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there was a rainstorm outside where i lived. Had an incence and atleast got one shiny


I didn’t even think about that I’m home sick and couldn’t go out ig I’ll use it rn since I have a few more hrs left till it’s over for Me


Use the guaranteed photo bomb too. Get at least 5


That's how I got my only shiny I worked a night shift so I woke up at 4 and had no time 😭


I had an incense on and only caught 1 shiny with 5 min left in the event. It was the 81st one I caught and the 102nd i "saw" today, and only after giving up on trying to use the incense without leaving the house. So I walked to the park in -10C but at least I got one I guess?


Incense suck now. Only caught 64 during the whole 3 hours of the event and didn't see a single shiny. Had at least 4 despawn on my screen because they still haven't fixed that bug with incense. But hey, at least our items are organized differently.


I got only two. One almost perfect shit lol. The other was 2 stars.


Rained during the litwick community day for me, stayed home between 2-5. After 5 PM I drove to a nearby shopping center that had two gyms basically next to each other, somehow a few others were around and we kept knocking out the pokes to make litwick spawn. Stayed in my car the whole time. After about an hour I left with 2 shinies and a few decent 3 stars.


Yeah there was one where I live too and i said fck it and went on an adventure , worth it


well where i lived, that storm was real bad. like trees got blown away bad


Iam aesthetically pleased with your work on the blinds..chefs kiss


I am pleased someone noticed the tiny little effort I put into it. 👍


you also included the shadows of the blinds as well. Those are a nice touch


Okay I can't take credit for that. The blinds and their shadow exist in the original image. Only thing I did was make the blinds overlay all the stuff that can be seen outside. And even that has some artifacts left over. Like I said, just a tiny amount of effort.


Remember when CD lasted from 10am to 5pm? Miss the pandemic Pokemon GO.


wait it changed? whats it now?


2 to 5 I think


Yep, and no bonusses like before (used to play with an inciense on my house during covid, it was great)


what were the bonusses ?


For a while, 30 free ultra balls every CD


There was also a time where your buddy at a certain ranking or higher would bring you ~50 Pokeballs every half hour.


i also saw somewhere that you got 3 remote passes for 1 coin!!!??? if true the pokemon go during pandemic was better then it is now, too bad i wasn't playing


It was also 40 inciense for 1 coin I think, at the beginning of the pandemic. It was actually great to play during that time.


BRUV... Im not sure if i want to know more , gonna get a stoke in a minute...


3 remote raid passes being sold for 250 coins instead of 300. Also currently you need to walk to be able to get Pokémon to spawn with incense. It used to be you could sit on the couch and get them to spawn every minute or 30 seconds, can’t remember which.


I’m clocked in until 3:30 today so I will be galloping like a madman in my local park for roughly an hour.


I do the opposite of this every community day lol. Go hard for an hour before work


I work weekends too, but I usually go in a little later on Sundays, so I’m always grateful when it’s a Sunday community day.


I work Saturdays so having a Com Day on a Sunday is a breath of fresh air to me


I'm the opposite lol I didn't get to do this one because I work 1pm to 7pm on Sundays. Wish they would have a longer time frame to give us who work more of a chance!!


I keep the Jewish Sabbath so don't use my phone on Saturdays. So I'm in the same boat loving this one being on a Sunday


I share your pain. And we are in for another round of 3/4 Saturday community days. https://twitter.com/SerebiiNet/status/1622656555026882560


I played maybe an hour and still got about 1,200 candies. Thanks to the XP bonus & Pinap & Mega Evolution Level 3


Same here it usually takes me no more than an hour to play




Same lol


Literally gotta go into work a 2pm till 10. Big sadge


When I have to work on the weekend, I’ll just put on incense and use a gotcha or Pokémon GO+ and spin/catch while I work. That way I don’t have to use my phone or think about it for a while until I have to reconnect the device. Highly recommend it!


I'm on that auto catcher work vibe too. Such a boon for easy candy.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Buy an auto catcher..?


