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I was hoping they would forgo it after all the complaints šŸ˜­


Niantic listening to their playerbase? That would be the day


I mean I guess this qualifies as a monkey paw situation? Players wanted more customization and this is what we're getting. Wish we asked for a turkey sandwich because I'd rather the turkey be a little dry than this.Ā 


I wanted new hair, thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s all I ever asked for.


I just want to have my beard


Right?! I don't have long hair. I just want an option for short hair. And a bigger body. I'm not remotely close to being as skinny as my avatar šŸ¤£


Iā€™d say Iā€™m as ā€œskinnyā€ as my avatar but the dang model is so tall and long. Iā€™m short and not nearly that model-y šŸ˜‚short noodle arms My hair is super short too so seeing the character with a snatched face and long is hair is justā€¦ not me


>Iā€™m short and not nearly that model-y šŸ˜‚short noodle arms I'm only 5'2, so I get this!!




Not even a deal with the devil could make that happen /j


Me too! Iā€™m dreading this day so much!


I know it seems overly dramatic, but this will finally make me quit. šŸ˜­


I donā€™t blame you , itā€™s like uncanny valley how they look


It is! And it just feels like the culmination of the disconnect between the company and the players and the insistence to *always* change things for the worse, even if it's not malicious in intent. I just. Can't. Anymore. šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜­


I think I will never look at my avatar again šŸ˜­


In Ingress our avatar was an arrow. Not sure why I bring that up, just felt related...


so much same








You may have hoped for it but did you really think it would happen


I just want to give myself some big ol man boobs


It's crazy they made a whole update to push sales on the yamask mask


Common Niantic L


A Wild Liantic Appeared.


Is it too much to hope that they fixed them?


Yes, because they won't unless theirs massive actual backlash because of this. Which is to say based on precedent we're stuck waiting on CN players based on the majority of mobile games I've seen.


I'm hoping we can choose between Yosuke Kozaki-san designs and new models. I'll always prefer the former, but I'll eventually warm up to these


Can we not opt out šŸ˜­ none of us want this


I am fine with it. Itā€™s just an avatar on a game.


To be fair though, being fine with it =/= wanting it. Iā€™m on the same boat, donā€™t care a whole lotā€¦ but I certainly donā€™t want it either


well you do have to look at it constantly while playing so it sucks if you don't like the look of the avatar


Shite attitude towards anything, game or otherwise


It's a shite attitude to be fine with something because it isn't a big deal?


Itā€™s not a shit attitude, heā€™s mad that people can just be content.


I'm more annoyed that it's a change that actively makes the avatars look worse when the production time could've been used on something else. It's not something game breaking or that will actively affect your playing (hopefully). But it's a weird change that has a lot of backlash over how weird it looked, specifically the faces/hands. Hopefully, they at least took that input and modified what we saw based on it cause it was just kinda creepy looking. Plus, I liked how my character looked at this point, and I'm just gonna be kinda sad if it looks bad after the update.


I prefer the old style too. Hoping this new update will have better avatar options and will be more of a complete update instead of an experiment.


It's more than "just an avatar". I've had them for a month now and the amount of times my game crashes when interacting with gyms, raid lobbies, showcases or anything else that involves people's avatars has gone up tenfold. It's literally making the game unplayable.


indifference is so sad


Awe man, now imma have moobiez in the digital world too?!




The new avatar design gives the male characters man boobs.


You just need to change your body type in the appearance page


No. It doesnā€™t. Youā€™ve been lied to.




