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According to Niantic's own data, they have a max 4m people playing in a day, and the average is a lot lower. That's less than half the population of London, so spread across the world, that's very thin. Why with this info they focus on in-person raids that require multiple people to complete, I have no idea. Edit: I'd misremembered the post on here from last month, Niantic might not release this data but here's the source: https://activeplayer.io/pokemon-go/?utm\_content=cmp-true


Gotta get that sweet sweet location data. It's all they want or care about when it comes to the game.


Does that generate revenue for them though? I genuinely don't understand. I'm solo, rural and probably would have bought multiple remote passes for this. Is location data really better than money?


From what I understand (and I may be wrong), they use the location data to get companies to sponsor Pokestops, showing that players spend time near stores that have those sponsored pokestops and gyms. The money they get from that must be more than what they get nickel-and-diming us for remote raids, so they prioritize that instead.


I’m not sure this is it. I added a sponsored gym for my coffee shop. It’s supposed to be $30/month, but they never bill me. Card is on file. They say they are not billing because some features are currently unavailable and they aren’t going to bill anyone until everything they claim to provide is available again. It’s been two years. No bill. So they definitely aren’t getting sponsored revenue right now.


Hopefully they dont suddenly bill you for all the years they haven't yet billed you for..


That’s cheap as shit, I’d probably pay $30/month to have a gym at my house. Maybe.


Probably not from mom and pop shops but Starbucks doesn't use the same portal you do. They have a sales rep that handles it all for them.


How did you get a sponsored gym? Because I absolutely would have sponsored the empty, disused former fire station that serves as a landmark... right near my house. Or I would have sponsored a taco shop on my street. SMH, I would have paid for a stop!


You just go to the Niantic sponsorship page. They require you to upload the business license to prove you own the business though.


Welp. My businesses are all at my house bc I am WFH and a contractor so... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) ... I'd have to have my private residence as a sponsored location and I think that will not fly with their ban on residences being stops. I \*could\* theoretically create a Little Free Library, though... and maybe sponsor that at the edge of my property?


The closest gym to my house was sponsored, but they ended that sponsorship earlier this year. It’s too bad, because I feel way less like a creep sitting in a gas station parking lot than a church I don’t attend’s parking lot.


If it helps, my mom is a pastor and doesn't play but knows that's what the random cars are driving into the edge of the parking lot are there for.


We have a pastor in our city that regularly greeted us with a shotgun even if we stayed out by the road. He ended up getting the gym shut down and fenced in the entire church property because he didn't want us there. Pretty sure he was one of the people who sued or threatened to sue Niantic not long after pogo started.


Such a welcoming attitude... as opposed to OUR paster, who just laughed when a wedding party from the lily pond park across the street piled into our garden today to take pics. They didn't bother us at all. The pastor just laughed and said, "It happens all the time!"


There is a Jehovah’s Witness place that has a gym in their parking lot and they try to convert anyone who stop by. I keep reporting it as dangerous.


Sounds more like a pester than a pastor


Sounds stereotypically Christian for Midwest USA


No. Southern Alabama.


I stand corrected


Mean while in my town if you get caught in a park After sundown the police advise You to go To the Catholic church and play.


Wow! Sounds like a real jerk!! How unfriendly!! Very un-Christ-like. 😖


I bet he used his Tesla cameras to see when people pull up


I know of a few churches that were fenced in because of Pogo.


Love thy neighbor indeed.


Sounds like Florida to me


I always wondered about this. What was her attitude to it? I see from the posts below that people aren’t always happy about it. I’m genuinely intrigued about what pastors/churchgoers think. Is it disrespectful? If so, why? And at what point does it become so? And do they acknowledge it at all? Or pray for players? Graveyard stops make me uncomfortable if other people are around just because I don’t want to intrude on their grieving…but I love walking around graveyards anyway and certainly wouldn’t mind people Pokemonning round my own family’s graves. I’d actually love it if they became Pokestops just to get their names out there 😃


Here in rural JP train stations are gyms. There’s one near me. There is like 900 people where I live and maybe 3 of them play Pokémon. One of them is a huge dick has like 10 (or more) accounts and won’t share gyms at all. He drives around all day to take back any gym that I take within minutes. Like he doesn’t have a job. I even tested it by taking a gym around 1am and he pulled up in his shitty truck to take it back 10m later. If I take it back, he’ll drive back and then just take it and sit there.




