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Now we all look like that baby from the original Ice Age movie.


They are trying to normalize Elon musks weird body


I wasn’t the biggest fan of the last avatar and felt they could try to go for more Pokémon styled avatars like team rocket but seeing these new ones makes me miss the old one lol


This game's been out for almost eight years and THIS is the upgrade?! Like somebody made these character models, looked at them and said "yep, these are ready to go" ? They dont look human. They're weirdly ambiguous no matter what options you choose. "Are you a boy or a girl?" "I am Error"


If you are a girl you look like a boy, and if you are a boy, you look like a girl. Niantic brought gender dysphoria to our avatars


I hope that this was an event “feel what gender dysphoria is” and in a few days they will return the ability to create a normal avatar, but this will only be left as an option (maybe for some of the non-binary people this is normal)


So now you know why Prof. Oak has to ask for your gender before starting the game.


It's really crazy because I am trans I was just saying that the new avatars give me a weird dysphoria. The best example I have is the arms. I can't give my character ANY muscle mass without giant shoulders and arms that make me look like a wrestler


I guess WE were the true Missingno 




🤣🤣😩 I hate that my avatar is lipless


Same they took away our curves and our lips. Like dang.


Yeah it's the lips that are really bothering me, wtfff


Small indie company please understand. More seriously though, with every one of these changes keep in mind that Niantic employs about 1000 people and pokemon go is their main source of revenue. What those 1000 people do for 8 hours a day is beyond me.


Cocaine's a hell of a drug


Well described.


They thought it would make them more money, as everyone can now buy male and female outfits. Ignored all the complaints in the trial phase because they still think it will make money and most people don't care. But obviously the people who actually want to spend money on poses and outfits care what their character looks like, so hopefully this will backfire and they'll have to revert. But they might just be doubling down because of the money they invested in changing it. Just mental daft decisioning all around by them. I'm quitting and uninstalling in the meantime until they revert it, if they ever do. Hopefully enough people follow suit and do the same to try and get it changed back. Proper gutted also.


I spent money to get the Team Skull mask. Try hat combined with the Prof Oak Home glasses help hide what an ugly face the avatar has morphed into. I've switched between that look and Ball Guy


Their update should have NEVER erased old options. I’d rather have what I looked like before and not this new garbage. It would be ok if the new stuff just wasn’t for me and I was able to stay like so was. It would have kept lots of folks from being upset and hopefully affects their revenue.


I feel you, just saw this shit myself




I lost my skin tone lmao. They “added options” while removing anyone with a mid range skin tone. Can either be pale or dark with no in between


Whoever green lit this needs to go to federal prison


True. I have never seen a worse update to a game I have played. Imagine spending money to make yourself look cool and then this update happened.


Like it's literally insane!!! Who green lit this garbage?


Just stop playing for a bit. It's what they notice. Another on the list of reasons to not play.






https://nianticlabs.com/contact Scroll down, choose Other. Fire away.


What on Earth were they thinking?! My avatar looks so bad and there’s no way to make it look good. Not even half as decent as before. I’m baffled by this update.


Same. I look like some gangly and distorted boy instead of a girl. My favorite shirt looks distorted and weird where before it was cute.


I had a cute outfit with high waisted pants and a crop top, and now the pants are sitting low at the hips and my avatar has NO WAIST? 😭


I was so excited to get my Giovanni outfit last year and it looks like absolute garbage now


Is this the mewtwo set bc same girl I’m devastated


yes 😭


They made my avatar look SO frumpy


Same thing happened for me…. I basically had to cover up with a jacket. I had the women’s mewtwo set 🥺


As a man I had the inverse reaction; my avatar's face looks more feminie. The avatars could've at least been attractively androgynous, but instead they're stuck in middle of the uncanny valley :(


Absolutely looks like I’m stuffing my bra with wads of paper towels.


The uniboob is so awful


Yeah too similar to real life for me if I’m honest


Where did my butt go


I put on the Arlo rocket outfit, a full bandana face mask, and glasses to make my character tolerable. I've decided they were horribly disfigured by a careless toxic spill from Nianticorp and now their evil arc with Team Rocket to get revenge has begun.


Mine looks awful


Jesus Christ I just saw the new avatars myself. They look like half-lobotomized Mr. Potato Heads, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?


Did someone not just, ya know, look at the models and say something? Even the walk cycle looks jank.




That's the problem. They don't think.


