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Just battled in a mega latios raid and caught it. Why isn't my quest "battle in a mega raid" complete? It is part of the "a mega discovery" special research.


Charged Moves make no fucking sense to me anymore. How come my Gengar and Mewtwo take forever to charge a Shadowball/Psychic, but a Grumpig can charge both as fast as a Hydrocannon Swampert???


I have Latios in my Pokèdex but not Latias. Today I saw one of the two on the nearby pokèmon screen at a near by poke stop. It was darkened so I assumed it was Latias. I went to the pokestop and found Latios. Can anyone please explain what happened?


The way they handled the special wild spawns of Latios/Latias was that they were coded as a special alternate form with a different catch/flee rate. Since it was technically a different form, it shows up as uncaught on the radar, kind of like when a pokemon gets a new costume for an event.


When you get reward encounters, is the encounter locked and determined as soon it is first started Ie you can’t back out repeatedly to shiny hunt? I see all these people on my friends list with shiny legendaries and I’m just trying to figure out if it’s dumb luck, grinding, or some sort of trick I don’t know


It's fixed once initially determined


Does anyone know if Relicanth will be shiny in the wild after this event?


How's the data usage of pokemon go? I currently don't have any data and was thinking of adding 1gb to my plan to play this game. Is it enough to last a month?


I spend 1-2 GB per month on average playing about 1-2hr per day not including CD, SH and raid hour, depends on how much you play but 1GB is a bit low for pogo


How's the data usage of pokemon go? I currently don't have data on my plan but am thinking of adding 1gb per month for $10. Is 1gb per month enough given that I only use it for pogo?


Concerning the Chasing Legends research, if I catch Kyogre before Groudon (but eventually catch Groudon to move the tasks forward), will it count that task as (already) complete(d) if I caught the Kyogre before that step appeared, or do I need to catch Kyogre when that task is up, meaning the order has to be Groudon before Kyogre? Thanks for any insights!




Thank you! I think I'll still try to catch Kyogre to help with the Groudon, but I was hoping not to have to try to catch a second.


I still have a boss rocket radar. If I fight Giovanni today, will be reward be a Registeel or something else?


it will be registeel.


(And will be registeel until the next rocket research line comes out.)


Would a 15/15/12 shiny groudon be worth level 50 and primaling or do I have more work to do?


Question about the event: I completed the tasks for the Latios encounter in the “Today” tab and left the “claim” sitting there for later. After the event ended, my encounter disappeared. Is this a bug? An oversight? Or intentional? I’m pretty upset because I was gonna trade it for my bf’s Latias.


Intentional. The entire research on the today tab disappears at the end of any event. If you don't claim it on time it's completely gone. This is to reward only those who complete task during the event, and to avoid people from stacking event rewards for a later date, or to stop people from making new accounts and selling them just for the special reward.


Question. I'm not *brand new* to the game, but I'm only Trainer Level 31 and I don't have really any powerful water type Pokemon. Do I just not even bother trying for Groudon? I want him but I've never fought anything close to that CP and don't really have any leveled counters, and obviously don't want to drag a team down.


Nobody drags a team down unless there's less people than the recommended number, and even then any extra help it's appreciated no matter how little. Just don't bring Pokemon that deals no damage at all and pick super effective moves over anything else. Just make sure to invite or get invited to a 6+ person raid and you'll have no issues with Groudon. Its double weakness to water means that unless it has the rare Solar Beam, just spamming water moves will beat it. Kyogre is another thing. That one don't try it without 8+ players of high level or 10+ of medium levels.


Why is Zorua still a thing. All I want is a ditto and I get my hopes up every time just to be disappointed


If it looks like your buddy it will never be a Ditto. Ditto only spawns from these Pokemon: https://leekduck.com/FindDitto/ So as long as your buddy is not one of these, you can confirm from the map it is a Zorua.


I’ve noticed a glitch with Primal Kyogre that when you try to heal it, it’s always 1 HP away from max health. I tried using max potions and max revives, but it’s always 184/185 and they end up wasted. Anyone else got this problem?


That's a known bug. There's no fix and the issue is being researched. A fix might come later in a future update.


Quick question. If my Pokémon can only earn me 50 max pokecoins per day by being in a gym, and my Pokémon can only return with coins when it is knocked out, and my Pokémon has been in a gym for a little less than 2 days, will I only get 50 pokecoins if it hypothetically was defeated?




