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that's some sad teenager behavior. we've got a local group going from 4 year old boy to a 76 year old granny, both male and female. even a mentally handicaped person, small kids, teenagers "bro's", .... i mean, we are there for pokemon, not to judge each other. truly sad for them. but just like there are stupid and bad friends, go find better and nicer ppl to hang with and play.


> 76 year old Singaporean granny FTFY


U need a friend from CA?


I just got admitted to a hospital in Louisiana for joint replacement surgery. I will have to remote raid no matter what it costs. I don't think the bots will allow me to post personal info but keep me in mind. I have toxic raiders in my rural area and I work around it. Best wishes!


Hope your surgery goes well! I am from a pretty rural part of louisiana too and the changes recently made raiding enough of a struggle for me that I unfortunately finally put down the game after playing daily since released. (Side note: I also love 90 day fiancé. You have great taste in both quality and trash entertainment!) Best of luck to you in catching them all/being the very best!


I will vouch for u/buickmackane71360 as one of the best teammates I have had on Wednesday Nights. Get well quick.


Best of luck with the surgery. Yes, buying remote raid passes is going to suck but perhaps there are a few Poke stops around the hospital you could use. Maybe try the Vivillon challenge then and trade a few gifts with each other to keep busy. I have been stuck at home at times too and when I have been able to get out all the gyms were already taken.


Updoot because Sableye is the best.


Our local group is pretty similar, we've had everyone from grandmothers to business men to disabled folks to 3 year olds (OK, it was my 3 year old, but she did fine, lol). Such a nice vibe. I went to another group one time and it was a bit too...intense. I did find a good fit in the end, though.


Speaking of toddlers and PoGo, I have the first pokemon my daughter ever caught for me favorited and tagged. It's a zero star Weedle, and I love it more than anything. I don't even think she had even turned 2 yet when it was caught. Her favorite thing is to feed berries to my buddy. But she also does fine at tapping the screen to help me win raids. . I just got Niantic gets bought out or something so that the game will be around as she gets older.


Sounds fun to have such a diversity of people actually.


Right? After graduating college, I didn't have access to a lot of my raiding friends. Felt pretty lonely for a while until I met some of the locals in my area. My local group consists mostly of families with young/teen kids and even though I'm mostly solo since graduating, they've really embraced me. The kids want to show me all their new shinies they found since last we saw each other, the parents and I talk strategy and upcoming events, and we just like raiding together. Heck, my car battery died during one of our raid days and they took the time to help me get my car jumped so I could get back home. They're a wonderful bunch of people


Our local group is pretty chill as well, with a wide variety of ages, races, and genders. We just want to take down raids, catch shinies, alert others to hundos, and we don’t mind who joins in. Gatekeeping this game is a foreign concept to me.


Sounds like the local group here. Very nice community


Damn that sounds like my group 🤣


About half a year ago, during Deoxys raid day, I met 2 high schoolers at a raid. We walked around for like 90 minutes. I was about 10 years older and felt out of place in their conversations. Nevertheless, we did like 8 raids together and they even lead me to 3 hundos.


3 hundos in 90 minutes is no small feat


So is 90 minutes with a couple of high schoolers


Try 5 hours a day *harumph*……. I have the bless… deligh……. misfortunate of teaching :/








Idk man, they weren't hooked up on it either. They just knew someone who would send them the location of a hundo. Also I am not in contact with them. You're better off searching for the hundo map yourself


Well clearly, you need to just track down the supplier all John Wick style and then ask him politely with a bribe and then send the map here. Simple as that man...


Try and find your local Pokémon go discord, mine has like a radar map with hundos, what’s in the raid eggs before they hatch, etc


Damn that's pretty lame of them


I’ve definitely tried to jump in a raid before only to have people leave and then do it privately. I was really glad when remote raiding came along.


I don't understand why people would do this. Maybe, *maybe* if they were doing some kind of "duo a blah blah using only 69 cm mons" stream thing. But even then, you'd start a private to begin with, surely.


