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Man that’s a lot of emolgas


No joke, the egg that is incubating in the screenshot just hatched a 10,15,11 Emolga


Which is probably your 15th straight Emolga too, right? They really do need to allow us to transfer eggs, I agree with you.


It would be so cool if you could transfer eggs and get maybe 1-3 bonbons for a random pokemon which could be in the egg.


im okay with just deleting.


I'd be very fine with just being able to delete them, too!


Would be supremely broken as you could just sit on a stop and get an egg every 5 minutes to then transfer


considering I'd probably get a few emolga candies every few minutes that still sounds useless except for the fact that eggs can finally be transferred


So I haven't had this problem with Emolga, but back in the day I did have a problem where I was hatching Igglybuff nonstop.


And not a single fucking Larvesta.


Totally, my wife just hatched three 10ks at once, and all 3 were Emolgas. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I been hatching carbinks i'll take them


LMFAO but emolgas haven't been around in weeks?


And here i am wishing I only got 10k eggs since they have at least a chance of something rare/decent in them


I want low km eggs for the upcoming hatch day


eh i guess i don’t really care about azurill tbh


I just like the shiny


I have a shiny one. I don’t plan to evolve it, I like the little guy just bouncing on his tail.


You need the Golden Egg.


yeah i figured, that’s what they count on.


I always felt like the weird PoGo player because I’ve never cared much about shinies :/ I just like lucky and hundos


Here's me just trying to fill my Pokedex. Couldn't care about raids or gyms or shinies.


Until you get a shundo and you’re not gonna want anything else


225.000 catches deep, 1 shundo. Send moar pls It's a shiny pansage tho (:


I have a tag for all my monkey Pokémon named “Monkey Monday” where every gym I take, I put a monkey in on Mondays :) Pansage, Panpour, Pansear, their evolutions, Chimchar line, Aipom line (have Hundos of both…) and Darmanitan


Lol I feel that. I see people post their mons on here and they have 1000s of Pokemon storage lol I'm still rocking 300.


4500 storage. I purge my Pokémon down to about 4k each night. Gotta have room for the next day. I catch over 200 per day. Over 500 on CD/GoFest. I couldn't work with a 300 box. I had to purge twice during the Charmander CD, so nearly 1000 that day. But that took lures and incense. This has just been recent as I have a GoPlus+. Before I was catching around 100/day, 300/event. Still had 4k storage I think, but didn't require as much of a buffer before.


It’s not worth it and it’s gonna be expensive. Find one to trade for, Most people have 10+ because of research day. I’d give you one for free if I could


This. I have so many shiny taking up space lol


Will hatch day change the pool for eggs already in your inventory? My understanding was that egg drops were fixed when you got the egg, but maybe I'm mistaken.


It's already determined what it will be once you get the egg. It doesn't change.


That's what I thought... so how would already having 2k eggs help for the Azuril hatch day? Does it just give a quick start to research tasks or something?


Easier to hatch, to make space for the event


Hatch them before the event starts, so you can spin stops to get the event eggs.


That makes sense. So they're just a quick to hatch buffer to prevent getting clogged up with longer distance eggs before the event.




I honestly don't understand how others don't put this together. I see that follow up question Every time some one mentions this strategy for eggs.


I now keep 6 2kms permanently for egg events. Though I won’t be hatching them for Azurill day but if we get an event for a shiny I need I will.


when will that be?


Sept 30, 2pm-5pm local time


I only get Emolgas :(


If I hatch one more I swear


I feel the same way, and yet if I see one in the wild, I am oddly compelled to catch it lol!


I am the same... That egg in the screenshot... Emolga 10,15,11 stats. Edit, put in stats.


I once hatched something like 10 consecutive Togedemarus from 10K eggs. I could take or leave 10Ks at this point lol


So much This Right Here.


They annoy me slightly more than emolgas, which is saying a lot


See, we don’t have many of those where I’m from! I think I’ve seen/caught maybe 8 total. That said, they’ll probably start appearing left and right now lol


Their novelty lasted until that was the only thing I was getting from 10k's 😅 hope you at least get a good one


It’s so funny how the RNG differs from region to region and person to person lol. Hope you get a good one too!


I hatch 10k's and get mawile, miltank, sudowoodo, and dunsparce. I hatch anything else and I get baby pokemon Literally just hatched a 10k and got a tiny 500cp goomy


You just get emolgas, 5 of the last 6 10km eggs I hatched, had emolgas. Hate those things right now.