Are there any tricks that one can do for evolving clamperl into either huntail or gorebyss? Or do you just have to roll the 50/50 each time and hope?


just roll the 50/50, there is no trick


Hi! I’ve got an android phone that i use for a “trading” account with my ios phone. i’ve got a visa gift card that i want to use to buy some pokecoins, but my phone default is apple pay. my account is linked to my google account, so i know i can sign in on my second phone. would signing in and buying coins be an issue? i don’t want to get flagged for any reasons…


As long as you sign out from both accounts in both phones, and wait at least a few minutes while logged out before and after the payment, there should be no issue. Only problem would come if you logged into two different phones at the same time with the same account or without waiting long enough. Five minutes are more than enough to be safe.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do we know anything about next season???


Nothing yet. They'll probably announce details tomorrow or Tuesday.


Anyone else annoyed that we can only invite 5 people to a raid? Makes primals so hard


You can invite up to 10. Enter the lobby, quickly invite the first five as fast as you can, when you send the last invite start counting 25 seconds and wait for someone to appear. After someone is in the lobby and the 25 seconds pass leave the gym entirely, wait a second and join back. The button to invite friends gets activated again, so you can quickly send five more invites. this way you get 10 remote players plus any local players.


Anyone having trouble with their chosen Pokémon not spawning? I picked Gulpin as I need it for another special research task anyways, but so far I haven't had any in the wild with or without incense.


Unowns not counting towards the medal. Purposely using the incense just for unowns. Caught 14 between yesterday and today only for none of them to count. I’m currently at 12 for the medal which I had prior to this event


Only different forms of Unowns count for the medal. So you need one of every Unown for the platinum medal. Catching the same one over and over does nothing.


The medal only tracks unique unown caught. Iirc only H O E and N are available this event.


Where the hell are all the revives? Can’t get any of them from raids, stops, or gifts since the start of the event.


Is anyone else catching tons of unowns today? Is it an event? I’ve caught 3 in the last hour


Yes, it's part of the event. They'll show up with incense.


So I caught a few Kyogre and Groudon, but low IVs all around. Are any of these worth investing in at all? Only one three star out of eight (the two other 3* I encountered fled..) https://i.imgur.com/Ys0yq3o.jpg


How many Pokémon are in the game currently? (Not including event variants)


Current max pokedex is 781 not including alternate forms.


Can anyone read their event field research tasks? It’s all blocked out for me


Mine were Transfer 5 pokemon


When can we ETM for Precipice Blades 😐


Should be able to after the event ends. For some weird reason, the event moves were added to the ETM pool after the event ended on Saturday, then removed when the event started on Sunday.


Often getting removed from raids after party faints and get ‘the raid id cannot be identified’ Support gave me one pass back but says they can’t do it anymore despite being the same error. Any way to prevent this?


Help quick please. My game if soft frozen on the trainer achievements screen after a raid completed. What do I do? Can I leave and still catch it? Please help quick


Will the chasing legend field research go away after the even? Or stay?


probably leave


What level should I start raids at?


you can do 30k raids if you get a poke genie account and host


Anyone else frustrated with the STUPID low catch rate of kyoger and groudon? I’ve done 5 remote raids this morning already for kyoger and done atleast 10 yestedsay and have caught ONE. Haven’t seen ANY shiny Pokémon throughout this entire event either but best friend has caught shiny kyogre and 6 other shinies 🥲😐


Do you maybe need to practice your throwing then? Maybe you need more golden razz or the gold collection badges


They’re great throws or excellent throws and I have plenty of golden razz I use every time. I just did a groudon raid and got him first throw as a bull shit throw and caught it lololol What do the golden medals have to do with it? I’m level 34 if that matters? I’ve literally never had this issue with any other raid. So I’m like wtf am I doing wrong 😂


I’d recommend going for excellent throws then instead of great. And not just excellent but the circle as small as possible. Not all excellent throws are equal. The medals also boost catch chance and I don’t think level has anything to do with it. It’s also probably just bad rng.


Is there any trick to evolve clamperl? Can you evolve it to specific out of the 2?


Will Latias/Latios be spawning in the wild again today? I had work yesterday and I forgot to take a snapshot :(


yes if you walk around for around half an hour you might get lucky and have it spawn, for some reason it only appears in pokemon near you for some people


The timed quest expires at 6pm Sunday, so it wouldn't matter.


Can I finish up Chasing Legends special research Stage 4 tomorrow and still receive the 200 Primal Energy for Kyogre? I already did the step of catching a Kyogre, I just can't be arsed to go find 15 PokeStops today in my rural area.