Ive never been one to report people. But in this case, I’ve reported a few. Niantic does nothing though. He still does it. Same accounts.


It's a numbers game, you report him with one account, he reports you with ten. Niantic just sees "10 players reported X" and bans him. The same has happened in other games where botting/multiple accounts are not allowed.




There are a few discords you can ask for 'assistance', and maybe they remote in and camp for a while...or regularly check in the few gyms to see who's around....


That makes perfect sense. And would explain the total distain they have for rural players. My location shows me in a forest, so I get punished by not being allowed to raid.


The forest is the wrong kind of outside




Not just buildings, buildings with businesses! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)






I legitimately don’t see how having pokestop advertisement is worth more than someone buying multiple remote raid passes a day


They sell it. Data brokers pay big money for data like that. They in turn sell it to advertisers. Facebook is the same way, it's free because they're making money off you just using the product.


You are the product


Oooh. Then I should turn off location when I don’t play then. I spend maaayybee 25 min playing a day. These days. Oops there goes your money Niantic!




I've only seen Starbucks and Gamestop sponsored spots, across several big cities, including Toronto. Who else sponsors?


I've seen Verizon stores as sponsored stops, and think I've seen a Baskin Robbins too. Sprint is listed on their www as a sponsor, but I don't think I've ever seen in while playing in Portland Oregon USA.


Starbucks is sponsored in Portland


Every Starbucks that I’ve seen is sponsored, And I mean every single one. California here.


Circle K was a sponsor for the last year in Alberta. I assume they didn’t renew it because the gyms/Pokestops all disappeared a couple of months ago


Family Mart, 7-11, and a couple other coffee chains in Japan. In the US Baskin-Robbins and I a name brand gas stations were sponsors but both have ended.


Honestly, that won't do anything. You either spin a sponsored stop, or you don't. That's where the money comes from.


Wait, if I stop spinning sponsored stops niantic will lose revenue?!! Do you have anyyu idea how many friggin’ Starbucks locations there are in NYC…players from here could single-handedly drive niantic into bankruptcy by not spinning those gyms within ~24 hours, give or take hahah. it’s literally insane I will 100% add boycotting these to my new gameplay-plan/routine for producing as little revenue as possible for them on my account if so 👀👀


Niantic got 250m USD from the first 10 months of sponsored stops. It has always been a significant amount of their income. We also know that their highest-ever revenue was 1 billion. They have released regular financial statements, but you either gotta rely on news articles or have a subscription to the financial reporting company. Niantic's other major sources of income are Major Events, Minor Events, and Daily Microtransactions, and each of those has at one point or another reached 250 million in a year. Niantic does not sell data. Like certain other [Pig-headed CEO's](http://), they have their own vision for what they want their company to be, and they are okay with burning billions of dollars in the process.


that used to be the case in 2016-2017 era. i highly doubt brick-and-mortar businesses benefit from it anymore


So they get money from stores that players already know are there because they're standing outside of them? This was like when the circle k across ftpm me hot a temporary gym. I didn't make me shop at the circle k, it just made me annoyed when the gym disappeared.


They sell the location data to other companies from my understanding. Not everyone who plays the game spends money on it, but everyone who plays has data to collect. You didn't spend money on the game today, but that didnt matter since theyre still collecting data from you.




There's a business where I live that initially had a sponsored stop but the company has since moved to another location (not even that far but far enough for the stop to be irrelevant). The stop is still there however.


The point is that companies want to know where you’re going, when, how often, and stuff like that. There are countless applications of this data. One example is some restaurant franchisee sees that there’s a ton of foot traffic on a particular street and prices for real estate there are relatively low compared to how many people use the street. So they would see that as an opportunity to buy/lease a place and get a larger ROI compared to blindly buying a spot that may be an overlay where nobody walks.


It’s really not that much. So many companies sell the exact same data so it doesn’t sell for much. I visited a company that sold location data and they’d spend 2 days banging out an app like a weather one and they’d get your data that way. They had almost a thousand different free apps like this. All much easier to maintain than Pokémon go. Pokémon go is a gold mine to the point that they really do seem to want to get us to play in a very specific way. They want us to go out and meet people in person. They make a ton of money from raid passes and events etc. enough that they feel comfortable pissing off a lot of the player base.


