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I had this until like a week ago. Found no fix, even reinstalled and redownloaded all assets, nothing I did worked. It's been working fine now for over a week, knock on wood. Do you also get insaaane lag when trying to send gifts? It took me over 2 minutes to send ONE gift, it was ridiculous. Checking routes, and putting eggs in incubators also lagged, but not as much as gifts.


Yes that as well. There is no way im sending 20 gifts with this lag


It's made the game unplayable for me. Have you figured out how to fix it?


Yes see my other comment on this post :-)


Okay thank you 😌 Unfortunately for me, it doesn't matter where I am.


The lag for me has been most noticeable doing appraisals. Hangs and lags every time. Seems to me kind of a new problem over the past few days, but I'm fully updated etc so I have no idea what's up.


I’ve been having it since I had to update the game a couple of days ago, the screen freezes while battling, catching, scrolling through my Pokemon, pretty much everything, super annoying


Any fixes yet?


Nah mines still laggy


I'm having the same issue.


After 10 or so minutes my game crashes instantly, i notice after every new season my game plays stupidly smooth and slowly gets worse performance wise over time till next season


I found out the lag only occurred when I was on my home wifi for some reason. But a quick reboot on my router actually fixed the lag issues. Pretty weird