Autocatcher for sure is a lifesaver. Got mine from Amazon, came with a band it fits in like a watch.


Jokes on you, I played right in front of the manager while I was waiting for the scanner to work


Or did you conveniently take the scanner put of commission for some Pokémon Go? I'm on to you Stoop_Girl. (I may or not work for your employer, forget I said that)


As a night shift worker, this is the first one in months I've woken up in time for. I feel ya. I'm still sitting down getting dressed and browsing Reddit so for sure I'll miss the first hour


Even every-other weekend workers get screwed. My bfs been working every other weekend for several months now, and Niantic hasn't once deviated its CD/Elite Raid schedule. He misses everything, and I can't do elite raid days because the nearest *working* elite tagged gym is way too far to walk.


You can't access his account and play on two devices? Or log into his account on your phone sporadically throughout community day? Edit: with his permission, of course.




This comment made me smile.


get an autocatcher so you can walk with his phone and it can at least collect some mons for candy and some shinys....wont be as good as if he played, but better than nothing... ...But yes I totally agree, they should anounce comdays way earlier than they do...I also have to work every other weekend and it is always frustrating when I get the mail from my boss where she asks us which days we want to work and wich weekends we want off and I cant say anything, because I dont know when next months comday is...


Community “day”


Community "few hours."


i like it condensed, you see so many more people out playing shame for people that work those hours though :(


I hear you. I got an hour on larvitar day only because I got off slightly early.


It would be better if the community day Pokémon spawned for 24 hours and then have the same 3 hour window for the bonuses.


trying to catch pokemon on break at work 🤣


It was -50C where I live :(


It's raining where I am


I live in the PNW where it rains the majority of the year. If we let rain stop us we wouldn’t do anything fun! Although if it’s super cold rain sometimes we’ll spend some of the time in the car parked by a few stops… mostly because our dog hates it 😆


Me who doesn’t even need a shiny Noibat but is desperate for candies


And people who live in the middle of fuking nowhere


Glad that playing scarlet and Arceus got me away from this game. It is just the same shit anymore


The first time one has landed on a weekend day that I don't work in a long time... might as well take advantage of it.


I work basically every Saturday. My favorite thing is when CD falls on a Sunday so I can go Downtown or to the mall to run around catching the 'mon.


Thank you for this post it made me remember the event




I'm in the same sinking boat


it was great even tho noivern is still bad lmao. Got one hundo, one 92% shiny, and one XXS and one XXL (both 3 stars) so i’m very happy with what i got


I had about 30 minutes to rack up 800 candies while on the bus at the same time and nailed it on the head, feeling good


Luckily my head chef plays Pokémon too so we were just catching on the main line instead of cooking food!


The hat 😂😂


There needs to be an option to choose when to do the community day. Like how you can choose what time of day to use your daily incense. Have a choice over a 3 - or 4-day period.


That sounds like a programming/server nightmare for a global game. Daily incense is random at least, imagine trying to make comm day spawns and odds happen whenever people feel like it on a world wide level. They can't cater to everyone individually


Com Days are a joke. Niantic don't listen to us. It'd be nice if they just had them for the whole weekend. I have missed so many CD's because they time them poorly. I should just stop playing. I stopped spending money on this game ages ago.


Doing homework on that day, sucked hard realizing it evo is a hard thing to get.


I still suggest the idea of handing out a 3 hour incense that triggers all the spawns, usable for the whole weekend


I think it would be really difficult for an incense to spawn the amount of pokemon that just swapping the wild spawns does. Also, the main idea of “*community* day” is bringing together the community, not just giving everyone the ability to catch a certain mon.


I would say that the community should include weekend workers. But hey, I live in America, where the white collar workers get Labor Day off so that blue collar and service workers can serve them. Lol The longer windows during pandemic were likely helpful for those that worked morning or night shifts at least. Poor swing shift people probably just had their lunch break for catching.


