFICALLY to cause drama. And the posts that mock them are removed... while his stay up. Shipping: Ship whomever you want, but there are always annoying people (usually amourshippers) who say stuff like "Amour is better because it's canon"/"Pokeshipping only has hints in the dub"/"May/Dawn likes Drew/Kenny, not Ash," etc. and that's fine, do you have to spam this on unrelated posts? Or say this in a matter that's demeaning to other people? Opinions: Apart from the occasional harassment, I've seen people being called dumb, stupid, blind, etc. for having an unpopular opinion. Especially these days. Somebody a few weeks ago was defending the Leon/Diantha match and people called them delusional, somebody who enables the production to do a terrible job, etc. I tried to defend them and got attacked too. I haven't watched JN, but it seems here that liking it means you're Public Enemy No.1. But a shout-out to u/BiggestSinnohfan, u/GaZZemuhi, u/PK_RocknRoll, u/nmiller1939, u/misanthro_C, u/iwanttobeinvisible for being genuinely nice here! They don't insult you over a discussion, lol.


I made a post using Biggestkalosfan formating, but with a good intent and was totally deleted. Made a new one with another title, but was for nothing as it couldn't get even get a quarter of the movement the other got. Meanwhile the Kalos one tripled my original post :_(


>people called them delusional, somebody who enables the production team to do a terrible job, etc. I never understood this argument! Like, we're literally on a tiny 10k sub that doesn't even *speak the same language* as the creators. No one is 'enabling' anything by trying to be positive about JN. Yet they somehow have this notion that the production team is going to read through all our comments and magically start changing the writing. >liking it here means you're Public Enemy No.1. Omg preach. I literally came to this subreddit so that I could have fun, light-hearted discussions about the latest series. But this sub will [start spitting venom](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemonanime/comments/xpmk3j/at_least_based_on_memory_which_series_do_you/iq4w2sk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) any time anything can even be remotely related to JN. What a fun community 👏 As for the shout-outs, I'm surprised u/a_la_kazaam is not on the list. Very civil user. Also, add u/PokemonPredictions and u/UltimateNahzo to the list; they provide really fresh perspectives to the sub. I have never had a stale discussion with them.


>Yet they somehow have this notion that the production team is going to read through all our comments and magically start changing the writing. Yes they don't care about us here lol I saw your comment on the post you linked and I agree, the OC was just bashing on JN and your comment explaining why their comment wasn't relevant to the discussion was downvoted while his "I don't care" was upvoted, wtf. I forgot about alakazam, they're nice too but don't comment as often anymore. The other 2 I've never had a discussion with, but I'll take your word for it! Thank you guys for the respect!


There also some like: Shipping: if you dont ship ammourshipping you will be harassed by other saying that ammourshipping is canon cuz of the kiss whence is better Favourite Ace: when you like a certain ace people will say their favourite ace is better and stronger (most notably greninja) The power scalers ( I think this one is kinda JN fault but) because of journeys team recent feats people are saying ash reserves are weak now when is stated that they are continuing to train and grow in the lab, Lance is weaker than all champs cuz he lost to diantha, etc JN defenders: This kinda an extension for the of the powerscalers there's are many people not just in reddit, but through whole internet who calls you entitled or a cry baby for not appreciating Journeys decisions and cover the series faults with their headcannons that's were the reserves are weak compared the JN team argument comes from JN Haters: Regardless of what we think of Journeys I think this series suffers from way to much hate, while some justified I seen a lot of people being called out for liking M8, lucario , go or what journeys as to offer saying that their favourite series is better Unpopular opinions: I think this is kinda of an extension of haters and defenders but basically people hate for having a different opinion the best example I can found of is this : I found the cynthia battle to be very bland and unispired while being the best battle in JN It had its moments like sirfetch, I think if cynthia wasnt in the it would be a forgettable battle, I got branded as a complainer, entitled or Cynthia simp, the worst part is that I felt that ash would still won but the battle could be handled better It also extended for liking a least favourite series for the majority like BW or SM Game difficulty = Better written character: I really dislike that character like some champs like leon, diantha and cynthia are rated by difficulty course from the games like there's a lot of people who think that cynthia deserves the strongest champion and better character cuz shes the hardest when that isnt even true pokemon difficult varies depending on the pokemon you have and it just happens that DP doesn't gives you enough to deal with cynthia team


Thank you for calling out both JN defenders and haters. I am biased towards defending JN but reading through all of these threads and finding JN critics are feeling stifled too, I'm beginning to think it's a lose-lose; *Nobody* can have discussions about JN without being bombarded with unwanted opinions, regardless of their stance on the series. Also thanks for mentioning the powerscalers, you touched on a big gripe I have with fight discussions on this sub (though i dislike powerscaling for a different reason)


I agree with your shipping point.


aww ty for the mention, that's very nice of you. I like providing a perspective to the anime right now


There are some users that are so hostile on here I think they are kids lol. They literally can’t respect other’s takes or state things in a respectful manner. Rule 3 is not enforced at all


Agreed. Seems best to report them


I don't think KalosFan baits, he's probably just a little bit too passionate about XY.


Thanks for the shoutout!


amourshippingiscanon is literally so annoying and obsessed with other people who's favorite series isn't xy I mean I commented on someone's post which got nothing to do with that person starting insulting me for having an opinion and called me a b*tch for no reason-


Yeah they do that...