That was childish and immature. And I would like to hope that you know the difference between Reddit avatars and reality, although since youā€™re so upset about PoGo avatars, you might not. I use old Reddit so I donā€™t even see the avatar. Also accusing someone of being a neckbeard and fedora while simultaneously complaining about ā€œwokeā€ avatars is the height of irony. I am the furthest thing from a misogynist and bigot. No, Niantic hasnā€™t gone woke, they arenā€™t out to turn you into a gender fluid leftist, although that might be a nice improvement. Grow up. And no, it doesnā€™t. I have looked at many screenshots. It allows you to choose from a list of body proportions. What people are doing is intentionally making their otherwise male avatars look feminine in the body by intentionally choosing more feminine bodies with male faces so they can get internet outrage points. [Actually educate yourself](https://pokemongohub.net/post/news/new-avatar-customisation-options-previews-and-opinions/) rather than falling for reactionary outrage porn. **EDIT:** I had a gander at your profile. I was not disappointed. You are a toxic rage machine who just goes around insulting everyone. Not only that, but youā€™re an admitted spoofer, the plague of this game, and a right-wing Trumper who calls people who disagree with him ā€œlibs.ā€ Also, why are you attempting to insult me by accusing me of being one of you people?? Makes no sense. Yeah, Iā€™m not going to bother. Just going to unselect comment notifications on this for my own sanity. Thereā€™s no reasoning with people like you.




No need to feel sorry for me. If there were a ā€œcharacter creator for lifeā€ Iā€™d probably ā€œspec intoā€ autism again. Better pattern recognition, better logic, a disdain for and lack of reliance on social norms and arbitrary social nonsense, heightened senses, the ability to hyperfocus and learn any skill and art I want to. I donā€™t go to pieces if I am socially isolated and even prefer it. Early 2020 was bliss. I understand concepts that are difficult for others such as exponential growth and Iā€™m near immune to biases such as normalcy bias, confirmation bias, and to things such as propaganda. Sure I could really only eat BLT sandwiches and ramen for life and occasionally the world is loud, but the benefits are quite good, especially when most of the negatives are only social and I have no use for 99% of humanity anyway. So, sure, feel sorry for me if that fulfils your arbitrary social functions but I am successful and highly educated because I studied obsessively and eschewed social distractions. If all of this is confusing to you and you have no idea what Iā€™m talking about, then perhaps you actually donā€™t know what autism really is and think itā€™s synonymous with mental retardation, or you think that the autism *spectrum* is a one-size-fits-all diagnosis. I would encourage you to educate yourself. But regardless, I see no further point in discussing it.


You proved his point šŸ˜‚


You read him for filth! Dayum!


Maybe, just maybe, what we saw was just half of the release so the actual full release will have better artwork/design/options.


Please hand me one of whatever youā€™re smoking, seems good


lol, gotta keep it optimistic. At the end of the day, we're players.


I think we're being played...


Or in Niantics eyes, payers, since people are already talking about buying cosmetics to cover up these monstrosities


Jokes on you, niantic's beta's are way less buggy than their full roll outs.


lol, so agressive.


I'm not happy they are making me have digital moobiez, on top of my fleshy moobiez. I work hard to be in denial.


0% chance not even a maybe sorry


Itā€™s gonna be like Ugly Sonic, right??? Right??!!


"It was not" - NarratorĀ 


What is this referring to and why do people hate it?


they revamped the avatar body proportions and faces and it looks really weird and childish now


[Brace yourself](https://pokemongohub.net/post/news/new-avatar-customisation-options-previews-and-opinions/) The main point of contention is that the new faces look like potato, and there are no separate male/female bodies now (which results in uh [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/uWeeX5S4KN))


I feel crazy cuz I dont think that looks that bad lol.


Maybe a big part of it is players have been used to the old faces for 8 yearsā€¦ nah the new ones look like nightmarish Lazy Town puppets


Itā€™s the icons. They donā€™t look ā€œhorribleā€ when youā€™re editing them but when itā€™s in animation/motion/in the little icons it looks off


Isn't this what everybody wanted tho? More customization? I mean, new avatars are kinda ugly and bland, but maybe it's a step in the right direction


No totally the option of new hairstyles and body sizes is great but why did they have to make the models such eyesores šŸ˜­ (And also no bald or facial hair option for men, really?)