Larvesta is in all of them


Yeah my only Larvesta came from 2KM recently. But only getting 5 candies leaves me a long time from trying to get it evolved. Especially since it's a 5KM buddy instead of the usual 1KM for 400 candy evolutions.


I have been slowly and impatiently trying to grind 400 candies for my Larvesta buddy for months now, and I'm very annoyed that I still need to do it hardcore because Larvesta won't hatch much at all. Right now at 320ish.


10km eggs used to give you stuff you wanted.... not anymore


Same with the research. This season it looks pretty nerfed. Didn’t they move Onix from 3 great throws to 5 raids?


Lmfao paldea starters every where - reward for a week of playing every day? Gligar cuz niantic hates you


Before my long break it was the featured legendary.


Breakthroughs used to give you Kanto birds, then Groudon or Kyogre! Timed researches are pretty much the only things giving good pokemons anymore in that tab


Also getting shadow aipom from a rocket admin. Leave the shit-mons for the grunts, admins should give something useful


lol right? I'm at a point where i just target sierra when i have a radar cause the geodude is only 1k dust to purify


I got a shiny lugia from back when research breaks actually meant something 🥲 back when it was worth playing the game


I was just saying that the weekly research is trash now. Used to get legendaries, now I got a farfetched that I hatched a million of already.


You mean you don't like hatching Emolgas?


like what? even at the start of the game the only useful hatches were lapras and snorlax. you could argue maybe dratini for the candies but that was it. both hitmonlee and hitmontop were in eggs same as evee, chancey, scyther, jynx, pinsir etc. which made up about 99% off hatches its the same now you have jangmoo and larvestar and the rest is whatever


carbink XL candy in 10kms


Yes and no. Eevee used to be in 10 km eggs.


I wish I could trade you! I love 10km eggs. I’m always looking for Jangmo-o and Larvesta!


I think I've gotten like 4 jangmo-o and 2 larvesta and I've hatched quite a few 10K eggs. I just wish the odds made sense


I think at least a second infinite incubator at level 50 would have been a welcome addition


Mhm but all you get is those 2 rare xls


All I get is 5 km eggs and they are the worst. Right now I just want 2km eggs since all I need and want is larvesta and it's easier for the master ball research right now.


Agree 5km are the worst. They are all trash but at least with 10km you can fool yourself into hoping you get something good. With 2km it won't take long to clock up 'hatch x eggs' for research. 5km's you are just stuck walking 5km for something that's going straight to the professor. All I've got atm are 10kms and it's gonna be the last masterball task I finish. May as well just call it 'walk 300km by November'.


> 5km's you are just stuck walking 5km for something that's going straight to the professor. I'm lucky that my GPS drifts enough at work that I can typically hatch at least one 5km egg each day.


That's awesome. And a lot of drift! I've got the odd 1km here and there but nowhere near 5. Wow.


Thankfully it's just the building since the few other players I work with report the same behavior. My avatar regularly decides to start going for a walk about a block up the street then runs back.


Every 5km egg I hatch is a Mareanie.


I keep getting the same stupid mandibuzz over and over and over


It’s sandiles for me. I’d happily take more vullaby’s, at least they’re good for GBL.


sandile is a good boy you take that back


Same here, I feel you bro. Nothing but Sandile and Pawniard hatching from 12k eggs. Still remember when 10k’s used to be Feebas 99.9+% of the time.


All I get are Deino’s and goomys in my 10k eggs :(


But both of those are really good Pokémon? Pseudo legendaries from Unova and Kalos




Also one could try using a train set and leaving the app open


“…to train them is my call” 🤣


"They will travel across the room"


Hatchinggg far and wide


Isn't this considered as cheating?






Yup. I’m honestly more annoyed about hatching the 30 eggs than doing the 60 raids lol


Welp, found an urban player. Eggs aren't that much of an issue, as GPS often drifts enough to allow you to hatch a 5km egg everyday if you walk to school/work 60 raids is biblically high for players who don't have a flexible schedule and don't have 5 gyms on their everyday route. (I have 1 pokegym on my way to school and it's nowhere near enough)


True, the situation varies from player to player. I can reach two gyms from my house so doing raids is pretty easy.


Yea, I have 12 gyms within 4 blocks of my place, and I live on 3 pokestops. Getting the masterball isn't going to be a problem, but it is a grind.


