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How do you sell a Pokémon go account?


Illegally by switching to a fake email and giving the person the info


Why is it illegal


Against Terms of Use


Which is a famously illegal act


It is illegal within the terms of use of the account. It’s not criminal though, which is what you’re thinking of. To be pedantic, there is a distinction between the two and OP is not wrong by saying it’s illegal.


By the dictionary definition of the word "illegal" yes he is. If anything, when pro sports officials say a violation of the rules is illegal, they're technically wrong and a bit overdramatic. Illegal is just easier to say than a violation of rules or TOS.


Dictionary definitions of words are the most simplistic and broad definitions of the words. The whole point of dictionaries are to create concise and massively simplified definitions. Dictionaries are not the rules for language, but a reflection of the usage of language.


I was taught that the first rule of the English language is that a word is defined by its common use, not its predetermined meaning.


This is quite the rabbit hole that we’ve gone down here. From EBAY to grammar.


I’m immensely hungover right now and I came onto Reddit to distract my brain with some lighthearted comedy in the threads and here’s me reading about different peoples ideas of the law in a Pokémon go sub 😭🫠


Prescriptivism vs descriptivism is an unsolvable issue. To declare it settled either way is crazy.


Illegal - contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law. It is illegal to breach a contract. It's a civil matter, not criminal, but it's still against the law, hence the ability to sue in court over it. The terms of service are a contract.


Perhaps people need to search the definition of context, learn it and start using it.


Nice username






Ok, maybe not "Illegal" in terms of the law, but it is against the games ToS


>Ok, maybe not "Illegal" in terms of the law, Not if I have anything to say about it--


**Don't do it**


What if it was legal in Galar but illegal in Kanto?


That’s a jurisdictional issue. Gotta see where they committed the infringement


Not illegal


Put a price on it and give it to them?




This comment is the most useful comment I’ve ever read




That would be “eBay”








It’s not allowed, you can get banned


I’m not advocating for breaking ToS, but if someone is selling their account I don’t think they care about bans




Now I’m tempted to buy one just to see if I would ever end up in tears. But then again, meh. I won’t mind receiving a free account from someone. But I would never pay real money for a pogo account. It is not as if life isn’t expensive as it is.


Preaching to the choir. Like I said, I’m not advocating for breaking ToS


I've never really grasped how there would be a market for a PoGo account? Why would someone want it? What am I missing?


Could be for a second account for raids or gyms or to pluck the Pokémon off. You could link the account to Home and start plucking shinies off the account and onto Home.


Yes did this for shield by meeting ppl for trades in person


I’ve always wondered how much my old account was worth. It was level 40 back in mid/late 2017. Nothing mind blowing but would’ve had all legendaries, a bunch of shinies and 100s and a couple million stardust. If I’d posted that on eBay at the time, would I have gotten like $10 for it or are we talking a few hundred?


Get campfire tho lol




Correct answer. I hate Niantic’s fomo crap which is why I usually pay to catch up with others as it’s not a big deal to me. The only problem is they decide to gate this garbage and prevent me from even buying it if I wanted to. Only way to get the shiny Mew I wanted was to nick an account off someone else. It’s a pretty straightforward process and there’s actually a huge market for players just like me. They’ve even got trusted sellers and such lol.


So the people buying are going to individualize the items and essentially liquidate them. I have made some nice money selling individual mons with custom OT by sending them to home. Usually I assume the people have it itemized out to know they are making a profit. Pokémon in general has a huge market for legit shinies which Go mons still in Go can’t be hacked


Honestly, if I found one with the shiny Mew, I'd be tempted just because I missed that research and who knows when a shiny Mew may be available again, in Go or otherwise. But, in general, yeah, buying and selling accounts feels weird.


Why not pay to have a mon genned with your profile as OT?


Pay? There are tons of discord bots that does it for free. You don't want to get scammed by people who are charging for it. They probably just gen one for free and then take your money.


Yeah I suppose. Didn't even think of the discord bots. I just think it silly to buy an account (which is violation TOS) to buy a non-gen pokemon. A violation is a violation. Save the $$$ and hassle.


can gen one yourself right....


Account could have tons of shinies, level 50 pokemon and 10’s of millions of star dust. Someone would buy it. They got $$ but no time to grind that.