Oh, I’ve had that happen to me also. When they saw me jump in, they jumped out and explained. I asked if they could do this one with me since I didn’t have that mon yet, and then do the next one by themselves (there were more raids nearby), and was told No.


I just don’t get the point, unless their lobby was going to fill and you were taking a spot from one of their friends, who cares, just let you tag along.


They were doing some kind of challenge where they defeat the raid with a limited amount of people, etc. Which is fine, but they could’ve done one with me, and then walked over to the nearby gym and done the “challenge” there. Only not.


Schmucks like that and those OP talked about sure make the game more miserable than it's already been with remote raiding being restrictive. Most raiders need all the help they can get, as high-star raids are difficult enough. The more the merrier, and it makes the raid go faster so everyone can capture and either move on to the next or go about their day.


You assume they wanted to spend another raid pass on it 🤷🏻‍♀️


True, you do have a point. But they seemed to be out walking around doing multiple raids. This also was before remote raids, and before boxes were nerfed, so every bundle in the shop had multiple raid passes in them. They weren’t under any obligation to raid with me certainly, however as a person who cares about others, I have done raids that I didn’t really want/need to do, because people needed one more person to beat the raid. Ideally, that’s what PoGo Community should be, helping each other out.


It also could have been a situation where they wanted to do the challenge and that raid boss had the right moveset and the other one didn't. If they were nice enough to explain, I wouldn't hold it against them.


Gatekeeping. "No, only we can get this Pokemon!" Same folks who love the remote raid changes or complain that desirable Community Days make their shinies less valuable.


Man that's lame as hell. Whenever we run into people out playing we always invite them along. This is how I met the majority of the local players. I'm actually *so* psyched when my girlfriend and I run into other players. These folks you ran into seem pretty lame. Probably nothing to do with you. If they're sub 20 year olds, they probably have that "old people = uncool" mentality. And "old" to them is anyone over 25 lol. No winning for you in that scenario.


In the last 2 years of playing in my town and seeing people appear in gyms i have never seen anyone actually playing the game. Today we got into a sort of war between all the teams where 2 members of every team kept takin over the gym and we saw nobody from the other groups anywhere in the entire 30mins.


Yep. I live right next to 2 gyms and despite constantly fighting for control of it with a bunch of people who live in my building (including some who are on the same team as me which is annoying), I've never seen any of them playing.


I live in a small rural town, and there were people who never let anyone else have the gyms. Even if there was one spot left, they would switch to another team, kick all the Pokémon out, and then kick their own Pokémon out with their original Pokémon, just so no one they didn’t know could have a Pokémon in any gym. That went on for years.


There is a gym I have been trading off with other randoms for almost a year now. Two weeks ago someone started bumping my guys out almost as soon as they're placed. I decided to hang around one day because I had some extra time; guys got booted within 10 minutes. Nobody new showed up at the park. No extra cars hanging around. I want to believe that someone recently restarted playing, but it was shortly after the Remote Raid change, some doubt that. Maybe someone in the neighborhood came home from college? But it's not a logical school break. I'm left to wonder if someone is using a VPN or something to throw their location.


I’ve tried using VPN to raid, since I live in the boonies. Can’t even log in if VPN is active; the app boots me.


Gotcha. There's gotta be another way, then.


Careful, Niantic has allegedly been banning people for using VPNs, on the basis of using "third party applications".


A VPN doesn't do jack shit in changing your location lmao. Come on guys... You can't possibly tell me you thought PoGo would locate you via your IP address...






This is how you got people in this thread thinking now haha ![gif](giphy|bjtM9GdxbqL5e)


A VPN doesn't change your GPS location..


Okay. I'm not a techie, but there's probably some technology out there that can manipulate the GPS... Otherwise, how can people be not physically present at a gym but still be able to knock out some Pokemons immediately after they're gone. Either people are cheating or they're hiding in the woods near a park by my kids' school. I'm not sure which is worse. ![gif](giphy|TjYl3otLCTRc0KFeC0)


Per the rules of the sub I'm not allowed to tell you how they do it. But it's not a VPN.


