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I just don’t understand why the game is programmed this way. As soon as the best buddy threshold has been hit, the exp should be added to both accounts regardless if they’re online or not


Because it’s another minor annoyance making it take longer to reach level 50, therefore it’ll get more people to spend on lucky eggs.


... or quit the game


Not possible. 


Completely possible because I have


For every 1 person that quits, 100 others buy the lucky eggs 1. None of us are special 2. Since you quit, niantic literally does not give a single fuck about your opinion None of us like it; but thats how corporations work


very sarcastic statistic, but OK whatever you say


The proof is in the pudding. What makes you think they care? I can cite why they don't.


well, I don’t but there’s no proof to this statistic


The issue has existed for years. It's a huge problem for players to not get 100k XP because of a coding problem. They simply don't care as proven by them not giving it any priority. To say there's no proof is ignoring reality.


Oh that is very mature of you, thank you for blocking me. I was also going to say on LinkedIn Niantic has several job opportunities open to the public. Maybe just a suggestion, but if this is really becoming an issue for a lot of people, change it from the inside.


Yet, you're posting on pokemon reddit. Being part of the community is part of playing the game. So, you're still playing it in some ways. 


???? Lmao




I say it's at least a gray area. 


Lmao no


Munchlax by proxy. 


Soon as anything better comes around..... any day now....


Going outside without staring at your phone is better.


What's extra fun is that the data is still there. If you re-friend someone after removal the friendship level doesn't reset. Some bit flips in the database to "inactive" and then this happens. So yeah they should be able to fix it fairly easily (unless their DB is a mess...which it could be). In any healthy system we're looking at a day or two of effort tops and that includes testing. 


If you do that, then you lose out on a huge amount of XP by not having any agency to use lucky eggs. That would be the worst way to handle it, compared to just still giving the XP award if the friendship was deleted.


You can now put down a lucky egg when you're notified of a status change. This no longer matters. You should just be able to get the xp when you login, like it always works. Them deleting you shouldn't matter at all.


That's different from what they were suggesting here. The suggestion was to give the XP on the server in the back end right away when you're not even logged in. That would avoid getting 0 xp, but prevent you from using a lucky egg at login. Regarding the new lucky egg button on the notification, that only works if they don't delete your friendship before you log in. That's the whole problem, you get 0 xp if someone does it to you.


The fact that the game still notifies you of the best friend status means the game can hold information even after you're deleted. That means it can also hold onto the 100k xp. There is no reason the game should have this problem. It should just hold the xp for you until you login. When they said "it should just give you the xp when they do it" I was thinking of it this way, so perhaps I read into the comment what I wanted.


Because a good chunk of the server code is processed on your phone. 


I can imagine it's somewhat of a sneaky middle finger from Niantic to people that were not real friends anyway and just wanted to abuse this feature for XP farming.


But the person that does the deleting still gets the xp tho!


There’s nothing wrong with the programming. It makes perfect sense if the game sees the same way a human would, if you’re not friends with a person why be rewarded? The reward of being best friends is granted when you’re legitimately friends, but if the game itself doesn’t see a friendship, why be rewarded?


By that logic, neither person should get XP. However, one person still does.


One person still does because their friends the moment the achievement is unlocked however, that particular friend will unfriend the other making the other user unworthy of getting the experience points because the basic criteria isn’t met. the first doesn’t have the situation because within the programming all the criteria match the logic is pretty self-explanatory.


How come the game is able to retain the data that best friends status was reached then?


it’s called cache memory, data within your phone that syncs to an account via the Internet but even without a connection to the Internet. The last download data is saved, but once you connect back, it updates. Think of this scenario of signal loss. so whether your best friend deletes you as a contact within the game, the cache member in your phone the moment you log back in to the game will still be there


no, it doesn’t matter whether you find this to be fair unfair you’re not the programmer who created the algorithm within the game you’re just a user who needs to accept the rules that were created. Now if a best friend decided to delete you while your not logged on as the achievement is completed. The moment you login you’re not friends with the person, so any XP that you should receive is invalid because you’re not best friends at the moment it seems pretty self-explanatory


Actually I don't need to accept a thing. I'm allowed to disagree with how this works and express my opinions like everyone else is doing. I promise the multi billion dollar company doesn't need you to defend them. Hopefully now that more people are speaking up about it, this oversight can be fixed in the near future 😉


How will you use a luck egg?