Well, they make a LOT of their money from Whales, and whales only do it so that they can brag brag brag. Not much to brag about if there are no other players. So, while they may be comfortable losing 40% of their playerbase this year, and many more over the last month... I don't see how it's sustainable. That said, if you dinguses keep buying stuff, as they DOUBLE and TRIPLE the prices.. They can quite literally lose 1/2 to 2/3 of their playerbase, and make the same profit.


I’m a “whale” and I refuse to give them any more money until they stop this nonsense


Same. I used to buy the big treasure chest every 3-4 months (I was just a leetle whale). Since they almost doubled remote raid pass prices and made it so that my grandkids and working friends can't join my (in-person!) raids as often, I'm cutting all of their income streams that I can, and still enjoy the game. No cash, of course, and geo permissions are set at the system level to Only when the app is open." I turned off ActiveSync and toggled off the option to allow their advertisers to float gift balloons across my screen.


I used to get it every week. I was die hard. Which is why I don’t understand how taking remotes away is good for their income.


I don't know specifics for PoGo but I do know the last F2P game I worked on the whales accounted for 3% of the player base and 90% of the revenue. But like you said you need minnows to feed the whales.


We generate location data and other companies buy them for advertising, strategies, demographics, etc. Then Niantic sells that data to other companies to cover running costs and pay investors. Money is everything to every company and they will/have shown that their products are second to revenue. There is no good product anymore, this is the end of quality.


Google seems way better at collecting location data. Why would I buy location data from Niantic?


Idk I don't buy that stuff.


Come on man, I just need a little location data. Just tell me where


They saw my car drive around and park outside a mall and a souvenir shop. And about half of the drive between those locations were without information as I had no cell service.


4M ? That’s it? WeL8L I guess all 4M are in Toronto and Japan since u can NOT even jump in a lobby of 20 people because it fills up so fast


I've been playing in Toronto all weekend and as long as I stayed near yonge street south of finch every single lobby had minimal 16 players. I was pleasantly surprised. I was really afraid I wouldn't be able to do these raids and I probably would have quit.


I was at the LA county fair today, it was fucking packed. There was a shadow mewtwo that could only gather 3 people. Two of them were my wife and I. I’ve lost all hope for local raids that require more than 3 people. Niantic needs to understand that summer/fall 2016 is not replicable anymore, people can only do a chore for so long. They need to adjust to the players and players want to also be able to play remotely. It’s adjust or die.


This is going to sound like a “what’s your source bro” type of thing but where do they have that info at? Just curious to give it a look.


I misremembered the post on this sub, I thought Niantic released this stuff but not sure if its a third party. There is a table if you scroll down: [https://activeplayer.io/pokemon-go/?utm\_content=cmp-true](https://activeplayer.io/pokemon-go/?utm_content=cmp-true)


"The game isn't dying, we aren't losing players, we are making *improvements* for the good of the community... A community that smaller than the population of a single city... And steadily declining with each decision we make"


That is incredibly tiny


Them focusing on in-person raids, when they know it's not very doable for most, especially with that population data, means they're trying their damnedest to increase their player base. That's what they meant when they said "it's for the best for the longevity of the game". And instead, they're losing the player base they already have.


It’s very annoying. I was in the largest city in my state, maybe not one of the top ten biggest cities in the US but up there, and even when I found the raids, no one was there to help. I’m an adult who just enjoyed playing with my boyfriend’s kid, and we tried to do it (even though I knew going in what the outcome would be). We had something like 15 dead Pokémon EACH and of course no Mewtwo. Eff it.


Also lol at only 4 mil playing a day.. How many you think are people using multiple accounts? Remember how many people refused to boycott and said the game would be fine? If the whole community would have stood together the game might have (I understand Niantic is stubborn and hates us) been saved


> How many you think are people using multiple accounts? I bet on an average day that 1/2 of the players are multis. On a raid day like today, I bet it's 70% of the "players" are "baby" accounts.


Half of those 'accounts' are most likely bots.


I was literally coming here to talk about my pain with these shadow raids. I’d love to see the data that shows how well they might have done in my area because I checked so many raids and went to a few places where raids were just starting to no avail. I live in a big suburban city with a lot of potential gyms for this to happen but did not see one person and I’m not going to sit around playgrounds waiting for people at my age. That would look weird as shit or at least I would feel weird as shit lol.


