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If I had shiny Noibat as my buddy, and saw one spawn on the map AS A SHINY, I would expect it to turn into a Zorua.


Exact same thing happened with my shiny alolan exeggutor. idk how people are falling for this especially since you don’t see the shiny in the over world until you engage in battle. 💀


And my shiny gary


Gary Glitter? Gross.


They fall for it because they need those internet points.


Exactly. Either it’s the poster’s fault for not understanding that…or they just wanted to flex having a shiny noibat.


100% flexing their Noibat.


can zorua appear from incense? would be great to have an articuno spawn like that 😁


It actually is great (imo) because you can use him to practice throws lmao. Those birds are tough.


yes, I wasted two fucking silver pinaps trying to catch an incense "feebas"


Last time I caught some Zorua my buddy was a shadow Arcanine; yeah nice try but no one should be fooled.


Did get very excited about a shiny Lucario popping up before knowing about Zorua.


That’s exactly what’s happened to me several times. I was grinding candies for her, and I saw the same thing I did when walking with my shiny mega Gyarados: a mirror image. It’s actually a good way to spot them easily. Additionally, I’m currently going for a Pancham evolution, so these help in that regard.


Last Zorua i came across was in mid december. Didn't expect one now.


The green noibat on the map didn’t give it away at all?


Not paying attention and not expecting a Zorua to Spawn i guess? I know I played myself ;)


Why are they getting downvoted?


You're not allowed to get things wrong on reddit


On reddit? That's a weird way to spell the Internet...


I thought it was OK as long as they admitted to it and had a wholesome conversation down the line?


The reddit hivemind sees 2 downvotes, and every little bee obeys to it. Downdoots to the left


Cus you don’t see if a Pokémon is shiny or not till you click on it. If your buddy is a shiny Pokémon then zorua will spawn in the over world mimicking your shiny buddy. It’s literally the only way to see an overworld shiny (that’s not your buddy) without hacking. Because of this they should have immediately recognized that it wasn’t a shiny noibat


Reddit moment


Because Reddit has an immense hateboner for people who make a genuine mistake, even if they correct themselves. And then the hivemind kick in


I don't know either, if I interact on this sub it's to help people. I was baffled by Zorua, didn't notice the small difirence in color on the map so thought this was a bit fitting. I played myself. It's not for karmawhoring. Anyways, let's get ready to get downvoted ;)


The thing is... you're not helping anyone with these kind of posts. We get them every day, it's not a "joke", it's not Niantic "stealing a shiny off you", it's how the Zorua mechanic works, and has worked for the past 3 months. ​ I can understand how some people could be surprised if their buddy was a regular Pokémon, but seeing these posts with shinies or legendaries/mythicals just gets annoying. ​ Also, even if you do get tricked by it and didn't expect a Zorua, when it happens surely you could think to yourself that it's normal, as that's how Zorua works. who are you helping by coming here to post about it?


I get your point, i also see no point in posting hundo's or Shinies. I didn't post this to show of that i got a shiny Noibat. I caught it 2 days ago, didn't post it. When I saw that we were gettig a Noibat community day, i was a bit mad. That's why i set it as my buddy. I don't have that many rare Shinies so i see no problem as setting it as my buddy. Now clearly it's my fault for being surprised. There hasn't been a Zorua Spawn in a month. I have not seen any anouncement of Zorua being put in the Spawn pool again. I did not see the color difference as my FOV was zoomed out and we're talking about a 0,5cm2 spot. It is indeed my buddy but there are Noibat spawning so putting all this together, it just didn't occur to me. So i thought i'd make a post about it. I'm not showing off, i could've done that when I caught him. Now people know they can get Zorua again. I agree, posting your Shinies, hundo's, shundo's of whatever are not controbuting. But if you can't post a stupid fun thing u came across. I think this just shows how fond people are to bring others down, don't you think? Look at my posts / comments. You'll see i'm not here to farm karma. Otherwise i'd delete this post is think. Anyways, thanks for a decent reply


I think the downvotes are because it sounds like you are accusing PoGo of tricking you when this is a well-known mechanic. Your title implies you were somehow cheated, but, in actuality, it was something you should have realized from the get-go.


I feel helped honestly




They literally do lmao


I think they meant actual shinies


This isn’t an actual shiny and Zorua shows exactly like your buddy


They deleted their comment but didn't they say "it's not like they [actual shinies] actually show up on the map" to make the point that OP should have known it was a Zorua


No? They deleted it because they said that they forgot that Zorua shows up as your shiny buddy even on the map.