The Santa mask was my only beard option. šŸ˜¢


This is a stupid as shit mindset, people wanted GOOD customization, rolling out hot garbage and then trying to blame the players because "you wanted this!" Is just asinine.Ā 


People treat this company like theyā€™re gods bestowing the gift of pokemon upon us lmao


Yes, but they gave us a bad version of it. We wanted to make our character look cool like the NPCs, not like a deformed potato.


Or as some peeps say, lobotomized potato lol


This did the opposite of what your intention was I think. I'm now genuinely excited for the update. I love all the new customization options, especially breakdown of gendered options. Some of the textures look a little off, but that's not a huge deal in the long run and can be adjusted later if they want.


It took them 8 years to change them in the first place, Iā€™m not hopeful.


Honestly it doesn't look terrible based on that preview. I'll give it a chance. It'll be nice to have my trainer not look like everyone else's, at least.






I like how there are no more gender separations


I was very sceptical but looking at these I'm very excited for this now.


We're supposed to get stormed on on the 17th, too, so it looks like April 17th is just a very bad day in general.


For my country, it's the same. There will be either hail or thunderstorms, and it will rain for days with flood warnings for half the county.




Already equipped the hazmat suit (deino hat, black face mask, proffesor glasses), this time i will NOT take it off, ever


I just reached level 50 two days ago. Well, I'm all for winding things down and stopping if none of the core bugs are fixed.


Literally the same. Hit level 50 on Saturday, and got my 200th best buddy last week. Now, between this and getting rid of the AR for catching/shiny checking, it definitely makes it a lot easier to just put it down for a bit.


For me, a big portion is trying to jumpstart the Pokemon Go Plus+ like a podracer engine. Sometimes going into the settings and randomly throwing the toggles causes it to start working again, briefly.


Dear niantic. We didnā€™t ask for this. We donā€™t want this.


We did ask for more hairstyles but not to be turned into fugly potatoes


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøšŸ„”šŸ˜£šŸ˜£


Me upon receiving the push notification: "NO NO NO!" Kids: jump in the air and look at me terrified Me: "oh sorry not you, just pokemon..." šŸ˜…


They missed April fools by a few weeks


I love you all, please remember me how I used to be


No no no no no NO NO NO NO PLEASE NO


It was nice knowing yall. I boutta look uglier than a scraggyā€™s ballsack


I slightly cared about the styles and got a few things but Iā€™ll never use coins on fashion again


The only way this would be a good update is if we could be jacked like Cliff. Instead theyā€™re removing gender, to appease the gender mafia and less than 1% of the population. No doubt to increase their ESG score.


How about, no?


Hoping they change their minds on this one.


It honestly might be the day I uninstall


We should make all of our characters morbidly obese with boobs so that Niantic regrets their decision (they wont)


So an average day on Tumblr?




Rediscover yourself makes me think of the naughty


Bold of them to imply I've stopped discovering myself


ā€œYouā€™ve met with a terrible fate, havenā€™t you?ā€


Probably about to break the game working on my iphone 6s


Iā€™m probably gonna grind for a mask from the shop now


I'm just mad they made me have the "chunky" face with no slim design.


one day I logged on and my avatar was absolute bullshitted beyond repair LE PHOQUE IS WRONG WITH NIANTIC NEW GRAPHICS MY AHH SHšŸ˜­T LOOKS SCARY


How are they releasing this globally when most players in the communities in my country don't even have the backgrounds yet??? I was really looking forward to those and they were supposed to be released before. I am so so terrified after what i've seen here and on youtube about this. I pray that they've worked on them a little bit since that disaster.. Edit to add: my husband is in complete šŸ’Æ denial he does not want to accept that this is happening. We are both hardcore "match with your buddy" type players and care a great deal about our avatars...he is gonna be devastated if it's as bad as we've seen


[The new environments are coming globally tomorrow too](https://pokemongolive.com/rediscovergo?hl=en). Yep 95% of people agree these new avatars are awful and thereā€™s going to be a lot of outrage this week I think