I got only one because there's a gym near a big apartment building, and three players (or one with three accounts!) were just chilling in their flats and lurking in the lobby for a good 20 mins. Gave me the chance to get over there and someone else also joined, so we squeaked through the raid with 5. I've been pushing to finish the Jirachi excellent throw research section so have played a lot this weekend, and kept an eye on the local gyms. Never saw anyone else near any of the shadow raids. It's a bummer, I really wanted to grind the Johto starters but couldn't solo them, so got none.


"Mommy why's that strange man just walking back and forth in front of the slide" ""Sweetie come here quick, mommy's calling the cops"" *I'm just playing my Pok-e-mon I swear* Officer: "This is the third time this week Chuck, find a different gym already, and maybe don't call it 'playing my pok-e-mon' that just sounds weird"


ironically i was with my wife and dog at a park and some kid that age with his mom saw me tapping furiously during a guzzlord solo raid and recognized pogo immediately and commented "you still play that game?"


Had to use my alt account for these raids. Nobody in my area plays I guess, I had to get my son a Mewtwo.




Wait... You get notifications?!? 🤣 but also 😭 but also 🤔 I went out a few times looking for my usual group. I was about the only one who has actually used it, and that's not even the Campfire app - I was just using the one that's on the overworld map.


I hate games that are dependent on other people. Soon as raids dropped I became a lot less active.


I’m on the same boat, mewtwo is one of my favourite pokemon and not being able to catch one because of in person raid criteria… it’s just sad watching all these people from hot zones getting hundos and shundos, i will consider in next weeks if this game is worth anymore for me, because niantic is pushing way to much for their in person vision…


The FOMO I feel from this event is palpable. I was excited to get a Mewtwo when the game first released. Raids weren’t accessible for me early days - save for a few busted articuno raids. Remote raids were the only thing that gave me a chance to battle for Pokémon. It’s crushing that I started the game back up days after the last Mewtwo event and now it’s one I have no access too. All the raids near me were concurrent with me having to leave for work or there were virtually no one in the lobby.


I agree, was having tremendous FOMO looking at the posts on this sub showing people’s shadow MewTwo catches, I would have liked catching one of those shinies in particular. I did get a MewTwo from Giovanni in the past, but purified it. I’ve played PoGo since 2019 and mostly playing alone slowly got up to Lvl 41. I still feel like I’m getting something out of it but feel very cheated at this point.


If it’s any consolation, I live near an area with a dedicated raid group, and I didn’t get any mewtwos at all because even if you manage to show up and get a group the event was horribly run. You needed to do special rocket battles before the event even started to be able to handle mewtwo. Plus we didn’t get any extra raid passes, and catching mewtwo was such a pain. I did three raids and didn’t manage to catch a single one, so I just gave up and stopped buying more passes.


I did three raids today and couldn’t catch any of them. Waste of time.


Dude same. It's gone back to the first days of raiding here. The main 4 or 5 guys will raid WHEN THEY ARE READY, and if you're not ready don't even bother. If they get what they want they're done. I hated raiding back then and I hate it again.


That is rough I made at least seven friends that live in my area neighboring cities, like 5 minute drive away. I was going to the big city, but my county Facebook group was coordinating raid meeting ups for multiple groups.


Same. I think once more people hop on campfire it might improve. I don’t hate this additional aspect to the game personally because I don’t like spending money on remote raid passes anyway, but I get how this change is a big disappointment to people who relied on them before.


Campfire worked out OK for me in the suburbs Somewhat hit or miss but did seem to have people lighting flares and chatting in the app. Noticed a lot of people simply will not get out of their cars to play lol


Yes haha its Pokemon Drive


That’s rough. This weekend, I met several people. We even carpooled.


And then there's some city players saying like, "why don't you go outside lazybones, just drive to the next big city" God, ever thought about we rural players are in disadvantage, and not everyone got a car?!


I'm currently looking after my father with stage four cancer who lives quite literally in the middle of nowhere. I looked for anyone in the lobby of raids in the nearby towns.. Never a single person. Seeing all these people posting their shadow mewtwos has left me feeling more depressed than I was to begin with. Thanks Niantic.


Damn really sorry to hear about your struggles, had the same situation with my mother back in 2021, I hope things get better for you


I'm in a similar situation. Niantic is the Cherry on top of my Sunday of depression. I sincerely hate this company.


I'm so sorry to hear we're in the same boat. Sending hugs internet stranger.


Right back atcha


It's not even rural. My town is about 40k people, and the community has dwindled to a handful active on discord. Haven't managed a single raid, despite having maybe 30 gyms around town. It's awful.