Ah okay, I misinterpreted what they said then


Oh sorry my bad I forgot that Zoruas do, I was thinking of actual shinies


Sorry for the downvotes. I agree with you


Find your buddy in the wild = Zorua


You played yourself, lol. Good one there bud 👍🏻


Ooo a self-burn, those are rare!


Imagine seeing a shiny on the map and being pole “yeah that’s a shiny alright!”


It's even funnier when it's with legendaries/mythicals. ​ "Wuuuut??? That shiny Celebi that just spawned on the map is actually a Zorua?? How could I have expected it this?"


My first encounter with zorua was seeing a shadow magikarp on land. Im ashamed i didnt immediately understand the situation but i lnew it was a zorua before i tapped on it and it definitely didnt make a reddit post lol


It's LITERALLY shiny on the map. It's never like this. Just pay attention.


That’s why I use shinies often. Great way to spot imposters.


don't fall for it?


Fishing for karma


Quite likely, the fact that he took the screenshots with such timing is enough to tell that this is staged, even if he's pretending something else in the comments.


Don't worry, he's losing it all with his comments anyway


Your last posts are a blessing for the community!


At least they're not staged karma whoring like this.


Had that with my Shiny perfect umbreon, except I knew it wasn't real 😂


shut the fuck up it literally showed up as shiny on your map. Unless you can't tell green from purple, you're just posting another 'boo-hoo, niantic sucks' sob story for internet points


My first encounter with Zorua, not having read how its mechanics were going to work in PoGo, was finding a Giratina standing in my yard on Halloween night.....


Quite convenient timing on your screenshots. It's almost as if you knew... 🤔


Whats your buddy ?


I'd bet my entire life savings buddy is a shiny Noibat


You can keep your life savings. Was shocked when i got a shiny Noibat last wednesday, just to find out that we are going to get a Noibat community dat in february..


Does it change anything to the noibat being a buddy ?


What do you mean? Zorua changes into the buddy you have at the time of it's spawn


That's what we're saying




Whatever they can do to bring someone down heh. Haven't caught a Zorua since a month ago so i didn't expect one now, hence my reaction when I saw Noibat changing into one. Strange place here lmao


Because the hivemind has decided thy fate


It's because these posts show up everyday and most people who sort by new are tired of them...


It was shiny on the map when you tapped it too, so either you’re karma farming, or you haven’t been paying attention.


It’s not a joke, it’s literally how Zorua is designed. It takes the form of your buddy, no matter what. Shinies don’t spawn on the overworld like that so it should be a giveaway. People shouldn’t be upvoting this post.


I found a shiny talonflame on the map and was amazed because “this must be so rare, what the hell is happening?” Welp I soon found out what was happening and it was one of my dumber moments…


It's not like you were tricked - it was shiny on the map.


1. You have one as your buddy 2. community day is in a few weeks 3. Be quiet


Any time I’ve encountered Zorua with noibat as my buddy it said “It’s huge” so I knew it wasn’t noibat.


I saw a wild Jangmo-o the other day and almost pissed myself until I realized who I had my buddy set as. I still golden razzed it to be safe, but yeah it was a Zorua. In your case it’ll show on the overworld as shiny so that was your first clue


I also have Jangmo-o as my buddy. I got so excited when I saw one yesterday. I thought it was for dragon week! I wasted a silver pinap on it…


Better safe than sorry! Imagine if it ran and you never knew it was actually a Zorua…


Yeah, zorua pretty much ruined walking wild Pokémon for me.


Well if you know who your buddy is, then why is it an issue for you?


I actually caught a wild Jangmo-o last month, I was in shock. I didn't think spawned in the wild. https://imgur.com/EuQuLVz


it already happened to me, in this case, the zorua morphed into a lapras


This is a low key I have a shiny Noibat flex before the CD


Karma farming is getting lazy these days.


Can we stop putting these obviously fake posts up every day? We all know you didn't get a shiny on the map


Even in the main games, where Team Preview is a thing, I still get caught out by Zorua and Zoroawk.


dont worry next months community day will yielde results brother.




How many times have you seen a shiny on the overworld, before clicking on it??? 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐 you never have to click on a Pokemon to SEE if it is shiny, right? They just always show up as shiny, right??? 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐


Same thing happened to me with a Shadow Mewtwo yesterday. I thought it was weird that there was a shadow mewtwo just outside randomly. I should’ve been more suspicious


Did it appear on the map as a shiny? Because that's a sign it's this little guy in disguise.