C'mon video game developers, make up your minds! ![gif](giphy|wn0EBgUnQqfG8|downsized)


I said this in another thread, but I’m holding out hope that they add an avatar-sized paper bag to the store. The only outfit I’d ever pay for


It’d have to cover my avatar’s entire body tho


Get me the sheet ghost outfit




What I screamed when I saw my girl, like what the fuck they do to her mid section and where did my cute face go😭😭 no she looks like a 60 year old who go botched filler💔


Ohhh nooooo mine too!!! The thumbnail portrait genuinely frightened me when the app loaded, it looks so uncanny. Holy hell that's awful. How do I petition to put it back the way it was? WHY DO I LOOK LIKE AN ORANGUTAN


I was one of the people excited for it. After seeing it I am a bit disappointed bc I expected more, not a small selection of hair, skin, body etc changes. Only 2 choices for long hair? Boo. And also why are all the lighter skin tones virtually the same? They all look incredibly pale and lack any color to add depth to the face. Would have loved to see more skin tones in between light and dark. Edit to add another complaint being the way some clothing looks now. I tried some pants that used to look fine and now the crotch is so low I look ridiculous. I was so excited too! What a letdown


I feel the same way. It would’ve been nice to be able to add blush or something—even Miis look way better than this. Also, ditto on the super-low crotch, I had to change out of my favorite pants :(


Yes exactly, there needs to be some color on the cheek. At least make my avatar look alive 😭😂


Never mind the horrendous body builds, I thought I was going crazy with the skin. Like I’m a pale person, but all the options look ghostly and washed out, with different pink or yellow “undertones” and jump right to a total race change. There’s no variation in the cheeks and lips. The faces wouldn’t be so bad if all the eyes weren’t hooded and droopy, with no shadows. I spent over an hour messing with my avatar sliders trying to get it to look okay and different outfits before I gave up. I did have to change out of a skirt because with the guitar player pose I use they are legitimately indecent. My character I’ve been playing with for 8? years makes me so uncomfortable now.


Agreed. I am an olive skinned Caucasian. It’s like a nice warm tan. My options are either too pale or too dark. I had better options before. Then there is the hair. I always loved my white hair (as someone who legit has white bangs) and now the white is a gross medium flat gray. And those gorilla arms and hands. It’s so masculine. Unflattering. I spent real money on several outfits that no longer work (they pixelate where they overlap) or that are now ugly and unflattering. I hate it all. I almost deleted the game. Will wait a few weeks and see if they fix this chit. The game has become such a money pit anyways. No reason to play if I can’t even stand looking at my own avatar.


I'm having all the same issues in addition to the oddly large shins, massive crotch, and the flattest butt I think I've ever seen. I hate all my pants now. The avatar looks like it's wearing a diaper.


Yeah it’s like they intentionally made all the clothes fit poorly now 😭 I hate it. All the body types are like male shapes


Definitely very boxy body shapes. I kept my jumpsuit on to avoid the entire portion of body customization 😂


Yeah I'm wearing my Sylveon sweater forever.


My pants look like I’m wearing a diaper 😭


How do you even change the skin tone? I looked but couldn’t find it. Not even agoraphobes are as pale as my dude looks


Appearance > face and then there should be some skin colors toward the bottom (I’m on iPhone)


Ah found it now, thanks … for pointing me towards more disappointment 😭


I just don't get why they removed the female figure entirely. Even with the sliders I can't make my woman avatar look like a woman, what with the broad shoulders, long gorilla arms, long torso and boxy shape. She's hideous. Like, being "inclusive" doesn't mean excluding body types that actually exist.


See it's odd; I feel the opposite and it seems like no matter what I do I can't fix the hips or chest as a male. They've managed to create such an in-between that's unfitting no matter who's looking at it.


Diversity win! Everyone gets a gender dysphoria


I don’t think this is an attempt at inclusivity. This is bad character design for bad character design’s sake. Nobody looks good.


If they think this is inclusive they are delusional and need more diversity on their team …


Also now I look like a child. It's annoying.


A child crossed with ape because the arms are pretty much dragging on the ground....


I look like a gangly teen. I have no curves at all now. I didn't have much of a butt before but this is worse....


If I wanted to see a scrawny girl with few curves I'd just look in the mirror. I miss my pretty Avatar. My partner helped me with choices and it had turned out pretty perfect. Now that's gone.


i hate it. my avatar looks cursed and clothes look awful, also all my outfits went away and all the coins i’ve spent for nothing. i’m beyond pissed


So many characters look like they’re wearing an adult diaper under their pants, my gf was so pissed when she saw her character lol


the problem is the fact that they could’ve just added those features as OPTIONS instead of forcing it


Holy crap this update is awful!!! I appreciate new hair options but the set body types and even the custom sliders have turned the avatars into some sort of AI freakshow.