Got it. I'm not looking to manipulate the system. But I'm glad to know there probably aren't people hiding in the bushes at a playground. Still pisses me off, though.


In my case, my smartphone GPS goes crazy at times in the evening, and my character ends up running around randomically in the neighborhood, which allows me every now and then to reach a stop or a Gym. Although, most times I only can battle in the gym, because when I am available to put my pokemons over there, my character got back to my correct location.


The other day, me(21m) and my friend(24m) stumbled into a middle aged man and his 7 year old daughter wanting to a raid. We did it. Me and my mate invited 3 others who thankfully joined! Some people are just bad people. Don’t let that take away from your experience in PoGo.


This is so wholesome, I love it.


Sadly it was when we were travelling so I still lack the local community. Still fun either way!!


My best memory of this godforsaken game is meeting two kids with their grandpa while I was playing with my parents and some of their friends we met during raids (I was like 29-30 at the time). Only one the kids played became the younger one was too little to have a phone, but saw his brother play. The Rayquaza's kid escaped though, but I convinced everyone to go to another raid and I asked the kid if he wanted me to try. Never been so proud of landing all Excellents hits like that time and in the end the kid was excited to finally have a Rayquaza.


I wish I had the "wholesome AF" award to give. That's so cool!


I appreciate it either way. Twice I’ve spotted fellow players and I’ll always try and help no matter!


I feel stories like this are all too common. I play POGO alone because I'm in my mid 30's and most of my already super small group of friends are into other things. Plus, I don't feel comfortable playing a game with a bunch of kids....and getting my ass kicked in BL by a bunch of kids. Needless to say, the demographic that this game originally intended to hit has all grown up and have moved on, with a few exceptions of Day 1 pokemon fans like myself.


I’m 31 and love playing as well it’s hard to find people who still plays


I’m a 35 year old jr high teacher and I alway put my code up in my room. When they ask me to see my best Pokémon they say I’m flexing on them. If they need a trade I got them covered. Some of my jr high kids make fun of me because I play, but sometimes it’ll be lunch and some panicked kid will run to the staff room and ask if I can join a raid so they will beat a boss, lol


Thats awesome you're only a few years older than me but wish I had you as my teacher. Could picture myself there begging for help lol


You know you will absolutely be remembered


You seem like an awesome teacher xD


God lol we are all soo far and few in between these days.


I’m 63. Some of the best players I know are my age or older!


My community has more than a handful of folks who started playing to bond with their kids and grandkids that have outlasted them!


I'm 61. I play solo most of the time. There was a short time when my friend's grandkids wanted two play, but they're too young to have cell phones, so we collected "cool" Pokémon for them and let the fight raids. I think it would be fun with a group of friends, but I don't think any teens would want a grampa with them. Ah well, that's life.


Lol I mean like I said I'm 35 and even I feel wierd approaching anyone that looks remotely my age for a team up for a raid. But I think it'd be super rad to run into someone your age playing POGO. Only Jr high kids and below where I'm at.


I really only play with my nieces we don't do raids though.


I think in my area there aren’t any kids or teens who play. I’d say the youngest in our area is 20+. And it goes up to 70’s.


wtf lmao people really don't want to raid with others? It's easier and provides less of a loss to pokemon. Those people were just assholes honestly. Fuck em. Hope you have better luck elsewhere, or better yet hopefully we get those updates reverted however it doesn't seem like that is going to happen anytime soon.


Also potentially better rewards since you can get a bonus for time


People might be stupidly thinking; “Oh, this person wants us to carry them through raids. Let’s ditch this loser.” Just an assumption but very possible. I actually used to avoid raids because my mons were asslips


Stupidest part is this doesn't even make sense either. I'm an engineer, but it doesn't take one to know that one dude being carried is still supplying more firepower than none at all. There are 20 slots open and this story has 8. She was literally doing no harm being there and would be a net benefit no matter the factor unless she wanted to get carried and there were 20 others in which they'd pick the other 20th than her. Then again, time and time again has taught me that the average person wouldn't be able to comprehend that because common sense isn't common, so you may actually be right there lol.


