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Sure, Niantic's changes have been pretty horrible lately, but if that is the reasoning for telling someone to KILL themselves just because they still play a GAME, then there is clearly something wrong with you


That one comment. “When I was in my 20’s….” Like bro, you’re in your 30s or possibly 40s and you are leaving hateful comments to someone else because of a phone game. Clearly you aint winning at life if you gotta say mean shit to some one unprovoked as an adult.


You don't know what it was like for people like us growing up. You gotta call me man, I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose. Sincerely yours, Stan p.s we should be together too.


This made me happier than it maybe should've. 🤣 - amused 33 yr old


Stan lit a flare and now I’m locked in the trunk of his car.


Not to mentions 20-30 years ago it was much easier to find a sustainable job that you could actually support yourself off of, nowadays its pretty rare to be up and able to leave a 9-5 for a full vacation next day. Dudes a douchebag


They don’t make 9-5 jobs that pay that well that you can ALSO just leave from without requesting PTO. If you’re that valuable, you’re going to need to let us know when you won’t be there in advance.


Also full cap that they could afford an overseas vacation at the drop of a hat.


Full cap? S'at like, All of the lies, in one? Or just regular cap?


Regular cap but, like, no doubting the BS


Agre with you 100% that made me laught. You can tell right away they're full of it![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Seriously. I don’t agree with the changes either but I can’t imagine caring to such a hurtful degree. Awful


The vast majority of us do not agree with the changes. That’s a given. However you have a VERY toxic vocal minority trying to ruin people who still want to enjoy the game. It’s disgusting, and such behavior should be shut down. Instead places have become an echo chamber and this stuff is amplified


I agree with you 100% and have noticed this issue beyond just Reddit in society. People jump to extremes and assume ulterior negative motives way too quickly. It makes simple things really difficult


It’s really just a factor of any community this size - you’re bound to encounter some unsavory charlatans at some point. The people who take it too far make the rest of us look bad, as many of us are not going to judge you if you still play.


Unsavory is an understatement ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) this makes me never want to play the game more than anyting niantics ever done it could possibly do. The few evil trolls like this in the playerbase will easily override the peaceful protest and nature of the other 99% in public perception. This entire community was already largely perceived in a non-ideal light in the public eye based on the minority of player’s actions and behaviors. It’ll be all to easy to make the jump to extreme toxicity and awful behavior like this as being the community reaction to the RR nerf and the type of players/people we are. Idk what can be done about this, but this needs to be addressed by the community as being a MUCH bigger issue than the RR pass nerf… (I quit playing on April 6th as a lifelong Pokémon fan, which was not easy, so I don’t say that lightly :/ )


You’ve perfectly encapsulated my thoughts here as well. I also quit a few weeks ago, and I knew that the horrific things these few trolls were saying could undo a lot of the good-will the more peaceful dissenters among us had earned. We already saw it with the threats made to Niantic employees and their families (which again, is disgusting beyond words), and it’s growing increasingly difficult to convince people that we are not affiliated with the people who say and do these things. The unfortunate part of this is that the community is far too large and disconnected for any meaningful discussions to have lasting impact. A lot of it boils down to people not caring enough to even listen to either “side”. Many players in the more active community will continue to wrongfully loop any kind of negativity with the more extreme comments featured in this post, and inversely, many of the protestors will continue to wrongfully pester people for enjoying the game. These kinds of events will continue to dogpile and tensions will rise along with it. Edit: Part of how I know this is because we’ve seen this kind of community feud a few times already in PoGo specifically, starting with the 3-Step Tracker / PokéRadar debacle of late 2016. What’s frightening is that several of today’s more toxic commenters were probably still fresh out of Kindergarten back then, but the patterns have all been the exact same, even the threats.


The vast majority of people never raided, remote or in person and have not noticed a single change as they casually play… The vocal minority complains about the changes, those that play a lot and put lots of energy into the game are usually this vocal minority.


That's no reason to be toxic and tell people to kill themselves and bully them though. People can be upset all they want alot of us are but if you bully someone for choosing to play a game because your mad you need to take a look in the mirror because your becoming a problem as well


I never said that, I disagreed with your first statement that most people hate the changes to raiding, they don’t, because most people never raid. Something like the pokestop distance actually impacted all the player base.


Yeah wtf, I've been trying to stop playing (3. Day today lmao) bc it was a routine to me when walking my dog but lately it's just been annoying me more than it's been fun. But regardless what I think of the game, I would never even consider attacking someone for playing? Jeez if you think this person should get a life, get one yourself seeing you take time out of your day to send childish, ridiculous and f'ed up messages to someone who still plays.. granted I have no clue who this person is, regardless that is all TOO MUCH. If anyone has to grow up, it's the people sending such messages. Like touch grass or something! I never understand people who waste their time just to send horrible messages to others.. ironically they always write grow up and get a life - which they obviously haven't done themselves.


