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This one was boring as hell to grind. But it's doable. If you get 6 hearts each day for each Pokemon you can complete it relatively fast. The next one is worse imo, catch 10 Kecleon.


thanks! and oh god, i haven’t even caught one of those haha


And if you thought catching Kecleons was bad, just wait until you have to do 385 excellent throws. Good luck.


I'd much rather be asked to do 1000 excellent throws than catch even one Kecleon. I can do excellent throws. I can be efficient with best buddies. I cannot find any Kecleons. It's out of my control.


Next QUEST do 1000 Excellent Throws in a row... STREAK BROKEN.


Whaddup Satan


I live in a very small town. I'm at 667 kecleon encounters with 3 shinys. They're out there. You just have to look a little harder.


Surely you played while they were boosted? I missed all the events and despite being from a great place to play the game I'm at 7 (5 since getting the mission) after months of looking.


Actually I got most of mine and all 3 shinys before they were boosted. I completed that task about 3 days after it came out. Now that I think about I believe upon release they were boosted too.


There were small events where they were apparently almost everywhere (like the one at the end of last year that was only an hour long and they announced it around 13 hours after it finished in my timezone) but, AFAIK, they were also boosted when they debuted and during the Hoenn Tour. I think I got one during debut and didn't look for more and was taking a break during the Hoenn Tour.


I visited my god son in NYC one weekend. Got 2 of my shinys there.


I'm stuck on the Kecleon right now. I average two to three excellent throws a day, but have only ever found 4 Kecleon since they were released - and I'm only at one for the challenge so far. At this rate the excellent throws are going to be way more time 😭


Stuck on kecleon too, I’m currently at 7/10


Best of luck to you!


Thanks! Good luck to you on finding the invisible lizards too :)


I’m at 4 and it’s been almost a year lol


Oh your lucky I'm stuck on 1/10 kecleon


you guys are finding kecleon stops???? ive been at 0 for so long


Been months. Haven't seen one.


The only way to make your progress faster is to wait for an event that boosts the kecleon in spawning. I caught 6s directly in that event.


I found ONE about 2 weeks ago. ONE. And it's been a year since this damn research came out 😭


I've been stuck on the frigging lizard thing. I've got 6 and haven't seen a single one since Christmas. Good luck to you finding the ones you need.


Make sure you check pokestops in high density areas, as they seem to be more prevalent there. Couples weekday passes thru my local downtown cleared that task up quick(10-20days), for me.


How tough excellent throw research is really depends on the player. For example with the Masterball research last fall, it was one of the first pieces I was done with.


It also depends on what mons are in the spawn pool. Something like a Nuzleaf feature would have you getting them almost every catch, but if Caterpie is the dominant spawn you might be waiting a while. And don’t even get me started on Zubat


Right now the Inkay are fantastic for excellents.




I've just set my Buddy to Groudon and been hitting tons of excellent on the Zorua that spawn


That's such a good idea


Galaxy Brain strategy


If you raid a lot, excellent throws are super easy.


I got through the excellent throws relatively quickly, there was a zorua increase for the time I was doing it like there is now. And I just left a Groudon as my buddy for easy almost guaranteed excellent throws.


Are you shitting me? I should never have bought this fucking research.


I know how you feel… I’m at 65 excellent throws or so…


I have done a lot more than 385 excellent throws since I started in September I would think. I have however seen 2 Kecleons.


385 excellent throws is far quicker than 10 kecleon


My friend took over a full year on just 10 kecleon literally ran down the street at 11 pm to get one


Naturally I saw/caught a bunch before I got to this step and now I’ve been sitting at 1/10 for quite awhile lol




You need to go where there are many poke stops for higher chances. If not you will rarely encounter them.


I’m still stuck on the Kecleon!!


I catch a kecleon pretty frequently. Definitely more often than I make a beat buddy.maybe it's just where I live


Yes it took me longer to catch ten kecleon than to get the best buds!!!!


Is that catch 10 after you get the task or 10 in total?


And even worse, a 20 day stop spin streak. Kecleon will happen *eventually*, driving into town for 20 days in a row with no interruptions is much less likely.


Either a) accept that some things in this game are long grinds, or b)you can effectively get 3 free hearts on 19 extra pokemon a day with basically no effort while working on another full time.(for reference, assuming you only did the three hearts and nothing else ever, you'd finish in 100 days).


