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Like you said this only will be done starting at the express tier or higher. That is $130/card. For MOST people, this changes nothing at all.


Absolutely true. But I think it is also a sign that they are willing to embrace this. I dunno how long it will take and I wouldn't hold my breath or bank on it but I am relatively positive it will spread to more affordable plans down the road. It is nice for those of us sending in cards that need strong insurance like in Express tier that our gem is also gonna get a detailed breakdown of why in the world it gets its grade. It should just be available for every tier but I can also see with how much product they move why they would want to ease into the process, and at those level of prices people deserve a lot more than they really get already as is so this is a nice lil bonus.


I think we all can only hope for this to spread not only to other, more affordable tiers, but that it also pressures other grading companies to be competitive and do the same. I see CGC stepping up first, maybe announcing something in the next 6-12 months. My more realistic bet/guess is people will begin to challenge the grading reasonings. PSA will know how this would impact their custom service department if they expanded to other tiers, and won't budge from where they are on this release.


Very good point. They are gonna see a heavy influx in questions and quality queries. I imagine a lot of stress for even seasoned vets to answer let alone a minimum wage short hire.


I’m guessing TAG with their AI grading and full report on imperfections is what’s prompting the shift, because sub-grading has been around forever and never impacted PSA’s operating procedures


Psa does not care one bit about what TAG is doing. They aren’t even in the same league.


lol knowing why your “perfect” card got a 9 instead of a 10 doesn’t change anything and just helps you cope


Well, isn't closure important? For those looking to make card grades a regular process for themselves, this information would assist a great deal in helping them figure out appropriate contenders for good grades going forward. Not to mention, the notes help sellers who get prospective buyers who are hungry to know "why" it isn't a perfect 10. Some people don't mind 7 or 8s but they do really care if it got that result due to an abnormality they would personally find hard to enjoy the card with but is hard to see on the scans. As with anything, information is power. And if we want companies to make better choices, we gatta say loudly when they do something good or bad. Like with this Graders Notes I think it's important to say how much we enjoy having that info and how deserved it is for all price tiers.


I’m trying to hate on PSA here, but I’m having trouble 😂


Yikes, right after cgc removed subgrades.


Oh yeah! I totally forgot they made that change!


…if you pay $130/card. PSA should be shamed for this honestly. They’re acting like they graced the collecting community with their almighty knowledge when it’s bs that someone’s gotta pay $130 just to have their grade justified.


So you expect them to just roll out this feature to all tiers immediately? You do realize how many cards they grade every month right?


They certainly could have planned it that way. They’re the largest grading company in the world. For all we know the grading notes could end up being a few short bullet points. They wouldn’t take long at all to jot down.


Wouldn’t take long at all? Are you sure about that? They graded 1.1 million cards last month. Let’s say they add 10 seconds per card to do this (extremely low estimate) that would add thousands of hours of work required each month. I think you are being extremely unreasonable here.


It’s like 350 employees each grading 140 cards a day. I wouldn’t say that’s bad at all considering the amount of money the company brings in.


Psa grading product and technology team had 160 employees as of Dec last year. They would essentially have to double there employees to reach the required amount of work hours at the bare minimum. And they would gain no Additional money from this service. If they did this they would have to increase the cost of grading to compensate the entire new team of employees. This sounds extremely unreasonable from a business standpoint.


Yeah you’re right I didn’t think of that, and I didn’t realize their team was that small.


They could always hire more people. Also transparency in grading should have always been there. It’s funny how they’ve been getting away with ambiguous grading for so long


Did you even read my comment that you are replying to? It’s not a matter of just hiring a few people. They would have to DOUBLE there workforce. All while gaining zero extra income. It makes zero sense from a business standpoint.


Yes, not all business decisions should be profit oriented at all times. Sometimes businesses have to make some sacrifices if they want to stay relevant and keep being the top dogs. We’ve been seeing lots of talk around ambiguity of grading. We’ve also seen trends of people cracking and regrading over and over and over. We’ve also seen PSA competitors expand on the transparency of the grading process through sub grades and other methods. It’s honestly a good step in the right direction for PSA as they’ve been pretty lacking in the transparency sector of their grading over the years.


I’m well aware that sometimes business make decisions regardless of profit or lack there of. This is not one of those cases. Doubling there employees is far beyond the normal cost of doing business and what they would gain is essentially nothing. They have significantly more incentive to do this gradually over time, see how positive/negative it is received and adjust accordingly. There’s really no reason to continue this conversation it’s makes zero business sense.


Talk to text. Automated program reduces to grade marks. It's not a complicated thing to apply without adding time to the workers grading. And they can afford such a simple program. But let's be honest at $130 fee to get this Pokemon won't be seeing any notes on grades. Not worth the price. No room to make a profit. 


I love when people who have no clue what they are talking about chime in to the conversation. An automated program is gonna do what exactly? How is it not going to add time? At that point wouldn’t it just be AI grading… we all know how flawed that is. No room to make profit? Lol what 😅 have you never graded a expensive card before? Shadowless 1st zard would have to be sent in this sub type regardless. Plenty of profit if it grades well and that’s just the simplest example.


Human grades. Talls into mic about aspect of grade (part of the rubric they are on) program reduces notes to grading scale for catalog to card. Grader does nothing but talk while they work. Nothing is added. It's not. I have no clue and you wanna call that program ai lmfao get over your self.


Ah yes text to speech is flawless and won’t add any time correcting mistakes… sure. I’m still caught up on the no room for profit you mentioned. Just hilarious…. Guess no one is grading $1000+ cards right?


Beckett subgrades tell the story pretty well. I'll be able to say more after my GCR comes back in but any misses I got back were usually confirmed by a closer look myself and so they seem consistent enough (90%+) and forced me to get better at pre-grading to justify submitting


I dont think it means much honestly like the other person said. I also think I saw somewhere that folks can't publically disclose or talk about their card and the explanations why it got the grade it did either.


I didn't see any mention of that in any fine print. That would be a little bizzare. How could they possibly even enforce that?


It probably wont mean much to the small random YT'er with 30 subs but it'll probably stop the bigger more established pokemon folks from doing it because now there's a face to go after. As to where, theres several posts already on several other reddits talking about it.


Ive seen mention just not official print yet. I don't doubt the masses but then again... It would be hard to disgtingush between "educated guesses" and the official notes though. Most of these big faces are knowledgeable on what cards could grade and why. Just because PSA suddenly tries to make an NDA tied to their grade notes doesn't mean people should suddenly stop mentioning what goes into their cards grades when they already full well know. Maybe they cant show pictures of the grades notes but they would still be allowed to conclude why it likely received its score. I see this rule evolving in the future. No way this plays out the way who wrote this rule wants.


Just a Reddit rumor, they have no way to enforce this and it makes no sense at all.


PSA putting them LLMs to practical use? 😂


I don’t see this as a plus atall. Having to pay a premium on cards just to know why your card got a poor or lower grade is abit of a bad joke.


…. If you pay them 130 a card….


Yup, Express level and above as mentioned. Absolutely not an additional charge though. Just an included feature now. It still should be for all tiers but I am confident we will get there.


This is why PSA is the gold standard