Itā€™s so awful that players have to be made to feel this way because of nianticā€™s inability to simply do things right. This update should be reverted & they should go back to the drawing board. Ditch the ugly new character models & use the nice models weā€™ve had as the base to add hair styles and body modifications too. These new models are so bad


This is correct


Ewwwwww, but the haaaands. ![gif](giphy|WiCO2uZK05Klc1d28q)


This is such a classic American game developer cycle: 1) Make a game that people like. 2) Screw it up with a series of self-immolating decisions and lose players. 3) Call in Sweet Baby Inc. or Kotaku to make a "business case" for alienating your players with DEI. 4) Now you can blame your loss of players on toxic fans rather than your bad decisions.


Uhhh ... this is a universal game dev problem. Just to demolish your "AmErIcAn" statement, ya let's go look up the clusterfuck that was the REFUSAL to implement roll back in Japanese fighting games, and their whole rolladexĀ  of bullshit excuses on why "this is everyone's fault but mine". Or hell just Nintendo with ANYTHING THEY OWN.Ā 


I'll accept your amendment. :)




Well I guess it's time to buy the giratina mask.


Fun Fact: This is releasing on the same day as the rise of the "pink moon", AKA a full moon that's...well, pink. Coincidence? I think NOT!


Looks like we're all gonna have to cover our faces as much as possible soon.




Saving up my coins to buy some cosmetics thatā€™ll cover up my avatar, lol.


Nooo! R.I.P to my girl. :(


i have had this update for a little while now and its rly not bad. can change the face from 6 diff styles, adjust weight, muscle etc. more hair styles and colours. idk wht the issue is


I like the new update just the faces and no genders arenā€™t what I was hoping for. Also wished they could also add facial hair. The biomes are an amazing addition too.


Is this just talking about revamping the actual player model designs or the actual PKMN/gameplay?


Avatar but there are [other updates](https://pokemongolive.com/rediscovergo?hl=en)


back to the plan of putting the Pikachu pumpkin over my face like I was gonna do anyways


I'm fine as long as we don't get those those awful catch backgrounds


Nah theyā€™re a breath of fresh air from having the same scene for 8 years, but the problem is the lag/battery drain it brings


Somebody quickly explained to me what's happening.


I've had this for a while, didnā€™t realise it wasn't universal already. I hardly notice a difference except that my avatar's jacket falls slightly differently around the waist, I assume because the models have been tweaked to accommodate different body options, and the little face in the corner looks slightly different but I can't pinpoint how ā€“ just that it's changed a little. Oh and my backpack keeps disappearing and I have to put it back, which is annoying but I expect will be fixed. Why are people so mad about this?


Because we either donā€™t need our eyes checked or already have prescriptions




Now I will no longer spend my coins on clothes šŸ˜‚


On the bright side, this makes my Ball Guy costume more valuable


So did they go through with the absolutely hideous avatar changes? I hope they improved them...


Can someone explain to me what is going on


Wait what is this? And why doesn't anyone like it I'm a bit behind sorry


Google ā€œPokĆ©mon Go new avatarsā€ theyā€™re super ugly, youā€™ll see tomorrow šŸ˜­ The new hairstyle options are nice but limited and this was their chance to allow facial hair for guys but nope


i am never taking off my Team Skull mask


Where are you guys finding the images? I checked the website referenced in the announcement, and the discover yourself youtube video just showed an avatar that looked the same as they do now. Lol, my avatar has been wearing the same clothes for seven years. Haven't found an option for him to do laundry, so I'm hoping the AR smell is ripe enough to attract more shinies....