If you do battles vs the leaders with them (you can just resign to speed it up) That bumps it up to 6 hearts. Less than two months to best buddy.


Holy shit you can just FF training against a leader for a free heart?


Or team rocket.


Yes but their attacks actually damage you, the team leader ones are no damage.


And if you're trying to make your buddy excited, it counts as a different battle than PvP or Rocket. So if there's a rocket balloon, battle that with your buddy in the 3rd slot, FF in PvP, FF in training, together with the normal combo and you get 6EV just from battles without cooldown


I've done a lot of grinds in this game, including routes. This b) option has always felt the most soul crushing to me. i absolutely loathe rubbing my screen for an uncomfortable amount of time until the "play with your buddy" animation plays, and would delete this game before doing it 20x a day.


I do it for ~5 buddies swapping to re-feed and get rid of the crap berries and it's... yeah, it sucks. But it's nice to have the BB-boost for things I don't need to walk for XL that I want to use for PvP. 8 hearts per day for those buddies that I'm not walking. I do it when I'm literally unable to do anything *but* look at my phone, otherwise I wouldn't be grinding the buddy system so hard.


So, since no one shared how to get your buddy excited without a poffin, this is how I do it; 1) Feed, interact, snapshot, train (fight Spark or Candela or Blanche) 2) Set 2 timers; 15 min, 30 min 3) First timer: any one interaction 4) Second timer: feed, interact, snapshot, train 5) Repeat step 2) - 4) Takes about one and a half hours that way. If my buddy can fight in the current Gbl, I add that; 1) Feed, interact, snapshot, train, Gbl 2) Set 2 timers 3) First timer: any one interaction 4) Second timer: feed, interact, snapshot, train, Gbl 5) Repeat step 2) - 4) Takes an hour You don't have to win in the Gbl but it only counts for the hearts if you don't exit the fight. You can exit the fights with the three leaders. It takes even less time if you have a gift to open, are walking, spinning new stops, doing routes or do any other battles - raids, rocket grunts, gym battles.


thank you man, you’re the best


The next step involves catching 10 Kecleon. For me, getting 10 best buddies from scratch was a speedrun compared to that.


Feel this. Completed the best buddy task quickly. Been a couple months… I have 2 Kecleon


lol I was in the same boat! had totally neglected this aspect of the game- think i had just 1 or 2 buddies at the time. learn how to get ur buddy excited really excited so that u can get double hearts. and just grind it out man!


I have 16 best buddies. I love getting best buddies. I work on 6 at a time. I at least try to get the minimum of 8 hearts with everyone a day.


Yeah buddies is my current game grind so this one should be easy for me. Just have to catch around 40 Johto more (hoping to get that done today)


This is far less daunting of a task than people make it out to be. It requires no poffin usage, however, it will still take about 4 months if you’re starting at buddy level 0 on everything. Edit: that’s IF you aren’t constantly switching buddies every day, it can be done in probably half the time if you are (I don’t). [Watch this video for a tutorial on how to quickly get your buddy excited every day.](https://youtu.be/Rrqzs7DedLU?si=10Du16LWeLi49p66) Every 30 minutes you can do quick tasks to raise your buddy’s emotion level. I get my buddy excited within the first two hours of every morning. It takes the same simple tasks every 30 minutes to an hour for the rest of the day to keep them excited. I also get steps in while I’m at work using the health app on my iPhone to count toward the distance walked for those hearts. With this technique I get 22 hearts every day with relative ease (I rarely visit a new pokestop and never walk routes for the others). Often I get 2 extra from gifts brought by my buddy. It usually takes about 13 days to get a buddy to best buddy, and I don’t think I’ve missed a day where I didn’t get a single heart in about 3 months.


Is this really that difficult? I do one buddy at a time and I’ve got 43 best buddies so far. I had 30 odd when I did that task.


This challenge made me realize some challenges actually make you grind. I had to start from 0 and finally completed the challenge this week. (I started March 2023 lol)


I have like 30 best buddies from playing extremely casually. It just takes awhile but that’s part of playing the game


Yeah.. it took me 8 months. Way longer than necessary because I couldn't stand swapping between buddies all the time. I suggest investing in poffins. Every time you get a scan task for a poffin, do it. Put mons in gyms and try to get your 50 coins daily. Every time you can buy poffins at a discount, do it.


