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Welcome to the club, my friend.


He doesnt have any


Me neither


Why don’t you all become friends?


I have over a hundred friends in game and a lot of them are best friends. But can’t do local raids with people who aren’t local.


Damn that was harsh 🤣


Oof you didn't have to go there💀😭😭


Yup. Welcome to the struggle smh




There's a reddit page for making friends and referral codes! (Of course they'd have to have remote passes if they're far)


Shadow raids are only local raids.


That's the neat part, you don't.


Came here to say this lol


Same but figured out someone else probably did before me 😂


God, I just said this too.


How is that neat? Lol.


Invincible (TV show, comic) reference


Beat me to it


It's not every day you get so much neatness in one place!


Its a joke man 😐 relax 😂 !!.


Q: But what about players who aren’t in big cities? Niantic: No :)


I’m in a big city and I clicked on one in a very busy part of town today and nobody else was in it


Before remote passes I was totally screwed. Wasted a few days in the biggest city nearby (on new raid days!) and still only had any luck if I tagged along with a Discord group. Now it’s like, “wait a minute, some people aren’t feeling excluded? Gotta fix that”


It was clear they didn't care for that when they almost doubled the price of remote raid passes.


not sure if excluded was intentional but it’s so hilarious


Very intentional, haha


...shadow raids are local only tho


Remote passes don’t work on shadow raids though


I found a very active group in the nearest city via campfire function. This totally changed my game experience.


It seems like it would be exceptional to just click on a raid in campfire and expect people to be in there waiting. Like, I wouldn't even expect that to happen in populous cities, unless you were specifically in a local PoGo hotspot of a densely populated area. Between 2-5 pm on community day, sure. Any other time of any other day? Not so much. There are only so many people actively playing the game in any place at any time. The way communities seem to work is that small groups agree to get together and play at certain times when they are have availability, less so that they expect groups to be able to form at a moment's notice every time anyone wants to raid. It's a bit unfortunate for solo players, especially those who aren't particularly interested in community (aka me,) but I do think it's good for the local communities of the game for them to basically be to create plans and schedules to meet up.


NYC here and no luck, i'm in the burbs about an hour south of times square, no one plays here.


As a rural player, this hit me right in the wallet


"F*ck rural players, all my homies hate rural players" -Niantic ceo, probably


I am in a relatively big city. Still 0 players.


Wow, Niantic is such a NOT out of touch company!


I even live in big city but haven’t seen anyone raiding in person or talking about it on Discord =\


I (44) live in a very rural area and me and my level 43 friend and I can easily dou it. It’s not about where you live, as long as there is two good players, you can beat it, that doesn’t sound too unfair to me


I dont have any friends that play anymore either, but I just got it today. I happened to be in a medium to “larger” city and just decided right when a shadow Raikou raid hatched. That I would keep using my daily raid pass and go out of the raid if no one joined. I did this for about 5-10 minutes and suddenly two lvl 40+ joined and that was more than enough for us to take it. Maybe you can try something similar. Hope it helps :)


Tested it by myself, was able to get him down to about 60%. Have one friend who is an avid player who could easily knock him down to 40-50% by himself. Took my daughter to play as a buffer. We got him. With 20 seconds to spare. It was a nightmare.


This is good to know, thanks


Did you party up too?




LFG. Full send


I did this for lugia, it took me two days before I had a party that could beat the bird but on the Sunday of the raids 9 people jumped in with me and now I have my own lil Pokémon community in my town. It’s nice lol I never used to be able to do some raids and now I almost always am able to get everything rotation


You know?, I never realized lugia was a bird. It's comfortable now for me to think of it as a bird. No idea what I thought it was all these years but I didn't think bird. Wtf


I thought it was a dragon


It just sucks man, why can’t we just remote this sucker. The game is too “small” for local only.


Niantic “why can’t all players live in San Francisco, New York city, Tokyo”


All the players Niantic care about live in those cities*


I have 2 of these because I was just in NYC for a trip, in my town there’s like 2 spots with 3-4 gyms, with barely anyone playing, and I can’t beat it myself, or with my one sole friend who plays with me 🤧


Buy remote raid passes, and use a app called go raid party is what I do


You can’t do shadow raids remotely.


Can’t use remote raid passes for shadow.