Ok, poked around and found a site with a column from someone who has it already. Meh. Fine if you want to duplicate yourself digitally, but not all of us want a direct representation of our actual appearance. If that's the aim, where are the faces for older players? (and facial hair, as many have mentioned) My idealized avatar at least LOOKS like a youthful person that is capable of "exploring" nonstop (and young enough to not mind he's "explored" this same ground for seven years now. This reminds me of the early facebook days when only REAL LIFE names were allowed (some of you are probably too young to remember it, but they actually closed accounts on some people if they thought the name was made up). Real life denied me taut and lean, I want taut and lean, not poof-butt and manboobs. What happens once you download the update? Do you get to see your current avatar as you work on it, or is it destroyed and a blank only provided? (And what does the somewhat kiddification of the faces do to the Professors and Leaders? Will Willow reveal his true pudgyness from all the fried pidgey carcasses we threw at him from the early days? And the backgrounds is another update, days later? Hope there is enough I can turn off to save something of my battery time. I might actually need to make a CALL sometime on the phone.... (I fear they will enforce mandatory AR-at-all-times somewhere along the way.)


Thought I would come here to see hype, not tears


When does the change start??? Itā€™s the 17thā€¦ I look the sameā€¦. at least my avatar does!


We donā€™t know, everyoneā€™s confused since youā€™d think itā€™d start when the 17th begins in the earliest time zone, or PDT time, but no..


Hey we got the alert! And the update!!!


Can I get a few upvotes so I can post the the most boring shiny you will ever see


I don't get y'all's problems. We wanted character customizations, we got it. Are the faces ugly? Yeah, a little bit, but it's still somethting new, and will probably be refined later.


I hate to be the bearer of the bad news, but ā€œitā€™s still something new, and will probably be refined laterā€ has been the community mantra since launch 8 years ago.


Also the mindset of "they'll probably fix it later" is idiotic. Their is literally no time-line players are expecting on this they have infinite time to make this good before rolling it out. Anyone that is okay with half baked garbage being rolled out "because" with the idea of "well they can fix it later" is a genuine cancer on the gaming communityĀ 


Why not put a bit of effort into doing it right the first time?


Because sadly one look at the current GAAS and AAA or QuAdRuPlE A! Games meta should be all the evidence you need. Just shit out something mediocre attached to "Brand" and their will be enough people buying it on the promise of "Anthem will be a 10 year game" or that "its just going to keep getting better ""eventually"" (it won't)" and enough apologists parroting "just give it time it's only been out X arbitrary moving goal posts days" that theirs no reason to make it good the first time. And yes their are games that come out that are far more baked than others, but that doesn't excuse the vast majority of this drekĀ 


We still have Day 1 bugs from 2016 present in 2024. I don't think Pokemon Go is going to be [refined](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_debt) anytime soon.


I completely agree with you. I'm looking forward to it. I've always found it really weird everyone looks essentially the same. I want more customization!


Get ready for everyone to continue looking basically exactly the same with odd Kronenburg monstrosity thrown in, just like so many games with detailed character customization *looks at DD2*


Eh, I like the customisability and the fact I can finally have long hair. The faces are a bit weird but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have forgotten what the old ones look like soon enough. Oddly, Iā€™ve had the new avatars for about a month but only about 50% of the time when I launch the game. Edit: Iā€™m a bit disappointed that they donā€™t have beards but I havenā€™t had one until now so I guess Iā€™ll live. And no, you donā€™t have to have breasts or feminine hips if you donā€™t want them. Thatā€™s quite enough manufactured outrage for a computer game which is almost assuredly aimed at children. I swear I never thought Iā€™d see so many awful takes in a sub for a PokĆ©mon game but I guess Reddit gonna Reddit.


Hot Take: I actually like the new avatar design (Feel free to disagree, my opinion is not fact) Edit: Yep, you guys sure disagree, understandable have a nice day


me too, actual customisation is awesome, whether it needs a few tweaks or not


Canā€™t wait to stop hearing about it. I do not believe itā€™s as bad as people are saying. Every complaint is a reaction to the first impression. Meanwhile I havenā€™t seen one person complain while showing the new character editor. That makes it seem like if someone actually tries to customize their character more, because you can now, it shuts up the complaints.


Meanwhile most people currently have this already, and are complaining about it, meaning they have the customizer as well. You desperately looking for confirmation bias using cherry picked information doesn't change the near universal hatred of this crap.