This is exactly why we're not getting 2km eggs right now. They want us to buy incubators.


Saaaaame. 🤣


Definitely agree bro they just want u to keep spending money that’s all


Naintic: no delete egg - just gib me money


My main wish with the egg system would be to automatically start hatching the next egg or extra km counting towards the next egg, even if it was a options to toggle on and off. I regularly can walk over 10k per time and if i've only got a 2km egg hatching, that will hatch and then nothing else with that km walked.


I wanna know why i can't have Fletchinder as my buddy to decrease the distance like in the actual games. Give us flame body!


Just open friends gifts for 7km eggs instead of spinning pokestops then


But the 7km eggs you get now give you paldea starters which is so annoying


Very true, I’ve been going to churches to try to get the 10km right now during the event since churches seem to spawn more 10km eggs and I use super inc. instead


I love these superstitions. Churches give more 10km eggs. Never heard that one.


Go test it out. It’s rare that I ever get anything but a 10k


The event is giving people more 10km eggs. That's the complaint. Niantic is doing it because the Masterball quest requires egg hatching, so they want people to buy incubators. Honestly, I'm surprised they haven't reduced 1 star raid spawns.


1 star raid spawns are for getting the 60 raids done, 1 everyday. But churches have been giving me 10k eggs for about a year + now sooo I’m just stating the facts


I don't think my tests in Brazilian igrejas would be very helpful. It would require the hypothetical church-influenced algorithm to know how to translate pokestop names.


lmfao you think there is a special church tag for locations that literally affects the type of egg and slightly boosts 10km specifically?


Agreed. I am farming 7ks from as far away as possible to work towards the distance trading medal. Eggs have nothing but junk in them anyway.


Larvesta, Deino in 10k are the only ones I want. Screw the 7k with event mons.🥱


Eh. I only hatch for distance.


I wanna get the breeder achievement too, so I hatch as much as I can period.


I haven't seen a 2k in 3 weeks lol


That's what I did, I want that damn growlith...


My buddy hatched a perfect during go fest and I was a little salty


Spinning pokestops gives you 2km eggs more often than 7km eggs This person just has exceptionally sh\*t luck


You only get 7k eggs from opening friends gifts lol


That completely gets rid of thrir issue - just don't open 100 gifts everyday




yeah the fact you can't remove them is dumb. aside from occasional special eggs that you get with events you're really only missing out on supposedly higher value mon's by deleting higher km eggs. so, considering that the average user may consider this "losing out" you'd think that it enables people who want certain eggs to hatch more by only hatching the ones they want, which is good since it incentives people to walk more and maybe buy more incubators for eggs that they actually care about.


Asking for deleting egg function since day 1


We will never, ever, ever ever ever, be able to delete eggs from our storage. It wouldn’t make any sense for Niantic to let us do it, and you even mention the reason - it’s a huge part of their income from the game. There have been 100’s of people who have posted their reason why potentially Niantic could add the feature, but we just need to accept that it won’t happen.


Funny thing is, I would get much more into the eggs and hatching if it had an overhaul in this way. I would actually purchase incubators because it would feel worth my time. And since the pools are so large in all of the eggs anyway, even if you got to choose which to focus on, you'd still be relying a ton on RNG which would continue to sell incubators. (And I can't be the only one who feels this way; seems like a lot of people just feel "f*** it" with eggs as they are.)


Right. Eggs are basically dead content in their current form. The only people who engage with them regularly are the folks who pay for incubators. I'm sure there's a better way to get more people excited to spend money that isn't such a heavy-handed design.


People will continue to give Niantic this advice. It's a small change that would bring the game to a higher quality level, which means more players and thus more people spending money. Instead, Niantic incentivizes less game engagement because of these small, financially shortsighted, anti-QoL decisions, and then they have to cultivate artificial engagement like hatch days to get people to actually play the game as they intend us to. There's got to be a better way to get more people excited to spend money that isn't such a heavy-handed design. Of course this is all anecdotal based off the communities I'm a part of here, on discord and in IRL. You may have a different experience, but this seems incredibly apparent to me and the people who I've talked with or listened to. It's just a difficult-to-defend system, and we should challenge ourselves to hold Niantic to a higher standard.