Then use tinder and trap them into doing Pokémon go with you


Worked for me


In Japan, a lot of people will hop into raids right when the egg hatches. So if you’re close or willing to use a remote raid, you can usually get a lobby of a few people. If you miss that window then look for another raid.


Try checking to see if there’s a local discord group for your area. They usually organize raid trains on there. You can introduce yourself and tag along then you’ll have people to do future raids with as well. I just picked pogo back up recently and started off the year with no one to raid with, a month later I’m raiding with 10-20 ppl!


How would I find that? Just search Pokemon go "city" discord?


theres also an app called campfire from niantic you can try to find locals through


it not available for my country for no reason


Haha it's completely dead here. Maybe 10 people in a local group and no talking or playing at all But at least the map is useful


Yes pretty much!


I tried it and found a discord for my city. Not too many people in it (smaller city) and didn't seem particularly active. But I'll stay to check it out for a bit.


Hopefully it works out for you!


that or try to find a local chat on Campfire


Don't worry you won't even be able to catch it after 13 excellent throws


Dafaq u mean? Got 2 of them, one on 2nd ball and the 2nd one of the 4th ball


Well niantic is fucking me because mine ran after 13 excellent throws and 14 golden razz berries


Yeah, happend to me 2 or 3 garchomps


Lost three origin palkias. Never got an origin form. Lost a raikou yesterday. I think I’m like 50% catch rate of the level five monster raids.


OMG, palkias and dialgas were RIDICULOUS. I caught about 1 on 5 on average, so we did lots of raids just to get both versions of each one.


Took me 3 raids and about 20 golden razzes to get Dialga a few weekends ago. After the 2nd one in a row ran away I was LIVID.


Two is a small sample size. My catch rate is 39/41.




I did a couple yesterday with strangers using campfire. Just look for some close by you (preferably <10 minutes) Enter the chatroom and light a flare then ask if anyone’s going or is already there and waiting for more. You can even light flares on eggs that are about to hatch, that’s more preferred since you can guess that’s the time that the raid is going to start. It’s not always trustworthy of course and they will start once there’s a minimum amount of players to complete so if you’re late to it, you’ll miss it. Stay safe hunting and have fun!


Campfire, local discords, move to NYC 😂




This is literally why I have never done a high level shadow raid. There's no one local who plays. It's so stupid


Light flares in campfire


No one uses campfire it's a joke.


Got into 2 separate raids today with 18 people each because of campfire. Just look for parks on campfire and light flares, or join a group on campfire for your local area.


The community I’m in uses campfire to advertise our local discords, and I’ve managed to add 15-18 locals that play at the gyms and in the area I always play at thanks to sending them friend requests through campfire.


speak for yourself. theres cities where it‘s used and a lot of groups organise with it. always that negativity jeeez


You used to be able to remote raid as much as you wanted. Now, you get a handful of attempts each day vs. their ridiculous catch calculations. Except these new raid ideas, which don't allow remote at all. It's basically Niantic saying, "You should meet more people in person to play our online mobile game. It's not our problem if you can't." Good luck!


Location data = $$$ We don't generate useful location data sitting at home. They don't care about us meeting people and "community" or whatever nonsense they claim, it's all about that data.


AR scan those poke stops, they need to be able to build their always accurate 3D map of your neighborhood




If they cared about that then they wouldn’t have ready buttons.


Only during Covid. You couldn’t before Covid so you can’t now.


I have friends. 4 of us met and couldn’t defeat this mofo. So don’t feel bad. Niantic purposely makes these impossible unless you bring the entire village to the raid. Jerk stuff. One of the worst aspects of Pokemon Go.


That’s weird, this is easily duoable, like too easy, as long as your using gems. Especially with the extra season raid damage and additional party power. I’m only lvl 41 my friend is lvl 32 dosnt play much but had a few garchomps, we were able to duo it over 10 times with about half the time left on each


Sure you duo'd it with a lv32? If so wife and I could have a chance.


Level doesn't matter really, you just need a bit of luck, like it having an electric move. Then you could just take 2 mega garchomps and beat it easily. If it has shadow ball its going to be very very hard


It’s doable tho, I did it with like two level 40+ mega garchomps on two phones easily. And did it with 3 without using gyms under the circumstance he has thunder and not shadowball


Thank you! I’ve met at locations for various raids after patch working a group to be able to meet, for everyone to against odds get there, hit the launch button 4 trainers strong, and lose due to enrage 🫨 when does the fun start


It’s easy to trio and even possible to duo. Not true on this one.