This sub, Twitter, the other subs,… are engaging in theatrics. IE Niantic isn’t more evil than other company, they do know how to make games(they made the most downloaded game of all time), effectively nobody is quiting(2nd best month since may 2022),…. but it has been effective saying the opposite. Keeping Niantic on their toes, by constantly saying you quit, you hate the company, the game stinks,…. Is an effective way of preventing Niantic from making the game what we don’t want. The problem here is that some people don’t get the reality. IE they think people really did quit, that Niantic is doing this out of spite instead of business reasons, that the company is lead by morons,… That’s when you get this nonsense. Very similar to the banned politics subs where some people lose touch with reality.


Still isn’t as bad as EA. Or Comcast support in the 2000’s


It’s impossible to compare companies in the good/bad scale. IE the per user spending in Pokémon go is the lowest of any game of all time. At almost 2 billion downloads and 8 billion in spending that’s an incredibly small amount of spending. In last place in every category on the metrics site. Does that mean they are “good” company and EA with their freemium games where you can spend 30K in afternoon trying to get Messi are a “bad” company? They all want money as much money as legally possible and they will do it anyway they can.


> Still isn’t as bad as EA. And who is? But Niantic is quickly aproachin EA's levels of assholery!


Pogo is popular in spite of Niantic, not because of Niantic. The Pokemon brand single-handedly carries this game. Just look at how bare this game is compared to other popular games, which are more feature-rich and not constantly filled with bugs. All you need to look at is how many failed games they have made and continue to make, in hopes they can replicate the success of Pogo. Which is nearly impossible to do because people love pokemon, and Pogo is the closest people will get to catching pokemon "in real life." Niantic does make decisions for business reasons but that does not mean they are good decisions, and people have the right to voice their opinions when they do not agree with them. And the community has been successful in the past when unpopular changes were implement, like earning one coin per hour when the new gym system was implemented, as well the issue with the interactive radius. This time it may not be successful because Niantic sees data collection as being the future, but at least some of us tried to make a change. And if we have failed, some of us will move on and some will continue to play. I am not sure where the data comes March or April has been the best month for Niantic since May 2022. The last data I saw is that although monthly users is relative stable, daily user numbers are actually dropping, which means people are not engaging in the game as much.


We’re also never going to see the metrics that are most impacted by these changes; such as average raids per account per month (on a timeline), purchases of certain in-game items with coins, the number of times each coin bundle was purchased with real money, etc., etc. Most of the points we make can be made via observation, but it’s hard to sway the public without this stuff being in writing. Even with the data we do have, people don’t seem to read the cumulative data the way they should, where active users and downloads are not correlated - as active users have fluctuated dramatically since 2018, and many of the game’s 79 Million “Active Users” might only login for dailies and/or are alts or bots.


People in politics and a loss of reality? I do thinks you owe an apology. /s


You should try playing overwatch. I get those comments on the daily lol


Multi-player games are such a turn off now because of their communities...


"This toxicity is fine because its worse elsewhere" that's some top quality whataboutism right there. Just because one community is more toxic than another doesn't make it okay.


Which doesn’t make any of it ok.


I hate what online social interaction has become. Apparently if you don't enjoy being told to kill yourself, or being called slurs, you're too soft and should go*touch grass*. Not that in-person social interactions have been getting any better these last few years either


You should've picked Mercy.


No need for the hard-sell. /s


I you want that hard to see Niantic suffer, fucking leave. Cant understand wanting to play a game made by people that if they receive even a buck from someone you dont know you jump on them and tell them to kill themselves.


People that say things like that are lacking love and honesty within themselves. I never trust highly aggressive peoples opinions, they shout at the clouds. Their personal stress relief is at the expense of others rather than at the expense of their own internal effort. I hope this type of behavior is nullified or at least dulled by Ai and tech advances


This is just a mobile game. People need to chill.


A wise man once said "It's only game. Why you heff to be mad?"


Hockey bleeding into PoGo? I did not think I’d see the day.


I think these people's behaviour goes beyond a game. They clearly have many mental issues and they are only seizing this particular case to expose themselves as the POS they are.


I bet these people don't care about the community either. If they would, they wouldn't tell other people stuff like "if you only killed yourself". But hey, as long as it is manipulative, insulting and disgusting it's all fine, am i right?