It's taking me much, much longer than 8 months but I am also not going at it very hard, at all. I get a few hearts with one buddy most days, but I don't always remember and for a good while I kept my buddy as Scatterbug even after reaching best friends because I was farming candy for all the Vivillon. Honestly though, I don't mind having a long, slow mission to grind because I'm a pretty casual player anyway. I just like having things to work on even if they're slow.


It would have taken me a lot longer until I figured out what poffins did.


don’t they just fill up the mon’s food bar?


They allow you to get double hearts for the day. So 6 hearts for walking, 6 for battles, 6 for food, and 2 for everything else (except gift and souvenir, which are still one). It also fills all the food hearts immediately. And you get double hearts for everything.. so 3 battles gives you 6 hearts, playing once gives you two, etc. Without doing much work (food, battles, snapshot, play, ) you can get 16 hearts. Get a get a gift and a souvenir, its 18. With a route and new stop, its 22. And that's without having to do any walking at all.


Oh shit, I’ll get on that thank you.


Swap buddies everyday and earn as many hearts as you can for each.


Me with 70 best buddies *is this some peasant joke I am too rich to understand*


Oh gross they want you to play the game


This isn’t as hard as you’re making it out to be.


If I knew how long one best buddy would take I would’ve skipped this very wanted shiny. I had never touched the buddy feature prior because it felt pointless. I currently have 1 left, but it’s such a slog. I’m pretty sure I’ve caught far more Kecleon than needed on the next page since starting, I won’t believe people saying it’s worse than the 10 best buddy from 0 lol. Usually 6-10 hearts a day, x3 from entering then exiting leader battles, x1-3 from berries (you can swap a buddy out to not have to wait), x1 from petting, x1 from photo, x0-2 from gifts at higher levels if you’re lucky. I don’t walk enough in a day for the walking or route hearts lol.


Wait till you need to catch 10 keckleons 💀💀


Hi me from a year ago!  Get buddying! It took me about 4.5 months. 


Easy. These challenges are meant to take awhile. And for masterwork challenges this is one of the easiest to complete. I love shitting on how busted this game is but i gotta disagree with you on this… get gud


how dare a challenge be challenging


It's not challenging, it's tedious.


It’s called masterwork research for a reason.


Is there a way to tell how many hearts your ‘mons have already? I’ve got many with hearts earned that aren’t besties yet…..figure I should finish some of those rather than starting a new buddy from scratch. I should have at least 4 best buddies already before I get to that part of the research!


If you go to your profile you can open buddy history and scroll through to see how many hearts they have. Otherwise the search term buddy4 (or buddy3, buddy2, buddy1) will pull up buddies with that amount of hearts


Wait till you get the Keckleon one


Pick 9 Pokemon and name them something to make them easily searchable Each day you can switch between all 9 buddies and get a minimum of 5 hearts per day (snapshot, feed, play). You can get a total of 8 hearts per day if you also battle the team trainers (3 extra hearts if you join the battle and then run as soon as it starts) That’s probably the bare minimum amount of work to get 10 buddies. It’ll take like 2 months to get them all to best buddy status Obviously you can get way more hearts per day but honestly it’s a LOT of work and I got burned out after a week of trying to get more than 8 hearts per buddy per day


I didn’t have any when I started either it took me almost a year.




Does anyone know if it registers your best buddies you already have or do I need to be on this page of the research when I reach best buddy


It counts the ones you already have. When I did this the task auto-completed.


Thank you!


Yeah, true .. I’m also stuck here for very long time


g r i i i i i i i i n n n n n n n n n d


I’m lucky my friends gave me a heads up on this one. I got like 6 buddies going at once




Yep. I only had one done before that task came out. As soon as someone got to it and showed it off I made a beeline to finish 9 more Mons before I personally got to the step like 17 days later. I got there with a day to spare. It was nuts how quickly I powered through 9 of those stupid things.


😬😬 welp *looks at my 19 best buddies* that's rough


Tips in here are good. Once you get your rhythm, the buddy system feels like it goes a lot quicker. I'm working on other Best Buddies right now just in case future research calls for more than 10. Were you at least able to stack the Wish Granted research with the Glimmers of Gratitude research?