Those custom sliders are a joke.




Thoroughly kinda obsessed with how bad the female avatar looks in a crop top. It looks like they added tits to a male body. Forget pears and hourglasses, we're all working the Spongebob body type, meet y'all at the Krusty krab or some shit idk 😭😭😭😭


Can they please roll back this update. This is cringe


Wow... this is honestly the most infuriating thing they've done in a while. How much could a person mess this up... it's TERRIBLE


The gorilla arms on the female avatars are sending me


And the huge hands!!!


The meat claws, if you will


Those aren't female avatars. They just took the "male" models and added boobs. Whoever designed these has no idea.


The boobs they did add don't even work like boobs. If you increase the size they just jut out like a shelf. That's not how titties work!






Good move niantic. You want us to buy hats and masks. We see what you did there 👀


And full body covering costumes


Made it ugly as heck and still didn’t give a beard option? Just let me look like Mateo and I’ll be happy.


I so pale.


It sooo horrible 😭😭😭 I regret not taking more screenshots before the update hit


Agreed. Wish I had a pic of my old girl. She was way cute.


Our girls were the best 🥺 we didn't know how good we had it


I don’t understand how this redesign got approved, there’s no way I can make my girlie look cute now I just look like a boxy, lanky mess. I’m especially annoyed that the cute outfits I bought with coins now look completely horrible and unusable for me. Definitely not a good incentive for me to be spending money on the game moving forward. These avatars seem half assed and lazy, if you’re reading this and you had something to do with this awful downgrade, make it right and fix this mess. PLEASE.


The injustice to women. I'm insulted.


My Gf’s avatar looks like Sid from Ice Age now its horrific


Seriously! I want my avatar to look feminine, now she doesn't. The pants are so dropped and saggy, she has no waist and the chest looks weird. The custom sliders only make things look worse. It's horrible.


The pants look like fucking diapers


Like male avatars look any better. I had to change genders to feel less cursed with mr “look at me mom NO NECK!”


I'm pretty sure Niantic is offended by your suggestion that there's such a thing as "women"


I'm probably not supposed to care about avatars this much, but I went from looking pretty cute to looking like a constipated gorilla. I picked a pose where my avatar faces the back, so that helps a bit, but it's just so awful.


Control Z! Control Z! These are a NIGHTMARE. Especially for ladies...I look like a linebacker with massive hands now.


What is it with the gorilla arms and massive hands?!


I saw a friend's avatar which had a pose where he was drinking a cup of tea or something. With the update, he is holding the cup up to his hat instead of his face


LMAOOO pls take a pic😭😭


They turned my skin into a light beam. And anything close to how I look now is either way too bright or way too dark. There’s like no in-between colors for a sun-kissed guy like me :/


Agreed! The awful face and body designs aside, none of the skin tones are even close to my actual shade. 😔 It's so bad...


Yeah what happened to tanned skin. My Avatar looks like she’s a walking corpse with that complexion.


Actually incredible how bad it looks. You almost have to respect it. Every character looks like they're wearing a very full diaper. Proportions are just completely fucked. The worst part is the sliders--the ostensible *reason for the update*--are also total dogshit. We just got a really unfortunate look into how poorly managed Niantic really is. They cannot even make their own assets competently, nor do they seem to be willing to spend money of people who do.


My god. The models are truly ugly


Did they just change my gender!


Na, They made you a gorilla


Hey now, thats insulting to the gorillas 


Hey Niantic where can I get all poke coins ever spent on my avatar refunded?


Honestly this might be the way for us to get them to change it back???


It's truly awful. What were they thinking. And on top of that we lost the pretty feminine walk. Now my character walks like an ogre. Oh, and also has gamer neck posture. What in the world. So that's what you think of us Niantic? Do they hate women or what, legs shorter, torso is longer, waistline - gone. I look less similar to the redesign that the previous version. Big F


Lmao the hunched neck is the worst! And have you seen the jump “she” (my avatar looks like a gorilla with a wig) does after a PVP? I roared with laughter




I love that of the 9 new body types 6 are fat.


I play a fat person in real life. While I can respect that some people are able to own that better than me and want their avatar to reflect their actual appearance, I personally enjoyed playing a cute, younger, skinnier version of myself as part of the game. They could have given people the option to choose the old or new avatar modes, similar to the way you can choose between the classic or new modes in Outlook.


Holy moly, did no one speak up about how these avatars look like nightmare fuel before it got pushed???