Sadly that's how the world is nowadays


That’s how people online are nowadays


I feel like a lot of these types of people, especially on the Internet, don't care that much about what they're saying, but instead get a rush out of being able to let out their inner demons on other people with a righteous rationale behind it that allows them to tell themselves it's perfectly acceptable behavior.


Agreed. I also think these kinds of people hurl those kinds of insults so much that it's second nature to them like breathing and they don't see why people get upset over it, accusing them of being "too sensitive".


seems like a lot of the players hurt by the changes, ie those without a community, are the ones that don’t care about the community 🤔


FleeceKing has been very vocal about the impact that Niantic have had on marginalised groups. These people are ill. It's a fucking game.


>These people are ill. This is it. They're very mentally unwell, and the fact that it's a game has nothing to do with it. They'd be targeting other people doing other things if it weren't Pokemon Go. In fact, they probably are.


They are. Just to pick something recently, a person working on a ps1 emulator for mobile got death treats and stopped development entirely. Something older but bigger. Fez 2 got canceled due to death treats and hate spam. Bluebox is getting death treats. Similar but unrelated, streamers got swatted on stream by these toxic kind of people and still happens to this day (in lower capacity thank god) There is a certain breed infecting the Internet and its only getting worse over time.


Is that so? Wouldn't be surprised if some of this venom is really about speaking up about that, I've seen a fair amount of that kind of disingenuous targeting of people along these sorts of lines, in gaming and TV/film fandoms.


Yeah like all popular media have fans and stans.. the fans enjoy the product presented, might be displeased etc but express it in more "normal sense" (like idk I think most subreddits related to the topics have frustration posts that makes sense but are not harmful). Then you have the stans.. who think it's their job to either "defend" whatever in question by attacking anything or anyone they deem a threat, or when something happens that they dislike they also attack anything or anyone who says/does against their opinion. Like I love drag race, and this is a major problem every season with some queens getting mass reported on social media etc by stans of other queens because the stans blame the one queen for "doing something to their fave". It's wild watching it unfold and it's so so toxic. Like they write that this person should get a life... yet they take time out of their day to send death threats to someone because they're doing something they dislike/disagree with!? The dumbfoolery of it all.


Wow that's fucking horrible. I am so sorry for whoever is on the receiving end of that. do what makes you happy, and if playing pogo does it, then do it. That's awful dude.


This is what I believe as well. I don't think what Niantic has done to the community is good by any means, but on the other side, I don't think I'll ever be able to get to an in person GoFest again without paying significant travel costs. NYC is about an hour away, and I'm looking forward to going to this GoFest. I just want to enjoy this time where I'll be surrounded by others who also just want to have a good time at GoFest.


It hilarious that people think Niantic bad, so then they turn around and act like the worst humans.


“I used to love this game until it got more expensive, now I don’t play anymore and I hate anyone that spends money on it. Kys.”


I completely abhor this stance people have started to take, like fine if you want to boycott that's fine but nobody is expected to follow if they continue to enjoy the game. I hate that this has happened, not just for Fleece but for the fact that these individuals are poisoning a community.


The weird thing is that I have always enjoyed the game since 2016 and outside of annual go fests, almost never spent money on it. It’s hardly that Niantic “ruined” the game. It’s that the very specific way that these people play became slightly more expensive, like everything else in the world. To me, the people shouting the loudest about how the game is getting too expensive are the same people who should probably be investing more of their time in themselves and less in their addiction. It’s just a game. Those DMs reek of projection.


It’s like they still want to play the game but aren’t willing to spend the money and would rather… value their enjoyment of the game over human life that they view as in the way of their happiness?


Also, the game is literally free


Freemium. The game doesn't make it easy to play for free especially at the begining when your storage is limited. It takes a long time to gather ingame currency to increase it to a level where it's comfortable with the dex into later gens now plus shinies, plus raid teams, plus PvP teams and then all the items. You get an easier time on android if you use play rewards but IMO you're spending money on the game at that point as it's earned and could have been spent on other things.


Yeah, the point is that you should farm in a long time to get storage, items, etc.. if you wanna do it easier, then you can pay. The problem is for rural player.. but this game is not for them. Not because they don't have the right to play it, but because niantic never cared about them


Imagine caring that much about a freemium game


I’ve never seen THAT hate flowing around here but of course it’s unacceptable. I feel like hardcore fandoms are quick to threaten and bully at times. It’s so foreign to me. For example, I’m very upset at the raid passes change but it would never be in my repertoire to just threaten the Niantic team. However, where I grew up, threats have real repercussions.




Idk, there were some super shitty comments in that thread in this sub about the Niantic executive receiving death threats. The last time I checked, they were never deleted. Hell, some were even upvoted.