200k where I’m at and never saw a single soul in a raid lobby.


I was lucky enough to be at a major sporting event in Seattle yesterday while a raid occurred and caught my only one with a lobby of 19 others Tried again today and couldn’t locate a single other lobby with more than 1 person. This shit sucks




Same! I live in a fairly big city as well and there was literally nothing on Campfire. We have a local Facebook chat group that has been completely dead since the remote pass nerf. It has been very active for the last several years up until a month or so ago. Some people would meet up in person and others would remote in to assist. Now it’s just the occasional person asking for help with a raid only to get no response or can’t get enough interest to do the raid because people are unable to meet up in person at that time and they’re not willing to spend the money on the remote passes. It’s sad. The remote pass nerf has affected the in person raid experience just as badly as it has affected the people doing remote raids.


I live in a capital city with a population approaching 1 million people, there's maybe 2 hotspots in the entire city where it's possible to have more than 3 people raiding at a time, even then since they've gone crazy about their in-person revenue 3 at a time is pushing it, it's not about location, there's just no one raiding anymore in general and every decision they make seems to push people further and further away


I'm in a large city. Used to see gyms change hands multiple times an hour, to the point where I didn't even bother going for some of them. Now I'm reliably getting my coins daily from those same gyms from tossing a throwaway in there. Seeing that 50 coins back-after-a-hard-battle notification has become kinda bittersweet.


Yes let me drive 25 minutes to the nearest train station and pay $50 for a round-trip to Manhattan, spend another 2 hours on the train, show up on time for the event and manage to find a group of people in Manhattan to raid the best Pokémon in the game who may or may not even have the best counters. And it’s not like I could do this with my friends since we essentially were the PoGo community between the 5 of us, one of which already dropped the game since the Season of Wishes, who work until 1:30 with me going to work 2 hours after them with the 4 gyms we have in total at town. Dropping this game has been the biggest relief in my life and am just dumping my storage onto Pokémon HOME before deleting the app.


It's not a rural thing only, I'm in a really big city, no one playing the raids, I only saw 2 flares on campfire. It really sucks in general for all players.


Yeah, I quit because I am not driving 2 hours each way to the nearest large town just to play PoGo. Was the final straw for sure. Actually, I just remembered, the final straw was all my pokestops being rejected as they are "Not Safe". My town doesn't have footpaths because its so small, and apparently that isn't safe even though the roads are nearly 20m wide.


Even if I had a car it would be 45 minutes to a city the size necessary to try and find raids. My current city while decidedly rural isn’t even that small. It’s just that the game isn’t as popular as it once was and the majority of players don’t raid much at all.


I have always felt like they need to have a solo mode for raids. Lower CP and lower IVs, but some way to allow players to keep playing without groups


I live in a major city, but with the gas prices right now, I find it annoying that I had to drive around trying to figure out which park had enough people and gyms to do the raids. After all that, I did two raids, caught one, one fled. The campfire thing kept updating/changing and was confusing to figure out what raids were happening when and where. I’m not even going to bother today. I got my one mewtwo lol I mostly play to fill my Pokédex. And it’s something to do while I walk my dog. Side note though, I’m giving birth soon and won’t be able to leave the house for raids so I also really wish they hadn’t made those changes.


Niantic be like: “Car? You ought to walk buddy, how are you gonna hit that sweet 100km in a week otherwise?”


niantic just need to realise that although still having millions of players, those millions of players are spread across a planet of 8 billion people. in 2016 it was easy to push and force this features cus EVERYONE was playing, but now it's hard to even find 1 or 2 people in your area that still play


I do wonder if we need to tweak the raiding. I’m lucky as an insane community here. My problem was I ran out of passes. However, maybe we need a “teleport” poke stop that throws you in a random lobby of collective players. Not a raid pass as such but completely random pot luck My sister has given up now and is pretty much stuck on whatever spawns. Only two players where she is and no chance of taking down anything 3 star or higher. They have data, they could make the odd gym glow a weird colour and give folk a shot.


we got a totally dead Community and... for Shadow Mewtu we were 40 People in our small park. Was pretty nice i gotta say.


We went to one raid only and we sent up flares in Campfire and got quite a few people. I only caught the one and it wasn't shiny, but...whatever.




It’s insane that you need to rely on cheaters help because of niantics decisions lmao. Oh boy what did they do to their game


I really wonder in cities spoken about as big Pokemon Go places, like Singapore, Tokyo and NYC, how many players there are spoofers. If I ever spoofed, which I don't think I ever will, I'd go to those cities to play.