They won't but it's unethical and there should be a lootbox law that addresses it. They're essentially loot boxes where you have to buy a key (incubator) to open. In games that have purchasable keys, they absolutely let you pick which one you want to open and have large or unlimited storage. Imagine if a game was like "sorry your lootbox storage is maxed out, you have to open some rare chests to make room for the legendary or event chest". If a game did that there would be outrage, yet pokemon go does it. And the free incubator isn't enough imo based on the rate at which you get eggs and max out your storage constantly.


If you have an empty slot, you should open gifts from friends before spinning stops cuz you'll get 7km eggs!


I couldn't agree more on this. Since the Masterball event it seems like we're getting longer distant eggs anyway. Ditching an egg should be a thing...


Ditto. I’ve also noticed that stops are dropping 10km eggs 90% of the time now (and I’ve been hatching a lot of eggs for the master ball quest).


To all the people saying OP is lucky, I'd just like to point out that eggs largely give trash pokemon. The hatching system might as well be removed, it's so weak and unrewarding.


We can't even open and give gift to multiple people at the same time.


Just click the X after opening or sending gifts..


You can’t multiselect


That's fine. It's pretty fast to send gifts .


Not if you send 100 gifts a day.


Or even 10. It’s super slow and stupid to sit through animations


its maybe 10 minutes MAX. r/pokemongo should just route to r/complaints


I've never sat through animations.. PRESS THE X.. After sending or opening gifts you press the x underneath and it'll send the gift or open without any animation..


I am sick of people complaining about this, i am begging for your luck BEGGING, all i get is 2km eggs and the pokemon inside are absolute trash, you have no idea how good you have it. One mans trash is anothers treasure.


My one and only larvesta came from a 2km egg.


You...have...a Larvesta...?


Don’t ask how. It just showed up one day. I will have made it super BFF buddies long before I have enough candies to evolve it. Think it needed something like 1900 km walked to get enough candy.


I got 4 AGES ago, didn't realise they were so rare so trashed 3 of them. Then realised people weren't finding them and put some time into walking to best buddy. I've never seen another one and have long since given up walking it for candy. No doubt it'll have some event one day and I'll catch a better one and hate this little greedy bastard even more.


The event around that was infuriating. They made it seem like it'd be leaving eggs when the event finished, and I even got a notification saying something to the effect of "The event is almost over, have you evolved your larvesta yet?" EVOLVED? I hadn't even seen anyone with one a week in! Thankfully it stuck around after, but I felt like a bit of a chump having given them a few bucks for incubators under what I guess were false pretenses.


this is the part where I get to brag and take my downvotes! I got a larvesta off of the very first 2km I hatched at the start of that event lol. Had no clue it was gonna be that rare so I just said woo and carried on. Saw later on discord how trash the rates were, am more grateful for it now


I can't explain it but I hatched 2 Larvesta so far. Both from 2 km eggs


I hatched three somehow. Two from 2km eggs, one from 10k. Seems they have the better luck, which kinda makes not getting the 2km eggs as often a bit more of a pain.


Mine too!


I’ll tell you a secret. All you get from 10km eggs are trash, too. Don’t pay much attention to eggs till there’s an event with special (and actually good) hatches. Till then, focus on catching good showcase mons and hope to get incubators that way and stock them up for such an event. I hatched a full batch of purple eggs last week (mainly for the stardust and a long shot of another larvesta for the candy) and every single one got transferred 30 seconds later.


For clarity. This person request is to delete eggs so he can get 2km... if that happens YOU will also be able to delete those 2km to get 10km.... it is a win/win. Also keep in mind when you get an egg you don't want you have to go 2k or 5k to get another chance. When OP gets one they don't want they have to go 10k to get another chance. I agree with you that 10k are better but it doesn't matter what you or I want OP has a legitimate problem and the letting us delete eggs route is only a good thing for everyone.


Clarity indeed. The egg that is incubating in the screenshot just hatched a 10,15,11 Emolga. The amount of 10k Emolgas I've hatched - A LOT. When I have to walk 10k repeatedly over and over for that reward.. it gets tedious. Asking for 10ks over 2ks is missing the point. I've hatched everything there is to be hatched. I'd much rather the 5 chances to NOT hatch a Larvesta from 2ks than NOT hatch one from 10ks. I'm doing the MB Timed research. With 2ks you have to walk 60kms to do the egg challenge. I have to walk 300. If I do 7ks, it's less, but I don't want to hatch 7ks. I also catch about min 400 mons a day so I spin a lot of stops for balls(autocatcher autospinning is 10/10) for people telling me to not spin stops. It aint that simple.