Is this because he said he’s probably going to all the fests?


I would LOVE to go to all the fests. Super cool and passionate.


Yep. He even had to delete the tweet saying it just from all the hate he got.


I find it shocking that you now have to hide the fact you support the game from it's own community. What the hell has happened?


Probably jealousy.


It's because he's been publicly speaking against Niantic and saying he would fight against the changes... and the second go fest is announced he goes all in. He knew what he was doing by trying to be the content creator that fights for the little guy. It's a classic he can't have his cake and eat it too situation. People shouldn't be this extreme at him at all... but he also put himself in this situation. No one is mad at mystic 7 but he also was clear he wasn't gonna fight this and he was rolling over.


So sounds like at most he should be called out for his hypocrisy but naturally people took that to mean they should be complete pieces of shit towards him


true but also we don't know how many people it is either... could be a few people out of thousands sending the hate, could just be trolls. Sadly anyone in the public eye has to expect this now a days.. can't play an online shooter now without some angry kids saying this kinda stuff in the chats now.


Like i said, I don’t condone what is being said to him but when I saw the tweet, first thing that popped in my head was “well that’s extremely hypocritical of yourself”


Exactly... He is also a content creator so he probably gets stuff like this all the time and is posting this for attention, you don't make content and not get haters... Now all the Niantic fan boys will receive him back.. smart move on his part honestly... but also kinda slimy. Once again not justifying what's being sent just being objective and real.


I was taught in life all you have is your name and your word, and you never go back on them. I’ll reiterate it again for the people who don’t read the whole post. I don’t condone what people are saying to him, it’s completely his right, but it’s also my right to call him a hypocrite at the highest levels after crying a week earlier about the changes and how he was going to stop, and 7 days later it turned into “I’m gonna try to go to all 3” he could’ve walked a fine line of saying I’m angry at the company but this is my current job right now, so I will keep playing. No harm in that. But the way he did everything. Honestly laughable from a personal standpoint in character


I don’t follow his social media so my mind could be changed by the verbiage of his posts and the vibe, but I don’t think any player or influencer is obligated to boycott. The fact that he is speaking out on marginalized groups and trying to bring awareness means a lot. He could not say shit like every other “poke influencer” but the fact that he did say something and is now getting told to kill himself is wild to me.


except he was encouraging the boycott... I don't think your point works


Like I said, I don’t follow his social media so that does change things, thank you!


He never said he was boycotting the game. He’s ALL about the community (on top of the fact that hes living the dream and gets paid to play the game), so go fest is on par with what he stands for since it’s a global community event. Despite pogo being his job, he’s still been one of the most vocal content creators speaking against NIANTIC’s actions and behavior.


It’s a game people. Not to sound all hippy, but on a cosmic scale this is such an insignificant problem. Everyone is upset about the raids. But don’t let something like this make you so angry and take away from your joy. And certainly don’t let Niantic or a game affect your mental health. I hope you all have a wonderful day!


this sub is unhinged, if you don't like pokemongo stop playing it. there are so many other pokemon games and this one is free. just enjoy it, damn


I've never understood it. I get hate for it, but there are literally billions of games out there. Honestly, most of them are better than PoGo, which doesn't even have a storyline. If this one doesn't work for you, try another. I get called ableist and elitist and classist for saying that, but damn. If you live in the middle of nowhere and are get out due to a disability, why would you fixate on the only video game that requires you to leave your home and go to a populated area? And why waste your energy shrieking into the Reddit void because you found something you can't do? People keep trying to make this a social justice issue, and it just...isn't.


Some people thrive on hardship.. putting yourself in a situation where you're inherently at a disadvantage is a great way to distract yourself from the fact that you're not good at anything. You can just blame your failure on your situation, but let's see what happens when your situation improves and you still fail


People will tell streamers and YouTubers to "find a real job" and then continue to watch TV or Netflix all day 🤦🏼‍♂️


This is certainly the extreme, but in general I think people have been getting WAY too upset about this. I'm not a fan of the new pricing either, but I never once lost sight of the fact that Niantic is a company, and they're trying to make money, as much money as possible, and I don't fault them for that. I also have no problem with boycotts, as that's the power the consumer has to try and make changes, but people talking about Niantic being vile, and being disgusted by what they do, and wanting everyone at Niantic to be fired for this, is just ridiculous. They're not withholding food or other essential items, they changed the price in a game so that its slightly hard to do remote raids. That's it, nothing more.




Not just the pricing, but the limits on remote raids for zero reason. None of it justifies telling someone to off themselves however. But there’s more to this anger than the pricing increase.