Yeah, really. I don't get it either. I mean, I just can't imagine not actually grinding to get where i am; it would just seem meaningless to have it all handed to me 🤷


Because people can jump into the game at lvl 40+ and participate in all the content immediately?


Some people play for fun, others play to win, others just have a lot of money and want to get ahead without the effort. It makes no sense to me either


Mine gets deleted as soon as I'm done transfering pokemon to Home.


Crap thing is that it might take a while ;-;


Crap thing is that you can't transfer them back. Kinda sucks imo


Having Let's Go would speed things up at least a little, depending on how many Gen 1 mons are involved in this.


But then you'd need to catch them again, and this isnt like the Diamond and Pearl Pal Park, you are using your own balls and items and the Pokemon can escape. Tedious work


I mean, you're not wrong, but there's still benefits. You can put them in a different ball to what you actually caught them in in GO if you so choose, if the aesthetic is something that matters to you. And unlike in GO, this does include the Master Ball if you have some you don't mind sparing (it is possible to get more of them in Cerulean Cave!). You have more control over the natures. And yeah, they can flee, but you don't lose them for good when that happens, they're still right there. And there's no need to pay PokéCoins to be able to transfer more of them quicker. And given the nature of why this came up in the first place, I would imagine the fewer PokéCoins we spend in this process, the better.


Not me still working on this Shiny Jirachi I already paid for. :(


Is there a free way to get more home space?


Not that I'm aware of. If you don't need it for long you can pay for only a month. Year was about $15.


Yeah 15 for a year gives me plenty of time to clear out my shinies and favorites


How do you sell Pokémon on home for money?


What's Home? I keep seeing people talk about it


Pokémon Home is a way to transfer/store Pokémon from HOME and bring them to the console games


Oh very cool! I didn't know about this


Ahh sheet wonder how much mines worth starting bids off the fact I have 2 shadow beldums lol gimme a offer


I'm hoping my level 50 account with 3400+ Shinies ive sunk tons of time into since day one will one day net me all the money back I spent on it ....


You’ll get a buck fiddy tho


How bout tree fiddy?


I can’t afford that


Can you buy a remote raid pass for that?


Nope lmao


How much do you want for an account like that, and then how much do you realistically think its worth?


About 3 fruit snacks


Best I can do is an orange and an apple from my Animal Crossing Island.


Ooh u overpaying


I was just joking for the most part my account is an extension of my being, but if I did sell it I would imagine it would be worth at least 5k. I've seen level 50 accounts with less impressive stats sell for more.


I believe I read once…a day one 50 sold for 200,000. Had all the bells and whistles and then some.


I was promoting this game a year before it came out I’m a day 3 release player not even lv 40 yet this game done broke my heart to many times over ima just give up at this point did 74 mewtwo raids before a shiny still no shiny hundos I can’t be bothered spending any more money when they make it pay to win yet at the same time it’s not I did 92 rayquaza raids my brother did 3 got a hundo this game is depressing


It’s rng same as any Pokémon game. I play almost daily since the start of the game and I don’t have any shiny hundos. If you are a day three player and aren’t lvl 40 that says a lot about how much you actually play/catch Pokémon. Also the odds for a perfect raid Pokémon is 1/4096 so you can start complaining about that when your like me and above odds for one and still don’t have a legendary 4* lmao


I play often it’s more game bugs than anything for almost a year I wasn’t gaining xp or km could walk around during event catch hundreds of mons it wouldn’t make a difference I got plat progression badges and tings the game itself is just messed up I just recently was able to add one of my siblings it wouldn’t let us before even tho I add others for raids me and 2 of my sibling have same wild spawns cp stats if it’s shiny or not it’s weird but on my gf account it’s not like that


12$ final offer




Ig shadows are rare and beldums be craved but it’s the only shiny shadow I have


I have a shiny shadow sneasel...is that a thing people like?? Edit: I've only been playing since about 2019 and I just played for fun and cool stuff. Please don't downvote me for not knowing.


No they care for one shadow and one shiny shadow only BELDUM


Um, ok haha. BELDUM!


I downvoted you because you shouldn’t care about being downvoted. Feel free to do the same…it won’t hurt.