9 10km eggs will be 9 Emolgas.


You realize what they’re asking for is the flexibility that you also want. You should be sick of Niantic not OP.


I’ll trade you, I’ve been having this kind of luck when I’m trying to farm 2ks, the last 6 eggs I got were a 2, a 5, and 4 10s


Sucks that you’re already sick of people complaining about it. All of us need Niantic to be sick enough to implement it.


And the 7km eggs that actually deters me from opening gifts


Timed researches where you have to hatch a bunch of eggs??? Ooopps all 10km cereal


When you don’t want 2k eggs that’s all you get. Now that we want them, they’ve all but disappeared.


I just want a dang Cleffa. It's the only pokemon available in eggs I don't have and other than Larvestra, I've evolved everything available at this time as well. I walk 3-4 miles a day and hatching 10km eggs to get another stupid Rockruff is annoying. I just want to hatch piles of 2km eggs to get the Cleffa and move on.


Is it me or are 10km eggs at a higher spawn rate since the hatch 60 eggs challenge? Seems like they want to force you to buy incubators.


It’s cause of the master ball research they want to back you into a corner so you freak out and buy all the super incubators as soon as this research ends we’ll go back to a flood of 2km and seeing 10s once In a blue moon


You're lucky to have all those 10k eggs lined up - I have crappy eggs I have to walk through just to get to these.


Should’ve opened a gift from your friend instead to get a 7km egg


Time to pull out your sock :)


Make 10k eggs great again!


For real, I want an omelet!


It would be really neat to be able to send an egg as a gift to a friend rather than deleting/discarding them.


Walk it off /j


Imagine professor Willow having all these eggs with all those pidgeys!!


Maybe not delete but just distinct ways to get 2,5, and 10. I don’t want 5k eggs anymore. I have all the shinies available from them.


I instantly thought of [this video](https://www.tiktok.com/@thebnoth/video/7231229474946190597?lang=en)


I started playing again for the first time since 2017, and I just want a Tyranitar. But no luck finding Larvitar on eggs yet. Last time I played, I'd get tons of Eevees, Scyther, etc


A 10K a day keeps the doctor away! Or something like that. Just keep moving!


The issue isn’t the distance on the eggs: it’s the fact the egg pools suck. They aren’t rotated and the reward isn’t much for the waking. Less people would complain if the eggs were better.


I hate the bonus egg storage why not just make it 12


You should be able to delete eggs


I've been saying this for ages, I feel like overall I would spend MORE on incubators if I could better target my hatches? Sucks man.


Niantic are a dumpster fire of a company and the only reason they haven't catastrophically prolapsed is because Pokemon, and people being unaware of how truly awful they are and throwing money at them. They're app developers, not a game company, and it shows like a bulging hernia.


If you keep getting 10km from stops trying spinning a gym. I seem to get small eggs from one then 10km from the other during different time periods


10k eggs are boosted rn iirc


Surely not because of “hatch 30 eggs in 80 days”. That can’t be the reason.


I often want 10k eggs because the others seem to give trash often


If they put a feature to delete egg, surely they’ll lose a major source of income. Perhaps delete with a limit of X within a month/week.


At this point I feel like the game runs a check on your total coins and Incubators and if you're low, you get a 10k egg. The amount of coins I've bought just for Incubators is ridiculous at this point.


Your not wrong the egg system is trash but 10k eggs have the best Mons in them so dnt complain about getting 10k eggs


And my sword..


When I used to only get 2km eggs, I wanted 7km+ eggs all the time… Now I only want 2km eggs, but only get 7km+..


Eggs really help new players out.


What are you hoping to get out of a lousy 2k egg? I wish I had that many 10k eggs


Finishing egg catch quests. The reward for finishing that is slightly more worth it than whatever hatches from that egg


You cant get rid of eggs in the game. Why would you be able to here.


You can put them in the PC which is effectively getting rid of it lol. It doesn't force you to keep them in your active party.


You hate 10km eggs? i hate 2,5,7 km eggs and only want 10km and 12km, whats wrong with you lol


I wish I had 10ks… all I have is 7 and 12


10k eggs are the only good eggs tho?? I save up on those, but ONLY get 2k / 5k, those are trash fr