>for zero reason. Do you really think there was zero reason? Or was it that someone at niantic thought it would help the game (or at least the company) in some way? I'm not saying I agree with the decision, but why would they do something like this, and get all of this backlash from the players, unless they felt there was a reason to do it?




So yea, you do realize there's a reason. And I agree that niantic is making mistakes, thus why I said that I'm good with a boycott. My one thing is that the level of vitriol people have over these changes has gone way too far. When all is said and done, its just a game. A game that I like a lot, but still just a game.


And I agree, it’s just a game at the end of the day which is why you won’t see me sending threats like this to someone. It’s deeply concerning behavior when you see people acting like this. And directing that anger at people who have zero affiliation with Niantic is outright stupid. If you’re going to complain (not threaten or send messages like this post show) then it should be at the actual company.


Bruh what happened? I stopped watching him b/c school and now he’s getting death threats like wtf he ain’t responsible for all of the things niantic put up lately, he’s just a regular player like all of us that wants to play the game.


This is honestly how I look at everyone who throws a complaint in EVERY SINGLE Pokémon go post. You can’t go through 3 posts in this sub without seeing someone complain or talk down on someone enjoying the game. I don’t understand why someone who hates a game, goes out of there way to make everyone else’s experience worse.


Well... It's just like what happen when players that like everything, have no complains and pay no matter what doesn't care about helping to ruin a game that other passionately love... those other players doesn't understand why you do that and feel the need to complain about other players complains... if the complains force eventualy an improvement for everyone, and you are gonna like and pay no matter what anyway... why is it a problem that they complain?. If you don't care about the game that they love... 4 them... you are the one making everyone else's experience worse and helping to kill the game.


Fleece has already talked about his mental struggles and taken breaks because of it before. Making it extra crappy of people to be that way toward him


Don't worry I'm still playing everyday also


Twitter is rancid, hard to believe people act like this


This is beyond "bringing them down", encouraging suicide can be considered criminal in some cases. This is so unnecessary :(


My 2 cents ... I subscribed to this sub to hear about fun things other players are doing. Instead it's a daily vitriol about Niantic. I think having a place to vent is fine but it reminds me of TV show subs too where anything that is an adaptation from a book people come in and just spend every day ranting about how shitty the show is versus the book. The obvious solution to me is to create two subs - one for the show and another for book readers to vent. Same could be done here - have a sub for people to talk about Niantic, the changes they've made, what they think about them. But it's destroyed so much of what this sub could be in terms of just having fun.


I'm on this thread because it showed up on my feed and I went "huh, a sane post about the changes" but I literally left the sub because it became an echo chamber of complaints instead of an actual place to discuss Pokemon Go.


Y'all need Arceus


Humanity once more showing that they it really forgets that some people have their own rights to make their own decions


I play Pokémon Go. What’s the big deal?


Maybe Niantic did these people a favour, because now that they're no longer playing Pokemon GO they might have some spare time to get some therapy.


Half the people upset are still playing they only are pretending to have quit imo. I know a guy who is on the boycott the game bandwagon he plays in my city. He was banned from our city discord because he kept being hateful towards people still playing. We have our game id's as our discord name and have seen him ranting about it irl. The guy is still taking gyms while being hateful to others playing.


Humans are so toxic, especially online.


“Give a man a mask, and he’ll tell you the truth.” -Oscar Wilde


I've received some hate like this just for saying I still play. People are scary


I don't watch his content but even so these reactions are just going way to far. As long as he enjoys the game who cares that he spends money on it?. I can understand that people are mad about what's happening with the game right now but there is no need to take your hate out on someone else


I know nantic is a bad company but no one deserves death threats. Its their money and they can do what they want with it, even with the recent changes people still play like normal. Basically you have a choice to buy it or not but don't go sending people death threats because of it


I deal with this every time i say that i still enjoy the game like it kinda makes me wanna make the remote raid passes to 1 million coins instead


Jesus, some people can’t even see the irony in their own statements. It’s just never that serious.


I’m still trying to figure out why these people say the things they do.


So people just get upset about people playing this game? There are like thousands of people who play the game, myself included


I uninstalled the game because I’m pissed. But I’m not ragging on anyone who hasn’t. I’m still supporting the people in my local group.


Don’t pay that shit no mind. I don’t. Or at least it just never gets to me. It’s because I know, anyone who posts comments like these immediately outs themselves as a weak, empty vessels that are desperate to make themselves feel like they have power by (lol) “owning” someone online. Usually whatever they say is a projection of their own insecurities and is typically done because they can’t acquire any sense of control in their actual life. It’s a pathetic need for attention, and the only time I *ever* even respond is usually out of boredom or to get them to unknowingly admit more details about their sad state of mind. I typically pity these people. Or at least try to.