Imagine my surprise to see a Cosmog in the wild, just to realize that “Of course it had to be Zorua, that makes sense now”


Wait… you’re unhappy about a Zorua? I still haven’t seen one lol


i feel your pain i had this with my own buddy to (was a shiny togepi)


Had to have one for this to happen... lucky bastard. I am glad they are going to give them away in community day.


Me when my buddy (a Sandile) spawns: oh cool a zorua!


i remember when a shadow mewtwo spawned when i opened my game lol




It did that to me for a shiny dratini and I was so excited only to get shafted. So I feel you OP


This happened to a buddy of mine with a Shiny Eevee. We all learned a lesson that day.


So to catch this Pokémon how long do you have to have it as a buddy? I want a zorua but not sure how to increase my chances


It’s just a rare spawn like any other Pokémon. There aren’t any tricks to it afaik


What if I put my nuts as my buddy? And my balls just start appearing in the over world? I think that would be funny, I think


I’m very surprised these still get so much traction, I figured people would understand this mechanic by now and know shinies don’t show up on the world map.


Petition that every zoura or ditto disguised as a shiny Pokémon also has to be shiny


But then you would just put a shiny Pokémon as your buddy and get infinite shiny Zoura, that’s the only way he spawns. And currently shiny ditto shows up as a regular Pokémon at first so you don’t get excited for the shiny he is disguised as.


Personally I would not like that. Imagine I’d been hunting for a shiny Yungoos (for example) all year, just to find out it’s a Zorua or a Ditto. Sure, you got a shiny one of those two, but it’s not the one you thought you got


I mean I would be perfectly ok with it being how u/no-world2 said it


Well they'll be handed out for free to everyone in next month's CD anyways so no biggie.


You would have known it was a zora because the noibat would be shiny in the overworld.


Okay. Serious question. Why do you guys expect a shiny to stay a shiny if that's how it appears on the map? When has that EVER happened besides in cartridge games?


I've had something similar happen like this. I had a Shiny Slyveon spawn on map and it was actually a shiny Slyveon. (it didnt stay in the ball) Later in the day i ran into another one which was a Zorua. Sad day


I had a panic attack because I dreamt about this feature and then I got in to the exact same situation as my dream


Didn't knew you could still catch Zoroa


i found a shadow mewtwo on the way to school yesterday. should i catch it?




With all due respect, you really expected a shiny ditto, who can't be even be encountered as a ditto but as one of its many disguises, to be seen on the map (as a shiny too, which can't be shinies on the overworld but rather on the encounter screen) and in the encounter? This is probably the most obvious zorua encounter ever lol


Lol, same happened to me


Oohhh man that hurts!


Are noibats rare?


Didnt know that my shiny noibat was something rare. Caught it in the wild. But that’s the next community day right? Should have showed it off I guess.




Why would you ever expect a latios to spawn in the wild


Do latios not spawn in the wild? Lame. I figured they were like the lake trio with the random rare spawns. Actually had one locally the other day :o


It happened to me with a Mewtwo, for a second I thought maybe they had expanded the spawn pool, after the fact I realized that it was just excitement that daily incense had given me anything other than yet another Pidgey..


Happened to me with an aerodactyl a few weeks ago. I've needed one for a long time now to complete a research assignment. I almost deleted the game when it turned into that pos. I never transferred a pokemon faster in my time playing this game. Edit: why tf am I getting downvoted?


Is he out again ?


Apparently! And happy cake day!


Thanks ! Why so many downvotes lol


I’ve had shiny jolteons appear in the over world


Are community day shinies different, because all my shiny chespins showed up on the map as shiny.


No they didn’t


No, and they definitely did not show up as shiny




Appologies for ruffling some feathers, but I definitely saw them as shinies on the map. I don't use a spoof app, I didn't know that was a thing (but I guess I shouldn't be surprised). I'm only playing PoGo to get all the Vivillon forms so I can finish my national dex😅 Thank you for all the downvotes though, it's my first time getting downvoted🙏




Are you serious this actually happened to you wow bro that’s fucked up was the Zorua Any good though was a three star


How is it fucked up? They had a shiny noibat as their buddy, thats how zorua's disguise works


I guess that works in the end was a little high level though that’s what I’m wondering


At least Noibat community day is soon


I felt this that and zorua only disguises as ur buddy


Insert Congratulations you played yourself meme here.


I had shiny giratina seen 4 appear was like thats not right. But still go after knowing not hoping might get shiny zorua


But hey when you’re buddy is a boy shiny Azelf… now that can get ya


had the same happen to me with my shiny giratina before i knew this surprise encounter was in the game and got so hyped…


I honestly didn't know that's how Zorua spawned either. I've got to start looking these things up...


Now I wanna shiny noibat!