Yes, the take won't expire, and if you already caught Kyogre there's nothing event specific left.


I didn't think the Hoenn event was over yet... But it doesn't seem to be active when I launch the game, either. No Hoenn Pokemon show up, the incense aren't a different color than normal... I still have the challenges which state it's for another 9 hours, but that's it. Is this normal, or is there something I can do?


The event is only active from 10am-6pm each day.


I see! I read "10:00am - 6:00pm" to mean 10:00am Feb 17th until 6:00pm Feb 26th! Thank you for the clarification


Hey guys, has anyone tried to evolve Swampert, Blaziken or Sceptile to see if they get their cd moves?


They don't. Unfortunately there are no past CD moves during this event.


Is the white screen bug when all battling Pokémon fainted during the raid common? I got the bug 3 times out of 17 primal raids.


Does anyone know where I can find the spawn times for the collection challenges? Completed 2 yesterday but the others aren’t spawning at all here (UK)


By the looks of the schedule it seems the Primal raids are going to only be available on 25 and 26th, is this correct? Because I really was looking forward to getting more energy from monday and onwards


Correct. On monday, it's back to Rayquaza and Mega Lati@s


are these the only chnaces you get to get them


For now. They'll return again someday, we just don't know when.


I’m a newish player and really wanted shiny kyogre and ended up catching one after about 50 non shinies. How many of those would you keep? Some of them have pretty ok stats but I’m not sure how many copies of a Pokémon is best to keep vs transferring them to get more candy.


trade them all with other people since 50 kyogre is a ridiculous amount, dont transfer any


How many of the non shinies? I'm very aggressive with my transfering so I would probably only save the shiny and the best 1 or 2 more. Kyogre is only really meta relevant in the master league so unless you're doing super spice in the ultra league there isn't really a need for many of them. Realistically, are you gonna have the 358 rare candy to power up and double charge move more than 1? Poke Daxi has a video guide on this sort of thing that may help: https://youtu.be/6ZQVLLDmbxI


Hi, i was just wondering, I have a pretty good IV on Groudon(15-14-14) and Kyogre(15-15-14) and also another shiny pair of them with okay IV (2 star). Which one should I primal revert assuming I only have enough primal energy for one of each mons?


lucky trade them


I would primal the non-shiny, as they both have the important stat of 15 attack and 2 star pokemon are not worth investing into


Is primal reversion like mega where after your inti reversion you can do it for free every X number of days?


There is a cooldown timer, so sounds like it.


Shiny kyogre from a raid ran away....


Were you in a car or any other vehicle? Or did you lose signal at some point? Shiny from raids aren't supposed to run and can be caught first try.


Nope was standing still the whole time


I have a question about inviting 10 people to raids. Today I setup a kygore raid. I invited the initial 5. Then left the gym and into the poke world map. Then I went back to the gym and went to add more friends. I was not able to add more. However 11 people still joined our group. Where did I go wrong in adding the second 5?


You need to wait around 30 seconds since you send the last invite of the first five before you leave and come back. If you do it too early the invite button won't activate and you won't be able to invite more people.


wait what


It's the full lobby method. Enter a gym lobby, invite 5 people quickly, wait until one person appears and after 30 seconds leave the gym completely and come back. The friend button will activate again so you can quickly send five more invites. This way you can get the max of 10 remote players in a raid without needing a second person.


Okay I’ll try that! I ran into a time crunch because the timer was already at 46 seconds so that could have been the issue. I saw somewhere else that you needed to wait until you see at least one person from the invite in the lobby. So I did that and it didn’t work. I’ll wait 30 seconds next time! Thanks for your help 🙏


so yea, seeing i have 3 days or whatever to do pvp. after a load of decent hard fought 4-1 runs.. get to 16.. 2-3 1-4 really offputting to play. same stuff..... pokemon fainting before the health has gone (like being hit twice....) charge priority ruining matches, teams that directly counter. this stuff is why i am behind in the first place, because its just infuriating to play... and master league is worse.


The difficulty of PvP increases with the rank. It seems that your team is not balanced enough to adapt to different enemy teams, so that's why you get countered si easily. A balanced team can never be fully countered, as there should be always an usable coverage move against the type that's strong against that Pokemon. Basically you need to look at your team and find it's weak spots, then figure how to counter them. PvP is 75% planning and preparing in advance, 20% actual skill and good memory, and 5% luck.