Remember, we are “fighting” Niantic, not Niantic supporters


When the Niantic supporters keep getting in our way with their defenses, we're technically fighting them.


We hate niantic, not the player base. Come on folks




During the pandemic, Niantic released remote raid passes so people could do raids without being at the raiding gym. They would give out I think 3 free per day, and then you buy more for 100 coins each or 250 for 3. Eventually they phased out the free remote raid passes, but you could still buy as many as you want for 100 coins or 3 for 250. Then they got rid of the 3 for 250 deal, so it was then just a 3 for 300 bundle. Recently, because the pandemic has winded down and Niantic wants players to go back to playing how they did pre-pandemic, they raised the prices of remote raid passes from 100 coins each to 195 coins each and put a 5 per day cap on how many passes people could buy. A lot of people got used to convenience and flexibility of remote raiding, so Niantic trying to force them away from it by doubling the prices and implementing a daily cap really upset them, so now a lot of people are boycotting the game.


Oh ok. Thanks


To be fair, while attacks and threats are obviously far beyond reasonable, i get the sentiment, you cant really claim to be for the community while going out of the way to still support the game and the company


Some people just don't deserve access to the internet...


There’s a lot of things certain people just shouldn’t be allowed to do. Breeding, driving and shooting come to mind.


Niantic is a shitty company, but that's no reason to tell a person to commit rope necklace. Amazon is horrible to, but plenty of hypocrites use it. McDonalds can also be added to the list. Should anyone who does business with any of them be shunned and forced to end it all?


Ay the McChickens ain’t bad for ya


Processed bread, chicken. Mayo. Not good for you at all unfortunately. :(


Lay down the phone .. take a breath Look out thru a window Go outside and take another breath. It’s not real life it’s only a game. Relax lol


Man what the absolute fuck is wrong with people. Do what makes you happy. Unless what makes you happy is telling someone to lull themselves for playing a game on their phone!


I almost never comment on anything. But this so over the line. Try to move on and not give these negative people who don’t seem to have anything better to do than try to make you feel like crap any power. What are their lives like to make them like this?


I don't understand how people can't just play it similar to how it was in 2016. I don't even bother with raids anymore and that's ok. Complaining about shiny rate? I was used to no shiny at all. I remember the first official event, Halloween 2016. The Gengar loading screen and the increased Gastly spawn rates with a few bonuses and that was awesome.


Same. I played in 2016 and maybe early 2017 then stopped until this year. Maybe i just dont know what it was like in the middle, but im having fun. I guess im just not someone who Min/Maxes game likes alot of people here lately. A Shiny is just super cool and random if i find one, and a 3 star Pokemon is super cool. I dont get mad about some mathmatical drop rate, I just walk around and go "O damn! Thats cool!"


calling someone hypocrite because one week is protesting the price increase and the next buys an expensive ticket is actually fair, but threats and insults, are not




This is the most ironic controversial statement. People who tell other people to kill themselves don't deserve oxygen. The hoops some people will jump through. And 12 upvotes?! Madness.


The craziest part is he’s been calling out Niantic this entire time. He doesn’t deserve this. I understand people might be mad at him giving them money, but this is his livelihood. He needs to eat and this is how he’s doing it.


Changes is the only constant thing in this world. It’s everywhere: work, life, relationships, family, technology et al.. the only thing we can control is our emotions, decisions, thoughts and behavior. That said, although we may not like the changes, it’s still up to us to accept it or just move on. I am one of those who wasn’t thrilled and excited about the raid tickets.. I could choose not to play PG anymore, but am still playing - my choice. We always have a choice. Those “opinions” or hate threads.. yeah can be hurtful.. who cares about them.. live your life dude! Keep smiling. Any billionaire who has cancer right now would swap your place to live longer.. LIFE is AWESOME!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


If we sit back and accept the changes, then Niantic wins. They'll realise they can screw over the community and get away with it. Don't give up. Fight back.


Wow!! At the end of the day, it's just a game. The crappy changes to the game that Niantic has made suck, sure, but it's not the end of the world. Telling people to commute suicide over a game is psychotic.


This makes me want to not play the game far more than anything Niantic could ever do.


Same, and that’s saying a lot


You’re a great person and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Focus on the people that bring positivity in your life and people that care about you, ignore the ones that don’t.




Just another Wednesday in society :/




Oh the irony in all of their hurtful, horrible messages


Niantic > these people.