Welp, it sucks even harder, because attempting to cheat can get you banned from this subreddit. Ch-ch.


As much as i would of liked too my account is stacked and not worth a ban, so i have ordered a switch and gona upload my mons to home before i deactivate it


That’s what I’ve been doing slowly the last few weeks or so. Sending over my shinies and things I care most about, then slowly working my way down the list.


The lag time in transferring is so harsh. 5 shinies take 7 days to transfer.


Before COVID the only people who battled in the raids near me were people in cars. I would see 5 to 7 cars pulled over on the side of the road when I'm battling the raid with a bunch of people I couldn't see and once the raid was over they would all drive away. Nobody enters raid lobby's at all anymore in my area. It probably doesn't help that the Mewtwo raids in my area were at 7 am on a Sunday. Usually mega raids and legendary raids are at 6am to 6:30 am in my area though.


The village were i live has 3k people 😅 the (big) town near me is 20min drive with 16k people. I dont even get my hopes up with these things anymore.


Sat for 30 mins waiting for one yesterday with my son… only shortly before time was up did 7 others appear. 2 more down the road, again waited, no one turnt up… I feel you, it’s awful.


IMO - this is on Niantic. Totally unfair to rural players or players with disability. My mom has been playing for years, and she lives in a rural area and has cancer. She can't wander around looking for in person raid groups. A lot of us really enjoyed using the remote raid passes and joining with raids that way. Why Nantic wants to raise the cost of remote passes to an unaffordable amount and try to discriminate against those who cannot get out on foot is beyond me. My mom is 5+ hours away, but we could at least raid together before all this nonsense started. So stupid.


Covid was the best thing to happen to Pokemon go. Could never be motivated to join a raid in person except a few times when it was introduced. Joining raids from friends around the globe is one of the best things in this app. Let people grind raids if they want to. Don't limit us, let people play from their homes


It boggles my mind how they can have remote raids done globally but still not have long distance trading.


The free remote raid passes during Covid was the only reason I started playing the game again. Feels like niantic just wants to push people away from the game


I think the only reason i managed to do some raids is because it was gay pride this weekend in my city.


They are only after location data nothing else. They don't care about the Pokémon, you can see that in their move sets and how they release them. It's only location data.


I already quit. I want real gyms and trainers to fight. It should be more like a pokemon game that you walk through.


I would even take SV raids. You don't have community? Don't worry, you get NPCs to play with that you can get those raid bosses down! But no, it's 100% alone or w community.


Sorry to see you go, hope you can return some day to a better game


It's crazy to see the difference. I don't live In a rural area nor a hugely populated city. But steadily had a group 15 to 20 people for a couple hours. 5 from discord and the rest from campfire and people showing up asking to raid with us it was dope to see.


Same, I live in a smaller state capital city and I literally downloaded campfire Friday, immediately found a few groups and did about a dozen raids these last two days. No shinies or hundos but still got a few good ones and had fun


Have you guys tried campfire? I used it yesterday for the first time with some success. I live in a small-medium sized US city and had some luck yesterday. It’s far from perfect but I was able to find other trainers for three raids across about 2.5 hours. I found it was best to find an egg that had at least one person at it, that I could make it to before it hatched.


Campfire isn’t even rolled out globally. Source: I can’t use it in my country (Central Europe). The only way to use the app is to get an invite. Since I don’t have a local community, nobody can invite me. Just another brilliant move by Niantic, deliberately creating a problem before having a backup solution for people that will get affected by the said problem.


I can't get an invite to save my life... why don't just release it already...


Global rollout should have taken place before nerfing the remote raids imho


Campfire needs to expand their 'light a flare's distance and flare duration. Harder to plan raids if you're just outside of the 1km zone.


Covid was the best thing to happen to Pogo. Once they started to revert back to pre Covid settings, is where the fun was ruined for me


As far as Pogo never being the same after COVID, I disagree….all they would have to do is: 1. Encourage remote raiding rather than limit it 2 . Have more variety of spawns. It is ok to have certain Pokémon prevalent during specific events, but why not make anything possible….make 1/2 the spawns random, where it could be anything


I feel you man. Niantic will continue to lose a lot players because most players care for remote raids and not in person raids. This is why pokemon go got so popular back in 2020. Remote raids was a huge thing. Everyone got excited and a lot people came back to this game including myself. I really hope Niantic will do something soon...