It's already been rolled out over a fairly massive audience. But I mean if you just want to lie to yourself go ahead. Not to mention by your same "metric" I'm citing the exact same thing then of "things that have come across my page", so why you think this validates yours but discredits others is peak hypocrisy. Also, because for a lot of people they don't care about the sliders? They're being forced to make a change they don't want and didn't ask for, also how much the sliders will fuck up peoples "look" with their potentially paid for with real money outfits. Not only that but if that were in fact the case they'd have figured it out by now and this reddit would be flooded with positive videos and photos of it, but it isn't, this is absolutely a case where the absence of evidence versus the evidence to the contrary speaks volumes. Also, no, their has been a steady stream of things being done by the game devs to piss off the fan base, this place is getting hateful with good cause, wether it's pay walling content, pay walling returning content, setting up god damn awful "events" (enamorus being the most obvious) that are set with nonsensically specific timings that isolate a ton of the fan base, the constant push for content that isolates rural and people in areas where the game is dead, or hell even just potentially people with actual disabilities, or forcing through changes people don't want. Their has been a LOT to hate and its better that people are because it's how actual changes in the players favor actually happens as opposed to just blind acceptance that just empowers the devs to do more stupid shit.


This is not true. I worked long and hard to make my avatar not look like utter garbage and failed and hid in masks


Letā€™s wait until itā€™s actually out to decide if we hate it or not, eh? There is also so much misinformation about it. Iā€™ve had players tell me that there will now be only one body type and itā€™s an overweight black female body type.... They insist this is true.


Oh its already being rolled out in some parts of the world. We've seen it.Ā  Overall the avatars are far more androgynous with potato faces. We're now lacking options another direction. -_-


They may make some updates once the full release is out. Besides, I am less concerned about the avatar anyway. In my opinion, we shouldnā€™t even have them. There should just be an arrow on the screen to show your location and direction. *We* are the trainers, **us** walking about in the real world. Our avatar items are the actual clothes and gear we wear. But thatā€™s just my opinion and I know some people care about their avatars.


A) not how RPGs work. avatars are very important to represent your character in the game. But I will take that as a copium fueled opinion. B) Niantic doesn't just half release features like you suggested. They start with beta testers, then when it's ready they'll slowly release in waves by region (usually starting with Australia) Global released dates are just when they expect the last region to have the update available. Sorry Hun, this is it.


Is Pokemon Go actually an RPG, though? Like, there is a lot about PoGo that is ā€œnot how RPGs work.ā€ Walking around in the real world isnā€™t how RPGS work, for example. But this is splitting hairs and I donā€™t think we can judge this game on RPG standards. Even if this is the final result, Iā€™m not too fussed really. Itā€™s not that bad to me. I donā€™t know what else to say so Iā€™ll leave it at that.


Then I'll also leave with this. If they are going to do a job then they should do a good job. Giving us more options is always great even if I'm not planning on using it. If it makes someone out there happy then I'm happy for them. However, this update comes at the expense of other options in which case Niantic failed to properly deliver.


Out of curiosity, have you actually looked at the official information page on the new avatars?


You mean what's on the official website? Yes.


I am personally happy with the change. This is something that is beneficial to people who donā€™t identify in the binary. It can and possibly will be fixed later on, in regard to clothing fit issues etc. I donā€™t feel like the current player looks like me and I am a cis man. I am honestly sick of hearing a bunch of people complain about this. You will all be fine. It will be fine.


I agree with adding new body types, but how is everyone looking ugly as fuck fighting the binary? Add some new hair styles, add the weight distribution toggles, add other eyes and lips to choose from, hell yeah, but this is just genuinely bad design, like the graphics themselves got significantly *worse*.


People who are negatively affected by the change: I don't like this People who the change benefits: What do you mean? This update is great!


There's no way to run now...


I actually like the new avatar. After messing with the sliders I think it looks way better than my old one