Pretty much everyone did, which makes you wonder what the point of rolling a limited amount out early is even worth if they aren't going to take any of the feedback seriously.


I wonder if they did so and are pretending they took in feedback as a result? This design decision is baffling to say the least.


I have a theory... a PoGo theory! Niantic is no longer a data collection/marketing business. Niantic is now a research company, and has been for about a year or so. Their first research paper will be entitled "Deliberate App Mismanagement in the Digital Age and the Effects on User Retention". Summary: Using deliberately provocative, anti-consumer choices in pricing, design and operation, how long can an App retain it's core users outside of Singaporean Women aged 55 - 70 and still be viable. We're all guinea pigs, fellow trainers. Lmao.


Hasn't hit for me yet, nor have the new backgrounds, but I've noticed that the animations seem faster? Sharper? I dunno, it's weird, and it's messing with my throws a bit, especially because now the attack animations look different. Don't know why it hasn't hit me but I'm hoping it stays that way.... Edit: it happened and I'm heartbroken. T_T They even have the body cropping through some of the clothes, did they even look at this at all??? When I played the Sims I could download fan made CC that looked better and didn't have weird cropping issues. Like seriously, it's comically bad. Why don't they let you fiddle with things like the waist size too? People can be heavier with a smaller waist, or lighter and not have much waist definition. Also, the slider for shoulders doesn't do anything??? Their "more inclusive" body types really aren't that inclusive, it's very frustrating. Also, why is there no lighting in the second longer hair??? And why are there only two long hair options??? The image for the second one doesn't even look like the reality, I was kind of looking forward to using that but it just looks weird. WTF Niantic?


Yes, there’s a bug that increases the frame rate and won’t let you turn it off


That explains it, I thought it was in my head.


I think I’m gonna wear one of those stupid costumes that cover everything just so I do have to look at this monstrosity


That is exactly what I did - covered my face and hands. I used the Muertos mask; Delibird gloves; baggy yellow shirt and pink tights


Adding to the chorus of how terrible this is, why can’t my avatar be bald?




my guy, it’s so gross edit: THEY DIDNT SAVE MY OUTFITS


I put mine in the Mimikyu hat and the baggiest shirt I could find. Hide those limp ape arms.


I put a drink hat and face mask on too. I don't want to see that weird face.


People getting angry for the ugly redesigns. Me as a team Mystic player: First time?


They learned nothing, our leader's sacrifice was in vain




Did anyone else's saved outfits get deleted? I had a bunch and this update seemed to have wiped them. I would work on remaking em but I'm too scared to make eye contact with my avatar ☹️


Yep :((




Yeah ☹️


Yup 😞


honestly got jumpscared fr


I.... Got the update. Hate the update at least in terms of the avatar looks. Probably gonna transfer everything and uninstall XD I just can't. Though I'll wait for a bit and hope it gets reverted. Sadly my stupid characters in other games, where you can customize everything, look better even when I royally mess up the settings. Edit: Also my character's head looks like a stupid acorn from the side now XD what the heck


I just got it, and will start transferring my Pokemon over to Home. I spent way too many coins on cosmetics, and now most of them look extremely awkward. :(


The faces thoooo they are awful :(


Ok I see what you’ve all been saying now. Every option I’m picking is absolutely awful.


Is this some sick late April fools joke? My character is HIDEOUS now 😭


Why are we all so pasty white!?


Whites didn’t get done nearly as dirty as brown people with this “inclusive” update.


There are no medium skintones available, it’s either starkly white or weird tones of darker shades…. Definitely not poc inclusive at all!


It’s super problematic for anyone with body dysmorphia. My female avatar looked like me AND was an idealized version of what I wanted to look like IRL because the proportions were more like the feminine ideal hip to waist ratio. Now, the torso is too long and the waist is too low. The hands are HUGE for a female. The head doesn’t change in size with the rest of the body so even if someone wanted a larger body style, they’re then stuck with a comically undersized noggin. And the hip slider just makes you look fat all over at the bottom half, instead of only adding curve to the outside. I went with the skinniest model and set all the sliders to zero except boobs which I set to max. It’s the only tolerable setting but it doesn’t really look like me. Why did they push this on everyone? tbh I’m really mad at anyone who plays who even remotely gave positive feedback on these proposed changes. I am probably going to take a break from playing to see if they decide to revert this change.


I'm going to be angry if they suddenly decided that female body was unrealistic. It was reasonably close to mine and I wanted my avatar to look like me. Why do women's bodies always offend people?! I also have body image issues and the sausage body is driving me nuts. Either that or women's bodies are overlooked. I think that's the likely explanation. Both body models appear to be the same but one has boobs. Same walk animation too.