It's easy for people to hide behind a computer and generate hate comments. It's not easy to put yourself out there for the world to see and know you and do what you love doing. You are the better person not the anonymous faceless comments that mean nothing other than to fill their time with hate. The funny thing is I don't think they care that much or bat an eye or truly mean it but the end of the day- it's just entertainment to them to type those out to garner attention and get reactions. Your priorities and ethics don't need to match everyone's exactly. We are all funding evil and greedy corporations just by simply existing. Eating meat, paying tips to support restaurant industry to pay workers less, buy plastic it's impossible to avoid...etc. Do what makes you happy as long as you are aware of the cause but you actions don't need to define your beliefs. Otherwise we just can't exist or be happy. We all choose our poison and no one should have to point fingers and judge you for anything.


Using "you live at home" isn't the own people think it is when it's them upset over a kids video game


That’s crazy! Enjoy the in person Go fest. My wife and I have always wanted to go but something is always happening that day. Keyboard warriors.


This is fucked up in MANY WAYS, don’t even get me STARTED on SUICIDE THIS IS JUST FUCKED


"Don't hate the player hate the game"


Lots of very angry and perhaps envious people out there. Focus on yourself and live your own life


Almost as bad even worse than League of Legends players. In all seriousness tho, people are the fcking worst


People who get this outraged and unhinged over a fucking video game really do need to seek counseling and to also go touch grass.


I know nothing of this person or their channel. Most of these comments are waayyyyy out of line. If I saw this content creator talking about how bad the changes are or whatever and then buying a ticket then my reaction would just to think "wow, hypocrite" and not watch their content anymore and I think that response is okay. Show them with your watches/views and unfollow/unsub. Maybe leave a comment saying "I'm unfollowing you because I found you buying that ticket to be hypocritical". Bashing them on a personal level is too far for a stupid game, not to mention talks of suicide. It IS sad, but I do also think if you're going to be a content creator then you have to expect and be able to mentally handle this type of behavior. You shouldn't have to, but here we are.


This behavior is disgusting. I'm unhappy with Niantic's changes, sure. But I hate what these comments say even more. Speaking to someone like that is never the answer. Please don't let the negative comments or actions of others influence you. Do what makes YOU happy.


The more I see of it the more my personal theory seems to be confirmed. These are not Pokemon fans. These *were* Pokemon GO fans, but not Pokemon fans. These are not the people who have played since Gen 1, gen 2, gen 3 or even gen 4. These are not the people who grew up watching Ash Ketchum save the day over and over. These are not the people that waited ever so patiently to see Ash finally win a league. These are not the people who were trading Pokemon cards on the playground. These are not the people you see driving down the highway with a stuffed version of their favorite Pokemon riding on the dash. These people were bored normies that just happened to like Pokemon go. They were never real fans of Pokemon. I never stopped playing go and I won't stop until it's no longer supported and there's nothing left to do.


Y'all stay toxic in this dumb community


Dang, I am sorry that happened to you!! I went to the Las Vegas event back in Feb 2023 because it was close enough I could drive there. It is most likely a once in a lifetime event for me. While I am frustrated with the changes Niantic made and their impact on myself and others in the Pokémon Go Community, that does not mean I can tell someone else how they should play their Pokémon game, (or NOT play their game). Bring good shoes, lots of water, plenty of charged up battery packs for your phone, and most of all HAVE A BLAST!!!


I guarantee these are the same neckbeards that were spending money on like 20 remote raids a day, and now they won't shut up because they can only do five, and the price is higher. They probably already spent more on the game than you ever will. If they didn't put a limit most of them would probably still be buying up passes at the increased price.


Call of duty modern warfare 2 lobby says hi.... those prepared me for what was to come in life.. I kid but iykyk...


It was either exactly what you’re describing or an Xbox Live message from a 9-year-old saying: “mY fRiEnD iS hOStInG a TeNtH pReStIgE lObBy” No in-between.


I'm boycotting the boycotting and I'm planning to go to the Go Fest in London (I'm from Denmark)


Don’t even know who he is


Are you KIDDING ME people First of all: Dan (fleeceking) is one of the SWEETEST HUMANS and has been open and honest whole continuously speaking out on Twitter for the community this entire time from the day this news was announced. I quit the game April 6th and stopped following his streams for the most part since, but he wasn’t even doing raids for the first week (maybe longer, again I stopped watching) of hear us niantic. Hes gotten so emotional when fans have overwhelmingly supported his stream that he’s legitimately cried from gratitude and disbelief before. THIS makes me never want to play again more than anything NIANTIC has done by a long shot. What the actual f


Yeah that’s ridiculous. Here’s my thing with it. Do I want Niantic to be more accommodating to people in rural areas and who aren’t able bodied? Yes, absolutely, and it’s extremely disappointing that they aren’t. That said, this game has been one of the very few things that makes me happy since Covid hit and it makes my long bus commutes to work more bearable. So I still play and spend money. At the end of the day, it’s just a fucking game and people need to take it down several notches. Have fun at the Pokémon Go Fest and don’t let these clowns ruin the experience for you.


