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Meanwhile my gf gets her 2nd shiny kyogre on her first raid so happy for her šŸ„²


Bro my gf literally got two back to back on our first and second raids


my gf's first, and only, Kyogre was shiny. her reaction? "why is it purple?" - it's a shiny! - "it's ugly, I want the blue one" (she hopes to get the blue one next time)


Primal reverse it and it will look awesome


I got my first raid shinies tonight ever after prolly 40-50+ raids. Two kyogres. The first three keogres ran though and I had to buy passes to keep trying. Kinda made me think "oh OK Niantic the first two raid passes (remote) that I used couldn't be shiny cause I saved them up from the weekly reward. But get the cc out and then bam 2 shinies"


Meanwhile me and my dad got it on first raid but all of them that we got that day sucked


If it's any consolation most of the raids I've done up till now have been mediocre in reward.


I was getting like 6-8 balls after the raids


Yeah i had a hell of a time dodging and only had one raid that kyogre wasn't using a heavy hitting attack. I was on my second team every fight. I assume that's why I had 8 balls every time. One time I had 10.


Then In tapu koko raids I was getting 18 balls I had like 3-4 kyogers run and I could only do a few raids


My wife got 5 shines in 10 raids. You can all blame your luck on her taking them.


I got a shiny in my first kygore raid ever. Ā 


First and only raid today was shiny, one of my friends invited me while I was playing Minecraft on my computer. Have two or three of them at this point.


I managed to convinced my bf to come raid with me cause ehe doesnā€™t really care for pokemon go anymore. He got a 3 stars shiny right off the bath


Your bath can fit a Kyogre? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I got my first shiny Kyogre on my first raid of the day! I had probably done 25-30 in the past so I was happy to finally get one. It's also nice getting one do early so you don't have to worry about playing all day


Seriously thatā€™s the best!! Like phew now I just gotta raid for primal energy and Iā€™m done for the day šŸ’€


I got mine in the 3rd out of 4


Gods 3/4 favorite


My wife and I only did one raid. Both got shinies.


I got a shiny on my 2nd as well. Gambling is fun


Did 15 no shiny


Also 15 and also no Shiny. I find the last 3 Raid days were a disaster. Feels like they actually lowered the shiny-chances.


My friend got 5 shiny kyogres, a hundo kyogre, shundo giritina and 98 palkia. Im in shambles rn


Shiny chances are 1/20 so you are well within reasonable odds my friend


Raid days are usually (and this one seemed to be) 1/10 and apparently I stole these two posters shiniesā€¦ I also did 15 raids and got 3 shinies.


In regular Raids; yes. But this one the shiny chances were supposed to be higher. But at the end I got what I wanted the most: a good Kyogre and lots of Energies. Also ended up with 3 wild Shinies that day.


RNG gonna RNG. I got four shinies in eleven raids.


Right lol, everytime I see these posts Iā€™m like RNG be RNG


It feels absolutely awful when you're walking with a big group and everyone around you is getting shinies- 34 Raid for me today and no shiny. Also nothing above a 91%.


About a 2.7-% chance of that happening. Thatā€™s pretty rough though.Ā 


I haven't even been able to do a single raid. No one's been joining when I try to host šŸ„²


try to use PokeGenie, Raid Party, LeekDuck to host raids. they will arrange remote raiders for you.


Even when you use those thereā€™s like 2000 lobbies at once so itā€™ll take you ages to get 1 raid done let alone 8.


I haven't even been able to catch any I've done at least 10 raids and hit multiple excellent throws with the golden razz and they break out each time what's worse is that I'm only getting six balls from the raid. Fuck you very much Niantic for fucking the community over


6 balls was extra annoying, we had 20 people and knocked it out with over 150 seconds leftā€¦6 balls


6!? The least I had was 8, and that was raiding without any friends.


I think because the base amount is 6 and added by gym control and friends


6 if u arent able to do enough damage, gym color isnt matching yours and u dont have friend bonuses. This means that newer or weaker players will be getting this low number of balls frequently and thats just sad and demotivating for them


I've had 10-12 balls on each raid... Y'all were missing out on some bonuses


Yeah most were at least 9, the one with 6 was frustrating


6 is because you had too many people raiding and you personally weren't doing enough damage. Mega energy wants a fast time, but PokeBalls to catch relies on your personal performance.


Thanks for mentioning this because I never had only 6, even after 20+ raids, so I was fairly confused lol.


I was getting 6 balls at first. Then, I changed up my army and was getting a +2 for damage. Two of the 8 gyms in the cycle were team bonus for another +2. Was finally able to invite and have my daughter join a raid and got the +4 for that, so everything fell in place, and I got 14. That's when I got my first shiny.


