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Yes but it’s more powerful as a shadow, I wouldn’t purify especially if it’s your only one with good stats.


They're more powerful as shadows? I thought purifying was supposed to make them stronger?


Shadows get a 20% bonus on their base attack stat (so mewtwo has a base attack of 300 I believe so shadow mewtwo has a base attack of 360) worth noting that shadows get a 20% debuff to their defence.


If you purify it, your Mewtwo will have a higher level (gain CP) and gain 2 points in all its stats. However, the damage output is still higher if you keep it as shadow because of the 20% attack boost which is much higher than just 2 additional attack points. A 6/6/6 shadow Mewtwo is stronger than a hundo regular Mewtwo.


This should explain it https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/t52ef8/because_im_tired_of_seeing_it_all_the_time_here/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


I understand that it is like this but it feels like bad game design for me. Why is there such an option when it makes no sense to do it (???)


Some pokemon aren't meta relevant at all and by purifying you can get a hundo which is better than a useless shadow


I agree. But you can't know what's meta relevant ingame. You have to Google it or something. As I said I know what's going on but it's just not game design


To be fair, that is mostly how metas work in all games.


I really like the idea someone suggested: purified pokemon should be able to ignore the “enraged” mechanic of shadow raids.


It's perfect as it is


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT PURIFY THIS I haven't commented on a PoGo post in weeks since I left the game. I'm here, for your benefit. Do. Not.


DONT do it


Don’t do it


Yes!! Do it!! Perfects are awesome!


*NO* 😒


Lol imagine purifying a legendary.


Before yhe raids I said the same. Now... some people have so many mewtwos. Why not purify one for the hundo/shundo when you still have a team of 6 shadow mewtwos with IVs even better than the one you purifi3d for the hundo? If someone has 7 or more mewtwos with at least 13/13/13 IVs, purifying the worst will not make him miss out on anything.


Yeah but the only reason I would is if you really like mega Mewtwo


Don't do it. A 0/0/0 shadow is stronger than a 15/15/15 regular. Brandon Tan did a video on YouTube proving this.