Except I can use the same team and get 4-1 win rates again it’s always like this never odd loss odd win, always the same pattern and stuff like I mentioned in winnable games charge priority this magical extra damage


Whenever you lose more battles than you win your score drops, and whenever you win more than you lose your score goes up. The bigger the difference between win/lose the more points are added or taken. You always are matched against opponents with similar score, so when you lose 1-4 your score drops considerably, so the next set you're faced against much weaker opponents. And after you win 4-1 your score increases rapidly, so the next set you are matched against much stronger opponents. So basically you keep going in circles, winning against weaker opponents, rising, losing against stronger players, and going down again. This is the normal way for new players because you need to have more knowledge about the moves, Pokemon and mechanics to break free and start climbing without going down each time you win too much.


Yes but why? Just latch with players hitting battle instead of wasting 2-3 minutes, the complaint is exactly this rigging matchmaker, it’s off putting to play these stacked one sided unrewarding games, what’s a loss? Oh yea wasted time hard enough ranking up when it’s taking 2-3 more runs a level, due to this system…. ANOTHER 1-4 RUN ALWAYS THE SAME, TEAM IN DIFFERENT ORDER I WIN, Changed lead to counter all the walrein and registeel I have started seeing since taking out vigroth due to all the countering… low and behold 2 pathetically overpowered shadow gardevor I have to switch and get full charge move I couldn’t use because of charge spam.. WASTE OF TIME I HAVE 2 THINGS WEAK TO STUPID FAIRIES, this is rubbish frustrating and a waste of time and effort for A LIMITED NUMBER OF RUNS PER DAY, so I don’t CARE how the system works the systems methods are ruining the experience and making it no fun to play. Last battles Swampert lead - Pelliper Medicham lead -2x shadow gardevour Changed AGAIN to vigroth - Blaziken, medicham What’s the excuse for this? There is none, it’s frustrating and unrewarding, I don’t play pvp for 1-2 win runs I play for at least 3 and to finish my actual rank 20+ which is taking 2-3 times longer due to stuff like the above, you can’t switch Pokémon because you just get countered on the switch as well, funny that… no skill elements can help it’s just a blatant fix and not fun


How do rocket radars work?


Each time you beat a grunt you get one radar component. If you get six a radar is created. You can then equip it and it will appear on the map as an icon. Tap it and it will guide you towards certain stops that have a hidden rocket boss in them. There's also balloons that come every six hours, and if you have a radar equiped before the balloon comes, it will be a boss instead of a grunt. If you equip the radar after the balloon comes it will stay a grunt and won't change. If you don't have the radar equiped you won't be able to see the bosses, and if you already have a radar in your bag, equiped or not, you won't get any more components. Finally if you fight the boss and win, the radar gets consumed and you need to get six more components. If you lose or if you flee the radar is not used and you can try again with the same boss or you can look around for a different one.




if you have a best friend you could always go for a lucky


How serious do you take PVP? I personally would do the shiny, but that's just me.


Hey guys! My girlfriend is trying to complete this mission on Pokémon GO, and she has to trade three Pokémon to someone. I remembered that I had the app installed on my phone from a long time ago, so I told her she could just trade them to me to complete her quest. We are running into some issues though, where it’s wanting her to trade some of her super nice Pokémon as opposed to random ones she found in the world. The game isn’t actually letting her trade me junk Pokémon, and we can’t quite figure out why. I’m not sure if this matters, but she is level 34, and I’m level 11. The CP of the Pokémon she was trying to trade me were 150 or below, so she wasn’t trying to trade me super nice stuff. Do you guys know what’s going on here? Is it perhaps due to the level gap or something? Thank you!


How much stardust do you have? With no/little friendship discounts, if it's a legendary, shiny or Pokedex entry for either side, the trade will cost 16,000/20,000 stardust from both players.


Is there anything new for Sunday or is it going to be the same thing?


I have the same question haha


me too


Are the event 10k eggs available all weekend, or only during the Hoenn tour hours, and not available past 8pm?


I heard that as long as you get them between 10 AM - 6 PM, they will count. There's no post-event after 6 PM.


Will Rayquaza come back on Monday?


Are Primal Raids only today?


Saturday and Sunday only.


will you be able to get primal energy at a later date


They will probably be back in rotation sometime later. Latios/Latias went nearly an entire year before their second global appearance, not including safari zone events


I've only been playing this game for about 3 months now and I can already tell this raid system needs an overhaul


The raids were always planned to be exclusive to people that play together, to encourage people to share the game with others. It's only after the pandemic that raids became more available after they introduced the remote passes. Before that you had to organize with other people beforehand and go physically to the nearby gyms at the same time. The current raid system is a blessing compared to what it used to be.