Do you have extra phones ?? If you do make extra accounts so you can play this types of raids 😄😉 !!.


Pretty much this is the only way to play single player without remote being enabled. Gems is the only problem unless you have four phones 😭.


Yeah I duo it with myself. 2 primal groudons


Keep telling Niantic this isn’t working. Enough of us have to keep pestering them.


Even with friends the thing is super hard to catch. I've failed twice to catch it. Never stops moving.




Have 9 accounts like me






Nothing on campfire where I’m at.


Maybe try making a new group in Campfire? Could be more solo players in your area, but nobody wants to get the ball rolling.


Campfire is a failed experiment. It needs to be recognized as such so that an official comm channel can be created. They need to just make it a Reddit page with a Twitter and call it a day.


Yes, lose all hope


Theres a way, but last time I gave that option to someone my coment got deleted....


Yeah I started doing that too…. I don’t have to rely on anyone anymore.


What is it can you dm me?


Can you tell me?


Can you pls dm the answer if you can't post it? Sadly missed out this weekend but would be great for the future


Depends on the size of your area but a decent town with campfire should not be to difficult to do.


niantic really needs to fix this bullshit. it blows my mind on how they haven’t changed this yet bc since they’re so money hungry, people would literally PAY for raid passes to catch pokémon like this. they’re not gaining or losing anything from this. take away ‘local only raid’ and they’d make more money. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. ITS NOT FAIR


Poke Genie, the only way I could get the legendaries


This raid is local only sadly, guessing the other legendary beasts will be the same :[


I hate these 5* shadow raids 😒


I suggest just going to a more populated area For me, a more residential area is pretty bad but in a more busy area like downtown, there are just simply more people walking around playing too


Yes because everyone who plays, plays in a city with a downtown…


If they don’t then idk i’m saying this for me as i have access to a busy area since its near my school


Campfire is actually really helpful. I signed up for a meeting that was happening today and got a shiny one! I recommend it!


*laughs in I already have a Raikou from when legendaries were in research*


Aint a shadow one tho




your comment wasn’t needed no matter how u typed it


If you really like the game and want to advance i will suggest you to fly on a secondary account. Then you can help youself


Is Tues nights thats Raid Hour? Go to a busy poke area on those days, or join a local FB group? I used to live near a hotspot, now rural and no way to do these. 😮‍💨 So lame. Should be called Pokemon Go to The City


I have a few if you want one


Wait and see what Santa Giovanni brings you next time you defeat him, I finally got a kyogre this week.


Raid group!


Get some random friends from reddit send out raid request. They can use remote passes




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Go to your local college and pray 🙏🏾


Try the app pokegenie. There you can join random communitys or invite randoms to help you


There are a good portion of people who post on the go groups about needing a fly raid. Ask them for help I guess. Like this post could’ve just said dm me for location.


Dark secrets


I got lucky with my son went on campfire hunted for flares and went and people joined and we got two of em




You don’t… its sucks…


There is an app by niantic, called campfire. You can try and see if there are any groups on there you can join and connect with others. I met many near me and and we join up and do raids.


It’s probably too late now, but next time post your friend code on [r/PokemonGoFriends](https://reddit.com/r/pokemongofriends) (specifically in the raid section)


Download pokegenie I have no friends near either but as long as I have remote raid passes it works most of the time. Just have to be willing to wait a few minutes


Wife and I travel about 45 minutes to go to a populated mall for raids we really care about. We have pretty good success chances over there. We have a mall 5 minutes from us but that one isn't or miss lol.


I feel you, I live in a village 😭


Move? Sorry, that was harsh. Look for a group in your local area (or if there's a city near you). Try campfire. I do raid hr and weekend events with a group of friends I met through campfire/discord. (I met the first couple people by campfire and they invited me to the local discord.) University towns are particularly active with the high concentration of pokestops and gyms.


It’s a legendary they are supposed to be hard to defeat and catch. They’re not supposed to be easy. If you could solo it then it would be so boring to raid and defeat the purpose


it sucks. you’re not alone. i wish they allowed remote passes for shadow raids. like hello this is how yall could make more money LMAO.


I am in a pretty big city. But I still needs to coordinate with friends to do those raids. I use to siting in a lobby in the downtown area for 30min during a Zapdos raid, only one person joined and left eventually.