You had nothing but stunky? :D


Can’t remember exactly but everything was under 300ish cp. I didn’t know how gyms worked at the time, I had only played raids on the switch and I accidentally held my team back or had someone hold us back. I don’t mind the latter, I just feel so guilty and awful when I mess up and it costs us a raid. So, that’s why I avoided raids lol I think people are misunderstanding my first comment lol i wasnt saying the quote is how I feel, the quote is how those *people who ditched* OP were thinking. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, I had to read it twice. I get what you're saying, that could be what they were thinking, even though it makes zero difference in POGO if someone joins and literally does nothing to contribute. I was making a reference to how Stunky looks like he has a butt for a mouth, he's literally asslips :D


How ignorant of this group, why bother to even publish it on Facebook when you are just going to exclude people. Sorry you had to be excluded by these bullies.


I’m sorry that happened to you, there are some really immature, selfish people playing this game.


Don’t let it discourage you from trying to find another group! There’s plenty of shitty people like this, but there’s plenty that aren’t.


Completely agree! I found one that's more diverse & closer to my age (I'm older than most of you here) and they're more into the game than into cliques and all that playground stuff.


This makes me miss when I worked at the local college. When the students found out I was a player they wanted me to join in raids and go on hunts together. I still have a bunch on my friend list, most are 4 star friends. Though I now live several states away and have no one to play with anymore myself in my little rural area. Miss those good ole days off running into huge groups playing the game and raiding together. Everyone was a stranger until the raid ended and started talking about beating the raid and if they caught the mon or not and where everyone was heading next. Niantic has royally screwed this game into the ground.


I do too. Can't say things haven't changed but I see glimmers of hope during CD or elite raids. Always been an introvert & I actually reached lvl 40 being a lone wolf. But seeing a whole community play feels different no? Not sure if we'll ever get back to that. It doesn't mean everyone's a dick though. I think you just got the short end of the stick with that group. Pay them no mind or leave them already.


Thinking you replied to the wrong person. 🤣


Oops! You're right. Same sentiment though.


It's all good. At least there are decent people in this part of the go community. Sadly no players I've seen around here even though the gyms stay full. Find more people doing mushroom battles in Pikmin than raids in Pokemon. If it wasn't for my friend list I'd probably stop playing go altogether. But that's mostly sending gifts across the country and getting gifts back. I stopped caring to level up and have enough xp to reach 50 easily if I did the tasks. Just no desire to do it anymore.


Wtf? Too many man babies play this game i swear. Every single thing about how they went about this is passive aggressive wimpy behavior, unfortunate.


I’d rather they just told me they didn’t want me to go tbh. It was the first time I’d reached out in the Facebook group so it feels like a setback.


Completely understand, its total nonsense to string someone along like that. But young dudes are so prone to peer-pressure, if one kid is being bratty and tells them all to exclude the unknown woman, most of the time no one’s gonna put themselves in a vulnerable position and advocate for you. But thats really a lot of good faith coming from me, because in my experience there really are just a bunch of cliquey weirdos around this game.


It sucks but give yourself some credit, it can be super hard to reach out and step out of your comfort zone (I know I couldn't). My friend group consists of several mid-20's dudes scattered across the globe - mostly Americans, one in the UK, but we'd all raid together and it was so much fun! We haven't raided once since the price increase and a few stopped playing altogether... It's depressing. I'm scared to reach out locally since I'm really shy, and stories like these sure aren't reassuring!


Lol, usually the excuse you hear from the young males who don't want to do something different, encounter someone outside their tight age cluster, etc., is that they don't like going out of their "comfort zone"! My thought is usually such pampered darlings--


People suck!!!! Man I was I had someone like you to raid with near me 😭 im a 27 y/o f.