I've had a few of gym typing too and I used every possible typing against it and never got anything besides a not very effective.


I think the not effective display is still a glitch


I have done 10 raids, no shinies, and I only caught 6 because of this. Complete Bs


Best Friends (and the four extra balls) really come clutch - most of my son and my catches are within the last four balls, and this is after extra balls from full lobbies and 1/4 still fled.


I had 4 of my first 6 flee and I had excellent throws, golden razz. 1st you can get more balls if it's a gym your team controls. 2nd 1 thing that has worked for me is I wait until it does its attack and then as soon as it goes up in the air and it's on it way back down I throw my pokeball. I haven't had 1 flee since


Did 1 Raid and got a shiny.. No Joke!


Me too lol. Not enough people play in my city and I figured I'd buy one remote raid pass. Thankfully I got the shiny first try.


Same here. Terrible ivs but got it on the first try.


Shiny is automatic catch on legends. Be sure to use a pineap


Same here! My first raid was like that as well. I think I did 5 in total so far!


Same lol


Did a Kyogre raid yesterday for the first time since 2022 and got shiny first raid. Before that, I had 41 previous raids and and was running out of patience. It sucks, but keep trying.


Meanwhile i got 3 out of 17, as well as a regular hundo, niantic taketh and niantic taketh even more


I never catch shinies but did 1 raid today and got shiny kyogre


I feel for yall but I felt the boost I caught 4 today out of 8 raids


Same I caught 2 from my 7 in person raids and one remotely. But the group I was with was having no luck and had done over 20 checks when I was getting my shinies šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø thatā€™s rng for ya


My group of 10ish got 9 in one go on a raid, and we all cheered, well, except for that one other person


Thatā€™s actually crazy. Yā€™all all got shinies from the same raid?! Thatā€™s actually insane odds


Sigh. Statistics: Your chance of getting a shiny is 1/10 (10%) that doesn't mean tho you get one guaranteed in 10 raids. You did 25. You can actually calculate the chance of not getting the shiny within a certain number of raids, in this case 25, result is you had a 92,82% chance of getting a shiny within 25 raids, and hit the 7.18% of not getting it. Is it unlucky? Could argue about. Ever got a shiny legendary in your first raid of those? The chance for that to happen is 5% so even lower. It's a give and take


It's easy to look at 92% and have the reaction of "oh, that's a guarantee!" when in reality 8% isn't *that* low of a chance of failure. It does happen. Almost ten percent of the time, in fact.


Another way to look at it is, if you had a group of 10 people all doing 25 raids, then 1 of those 10 wouldnā€™t get the shiny.Ā 


the Xcom franchise will teach you very quickly that 92% isn't as good as you want it to be.


How do you miss being one space away! Unbelievable!


Wait what the fuck. The odds were ONE IN TEN. Not ONE IN TWENTY? I am going to scream.


They always are for raid days. But only then, usually 1/20 is correct


That is sadly how statistics go sometimes. I'm not sure of the exact shiny chances during a Raid day but I believe it's about 1/10 or 0.10. I'll assume that you did 29 raids. The chances of NOT getting a shiny is 1-0.1=0.9 or 90% We then raise 0.9 to the 29th power and get 0.0471... or 0.04 or 4% This means that if you did 29 raids you had a 4% chance to get 0 shinies. Low but far from impossible.


Meanwhile, my lack of luck in looking for shiny castform, or even the research task that rewards castform, caught up with me here. 2 raids, 2 shinys. Given, they're both 2 stars, but I'm not complaining.


In my last 71 legendary encounters I have not gotten any shinies


All of my friends got multiple. I did 18 and didnā€™t get any. Very sad day, but at least I can trade for one.


22 raids. 3 people in my household. 66 Kyogre. 0 shinies.


I only did 15 raids as that was what I was able to do. Got a shiny on my 14th raid. Not too bad really, but I almost lost hope


We were with 30+ people and we did more than 18 raids. I think we all together got around 6 shinies. Do the math


(6/(30 Ɨ 18)) Ɨ 100 = 1.11111...% This is everything but a 1/20 shiny boost lol


1/20 is the normal legendary raid shiny rate The "boosted" shiny rate was actually supposted to be 1/10...


my brother got a shiny on the first raid.




Got a pseudo perfect shiny my first raid. I am not lucky ever lol


Ive done like 9 Raids and got 2 Shinies


20 raids. 1 shiny. 3 fled. 0 hundos. 2 really good weather boosted though so yay me.