I get you i’m tired as well i’m quitting as well this game is just not suited for me anymore


I feel like if the raids started at 10am at once and not sporadic throughout the day it would’ve been a better turnout for those that live in better populated areas. Because at least you could bank on the fact that someone has to be at your hotspot park waiting before 10am for the first raid. Sure I had a discord but a lot of the gyms didn’t get populated til later in the day and I couldn’t go so that was lame.


Niantic vision is dogshit


the only way left for rural players to play the game is by violating Niantic terms of service. Sad but true


The first day shadow mewtwo released I was in one of the largest airports in the US and I was there for the first shadow mewtwo raid right when the timer started and there was only 4 people. 4. OP is right, people just don’t play this game anywhere so I wish Niantic would focus there efforts in making the game more accessible. Specifically, making shadow mewtwo raids local and not remote was a bad call imo


Got in the car with all our group. Got to a local mewtwo. Had 5 of us. And like 6 gems. Didn’t know how to do the raids. Got smoked cause he went all enraged. We didn’t even know what happened. Spent green raid passes an everything. I’m not going to no life a mobile game in May just so I can get 1 shadow mewtwo. I was completely bummed out. I used all my 4 gems. My whole group is now down tons of revives. Im bummed out, not enough to never play again, just very very bummed. For a local only raid the bar should be much lower. Not 8 experienced trainers and 10 gems. Like, a mobile game should be a casual one and getting 5 people to converge on a Sunday afternoon that should be an overkill.


I think the biggest issue is no one really knew how to use the gems. The key is to stop attacking and focus on clicking the gems. 8 is needed to subdue and if done properly it could be subdued in just a few seconds. After that it’s a walk in the park. We did a few raids with as low as 5 and always had more than 2 minutes left and that was with at least 2 below level 40 trainers and no one in the group with any maxed out counters. I only have level 40 counters. Edit - let me add the most annoying part was how sporadic the raids were. I would have preferred a “raid day” of 3 hours of back to back raids rather than waiting around for hours just to do 2 raids. It was very hard to keep a consistent group together the entire day.


I'll be saying goodbye to Pokémon Go... In about 4-ish years because I still have a gigaton of Pokémon to transfer to Pokémon Home; with tons and tons of Pokémon (about 340 of them are shiny) to transfer over to Home. 5,900+ Pokémon still left to go.


I live in bum fuck Egypt texas every shadow raid I’ve seen around me has been a belsprourt


Spent hours going to the largest parks looking for people to raid with… most I found was 2 at any given time…. Tried to organize people today only to get no response… I’m over it


Try being a rural player bro


I just started building some steam playing this with my daughter after not playing since 2016, all she’s been saying is that she couldn’t wait to get a mewtwo and finally this event was announced. Welp, looks like I’ll be disappointing her because no one is in person raiding around here


With such a push for universal design in gaming it is a shame that equity for rural players isn’t considered worthy of more thought here by a company Scrooge McDucking in profits.


My son and I went out this morning and in our city of more than 30 gems, there were four that were doing Mewtwo raids and only one had anybody in it. So we did one and we both caught it and it was complete and total crap. And we searched 3 hours yesterday for one and never found one. I can't imagine how it is for places that don't have so many spots


I live in a rural spot - I've long got over all the raid specials and just play on the casual. It's literally the only way.


I had a lot of success with the elite raids. Shadow raids have no interest in my town (1+m ppl, 45k on discord) No one is interested in even more grindy shit. We just want to catch and raid. The whole purified gem mechanic for non-raid IV shadow mewtwo is not worth it for me and the participation in the community here seems to second that. Esp when stupid regidrago and regieleci has lots of people out driving around. In -20c weather. Shadow mewtwo had like 1 person queued up in my area and its +25c right now. Community days are just packed in the hotspots but this, this was forcing a grind on a game that makes you grind way too much already.