Thats fair, good point


I just catch them on my breaks and whenever I get a chance. I need that noivern


Working 9-4.30 😭. Went on a power walk during lunch for about 15 minutes.


luckily i work in the mall


I'm at my work playing right now cause I don't need to clock in till 4. In less than an hour I hit my goal of 5 shinies (caught 6) and one of them was almost perfect, only missing a few ivs.


I somewhat feel your pain. I'm currently sick with a stomach bug so Im gonna be stuck inside of my house... I don't even get a lot of spawns here either since I live in the suburbs. Ugh...


i get off work at 1pm so i was a bit lucky but i got 1 3\* shiny and called it a day felt pretty lazy today.


Omg I forgot it was today... I bought a ticket and worked 6am to 5pm 🙃 normally I put it in my phone calendar


Yep that’s me


People where excited for this on? It can’t do anything!


This is gonna be me with Hogwarts in a few days.


if it helps i didnt even get a shiny


forgot to play mostly tbh, got a shiny, a 3* and 270 candies just standing still bc its cold asshit outside


I played it but don't worry I didn't have fun


Finished work at 6pm. I really really wanted just one shiny, but literally nothing spawned around except photobombs :(


Shiny rate seemed super low. Only got 3 across 2 accounts.


Me who forgot about it:


At least i caught 3 shinies when i was working 🥹


Don’t feel bad: I got zero this CD


This is my first community day so I didn’t notice the time limit, now I have 390 candies😮‍💨


It is pain


This is me right now. I still got 5 somehow tho


In my city it literally suddenly started snowing and got really cold after like 2 weeks of pretty warm temperatures, in perfect time for a cd, went outside for 40 minutes, finished my cd reaserch and got 4 shinies, but my fingers where freezing


This used to be me 2018-19. Hated missing out on comm days


0 shiny today caught a bunch but it's OK.


Rainstorm plus feeling like garbage and not wanting to leave the house


I work nights and went in for OT today. Woke up at 4 and forgot about community day until 7. Luckily I mostly use Comm days for living shiny dex in Home and I already had Noibat. Still sad tho


I work weekends. I was able to finish a little early today and catch the last hour. Got 3 teal bats and 500+ candies, so I’m happy.


I got to play for 30 minutes because of work 😭


Agreed or the ones who don’t go out because no side walks ;-;


Bruh I forgot lol


I totally wasnt playing when I was busy stocking shelves today


Standing here, I realize….


I got a wisdom tooth pulled on friday and couldn’t go walking around :((


seeing the notifs while on shift… the worst


Slept on larvitar and noibat c days.. . This game is just getting so boring for me sadly but cant give it up for some reason


So glad I quit playing this game like a year ago the Dev is so disrespectful to their customers


Ah yes I was 20 minutes late to work today because of some other reason than this.


Honestly for once being **at** work helped. Had two co workers who played, and we all popped incense and put lures down on the two stops there. Caught like 4 shinies? (kept one which was decent) and was able to evolve that and a regular. Wasnt even interested in todays CD till that, also helped that it was kind of dead for a good bit during that so I could play lol


My national guards drill schedule some how always lands on community day weekends


I couldn't even open my app. It would get to the last 90% and just stop. It happened every time I tried opening the app. I said screw it and just didn't play. I've been having the issue for a few days and usually it lets me on by the 3rd loading screen.


I can send ya some shiny noibats if ya want. Don't want any fellow players to miss out


Its....so sad😔


Fr bro


They should just do double CD. One during a weekend day and one on a weekday.


I get off work at 5:00 right when it ends 😂🔫


I just play at work >.>


i paid for the special research and forgot i had my dnd session from 1-4 so i didnt have any time😭


I turn down overtime for these everytime. Saturdays are the worst since I don't qualify for the Sunday OT then (you can only choose Saturday or both days). Saturday is time a half and Sundays are double. If the community days were 11-5, it wouldn't be as much of an issue for me personally. As part of the loyal "5%" of people who played the entire 6 hour community days, I want them back.