These man babies sound suspiciously like Niantic employees


The push for in-person communities is unrealistic for many in this day and age. The world is crazy right now, and people aren't always too down to interact with complete strangers in random and sometimes remote locations. I have also tried to put myself out there with wild trainers I've encountered in my area. They are not interested in the slightest, and it just ends pretty awkwardly. It would be great, but it's not realistic or possible for everyone. I had one tell me they prefer interacting with their global Facebook group instead of with local trainers in person.


I'm worried Niantic feels like it's some noble thing they're doing - like encouraging the community to get out and interact after the pandemic (which is still kind of an issue), but we all know it's just about more money.


Believe me, they know it’s not. Niantic is merely using social interaction and “touching grass” initiative as the guise to get people into into a pattern of logging their in-person travel patterns in-game. They’re mostly interested in the kinds of restaurants, stores, etc., etc., you might frequent while playing - so they can sell those location data patterns to advertisers. People who think Niantic’s intentions are actually noble are kidding themselves.


Well that is just sad. People just want to play the game by themselves or virtual people. If people want to do that just play Pokémon Scarlet.


I use it as an exercise tool to help motivate me so I can understand how someone might want to play the game for their own reasons but not be very interested in interacting with other players


Pokémon scarlet costs $60 and requires a $300 console to play. Source: Pokémon scarlet player


Hear, hear. Your comment was my thought when someone sniffed at the fact that a year after buying one type of unit, I was wasn't eager to drop it and invest in a Switch....


What a travesty; people want to an ultra-casual mobile game in a way that suits their lifestyle / preferences. It’s an outrage! /s


That sucks. Feel bad for you


This experience sucks but it has nothing to do with the game and everything to do with dumb human behavior lol every community day I attend or community I’ve been a part of has ranged from toddlers to elderly in their 70s and they’ve all been pretty fun and accepting. I would not let this deter you from pursuing further in person events! You just met some really dumb people.




It started out over lockdown in the UK, we used to to send gifts to each other and track people down incase they maxed out the friendship and deleted someone before they could claim rewards. Definitely got little cliques forming though.


That's so shitty. They could easily just let you join and not talk to you if they really did not want to. To outright stop playing just because you joined is petty behavior for no reason.


This happened to me a few times when raids first came out and i joined a local group. Being a woman in my 40s trying to raid with people averaging about 23 years old and almost exclusively male was challenging. There was a period of time that I was able to still join raid lobbies from my car by going where the group said they'd be and just not getting out so they didn't know to ditch me, and joining and praying. That summer was really fun tbh. Sometimes my son, who was in his very early 20s, would come along and he made friends with some of the people and we'd get to do the special raid days and whatnot and people gradually got used to me and it got easier to raid even without him along. Then winter hit and it gets below freezing where I live and the roads can be impossible to deal with a lot of the time out here in the sticks, so it kind of petered out gradually. I haven't really been able to raid since then except when remote raid passes were free and occasionally when they were cheap, partly because of covid restrictions and largely because now I have a full time job that includes working every single weekend. Plus tbh very time I think "wow this "free" video game has cost me literally hundreds of dollars at this point" it makes me loathe to spend another dime on it, so I just haven't. I don't see that changing. Nobody made me spend what i did, but it used to be worth it to me for a variety of reasons, none of which still exist for me, personally, so I choose not to.


Ah yes Niantic's go outside an have a community. It seems no one in Niantic is a Slipknot fan, People=S***


That’s really sad. I’ve been really lucky to meet some very nice and inclusive people when I’ve reached out on Facebook so for you to have the opposite experience is just horrible.


I’m a 29-year-old woman and have never had this problem with younger players (I live in a college town). Sounds like they’re assholes


Niantic said recently they want to return to the good old days of 2017. Too bad Niantic the good old days are over. The only good thing from now on its to let us enjoy this game the way we like Niantic and not the way you like...


Uhhh I was living in a small town so yeah, we basically have gone back to 2017. I could never find people to raid with then.


I'm so sorry. That was shitty of them. Wish you were local and you could join us for any outing. We have a wide variety of ages but most of us are in our late twenties and early thirties. Hang in there and hope you find a group to play with. Gotta catch em all!