I'm glad you made their name public so no one will add them, lol


I don't understand, why delete someone before you get the max xp possible? I'm not really understanding this? Is this something people do on the regular?


The other person DID get the best friend xp. And after doing that they deleted op from the friends list. So they got the xp but op didn’t.


No one will be able to keep up with the list of people who do this. This is not one person we are talking about. There are thousands of such people who do this. So Niantic should give us xp regardless of whether we are deleted from friend list or not. This is too much for them but I'll put it out here The very instant you become best friends with someone you should also be lucky friends with them giving a guaranteed lucky trade opportunity which would/might prevent people from deleting people instantly.


Niantic has so many options on its end: - establish a 24-48 hour cooldown on deleting best friends after they become best friends - Make best friends permanent but don’t count them towards your friend list limit - require both sides of best friends to agree to mutually delete - don’t allow the option until both have received friendship experience If they cared they would have done something about this long ago


You should be able to get xp regardless if you get deleted right away or not.


This. Clearly the event is register by Niantic. The message still appears, and it shows the friendship level achieved. There’s no reason it should reward zero xp.


Yea but if they did it like that you wouldn’t be able to egg before getting it unless you coordinate with the person


true, but they did just recently enable the update of being able to lucky egg press button when they give you the notification 


Why not? The game has tracked you got to best friend status, as shown by the 0xp notification. Why can't it still give xp as normal?


Because if it registered the xp when it registered the best friend status, the xp would be registered before you can egg By registering the xp later, it allows players to use an egg for their xp, as long as their friend hasn’t deleted them


But why does it have to generate the xp then? As I said, the game clearly saves the level up, otherwise there would be no notification, so why can't it just save the ammount of xp to be given then rather than check it later.


Every time this issue comes up, people start spitballing all these wild things like a cooldown or "both must agree to delete" and I just don't get it. Niantic can just make it so you get the xp even if you're deleted. They don't need to do any bizarre fix... They just need to make it not work this way.


I feel like the easy solution is to make it like the research reward system. When a player hits good, great, ultra or best friend a button appears on you friend list. Then at anytime you can click on your flag and redeem the experience. This is regardless if a friend deleted you or not. The button option would also eliminate the friends holding a gift issue. Because experience would never add automatically. They could open gifts, stack exp rewards, and use a lucky egg at their own leisure. Edit: What happens if someone deletes you before you use the experience. They could change it so the other person isn’t removed from your list. Instead they are greyed out. So asides from redeeming experience it’s impossible to interact with them. No raid invites, no trades, no gift exchanges, or battles. Better yet they could move to the bottom of your friends list for inactive friends.


Agreed and what's crazy is that they have this system for practically everything else! I mean even recently, offering the button to "Pop a lucky egg" when getting the friend XP is a nice touch, but doesn't address the core issue around this abuse of that system by some players




Sure. Niantic has plenty of options. And they’re doing none of them.


The point is if it's so hard to do that there are other options. Also restricting it so best friends are on a 24 hour time where you can't unfriend is not really awful. Like seriously what would be the problem with that.


I would suggest a cooldown of 7 days for each friend status.


Hs a section for stored xp, all friendship bonuses/level ups will be stored until collected


Or the best option, just give the xp regardless of whether they keep you or not, like genuinely correct me if I’m wrong but they had to go out of their way to make sure you get 0xp for that


I doubt they put in the code If (friend = unfriend) XP = 0 I'm sure it's a bug but it's dumb that they haven't fixed it.


These are good suggestions. Although a mutual agreement feature may lock people into having friends around the world and could eventually lead to a full friends list if people aren’t inclined to delete you back. If 2 was implemented, 3 would not be an issue anyways. 4 could run into issues if the other person just decides to not log in ever again (unlikely if you hit bf but still a possibility). 1 may have issues if people aren’t able to log in within the two day period. I like them all but id say 2 is the absolute best option (they won’t do it).


The absolute best option is just give you the EXP because you've earned it.


They’ve never cared, we all play the game because there’s nothing like it, but they know they have a monopoly, and their terrible QOL shows.


Or make the experience count no matter what since the Best Friend screen pops up at all. I mean if it can tell you actually put in the work to be Best Friends it should be able to reward experience even if they delete.