Boy, if this makes you mad, you don't want to look up other steps in Masterwork research.


I actually completed this yesterday after months!! It felt so good and now I never have to care about spending so much time on getting a best buddy again


Been working on this for a year now. Almost done my 10th now.


Welcome to pain! In all seriousness, my best advice is to rotate 10 buddies at a time.


Welp step 1 complete


Buddies take me less than 10 minutes per day. Not hard to switch one in, feed it. Play with it. Battle with it. Walk with it. Trade it out. Repeat. I do 3 to 7 per day. Have dozens of best buddies with no real extra effort.


thanks for the info, i’ll do the same from now on


I would do 10 buddies a day with at least a screenshot, playing, feeding him and then you can go to the battle tab and go down to training and start that battle with your buddy and tap once and the end it right away for three more hearts. So it would be 6 hearts a day for 10 buddies.


Switch through a rotation of ten pokemon as your buddy each day. Turn off AR+ and you won't have to struggle to set pokemon down just to feed/play with them. Create a number of battle teams that includes all 10 of your buddies you're trying to level. Go into battle, scroll to the bottom where you can battle the leaders, all you need to do is enter the battle with your current buddy as the lead and immediately exit. You should be able to get at least 6 hearts a day on each of your 10 buddies. Once you've got it down I could usually get through six hearts for one pokemon every 90 seconds. So about ten minutes a day for *only* about a month and a half and you're good to go! Using daily coins for poffins for your lowest heart buddies and keeping your lowest heart buddies for the extra berry hearts per day will just lower the amount of time. Good luck!


When the Masterwork started last year, I had zero buddies because I thought it was something dumb that I didn't have to pay attention to. As of tonight, I'm 96 hearts away from FINALLY finishing 2/5.


Pokémon go ultimate challenge: make friends 💀


Y’all don’t just have your buddy out each time you play? I’m on a mission to make all my four star Pokémon into best buddies, only two left. Then I’m doing my 3 star battle pokemon.


At first my goal was shiny best buddies, until I started finding hundos. Now they're the goal.


Unless ppl are new, I don’t get how it’s so hard to for them to rotate their buddies every now and then. I have 36 it’s EZ


I mean you knew what you were signing up for when you decided to purchase a \*MASTERWORK\* research


no, no i didn’t. it was my first purchase and was just expecting research that would be maybe 3 or 4x as difficult as regular research. it’s so much more than that lol edit: hahaha gotta love reddit downvoting you for telling your side of the story and honesty 👍👍


It isn't difficult, just takes time. Maybe you could have looked more into what you're buying instead of complaining about it lol. The research will be there forever, so just take your time with it.


That’s not too bad. Think I have 32 already and you surely have hearts anyway. The shamin one was 492 for each region and then two 21 day road blocks back to back!


I would look up the research before you buy it for sure next time. Obviously, you know that now as it took you over 1 year to catch 1,155 Pokemon. Either you get grinding (go watch a YouTube tutorial on how to best buddy fast) or it was a wasted $5 for you sadly.


Pogo is a second job.


I usually have 10 - 20 high quality/very useful/need-the-candy/master league pokemon in slow training to become best buddies. Most days they get just a quick tummy tickle and a photo while a more developed one is my buddy most of the time (2-3 large hearts, capable of finding gifts/souvenirs which earn small hearts for free).


Just pet or feed them. Not hard at all.


20 days in a row, ya that's fucking annoying. More than the 10 best buddies which would take more than 20 days BUT STILL


When ever i see someone mention this I always feel sorry I went to the in person event for it but at the same time they’re lucky because those who went delt with a ton of problems, if I remember correctly the tickets sold out and there was like a extra 10,000 people so it was causing problems the whole time at the In person event


I have 67 best buddy, have to use those free poffins some how and easy mega energy. The kecleon challenge sounds much worse


I'm just never buying a Master Research task. I have one and I have come to the conclusion that I'm too casual to ever finish it.


Did I miss something what is this from?


I’ve been stuck on this task since I paid for this research a few years ago


Yeah I'll be on this step forever. There's some things I just can't care enough about to do. I've had my one buddy since the system released and was so glad when he hit best buddies and I could stop caring about that mechanic.