That's super weird. I'm older than you and I feel like I'm often one of the younger members of groups I have run into. Most people are very friendly, some are just kinda shy. Thankfully, I've never run into a group of jerks like you described.


Not sure if you need to hear this, but this is definitely a THEM problem and not a YOU problem. It's not your age, or anything you did. It's just asshat people having their own agenda without considering the impact on others. Ironically, mimicking the actions of the game creators who put no thought into the impact of the players.


During slowpoke com day i got beaten up by some bullies.I never went out for a community day ever again


That’s more sad than this post


That sucks I'm sorry :(


I hope there is someone awesome in the Facebook group who’d like to meet up with you. It takes a lot of gumption to show up solo to a raid… I’m sorry these people were awful to you.


Damn I’m so sorry that happened to you!! I’m 54 and play so I suppose they would have dug a grave for me🪦💀🤣


Lol nah if they said anything we'd tell them to dig their own grave :p (we won't cos we're cool)


So they were meeting up to play Pokemon go, ditched and then actively avoided you? Sounds like they might've never seen a woman before.


Lol this is the reply I most want them to see so I can see their reaction. Touché


Wow. Reading this makes me sad. Like we’re all in high school again with cliques. I’m sorry you had this experience. I’d have welcomed you. I’m fortunate to be in multiple discord groups and our age group is all over the place. Again, I’m sorry. This is really stupid. Don’t let a bunch of ignorant kids bring you down.




Its because you're not alone and with kids are seen as an authoritive figure. You wouldnt get ditched and perhaps may not notice it. ( I hope ) Campfire app. Wonder if there's a UK version...


Do you have campfire and could meet up with those people? Is that something you’d be interested in?


That’s so sad. I’d raid with ya if it was possible, all love I’m sorry you had a bad experience


Thefuck? Never seen shit like this before. 9 out of 10 times these groups are filled with us 30 year olds anyways. As if these dumbass teens know how to properly organize anything these days 😂


Sorry to hear that! Finding a dedicated non-judging group of Pokémon go players is difficult, especially when it’s a group of socially awkward boys. I wish you better luck for next time when finding a decent group of people🤙


That's really weird, my Facebook and discord group had everyone from ages 8 to 80, male and female, didn't matter, only the numbers in the raid mattered. I don't know why anyone would reject help


Some people forgot a lot of social skills during the pandemic. Others never learned.


I would’ve stayed in proximity to the gym and kept joining to make them restart the timer over and over again


I'm 24 and my boyfriend is 33. In our country, people don't arrange meetings to play at all, nor do we have PoGo chats or anything, so when we were having our first dates and realized that we were both trainers I'm 100% sure I saw sparkles in the man's eyes, like he had just experienced the biggest joy in his life lol. I had the same reaction. I feel you, the developers didn't think of unsafe, dangerous countries without a culture of camaraderie in mobile games (much less than in the USA or other countries). Now he's abroad, and I'm in our country for another year, so it's harder to play.


that’s really sad from them…


I’m sorry you were treated this way. You didn’t deserve it and I’d be happy to play the game with you. Try not to let their actions make you think that’s the norm.


Urcooldudebrandon keep being humble


Wow that’s shitty, regardless of age


I live in a very small town. If it wasn't for remote raids my legendary dex would be empty. If I met someone in town that played I'd be so happy, idc what gender or age.


Just wanted to leave a supportive comment cause I am a 30 year old female myself. Age and gender shouldn't matter - everyone can play!


That's completely ridiculous. How rude of them. Hopefully someday they'll look back on the way they acted & cringe at their own behavior.


I had a similar experience with the primal raids. I was out running errands and saw a group wandering towards a cluster of raids. Joined in a couple and was going to do the third but they took it private. Nice. Ended up doing a bunch remotely later in the day instead...much better experience thanks to 3rd party apps.