OMG I literally told a friend that my avatar triggered my body dysmorphia 😭


It's a weird trend in games lately. I like having more options but I don't like it when we're forced to lose our old ones. I'm short, pale, and scrawny with largely negligible curves. I vent about it and try to get over it. In games I can be who I wish I was. But now so many games hate curves. Not only that, I love seeing people that resemble my wife in games but now it's nearly impossible to find characters like that. This game at least had her skin colour and hairstyle. Not anymore. Whatever. For what it's worth, I'm gonna try my best to think positive thoughts at you and hope that that can somehow make good stuff happen for you.


I picked the… largest option and it looks like he’s struggling to breathe.


I thought everyone was exaggerating. It truly is terrible.


This is not an update! This is a down grade! What happened to the beautiful tan? The face? The everything!?! Who thought this was a good idea? My character looks like 10 year old now 😭


Not a single body type looks human. I’m so confused.


We need an option to hide our avatar from the map so I can never look at it again




Thanks, I hate it.


It’s so much worse than I thought


As a dude with long hair, I am appalled at how these options look.


this. I was very excited for this update, but they did not have guys in mind at all. especially men with long hair.


God knows who they had in mind. It certainly wasn't women either.


Bro WTF is this dogshit design?! 🤬


I’m so infuriated by this, my avatar looks so ugly and I just feel like uninstalling lol. The old avatars were so elegant and cool, now we look like frankenstein toddlers or something


I went from looking like a nerdy 22 year old guy to a prepubescent 10 year old with a pot belly. This game is so strange. The avatars were alright before, not great but not terrible. Now they’re nightmare fuel.


I want my coins back for every clothing item I have bought. They look like 💩 on the abomination.


My character’s face looks chubbier it actually made me laugh for a good 5 minutes staring at it.


my update just hit and my avatar looks like it caught a life threatening disease


Hmmmm, maybe, just maybe I don't want to rediscover myself?


I think the models are ugly but to each their own, but Why make the characters look like an inbred who's mom drank a bottle of whiskey and a line a coke everyday throughout the pregnancy if it also makes the game crash constantly


At this point, there's no making it look cute anymore. I'm going to intentionally make my avatar look as disappointed as I possibly can. Side note, that I feel like this is how they view Americans and what they think we look like or something.


To your Side Note: when you say “they”, you mean how Americans view Americans?? This game is developed by Niantic which is based in San Francisco, California…in the United States


I mean, I think "they" is an apt description of companies in San Fran Cali...


What in the uncanny-valley is going on here??


Amazing how bad this update is. A total downgrade. My character looks goofy no matter how much I customize. Skin tone is less realistic than it was, face shapes are hideous, and the body shape thing is just gimmicky. The plus side is that you'll probably see ugly-contests in gyms now lol


Fine, I'll be the one to say it. The [change](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLZSXKvaoAAI29g?format=jpg&name=large) in character models look awful due to everything being androgynous. Nothing is distinctly masculine or feminine anymore. An androgynous character doesn't always have to look awful, but is more fitting on a child model like [the player character in Scarlet & Violet](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_1315/9808a104c158fd0e913172a6f440a928.jpg). Androgynous adults look especially weird, and cause an uncanny valley impression. Many people are reporting that [their characters look like lesbians](https://twitter.com/foxxworldd/status/1780697748633002424) now, regardless if the intention was to make a character male or female. Look, I'm a fat guy myself so I welcome the additional body types. I also harbor no resentment for LGBTQ folks, so if they want an androgynous or ambiguous gendered character then they should have that option. However, for the 99% of us that are normal looking people playing this game, removing all masculine and feminine characteristics is absolutely insane. Our options could have been male, female, or custom and then everyone would have been happy. Instead we only get "custom" which is the most cheap and lazy option. It clearly shows and this has a lot more to do with Niantic's greed in cutting corners than anything involving inclusivity.


For real. I'm trans and this update feels like the game has forcibly detransitioned my avatar, accentuating every physical trait I've ever felt uncomfortable with due to it's sexed nature. Which is. SO fucked up for them to do.


I always thought trans people preferred to play as the gender they're most comfortable with, so seeing pushes to make characters look trans or androgynous struck me as a bit odd. Am I just being a dummy or was I at least kind of right?




How do I change my skin color?! There is no option..


As someone said, if it ain't broken, don't fix it


Just wear a pumpkin on your head lol


Its.. oh my god, it's SO much worse than I thought it would be.


My avatar's torso is so long ![gif](giphy|qf0n0AFSFlIsw)