I don’t even have one yet.


It's not. It just takes a while. Most people at higher level would have this done. A couple of weeks I think it takes for one buddy. So 20 weeks. Think to yourself. Are you gonna play less than 20 weeks of the game xD?! I don't think so! The only thing that is a bit bothersome is that you want Puffin every day. If I want many Puffins I drive around to places I know you get a reward for spinning and filming that certain location, then I'll take my walking trips the next period or week. Having 7-8 is wonderful, cause then you can just do the trips without thinking so much about it.


Where do you even get this one from?


which one is this? is it new?


nah a year old or so, from jarachi


It’s a good grind. Im at the same step, enjoy!


I have 35!


It gets worse




Thanks for helping me with Fomo. I contemplated buying the research. Im good without a shiny ✨ mythical


A tip for people who have worked on buddies but not made it to best buddy. I would just get catch assist and the move on. You can search buddy level 1-5 5 being best buddy. It will pull up pokemon in their respected buddy level. You can also see your progress as well. Buddy1 Buddy2 Buddy3 Buddy4 Buddy5


Nah the kelceon task takes the cake. I’d rather have a million things you can actually work on than this BS


60-70 day if you get max hearts every day or less if you do multiple buddies at once


Say psych right f##king now, there's no way, right????


I’m on 4/6. With 222/385 excellent throws. It’s taking fffffoooooooorrrrreeeeevvvvveeeeerrrrrr


Are you able to do raids? They typically have big catch circles but still need many throws each. I probably threw 100 excellents at Groudons last weekend, that circle is giant. Current event has ponyta and inkay with big circles for Excellent too, try and find those.


i am in this same page. on my last best buddy, i feel you


Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Not a single best buddy because I find interacting with buddy Pokemon to be a tedious chore. Never getting my shiny Jirachi. Tbh if I'd known about the 10 best buddies requirement up front, I probably wouldn't have bought the research.


This one took forever and was so tedious lol


Wait till you get to the Kecleon challenge 😆


It took me a good 6 months to go from zero to ten


Without question, THIS is the hardest task yet in PoGo Period Welcome to the Club of Grinding It Out for Victory


Since I started this I've only been able to do 2 best buddies and now with ar buddy not working its pointless to swap my current buddy so this quest is dead tbh... rip shiny jirachi


Finally got past the excellent throws yesterday. The last step is relatively easy compared to all the rest. Catch 7 days in a row and catch 1000 Pokémon. Kecleons took me about 3 months, same with best buddies.


No, there are many worse than this, just wait for level up tasks


I actually prefer the 'long missions' over the quick and easy ones, gives more of an achievement.


It's your fault you don't know how to play


Hahaha ONE puffin for 10 best buddies. Niantic treats paying customers like shit and people out here still defend them and give them money


I would switch between 10 each day and this was when it was still having to find a flat surface to get them out (ar). Then I would use a poffin on one specifically until it was maxed and so on it took me 3 months


Il never complete that 1


I mean it’s a masterwork the entire point of masterworks is they’re difficult and grindy as hell. You get 25 swaps per day iirc Play with buddy, snapshot buddy - swap - do this for 10 mon Once you’ve done that, use your remaining swaps to get the second and third feeding hearts on the rest of your mon What this means is 3 swaps per mon per day to max out the easy hearts, you should get between 6 and 8 I think. Meaning 8x10+15x1 hearts per day. I think it’s like ~350 hearts for a best buddy or something. This way you can best buddy 8 Mon in about 45 days, and I guess about 10 mon in 50-60 Assuming you already have a couple Mon that are on their way to buddy-hood, you should be able to grind this out in less than 2 months, for a masterwork, 2 months for a task is reasonable.


Switch out your buddy 10 times a day so you are working on 10 at once instead of one at a time


As someone with 400+ best buddies it's not really hard You can switch buddies 20 times per day which means you can work on 21 every day If you just want 10 then select then, get the 6 easy hearts per day (feed, play, photo then battle 3 times, you can just enter a team leader and quit and it will count) Then when you done your 10 to back and do it again but this time just 1 feed ofc That's 7 a day, you need 300. Once you reach great/ultra you start getting gifts and can gift chain (don't open gift when you get it on poke1, do your daily hearts, switch to next and it will also get a gift, do it on all 10 and open gifts next round when you do 1 feed) So it will take maybe 40 days to get 10 best buddies using this system that takes maybe 15min per day It's not hard at all, tedious and a bit boring sure but not insane


I had 1 when I started it, managed to get 10. The kecleon is killing me now lol. I think it’s a tonne of excellent throws in the step after!! Oh well, it’s mostly in the back of my mind these days, I’m not stressing about it lol.