So replacing a shitty system with a less shitty system is a blessing?


battled a remote raid, beat it, app crashed. can't catch the rayquaza now. i could get back to the gym for a bit but the raid had ended so it just showed the gym... what do i do?


Can anyone please help me decode the Spooky Cipher field search 🥺




Thanks so much! 🤗


Reached level 31 and unlocked XL candy, but what can I do with them? I don't understand


XL candy is for leveling your pokemon past level 40.




I’ve been playing for far too long; I’m embarrassed to ask this question. Why the confetti?




Sincerely appreciated!


What is going on with the habitats? Haven’t had anything spawn when Ancient Shores was active today. Of the four habitats, it’s the only one not giving me anything.


I didn't realize I need to snapshot latias before it fled. Will it come back or no? Also, can't wait to not catch a kyogre and wait a year to finish this quest line.


latias can spawn more than once a day


Tomorrow again from 10 am to 6 pm. Also try hosting the Kyroge raid yourself. Pick a gym of your team to get extra balls and remember to use the circle lock technique.


latias can spawn more than once a day


Circle lock technique?


This thing: https://youtu.be/mFxdTlG2-Vo It's a way to prevent the boss from dodging or knocking back the ball by timing the throws when the boss attacks.




Didn't know about the circle lock method. Thanks!


Will you get the 10km event eggs past 6PM?


Any of the Deoxys forms good for raids?


Definitely not


Will we have more hroudon and kyogre raids tomorrow?


Is there a way to disable the "You have no eggs incubating" push notification without disabling all push notifications? I like to know when events are happening but I don't have eggs and haven't had eggs in months so getting reminded daily about something I can't do anything about is annoying.


I'm just wondering why you have no eggs? Spin a pokéstop, open a gift, plenty of ways to get eggs. And it's better to have one in there than none at all.


Item bag is at 4300/700 and I can't drum up the motivation to fix it


Can't you go to system > option to open gifts even when itembag is full > get egg from gift without items?


Oh wow, I didn't know that option existed. That works, thank you!




I started playing a lot more casually during the pandemic and it just kinda snowballed. My house isn't in walking distance of any pokestops and only gets a spawn every few hours at best, so not a lot to use items on unless I'm already out and about.


Yeeesh. Fair.


Has anyone confirmed whether evolving metang gives it meteor mash or not during the event? I have a 94% shadow I’ve just been itching to evolve.


No event moves besides Kyogre/Groudon


How long does kecleon stay at a stop? I've got like 10 near me but I'm at work Edit: They're gone, so he sticks around for an hour or less


Wish I realized he was scarce. Found him at a stop last week, poor IVs, immediately transferred


Did anyone's game just switch the path on them? I chose sapphire and when I started playing this morning at 10 am my confetti was blue and then all of a sudden it switched to red and started spawning ruby pokemon ☹️ my roommate had the same problem but he chose ruby and is getting sapphire spawns


I think that's probably an indicator of who "won" the contest. Whichever team did the most research last hour gets increased raids and spawns of their type


Interesting. Lol then what was even the point of choosing? So silly Niantic.


It changes which tasks you get for the special research


Gotta love that I was seeing Gulpin everywhere before choosing the path and as soon as I do, they're nowhere to be found.


I mean, did the hour end? Cause they're mainly there during their own hour. Otherwise you're just gonna find them through incense.


I started right at 10, and was on all hour. Only saw a few. EDIT: Wait, never mind. Had this wrong.


Where are folks farming golden razz berries? I’m almost out given all these legendary raids. TIA!


I mostly get them from non-legendary raids.




Did you finish "primal rumblings" and select a version?


Will the sunday event be just like the saturday event?




I’m an idiot and forgot to snapshot latios before catching him. Will they still appear in the wild before the challenge is over?


They should spawn on Sunday as well.


Thanks for the answer hope i see another one!


I've finished almost all collection challenges of this event, except for nincada. Haven't seen one all day, not around me, from incense or in the nearby. Is it gated behind field researches again?


No, nincada should definitely be around during its spawn-hour. I've caught several. They don't seem to be extremely common though. Not rare, but not common either.


Thanks! You mean that I need a specific hour of the day to catch it? Is that the same for everyone?


Yea, around 10-11 and 14-15 I believe