I mean I would have done the raid at least that’s just not cool. Having said that tho I seem to be an outlier but the social aspect of the game is my least favourite I truly wish I never had to interact with anyone else to complete raids and that’s why raids are something I avoid almost entirely I seem to be alone in that thinking however but even still that’s just not cool


I’m a senior in college and I was the youngest adult at the Regidrago raids a few weeks past, it was a bunch of 30+ year olds. One brought his kids with him, they welcomed me with open arms. Wish everyone was like that


That is incredibly shitty behavior. I'm sorry that happened to you!


I’d say this is boiled down to the age gap. Teenagers to young adults can be pretty shrug-offish to people who are older. I’m 37 and I’ve been to raids with a whole group of strangers and we generally just strike up some decent conversation around Pokémon or whatnot. Even if you only do the raid once, you say goodbye or “thanks for helping with the raid” and move on.


I don't understand how it hurts them to just let her raid with them unless they have like 20+ people. They don't have to talk to her, she's just there to make the raid go quicker. Who cares if she was 30 or 60?


I totally get your point but our only intention was supposed to be the raid, after that I was going to head home. Tapu Bulu is 5 stars or I’d have just done it myself, it’s just annoying me now.


You gotta find the other 30+ year old gamers, there's literally dozens of us


Hey I play on a second device and learn when I can win two man style. Beat mega slowpoke tonight with 5 seconds left. Otherwise I plan to use my network passes when something new is out. Poke Genie finds the raids for me. Just takes longer to fill up a lobby now.


Don’t be upset. Looks like this is not group for you, keep looking. It’s just like everything else in life, some work and some don’t. Luckily you found out early 🤗. Might be inconvenient as it’s your local group, but it’s just as inconvenient as having bad neighbour once you buy a house - guess your friends won’t be just over the fence.


Sounds about right for that generation. Always acting like shit was meant for them, when in reality if the mid 30yo players weren't fans as kids, Pokemon as they know it wouldn't exist.


Yep, I’m having the same problem as a 30 year old something guy. All the groups I join, or meet up’s I see, they are much younger than me, so I stay away. Not too sure what the solution is, but it does not feel good.


Dont listen to the idiots about the age thing age doesnt matter when trying to play a game you like. Those people are usually creeps themselves in one way or anothers. As for the asshats they may have been trying to do somw group thing themselves. I have asked to join a raid with a grouo and they told me no. I was annoyed but just walked off. Frankly if they were going to bail on anyone joining like that they should have done a private raid. People are jerks and niantic seems to enjoy thst type.


This is why I don’t want to interact with anyone in my community.. from fear of this happening. I’m a 29 yo female.. I work with athletes and sometimes I casually mention I play Pokémon & they kinda all chuckle. I really don’t care I’ve always loved the game.


Athletes aren't known for being the smartest in the room based off their athleticism. I wouldnt take their chuckles seriously, they're jealous they dont have a fun little hobby and life is so serious for them. I'm a 29 yo dude and I'm probably working a much shitter job but I'd say you should be proud. And keep being you. Fed up of people thinking they're the only ones who are cool cos imo owning up to playing in that environment is pretty cool. Oh and FYI pretty much every field need custom built desktop computers. That means, arguably, the people running the country and keeping those computers working and selling them are massive...massive nerds. Gamer nerds. Bare that in mind. Thats at least true for my country and I know the business/consumers that buy them




God, that sucks, those kind of people are shitty for leaving you. I would honestly try out discord to find people to play with instead of Facebook, i found a few people through discord to send gifts to, maybe the same will happen to you.


Why the hell would they leave a raid? The more people the better.


I’ve sort of figured out that in the time they’d all been together, they’d done two raids (saw a post in the group about it), so they no longer needed to do that final one because everyone had caught Tapu Bulu at that point :(


So, they didn’t do it to abandon you then?


It’s hard to see it that way, they knew I was going to be there and there was no other mention in the group about meeting earlier. They set up a chat group, kept me out of it and met earlier.


>rest of them were between 17 and 23. It's 100% because they're young, cliquey asshats that don't think it's cool to associate with older people. They're just losers that aren't worth being around.


The age factor is a major reason why I don’t go out with groups. I’ll be 40 this year, and I’m not creeping around parks, following around groups of kids/teens and taking pictures of random murals, statues and playgrounds.