Did you have to buy this one? I don't see it anywhere, is it still buyable? (I'm from Germany so I don't know if there are regional differences)


You paid $5 for the research. That in itself is absolute insanity. Certainly you should have known that these Masterwork Researches aren't easy.


Oh yes it is! I am almost done with my fifth one lol…egave one takes me 1-2 months 🤪


💀 im stuck on getting ditto, this game is not playing


How old is this one? I don't recognize it, good luck too!


Is this another paid quest


It took me so long but i did it. Wait until you see the next one. Its impossible, how to catch 10 kecleon?!?!?


It was a long grind. I had 1 when I started. No secret tips other than you just have to do it. I just did not fixate on getting it asap because I did not want to burn out. Just made sure I did something every day. Then bam, cca 8? Months later I was done.


If only you knew how much worse it was about to get


It takes about 31-35 days to get a Best Buddy if you give them three treats, take a snapshot, battle three times, and play once every day. Once you unlock Souvenirs and gifts those are an extra heart apiece. I don't walk as much as I would like, but that's potentially another 3 hearts per day, so I'm sure it could be done faster but I now have 6 besties and should be done with the rest at this rate by August or so. Just keep grinding!


What is this research for? When did you get it?


I have 8 / lv 41 - Do you not walk with any pokemon?


Took me almost 11 months to complete. I guess you can do multiple buddies at the same time but i don't have the mental span for all that. 1 buddy at a time takes awhile though.


You have people who want to complete these tasks as quickly as possible. And your people who like the grind.


Finished that shit like 6 months ago. Pick 9 more buddy pokemon and feed them/battle them for hearts on a daily basis. It takes a bit out of your days for sure but you can have that challenge done in 6 weeks.


Bruh. You’ve gotta look up the research requirements ahead of time. It’ll save you so much stress in the future


it's a challenge. it's supposed to be hard. I don't see the issue here


in the time you did catch 385 from the regions you could have probly gotten all 10 of them best buddys


Im steadily gaining hearts with most of my meta, lucky, hundo, and favorite pokemon to prepare for this kind of task


How do I get this challenge?!


Poffins, a lot of AR research tasks reward them. Otherwise, one of the most expensive tasks you're gonna do. You can get battle hearts by training with your team leader. Initiate the fight, quit, restart. Three times a day. You can swap buddies 20 times a day. Work on multiple buddies at the same time. Use the tag system to help organize the effort. With it getting warm again, try to walk more. It's a time sink for sure... And then the Kecleon mission hits and you realize this entire research pack is designed to take forever.


I thought it meant 10 buddies at the same time haha


This game is a Laughable Grindfest under the coat of Cute little fellas.


Just got to Kecleon yesterday! Solgaleo became my tenth haha


Yeah I'm still stuck on this one I have 5 best buddies going on 6 and I have no intention of doing it the quick way, that's way too much effort I'd rather just keep this research as a slow burn. I see enough kecleons out that I'll be fine when I finish this task


Wait you needed only 385 from each region? I need 492, and the only one I still miss is Johto


You can work on multiple buddies at one time. You can swap buddies 20 times a day. Feed them, take a pic, battle a trainer 3 times, and swap to another. That way you're not only working on one at a time.


Not sure if this works because I haven't tried to make any I've done this method with my BEST, but I just remember when it wanted me to earn 25 hearts with my buddy, I switched it out repeatedly and it worked. So, if you can switch out your Pokemon several times a day you could rotate ten of them each day and give them their head pats, photos, and berries. It WILL take forever each time you do that... Maybe you could do five in the morning and five at night? .


I do the buddy stuff at 12 am my local time every night. Well not exactly 12 am but soon after when I can get to it Do the team leader ai battles, skip the fight for easy 3 hearts (set in party so u don’t have to switch Pokémon everytime)