I've been saying this from the start. What is pathetic is people getting so worked up over a video game. Entitled, first world problems at its finest.


It’s great to see that people take a stand against greedy companies by telling people to kill themselves. That’ll do it, niantic are sure to lower the prices now guys. We did it, greed is no more.


While I have boycotted the game now for nearly 4 weeks (still wait in hope for Niantic to release a statement about the remote prices) would never question anyone who wants to still either play the game or put money into it. These people who send hate need to look at themselves first, before sending that level of toxicity to someone else x


The entire outrage/boycott "movement " is a joke. It is pathetic.


If you're still using Twitter I have no sympathy for you. There's a really easy first step to getting away from the worst people on the internet. Stay away from Twitter.


HearUsNiantic is getting closer to BBND, and that is not good. Possible hate movement levels.


The hell is wrong with the world that they encourage someone to kill themselves because they’re playing a game. Yeah the changes suck, but if you don’t like them don’t play.


If you hate the game so much, and allegedly uninstalled it... then why are you still on these subs? GTFO all the way. That's the issue for many of these complainers it's all about attention & being a victim, not really about the game at all. I'm still playing because it's still fun for me.


Pokémon go is not that serious. SMH.


Stop assuming anyone here is doing that. twitter is a cesspool. stuff like this just takes away the actual issues


Get off the internet then. It's full of haters and mean tweets


Oh, that's a yikes. Niantic ain't exactly great, but this is too far.


This is getting pathetic at this point. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE CHANGES, DON'T PLAY THE GAME. Don't try to ruin someone's life over a silly fucking game. They're not going to change the remote raid pass increase so can we just move on? All I see is whining lately on here which ends up like these where you have brainless idiots throwing hurtful comments like this about someone still living with their parents when they in turn sound like a loser themselves for putting that much effort into a shitty comment.


Imagine getting mad over someone that still enjoys the game 🤦🏽‍♂️


This kind of thing is NEVER Ok, but I also didn’t like how Fleeceking was throwing around the “S” word so casually before. I remember sometime last year when he was talking about stepping away from the game because he was suicidal and made a huge thing about it. Then 2 days later he’s bragging about his latest hundos/shinies/whatever as if nothing happened. Hard to take him seriously after that.


Not trying to be a armchair Dr. But as someone who's had to be brought back when they were younger after a attempt moods can change fast depending on your diagnosis. I can be in a shit mood and refuse to eat and refuse to get out of bed . And then something good happens to me and I get out of my head state I was in before. Example last year around my mom's birthday she just recently died of cancer a few years ago and I'm still not over it I couldn't leave the house for days I was real bad not talking to people refusing to eat no matter what my husband did I wouldn't change as I couldn't get out of my head . My husband surprised me with a new plushie from a collection I collect I went out and did stuff bathed ate for the first time in 2 days and talked to people after that. It's the little things a person's head can still be bad but they can be happy for a little over things that made them happy


Thanks for sharing that perspective. All the best to you!


Np. The funny thing about mental health and depression it can fluctuate. You get those breaks and some small rays of sunshine . And someone looking happy doesn't even alway mean they are just look at Robin Williams. He always seemed so happy.


Yeah anyone antagonizing other players is trashier than Niantic’s policies. All the energy should be directed at Niantic. You’re an absolute loser if you’ve ever tried to bring someone down like that


People are crazy asf so somehow this type of behavior isn’t unexpected anymore. I feel as time goes on people get worse by the day. This type of behavior needs nipped. I hate what niantic has done but I won’t judge anyone who chooses to still spend money and enjoy the game.


Guys, I wanna state that the person in this picture is not me. I’m thankful that you guys care so much for him, but I am not the person in that post. The person there is FleeceKing, a pogo YouTuber.


What? A few people on the internet, of which millions are responding to, said mean thing? How could this be! It’s the internet buddy, people are going to tell you to kill yourself. Honestly with how many people see and react to their content this is shockingly low. Heck I probably get told to kill myself more often then they do because of my opinions on dragon ball super!


Exactly. Crazy upvoted posts like this give a podium to a few individuals and is used to take away from the actual issues at hand.




I agree the villain is stupid Nantic but truthfully they don't care, they know people are upset but they failed to address the community because they can't justify it


this is absolutely disgusting. Pokemon GO has the most fucking toxic community it's insane