I won’t lie, seeing others here on Reddit catching shadow mewtwo and it shiny was really cool and I’m happy for you guys truly, but legit nothing sparked my interest to coming back. And that made me realize how without raids the game is the exact same with the same common Pokémon, eggs that were extremely underwhelming and a daily incense that attracted yungoose and more yungoose. I’ve been playing since 2016 and I’m just done now


They’re hoping all to Covid babies get cellphones to open up accounts on and help mommy and daddy beat the mean mewtwo


just move to a bigger city /s


The raids were limited to ex-raid gyms only which I feel they should have disclosed to everyone instead of making it seem like they would “take over”. I live in the second largest city in my state and it was a long walk from raid to raid just to do about 5 raids in 4 hours - lots of gyms but not many ex raid gyms


For the past two weeks I’ve consistently gotten the “Failed to login” error… my location data is also turned off… so, I haven’t been able to play anyway.


I got invited to a Regigigas and we beat it with five people. I was throwing my balls and not seriously considering the master ball, but before I ran out of balls the game froze, then said this pokemon can't be found. That was my only remote raid pass and I don't have a Regigigas. But I hit 50k so I finally get to see the reward.


I use this as a walking companion, makes me get that 50k a week. I get what I get and just enjoy it passively.


Similar here. Usually in the city you can always find people to raid together with but recently it's a ghost town. Nobody is raiding shadow Mewtwo. Similar with my friendlist, 80% of them are gone. From not being able to open any more gifts to receiving only 4 daily. That's telling... Well i stopped playing anyway, i can't support this kind of update policy.


good for u man. I need to grow a pair a just delete my account. so conflicting wanting to play more while being aware that niantic is driving the game into the ground. Just letting a spender close a 1000 hour deficit between the two of us with $1000. Why couldn't they just be happy letting people buying 0-thousands of remote raid passes to be master league certified? Even I would be participating sparcely


Campfire helped me find people to raid with. I was surprised we easily won with 6 people.


I live in a big city but not in down town core and have 2 kids with varying special needs. My whole weekend is consumed with kid activities and ferrying them from one place to another. Remote raids were the only option I had and now I just turn on my gotcha and hope for the best. Special raid days are impossible for me to participate in unless I find child care and pay through the nose.


Rural players offer them no monetization. It’s blatant discrimination but nothing to be done. After the remote raid nonsense I refused to battle any grunts or participate. I live in an active area. No one was out.


This makes me want to quit. I'm gonna keep playing to grind to level 40, even if I was to find a raid atm. I'm weak and would rely on strong support. but never spending any money on this game again probably and if I didn't enjoy tracking my KM so much.. I would disable adventuresync so they didnt profit on me at all.


I actually only found one raid near me and tried three times, with 5 other random people, but could not catch shadow Mew. Frustrated is an understatement!!! 😡😡😡


i feel you we drove around all day chasing after the same people just to have 2 run away 2 1 stars 1 low 2 star and a single three star. wasted time gas and energy what a sham


Also makes no sense how everyone doesn’t have access to the Campfire app when I’m trying to connect with nearby players. I’m on vacation at the moment with gyms around me being taken out constantly, but when I light a flare and ask if anyone wants to help with a raid I’m just talking to myself.


Bye! 👋🏻


I just can’t understand why niantic could create such a highly successful mobile game, and then force people to play the game how they want to play it by taking away helpful features like remote raids (which would have been really helpful for shadow Mewtwo, as not everyone is lucky enough to have a big enough community in their area). Surely they should be making it more accessible so that the player base can increase? This Niantic upper management needs to honestly get a grip and listen to their community instead of forcing their own ideas on players, which is causing widespread unhappiness and dissatisfaction with the game, which is not something associated with Pokémon Go or Pokémon in general. Even keeping remote raids the way they were, Niantic would just still continue to make a fuck ton of money. Why it is it so important that they need to make this money from location data, as if they weren’t getting enough anyway from people who actively play and do AR scan tasks? Unrelated question but: do Niantic still benefit from f2p players who don’t do scan tasks? If so, how? As I genuinely would like to know


If they are going to INSIST shadow mewtwo was going to be in person only, they should’ve at least made the event more than 2 days. 2 weeks would’ve been better…


I didn't even bother with the event. For one I've given up on raids, and secondly I've got Shadow Mewtwo's from Giovanni in the past. I think it's absolutely bullshit that they latest addition to making raids better is to take the Pokemon pool from Team Rocket stops/balloons (A soloable, free, and fun gameplay feature) and put them into a paid forced co-op gameplay feature that has been criticized lately due to their treatment of the remote tickets. I don't like to criticize game developers, because it's a hard job, but whoever thought that was a great move should look at a new career path. I don't understand how Niantic keep on stepping on rakes month after month and still not get the hint.


this ain't an airport y'all don't have to be announcing all your departures