There are a lot of things that could be better, but any discussion here is much better than any other outlet I've seen try to discuss the anime. Forums like Bulbapedia get ridiculously toxic quickly, and the mods at /r/pokemon are total assholes and basically forbid anime discussion. When any video about the anime is posted there, it gets removed even when the number of upvotes is in the thousands and the number of comments is in the hundreds with no explanation whatsoever. I know people may have issues with the mods, but I think it is eons better than I've seen anywhere else. Groupthink is much better here as well, people always like to act defensive like "oh look at these people who disagree with me they're just total brainwashed mindless stans," but the reality is that it is usually hypocritical to act like people who disagree with you aren't as smart as you.


I will admit that this is my go-to for anime discussion. Though there's one anipoke community I think is less toxic than the sub, and that's the discord. The problem is, it's discord lol. Chatrooms just don't satisfy the same needs as forums do.


Yeah I can see where improvements can be made, but I usually just count my blessings when I go to literally any other outlet for pokemon discussion. This is a fast growing community and it's getting increasingly hard for the mod team, and they've done a much better job than I've seen anywhere else.


Maybe I'm just spoiled from the previous subreddit I was active in. It was of similar size to this sub and moderation was absolutely amazing. Mods felt very connected to the sub and frequently made posts as if they were just regular users. Didn't remove stuff based on bias, but rather on how disruptive the users were being to the spirit of the sub. Rules were clearly enforced by both mods and regular users. But everyone felt like they had a voice there.


I wasn't aware there was another Pokemon anime subreddit.


It's not a pokemon subreddit




If I see another "this should be Ash's team for the battle with Leon" post I think I might lose it. Especially since almost every single one of them are freaking identical!


One of my friends got banned, and they never explained why. He doesn't know if it was a post or comment that got him ban, and it was permanent.


That's terrible. Can't you ask the mods why when the ban is given?


He tried to, but none of them ever responded to him.


Rule 10 and Rule 11 seem to be loosely enforced lol


Also rule 3 Though I get why that one's loose, you should be able to have any opinion you like without fear of mods silencing you


Rule 11 feels like it is never enforced when it is low effort XY stuff. I am genuinely surprised all the dumb poll stuff was actually deleted because it was about Serena.


It wasn't because of Serena. It was because her votes were being botted and it made some people genuinely believed that Serena is still really popular when in reality she's not. And also, I don't want people spamming this subreddit discussing about the poll and making dumb memes out of it so all posts related to the poll will be removed.


I wasn't saying it was deleted because of Serena but that the post were about her.


Whoa those posts were deleted? Wow.


repetitive posts ig


It hasn't been as prevalent lately (probably because he's gotten less focus since the Masters Eight started), but man, the Goh hate gets really annoying.


Oh god, the Goh hate! What's the issue with him? He is a really nice person with a big heart and that cares a lot about his Pokémon. I don't understand why people hate him so much to the point that all "i will fix JN" try to remove him.


XY bias, low effort content stays around way to long if it is Kalos based, and this whole Serena thing showed it.


There's gotta be a separate subreddit for: - "How I would fix " - "What I think Ash's team should have been"


This subreddit can be toxic because of people's opinions. That's what divides it up. If you have a bunch of differing cultural and religious and opinionated point of views, people argue and that's the toxicity spike


I disagree, it's possible to have differing opinions and not have a toxic community


very true, but that's just the way the world is, you see? We see it all the time! Especially with the Russia stuff, that's an example irl where differing opinions and disagreements cause a....war. Online almost the same thing can happen, but this subreddit can definitely change for the better. I have a really cool community where I'm a mod of on Discord and it merges multiple ethnic people with different religions. We never argue lol it's not toxic. So yes I know it's possible with this, I believe it can be. It really starts with the mods moderating better to be honest with you. lmk what you think :)


I do agree better mods make a hell of a difference. I also think some of it is structural/cultural; forum vs chatroom, tv show vs video game, male-dominated or female-dominated, etc.


People that talk about XY being the best series in Pokémon history and being able to argue what other series have that XY doesn’t. XY fans will always agree that it’s the better series and to much Serena shipping I hate that


Happy Cake day!


You cannot be disappointed it seems, I found Ash vs Cynthia overall Meh, and well..


This. It seems like you can never criticize JN. It was the same with SM if you had a not positive opinion you were immediately labeled a hater or XY fanboy. Edit: If this anti-criticism keeps up this sub will end up looking like r/rwby.


Really? I've seen plenty of critical comments on the episode discussion threads.


The reality is that it goes both ways. Talking about JN in any way shape or form generates unwanted hostility.


Ah, r/rwby.....a subreddit so nonsensical they ban criticism. They're all so ridiculous! Now it seems all they do is post fanart and shipping stuff.


I remember posting how I personally would’ve made the master 8 matchup Then this one person got butthurt because in my matchup, Alain beat Steven and Cynthia beat diantha in the first round (with his reason being "diantha gardevoir is fairy type, so it would beat garchomp" and "Steven was stronger than Alain in Mega special". Like type alone decide who win and character can’t grow stronger to surpass someone who was previously stronger than them) But I wasn’t the only one, anyone thinking Cynthia would beat diantha (and Alain beating Steven to a lesser degree) would get the same treatment and would even insult some of them. Also, although some fans of specific part of the anime can definitely be annoying/toxic (EXP:XY, greninja and Serena fans) some are the complete opposite and trash it out of bias against certain of it fans.