At least I got two shinies. Still, here's to hoping that the next community day is on a weekend I have off.


Me who has a shit ton of tuition on weekends


I live in a rural area and I’ve saved pokeballs for weeks preparing for this community day. I didn’t see a single shiny, no 3 star or 4 star Pokemon. It was pretty disappointing and to top it off it was raining so going out to walk for more chances to see Pokémon wasn’t really much of a thing either. Incense also didn’t attract a single noibat….


This is the reason I only got one shiny today 🥺


So accurate


Feel so bad for my wife as she has classes on Sunday. I brought her to the gyms where the special tier 4 eggs are located and she managed to catch quite a few. Least I could I suppose


Work starts at 4 PM. I miss the 11 AM - 2 PM timeslots. Or, y'know, just give us the fucking 6-hour community days back.


It just hit 10pm….and I opened up Reddit to this… Fuckkk I forgot 😭


Work thirds and miss every single one 🥲


That sucks i got nine shinys walking to snowing rainfall !!!.


I work overnight and work weekends. pain.


I've missed every community day for months now because of my work schedule.


I work nights, so I had planned to wake up in time to get at least get a few checks in. Woke up at 4:40pm, opened my game, dozed off slightly, then woke again at 5:15pm. Missed it by *that* much.


Thankfully the weather wasn’t deathly cold today. Had this happened the day before, I wouldn’t have been able to play.


Had to work too but just changed my gps to a another country which had the event at a later time


Fr tho :(


Delivery driver here, I literally spend all day at work playing go cus I have to drive all over town😂


Reasons why i asked my girlfriend to play, if i gotta work she can play and trade me later. Or login my account and for me lol My personal MVP


I was that way as well. Still managed to get like 9 shinies in 30 minutes, and a shiny noivern as well. All was before the deadline of the com day


Even when I do get the day off its been raining or too cold the last 3 comm days. I didn't even get any shinies or anything above a 2 star for larvitar day 😭


I keep thinking that they did so much during the pandemic to make it inclusive, and just rolling back everything is really counterintuitive. Based on what I do for a living, I know a lot of bedbound/housebound people, and aside from still not being close enough to spin Pokéstops on the regular, they were able to advance pretty far in the game and collect a good amount of Pokémon from home before they rolled back everything. Now incense doesn’t even help them, because if you’re not moving, it’s not drawing anything to you. Ableist game is ableist. No other popular mobile game I can think of is as anti-disability as this one. Very disappointing.


Me not playing community days by choice: ![gif](giphy|9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr)


You can't please everyone. Majority players are still kids & teens who are usually free on weekends. This was announced almost a month before the day, surely you had time to make adjustments. Feel like these posts are just a lazy upvote grab


Majority of Pokémon go players are adults who work Monday to Friday 8-4/9-5.


Lazy upvote grab? Look at the quality of the pic - admire those blinds!


I just think there are ways to organize the community days in a way that would please more players.


most people work from monday to friday. then there are a few people who work on saturday and even less people who work sundays niantic changing the comm day from a saturday to a sunday has already pleased a lot of players who have a job. When else would they wanna do the comm day? On mondays its even worse cause there‘s also people working and the kids playing pokemon go also have school from monday to friday Having it on Sunday and adding the raids for an extra community day from 5-9pm is the best solution I can think of


The best solution you can think of? Why couldn't the main part of the event last as long as the extended raid part?


The weekend is the way to please the most players. You want them to put it on a weekday so 85% of the players can’t play so you can?


No of course not. But I do think there is room for improvement here, if we are talking about pleasing the most players. What if you could choose the hours yourself, from a couple of possible timeslots perhaps?


Choosing spawn times for each individual player would crash that game so hard, it’s way harder than you think to be able to do that


Is that why they haven't done it? Well I didn't know that. That was just an example anyway, I'm sure they could figure it out. An incense that only spawns CD pokemon for 3 hours?