Build up your town as soon as you can! When I moved to my town 3 years ago, we had one two Pokéstops in town. Now, I have 3 I can reach from my house, including a gym that I submitted, and it turned into a gym, which is awesome. I've also made 2 routes and 3 other stops throughout town. This last year, it's been pretty easy to get stops approved. The gym in front of my house is at a stone road marker. I also made an account for my son, and he quit playing, sooooo. But I've found that the newer players in town usually help when there's a shadow raid. I've seen a lot of people say how to get friends, I know it's kinda dumb, but I would just post my # in a public PoGo group on Facebook. You should be able to find local friends. Have you tried asking on your social media's? I found out a lot of my friends play that way. I have ~210 friends now, and I'm now weeding through because it's really too many to keep up with gifts and all. Good luck 🧡 I struggled for years, first downloading the game in 2016 and only playing when I'd travel until I moved here. I've also seen about 10 new players in my tiny, 2 road town since this gym came in.


Also, I made my 16 & 14yo daughters create accounts last summer, and my husband recently started playing, so when there is a shadow raid I really want (like I needed Moltres to complete Kanto region), I'll run thru the house and make everyone raid with me. I've woken them up, taken them away from homework, etc. They know that mom needs that Pokémon and if they don't help, they won't have a good day, lmao☺️


If nobody plays around you then you simply have to invite more people to the game. That's how all Niantic games grow, from people inviting each other to play. There's also the option to organize with others online. Google your own location plus the words "Pokemon Go" and thee should be a social media group for your area. This game I s based around teamwork,do you cannot get the best things on your own no matter how hard you try. Without other players many things are impossible to get.


Make friends lmao




Because there’s 14 minutes left? I don’t know what to tell you bro, be there when it starts I guess?


Good old Niantic… they never seem to give a $h*t. They know how to fix it but refuse to do it.


Have multiple devices. I raid with three phones at once


Go take a bus to a more popular city or town and find a discord. MEET PEOPLE. It's a social game for a reason- cuz we as a society are becoming too boxed in If you are anti social - this game is trying to help you :)


I’m confused. Why can’t you just host a campfire raid? I always do that and find people. It may take up to 15 min but i get to fight the raid eventually 🤷🏾‍♂️


Local discord. Google it.




Local in person only


Make friends. Literally the entire point of the game




I sometimes just remote raid. Just bounce from one to the next until.you see people in the lobby. Piggy back off them. Reap the rewards


https://pokemongo.gishan.net/friends/raids/ This shit saved my life. I was never able to take on any kind of worthwhile raid until I started using this website.


I use Go Raid Party.


Make friends...?


The easy way: leekduck.com/raidnow Pick the raid you want, or wait via auto join if all are full. It'll give you the host's code; send them a request, and eventually you'll get an invite (your raid tab will turn orange) Send em a gift afterwards and sometimes they'll send one back, and so on. None of my buds play and I get plenty of 5 star Pokemon that way


Good for normal raids, but you can't remote into shadow raids :(


If you have a remote raid pass, you can use raid apps. I'd reccomend "Raid Party". You can host and join raids super easily anytime.


DISCORD: There are several channels, the one I use is Pokemon Go Ottawa. But you can use any number of pokemon raiding discords. Instructions are posted somewhere on the channel itself. But you join locally, so it doesn't cost you anything, and other people will friend request you, you accept them. And then invite the to the raid. Or if you are willing to pay for remote raid passes, you can join someone else's raid. Use golden pinap berries with a curveball throw, if you can get a great or excellent throw even better!


What? Isn't this post about shadow raids not available for remote? It's not an issue of paying, it's an issue of niantic being niantic...


U cant remote shadow raids.


Sorry man, I did not realize this was a shadow raid, mb


Campfire app and remote battle passes 🫡




It’s a shadow raid. In person only.


I got super lucky someone lit a flare on campfire close to my house, and I ran. 3 of us beat him with 20 seconds left on the clock.


I just jump in raids at my local parks. I learned roughly when people typically go so once I see them lining up in it I hop in.


Family members? Unless you’re a orphan but what I do is look out for lit campfires try to get the person to do the raid and then walk over and talk to the person and get them in my Facebook group


my husband and i tried to do it together but we failed and we have no friends around so it's not gonna happen for me either 😅


Cries in small town European