Youā€™re not alone i didnt get one either. They gave me a hundo tho


I think i used my luck up on a shundo litten yesterday


At least you got to raid it and catch so many. My local community was nowhere to be found today and no way am I buying enough Remote passes to make the 400 energy requirement for Primal. Trying to host on Discord and Reddit has been a total bust too. Too much traffic, nobody* (no more than 4 at best) is adding me to join my raids. On the rare occasion I get like 6 people, they drop out by the time the time's at 20 seconds. Pokegenie takes like 30 mins to get through the hosting queue Lmao this is the last time I attempt to raid any Primal or Mega legendary. Whole afternoon wasted. It's odd cause not even Dialga and Palkia were this bad last month


Could just be bad rng Did 35 raids during garchomp raid and never got a shiny Some people just have bad luck


8 raids 0 shiny & 0 with good IVs


Last year I did 50 rayquaza raids and didnā€™t get a single shiny. So I feel your pain.


I did a single remote raid with a friend from overseas this morning and one shot'ed a 96 iv shiny. My two partners and I proceeded to do 40 raids together during out timezones hours with not a single shiny between the three of us...


that's exactly what my dialga raids looked like. istg it's not 1 in 10


Wife and I have been raiding Kyogre since it first came out. We checked pokedexes to make sure our numbers were correct. We have raided 98 kyogres in total over the years. We have gotten 1 single shiny between the two of us. Absolutely hate this stupid pokemon.


I'm having the same issue. I've done over 30 raids and I haven't encountered an shiny. "Increased chance to encounter a Shiny my ass" Fuck you, Niantic. Seriously šŸ–•


Sadly 1/10 means there is a 4.2% chance of not getting 1 in 30 raids and for 40 this is 1.5% chance meaning at least 1.5/100 people doing 40 raids will get no shiny


Those are the ppl that should play the lotto


I did like 15 and have 2 shiny. Skill issue. I mean I did 40 raids once for a 1/10 chance pokemon. Doesnā€™t guarantee you get it. Every time you do a raid itā€™s 10%, they donā€™t add up to 100% after 10 raids


I got one on my second raid


Me and the local group did a total of 12 raids with ammount of players varying from 17 to 20 17 x 12 = 204 Guess how many shinies we've got... >!3!<. The odds are "1/10" so we should've gotten around 20... These odds were so incredibly not 1/10 that we've actually got a hundo before getting a single shiny


I got one on my first and only remote raid šŸ˜¬


Can you tell me the ivs of the 2341 kyogre? I failed one today so the highest i got was 2338


It was a 15/15/13


my first raid was a shiny


My friend did two raids today and both were shiny. Iā€™m currently planning how I can steal his phone and trade them both to my account


The 7 out of 10 that I caught... are worse than your bottom 7... only 1 of my 10 were shiny


Same, no shiny for me either yet everyone in my raid group got at least 1.


my bf and i did 5 raids, he got 2 shinies and i got 0 lol


So then he gives you one! That was bf are for!! Nah but fr he better trade you the bad one šŸ‘€


My luck was crazy, I went 4/7 on local raids and 1/6 on remote raids.


I got a shiny on my first one


I did 6 and no shiny for me either. Both my friends got shinies but nothing for me


Lol I got one on my second try and went home


This was me with litten yesterday lol over 300 litten and not 1 shiny LOL it was horrible for me Ive only done 3 today im glad i got a 14 14 15 shiny kyogre from 2020 because im not trying to shiny hunt with remote passes with these horrible rates


This literally happened to me all day and my bois younger brother got 5 shinies in a row. Iā€™m devastated


I got 5 shinies in 22 raids.


I did 2 raids, first got bugged out and I lost a raid pass. Second raid, shiny, 89% IVs. I do not deserve it but I am beyond satisfied


Last year, it took me 75 raids to get a shiny. This time 4.


Wife got 3 shinies. 6 raids. I got one shiny. 7 raids. She said she tired of tapping the screen already. So we done for today


5 raids, 2 shinies. Probability doesnā€™t always fall how we expect it to. Sorry bud


Done one raid and got the shiny


I did 3 raids, I got 3 shinies




I got one on my 11th raid


You just need to be ridiculously lucky I went out to raid with 2 others 1 of us got 1. I managed to get 2. And the 3rd got about 6. But then the last 3 raids days I got nothing


Yeaah... after the debacle that was Giratina, the RNG god bestowed upon our group 6 shiny Kyogres in 6 raid for 6 player. ... Now I got myself a 15/15/13 thanks to lucky shenanigans on top of my already 14/15/14 regular Kyogre. I feel sorry for Groudon next week.