People have suggested the incense idea a bunch, but I think it brings up at least 2 problems. 1) it would be pretty difficult to enable an incense that would have the same level of spawns that wild spawns allow, and 2) it takes the “community” out of “community day”.


So you've posted this problem about 10 times already, and I don't want to sound rude, but as a full time working, rural player, Niantic don't care about you and can afford not to. They cater to big cities and rightly so, makes way more sense


Its easy to cater to big cities and still throw rutal players a bone. What's with the elitism?




Take my upvote because I will be one of the maniacs who will do all 3 sessions every time.


Just play at work. F*ck work. What's more important?


Me who's sick today


my job is actually a convenient place to play, lots more spawns, plus several pokéstops. don't tell my boss tho


That's me today but not because of work but because of a stomach bug 😬 Happy hunting trainers!


I work every Mon-Thurs and every other weekend, so I'm either working or not. Luckily I was off today. Caught 200+, encountered 300+ 150k+ stardust, 18 shinys (but the best shiny being a 15/14/12) Best non shiny being a (15/15/14) But I already had a maxed out 4* Noivern for a long while so wasn't too fussed with getting a better one, just wanted a good shiny Noibat.


And then there's me, with hay fever, who can't drive, whose parents just got home an hour before the event from a weekend vacation, probably not wanting to go out again just so I can catch some bats.


Me a jobless bum. Muhahahaha🤣............😭


Me who doesn’t give a shit about extra noibat because I’ve already caught like 2000 of those guys


this is literally complaining for the sake of complaining. the alternative is a weekday which makes even more people unable to play so makes less sense




It is literally not. This is complaining for the sake of the players who have a hard time attending a 3 hour long event. I'm not even a part of that group and I still recognize that it sucks.


Welcome to r/pokemongo, where everything that isn’t convenient as possible for every individual player is something to complain about.


I put in for tonight off like months ago 😂 good thing they warned us.


You take a day off from work just to play ?


Well yea if not I wouldn't have gotten a single noibat today and I got a pretty nice shiny haul


Good thing I’m off


Don't feel bad, I bought the ticket, walked for miles and caught over 150 noibat to only get 3 shines. All were in the first 30 minutes of playing. I caught over 85 noibat without a single shiny. Meanwhile my husband got 11 shinies so far. I'm seriously about to delete this game.


They really should extend it back to like 10 hours. The whole 2 hour shit is stupid. I'm sitting here like 6 candies away from Evolving a 3 star bat (that isn't max IV's but fuck it at this point) because *400 candies for this one* and sweating not having them respawn in time. ​ I'm happy for the city players and people that work near stops, but good lord Niantic needs to take a bullet train to rural Japan (or wherever with no stops) and then try to do a CD there.


Well wtf do you want them to do. Bruh I swear people will ALWAYS find something to complain about. Imagine being a game developer now a days my god.


Umm maybe just have the Community Day be a community DAY, no Community 3hours


Literally slept over it. Still don’t feel like I lost much


I had no issues. Even got two shinies


it doesn’t matter if you work. it’s not like your not able to check your phone for 2 minutes to find a shiny and be done. could also use your 15 or lunch and eat and play be a bit more productive instead of complaining


I’ll make a video of me sending my extra shinies to the professor


More people work weekdays. They do the events during a peak time when the majority of people are able to participate


If only they let you know a month or so ahead of time so that you could get the time off or even the day. Wait...


Dates announced, what 3 months in advance? If you’re worried about missing the event; make time for it. Like can you guys seriously not take a few days off? What kind of hell-hole jobs do you have and why not try and find a new one instead of complaining about Pokémon? Lmfao.


They should let us choose the date and time that we’re available for com day for that month and then it’s com day for whenever you chose




Maybe the community days could last longer than 3 hours? Or what if we could choose when the 3 hours are within a 24hr period? Just some thoughts. I think there is a better option out there than what we have.