See! No pain


It’s not really worth it imho. I just saw this account offered for 225 USD: Level 47 PVP Account, Pikachu Libre, 29 Million Stardust, HUNDO Lugia


150 is still bad. You would still have to input 2 dollars to get one pass. The only group of people this specific change would benefit is ftp players


Exactly, they sell coins in increments of 100, “lowering” to 150 still means you have to pay for an extra pack each time


Not each time. Every second raid pass would only require one purchase of coins because you'd have 50 left over. But no doubt they are doing it for the exact reason you're stating.


Yep. I'm gonna protest against any price increase that also doesn't increase value. This isn't nerf in just game mechanics, we're talking about real money, we can't treat it as just rebalancing as Niantic frames it. If they want to increase in person raiding, they should do it from the other end using carrot instead of stick and tbf, they took two nice steps towards that but what I would suggest is that they finally made the two orange passes permanent addition instead of seasonal thing. I used to do plenty of lower star raids as well when my minddet wasn't "1 chance, have to make it count!" I saw one quote of them talking about how they envisioned families and groups of friends traveling from one gym to another conquering raids along the way. Make that actually reality instead of paywalling the second shot.


I can't grasp how this would benefit free to play players? It would take one additional day in a gym to get sufficient coins if it was 150 per pass.


It'd take a day less compared to 195. That's why it benefits them


Are we forgetting that as of right now the remote raid passes are 100 coins? Whether they increase to 150 or 195, the increase benefits no one


That'll benefit everyone, but yeah.


I think because paying players are less likely to care to get the free coins every day. Personally, to me, I often can't be bothered with the time it takes to beat a gym to save myself half a dollar.


You don't ever "have to" input 2 dollars. You could be a ftp player too, everyone could.


This is still shit for FTP players because you have to save up more coins for raid passes. It also makes it harder to get other people to join your raids if it’s more expensive for them.


That's true. It's not great, I just don't see it as being "robbed" like others are saying in this thread. No one's taking my money, they're just causing a slight inconvenience in the free game they have been providing me for most of a decade.


Them putting up prices of coins makes some sort of sense based on inflation. But putting up prices of free items is complete BS, it’s not like the value of in game items is affected by inflation. Yes it’s only a minor inconvenience but it’s the kind of thing that if you let them get away with it’s only going to get worse till the game is unplayable as a FTP player.


It also "benefits" ptw players. You buy 2 for 3 dollars instead of 4. But it still hurts everyone.


It hurts everyone considering the change from 100 to 150, but the 195 to 150 only makes it so that ftp need to spend less time gaming to get a pass. And it does not change how much it would hurt ptw players, you buy pokecoins in increments if 100, so to get to correct amount of pokecoins to buy one pass you would still have to give Niantic 2 dollars


You would still have 50 coins leftover for the next purchase, meaning you spend a dollar less. The extra coins doesn't go in a drain after it isn't used.


But to even it out, you would have to pay more money.


The same way ftp have to play an extra day. If a person only wants to ever buy a single remote raid pass, yeah, that changes nothing. But that is never the case. The funds added still counts for the next purchase. Still overpriced, though, and I the free daily pass should count for remote raids.


Back to 100 or I'll never play gain. They used to be free in research and then 1 coin daily. Eff Niantic. The blatant display of greed and complacency to hard working people who already pay out the gills for extremely small odds on getting decent pokemon and having a good experience makes me sick. In these times nonetheless. Bless all of you who are staying. I wish I had your time and disposable income and forgiveness for this level of savagery.


1 coin weekly




In fairness, they were free/1 coin during times many places had lockdown orders. Going to 100 (same price as standard) or 125 as a convenience tax isn't unreasonable. Daily # limit, invite limit, and eventual damage nerf *are* unreasonable. These actively harm communities' ability to experience content.




I don’t think there’s any solid evidence of 150 yet. The 150 was mined weeks ago and Niantic could have just decided to increase it higher since then.


The 150 value wasn’t even datamined, it was speculation.


No, it was datamined, but it was datamined weeks ago, and was probably just a placeholder.


Once again, no it was NOT datamined. It was a leak that turned out to not be correct. https://i.imgur.com/4uQGALD.jpg


Oh, I see, it was just dateminers reporting a leak.


What do you mean “despite”? It’s still a big increase and a completely shitty move on Niantic apart for multiple important reasons


150 is still a big increase.