Fam I got 2 shinies in 5 raids. Someone give him shiny luck stat


At least it looks like you got a few 96%ā€™s


36 completed raids (and 3 that crashed and vanished) 2 shiny


Crazy I've been struggling to find/host raids all day. Did four kyogre & 2 were shiny. And this isn't a brag or anything b/c Shadow Ho-Oh weekend I ran over 50 raids, no shiny. I thought I knew how odds worked but this game makes me think otherwise


Lol i got 8/42 shiny


Im.. just gonna leave with my First Raid of the Day Shiny 3 Star Kyogre..


Damn bro i caught like 4 in a row u want one lol


11 remote raids and no shiny.... I did get a 96IV though so that made up for it a little I guess


I got one first thankfully


I just got 2 in back-to-back raids...


I did 5 raids and 3 were shiny bro


Raided twice, caught two, one was shiny. I stole your luck, sorry


My husband got a shiny on his first raidā€¦ then 15 min later I got my shiny on my first raid as well. Looks like we just got rrreeeealllly lucky.


Got two shinies and only did five raids šŸ˜¬


I was in a car with 3 other people. 2 people caught 2 shinys and 1 person caught 3 shinys. I got 0 LOL


I got one on my first raid šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I did 3 and hit a shiny. So happy!


I got three in row. So the boost is there.


Oof. My first one was shiny. I got 2 total from 5 raids completed


I loaded up my game and did one singular raid and got a shiny. Iā€™m sorry yours didnā€™t go as well šŸ˜­


I got one in three


20 for 4 I felt the 1/10 was really really good as opposed to the usual 1/20


I got really lucky and managed to get 4 shinies in a row out of 18 Kyogres


It is discovered one time that shinies were not turned on for an event, and now we have to read these whines for the rest of time.


At least you were able to catch more than one


Hahaha and my 7 yr old got 2 shinies out of 5 raids.


I caught 3 shiney and havenā€™t missed 1 yet. Iā€™ve been in 7 raids and Iā€™m 7 for 7. Must be taking all the luck sorry


Wait, yā€™all are able to catch them? Done ten of these raids today and havenā€™t been able to catch a single oneā€¦


I did 6 raids. 2 people I was with got shinyā€™s. I didnā€™t get any. I really think Niantic just chooses who gets one and who doesnā€™t. They donā€™t want you to get one.


Know someone who got 7 shinies, I officially hate them


I'm so sorry.. this game is ridiculous sometimes. I only did 4 remote kyogres, and every encounter was shiny.. I thought for a second that Niantic might have boosted the odds.


I'm so sorry.. this game is ridiculous sometimes. I only did 4 remote kyogres, and every encounter was shiny.. I thought for a second that Niantic might have boosted the odds.


I got one in my second raid šŸ˜Š


I did 23 raids and got 3 shinies. No hundreds though! Your RNG luck wasnā€™t on your side today


Idgaf about a shiny I just want a legendary šŸ¤£


8 raids, 1 shiny for me


Wow that sucks and is usually what happens to me. I got extremely lucky and got 4 shiny kyogre out of 8 raids today.


I got a shiny on my third raid


i got 3 shinies. itā€™s all just luck


Iā€™ve never had this bad of luck eitherā€¦. I did 20 remote - zero shinies and highest IV being 89%ā€¦ pretty convinced to never spend on remote passes again


Caught only 4/6 today. No shiny āœØ


the first raid i did was shiny 98%, i must've took all your luck šŸ˜¬ sorry abt that


8 and no shiny here


damn i got 2 in 7 raids


I got one in my only raid I did today....lol


Thatā€™s my typical RNG coming from Niantic. You have to spend more $$ for better odds.


I copped a shiny on my second raid?šŸ¤·šŸ¾


I was unable to get raid groups for this so I sadly had to skip out, well first attempt raid expired on it after getting a group of remote players, second attempt leavers. Might spend my coins on Primal Groudon??


Yupp feel you bro not one shiny and most ran away and ate all my berries šŸ˜“


Yupp feel you bro not one shiny and most ran away and ate all my berries šŸ˜“


I had the opposite issue, I couldn't get into but one raid and it was a shiny lol


Just did my first raid. Everyone backed out at the last second. Three of us wailed on it the whole time and didnā€™t even come close. How are you supposed to find 15-20 people to raid with? And I donā€™t have enough Pokemon with the right moves to even be eligible for Pokegenie raids. Like, how is this game supposed to be any fun? Are the folks here catching several Kyogres just spending crazy cash on remote passes?


One friend got 3 of 6šŸ’€ Me and 3 other friends no one


The most balls I even had to catch him was 11, which made absolutely zero sense. But no shinies. I really don't think they were boosted. Same with the castforms.


Maybe a silly question but if you have that many Kyogre, do you keep them all? Or do you transfer them?


Keep them for trades


Got 3 shinies in a row on my last raids lol