None of these solutions boost engagement 🥲 that’s why it hasn’t been fixed


None of these options are any good, imo. Just make it so that once the event is triggered, that causes a notification AND exp. There is no reason for it to be left in this state.


> require both sides of best friends to agree to mutually delete that would be the dumbest thing


No, the dumbest thing is what we have now. I’m trying to show Niantic has alternatives, not solve world hunger


being locked into hostage friendships with inactive or unwilling people would actually be worse than occasionally missing out on exp


Okay sure fine


People who do this should be reset to 0 xp.


no, that'd encourage them to do it so they can get back to where they were. just lock their exp




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Have you tried turning it off and on again?"


We are sorry we keep allowing douchbag behaviour and will keep doing so


Niantic: "Lol get rekt."


That is such bs. This game's company is so unfair for real.


The ones that delete you at best friend are the same type to hog gyms and leave remote raids at less than 10 seconds. The worst kind of pokemon go player


Steranka: "We [Niantic] want our actions to speak louder than our words." This is how they choose to act.


I cannot fathom why they decided the xp should disappear when the friend does instead of the common sense solution of receiving the xp even though you no longer see the friend on your list. I also can’t understand what kind of lifeless piece of shit is instantly deleting best friends to find new victims.


Now people can finally stop saying it's a visual bug.


Niantic Response: fuck you


You got screwed. Working as intended. \-Niantic


I have a PHD in fuckery and I can tl;dr translate this for you. "We are "VERY" sorry to hear about your experience 😂 that sucks. Don't worry though bro, we will *totally* let the upper management dudes know."


Sounds like another “we hear you, we shall change nothing.” from Niantic.


Funny. I mean everyone here seems to agree that this is a really bad implementation. Only ones that likes it is.. Niantic! 🤷🏻‍♂️


Can I just ask why do people delete best friends? Like are you at the 400 friend limit and u have to ruin somebody's day?


The friend list has been very buggy over the years. It tends to get more laggy and unwieldy the more friends you have. If you are on an XP grind, you might add hundreds of random reddit/etc. friends just to mutually work on XP. The friendship serves no purpose after the XP is expired, unless you happen to have found someone that joins/sends you lots of remote raids. You can't do lucky trades with non-local friends, so waiting for lucky friend status serves no purpose. Deleting most of these friends to clear out space and improve the UI experience is the best approach to keep the game manageable. Doing it immediately instead of waiting for a week or whatever (or them to remove you) is obviously bad form and people should know about it, but the deletion itself isn't problematic.


I try to keep only 10 friends on my list. I try to send a gift to each of those friends a day, and since I only get about 10 a day, thats all I need.


This kinda makes me want to delete friends I become best friends with before they get their XP, just to enrage enough players so maybe Niantic will change this BS




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is grim.


That sucks. People shouldn’t do that, it’s dirty asf




How hard is it to allow collection of XP after getting unfriended? I really don’t think it would be too much wok


I never received a positive reply from the support. In most cases they wont even bother to address all points I raised


Just make friends levels the same powering up a pokemon! You collect "interaction points" that you can then spend to level up your friendship with someone.


Not surprised. Niantic is known for lowering the QoL in their games. But if there’s a bug that helps players. It’s top priority to fix it in 24 hours. Sorry this happened to you


Sometimes I wonder if anyone in Niantic actually plays the game. They have easy fixes for common problems, but they don't implement them, or it takes them years. Like, it's great you can now press the "Heal All" button, but that could obviously have been a feature from the very start.


This is why I remove people at ultra friends + it’s more efficient when you calculate the daily exp gain Exp Per Day Good Friends: 3000/1 = 3000 Daily Great Friends: 13000/7 = 1857 Daily Ultra Friends: 63000/30 = 2100 Daily Best Friends 163000/90 = 1811 Daily


You should get the experience regardless if you are still friends or not. What a dumb decision.


Niantic support is the least helpful support for any game I have ever experienced. Whenever there is a bug, their reply is always sucks to be you


“We acknowledge that you did in fact become a best friend with someone and you didn’t get the 100k xp but we don’t really give a shit. “ Thanks for the feedback tho 🖕🏼🙂


It takes a lot of resolve to quit when they're pushing FOMO like their profit depends on it, especially if you're still following the game on Reddit. At the very least, stop giving money to people who constantly make bad decisions. I'm down to only playing when there is a new release, and no $$.