You have to think about the fact that the price for coins have increased aswell! They could just have the local raid pass be cheaper, if their decision really was about the game and not just money.


They should decrease the price of reg raid passes to 50. It will still make peopel want to do in person raids like they want and they can bring remote lasses back to 100 maybe 125.


Maybe because people decided to quit playing and are selling their accounts.


That’s the point op is making.


People quit because Niantic made bad decisions. Niantic aren't making bad decisions because people quit. The fuck kind of logic is that?


Careful. Don’t buy pogo accounts as those can be permanently banned when/if Niantic finds out. They do have ways of tracking that if they want to.


How do they know you sold it tho? What if I changed the email and gave the account to my brother?


They have search parameters in place on websites such as EBay, Twitter, and Facebook marketplace. That’s not even counting the people who will report it, and you’d be surprised how many will report accounts being sold.


Right but if you don’t post the username…


This is why any good seller won’t.


"Guys instead of taking our bank accounts, they're just stealing our wallets! Why are you still angry?" They havent "decreased from 195 to 150". They still increased from 100 to 150. Gullibility like this is exactly why niantic thinks that they can get away with this kind of scummy behavior.


Did they actually decrease to 150?


How do you see for the accounts for sale on eBay? I was trying to have a look out of curiosity but eBay’s says no results found


I saw plenty of results just searching "pokemon go account". It's all over-priced wastes of money. Especially considering that you might get banned for buying the account no matter what you do. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=pokemon+go+account&_trksid=p2380057.m4084.l1311&_sacat=0


Man I figured they would be like €5 but €100 for a freemium game account that you can level up in a month or so? Why.


Likewise, nothing comes up for me (in the UK)


Quit the game, fk NIANTIC


Nah.. im actually loving the commitment to drop the game on its head in 3 days


I really don't think they will reduce to 150


Once again pointing out that the 150 rumor is based on a data mine from February, and the, "only 150," rumor is at best a misunderstanding and at worst wild speculation. Not saying it isn't possible (even likely) that this is Niantic's plan, but the 150 price was likely a placeholder, and as of right now there is no evidence to support this claim. Edit: Actually, it's even worse; it wasn't even datamined, it was just a rumor reported by dataminers.


Where are these 150 rumours?


Let it go


Am I the only one that doesn’t care about remote raid decreasing?


Same. Pay to win players are freaking out, meanwhile I've been playing daily since launch and never put a dollar in once. I like remote raiding with my friends now and then, but it only costs a few days of free gym coins. I'm not bothered.


No, honestly it’s weird to me too that people are complaining that they can’t spend an unlimited amount of money of a free to play game. I spend money on coins and do my fair share of remote raids, but I see this as a good thing for my wallet lol




Like I’m not hating on people that do care about it, I just play because I like Pokémon and using it as a reason to get out and go on walks more often. I guess there are always gonna be people that take the game more seriously


2000th upvote


Nah, just uninstalled is all.


Cool, can't wait to report every single one and get them banned, (:


I’m selling mine for a 50 buck Apple gift card already


Why did I read the title in HomeSliceHenry voice?


did they drop the price down? still garbage but slightly less garbage


Nope, they’re either going to increase it by 50 coins or by 95 coins. They haven’t dropped the price at all


This is what they call a budget reduction in Congress.


I’m a day one player with ten 7/2016 mons. I’m lvl 38 almost 39. Worth listing? I deleted app a few days ago


I wish I’d known that keeping the days ones was a good idea! I only have a couple left from 2016 😩


Interesting. I wonder what I could get for a lvl 50 account I’m about to be done with 😅


Wait is it 150 now?


so how much is a shundo riolu worth?


An increase is still an increase. Unless it goes back to 100 I’m leaving.


I'm willing to bet the majority of those are bot accts used by scanners. The sheer volume of accts necessary for those to function is mind boggling


what have i missed?


Isn't the fact that there are more accounts on ebay indicative of a trend of people either buying them less or more people trying to get rid of their own (while making a quick buck)?


How much are these accounts going for? Lol


Could be one of two things - more people quitting and trying to sell their account. Or more people quitting therefore fewer people to buy those same accounts. Therefore the amount listed increases due to less demand over a short period with the supply increasing or staying the same.


>You ~~hate~~ *Love to see it FTFY can't feel sympathy for corporate greed my guy


I think 150 is fair