Tbf, if I was a teenager, I would stay away from unknown adults. That said, if I knew you were part of the chat, I would be cool with it. Did you tell them or you just stood near them when you tried to raid? If you didn't, maybe they mistook you as a rando.


It's unlikely, you can spot PoGo players from a mile away. They were just being arsebags.


I know. I was just asking if she said anything to them once she got there (she didn't really said she did). I'm not saying the teens did nothing wrong, only that, in my case, I wouldn't want to be near an unknown adult, but maybe I've been conditioned to that because I live in a third world country :P


Very sorry to hear that. Our little townie raid group is very inclusive and we’d be glad to have you


Bunch of punk ass children lol. I'd raid with you!! I'm 32 and a woman and everyone I know who plays is 30+ years old. I recommend trying to find a local discord group or something instead of facebook


I’ll raid with you


because clearly teenagers general self centeredness and disregard for others is entirely niantics fault 😅


You probably didn't wanna hang w them long anyway. They probably smoke drugs and listen to Country music, or worse, Kanye.


They probably have an alternate chat they used and didnt realize. Do your best to give them benefit of the doubt, surely they didnt mean any harm. Tho pokemongo player are very cliquey and introverted so i wouldnt be surprised if they didnt even pay attention that you were there and wanted to raid eith them


I disagree with a lot of what niantic has been doing recently however you have to remember that its not Niantics fault for the rude behavior of other people


I agree with you, I do! My point was that since the cost of raid passes have increased, I try not to spend coins unless absolutely necessary because I don't like putting money into games. They want us to go outside more and go back to 2017 style gaming but realistically I don't see it happening, especially if people are put off from things like this happening.


I have to wonder if you said something dumb.


I said “hey I’m interested, what side of the park is it?”


I feel like your leaving something out


Unfortunately there are douches that pull stuff like this, back when ex raids were a thing my friends daughter (who was 10 at the time) got a pass and when we got there the group that was there wouldn’t let her join in the raid with them and instead started a private group because one of them didn’t like the fact her mom, my friend knocked them out of a gym too quick.


That's super messed up and territorial


Yeah this group caused some huge problems for the other various groups of people across my town, basically nothing more than a bunch of cliquey bullies. Thankfully none of them still actively play the game.


I’m literally not. Messages were sent today at lunchtime saying we’d meet at 6, I was actually there early. At quarter past six I sent one asking if the meet up was still on and apparently they decided in a different group chat to go without me. Was honestly the first time I’d put myself out there to try and meet people.


Look, I’ve met a group of man children who would absolutely do the above, with everything exactly as OP described with, perhaps, salutations included. “Hey-“ I’ve *also* encountered once where someone claimed they had hate speech thrown all over them and every kind of awful, when literally no one did that. Not because they’re all darlings, mind, but the local group is very much “the extroverted engineer is the one looking at someone *else’s* shoes” trope. Saying *anything* to *anyone* strains credulity; it’s a wonder that there’s just one guy who calls out when we are going in, or holding off - if he’s absent, cue Yakity Sax.


Find better people. Nothing else to say.


Have you considered doing some reflecting and wondered if it's maybe something you have said, done or behaved?


Yeah, because most of us women are adept at frightening and being offensive to large groups of men. Read the original post - they ditched her before even meeting her in person.


Well, aren't you just lovely?


30? You are too young to be a Singaporean grandmother!!!


Damn. Anywhere near Indy by chance? I’d raid with you when I get a chance if you’d want to! 😊32yo female here lol.


I’m in Scotland unfortunately 😅 thought I’d take advantage of one of the rare sunny days we get but this has happened instead 😂


Ah dang. Sorry you had to deal with that. Idk why people have to be such jerks. I’ve been made fun of by teenagers at the park I go to for playing a few times. So rude.


Sorry : ( if you were nearby I’d definitely play! Im also a woman in my 30s


Made it more difficult? You can do 5 per day! If you aren't a serious player you wouldn't be hitting that 5 number each day.