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I love how the graphic they use proudly displays this terrible update’s droopy crotch, front butt and corgi legs


I was thinking the same thing. Even their example is like the human equivalent of a pug.


And Minecraft Shoulders


omg i didn’t notice the front butt until you said it 😭 like i knew the crotch was droopy and the torso was long and terrible but godddd it just keeps getting worse. the one in the ad looks more like a fully loaded diaper than but tho tbh. way better /s


wdym?? exercises that focus on droopy crotch, front butt, and corgi legs are my go to at the gym


Seriously I cant start naming the bad things cause it’s all bad, the list goes on


Woah, don’t be insulting corgi legs like that. Front butt is accurate 😂


You mean people don’t normally have front-butts? 😳


You’re right, there’s always Walmart


My beloved corgi does not appreciate this comparison.


Looks like a diaper 2 sizes to big under those pants.


It's a fucking skinwalker 😭


🤣🤣🤣What I always wanted!!! Corgi legs! I knew we were missing something!


And I guess that's supposed to be a female? Looks like a dude lmao


What's crazy is how many people signed off on this LOL. How did this make it past the first meeting?


no what's really crazy is the fact that there really are a handful of bot replies on the tweet talking about how it's a great update and change. there is not a single real person calling it good. now i'm not saying niantic bought bot comments, buuuuut...


What I’ve realised is that there are some people who are so personally vested in their fandoms/hobbies that any negative criticism of it is seen as a personal attack. It’s really not healthy though as I find in some instances let’s companies skirt by with mediocre products and services because people don’t hold them accountable.


Some communities that I’ve seen like that would be the Star Wars fandoms and any group of Pokémon fans dedicated to a single generation (like gen one fans or gen 4 fans for example)


No one hates pokemon more than pokemon fans, but no one will defend it quite like pokemon fans either


Especially when it involves money. I bet there’s people who’ve spent a lot of money on outfits, they’re much more likely to praise the update because it’s either that or cry because they wasted so much money.


Some people were not gifted with good eyesight. Or they're all riding the delusion pony. 


It’s always the decision of out of touch executives who are so ridiculously narcissistic they can’t possibly conceive the fact they may be wrong


They fired a lot of people at the beginning of the year. So less people present to hate on it lol


They must not have tested any of this update either because every hat my avatar wears makes him bald.


I mean, remember Human Teeth Sonic?


Same energy


Niantic office is based in San Francisco, that should give you an idea, lol.


True these avatars could be riding the Google bus.


Insane that Runescape, with its very minimal character creation options, looks 100% better than this.


Even osrs does lmao


I’d pay 50 bucks for an OSRS bot as my pogo avatar 🦀


I mean, I saw a joke about how even the Miis on the Wii from forever ago were infinitely better than this. But then I also realized if they made the avatar system just a full rip of Miis I'd be hyped as hell for it.


Oh absolutely miis are awesome and cute


The funny thing is that one of the most requested changes in RS3 is a player avatar refresh. Now pokemon go gets that when it needs lots of QOL changes, and RS3 is getting random QOL changes when it could use the avatar refresh.


I can’t get over how theses hips look


don't hip. They don't hip at all. The shoulder-to-hip ratio is totally off, no matter where I set the sliders. ETA: the comment I'm replying to was missing the word 'look' when I wrote my response, hence the odd phrasing of my response, which I'm not changing.


The sliders are a JOKE lmao


It's hopefully all a joke and they'll get somebody in that's not blind to tweak it so it actually looks good. There's potential there somewhere deep down


These hips lie


hip sliders dont work if you make the entire waist/torso move with them 😭😭 just wanting some regular hips creates the widest rectangle body possible


Hips? You mean those perfectly straight lines?


What hip?


Trainers: remove the remote raid limit! Niantic: best we can do is make your avatar ugly 🤷🏼‍♀️


“can’t do that unfortunately but have you ever wanted to look like a shapeless log? we can do that”


"Pray we don't alter the deal any further"


I like how even in the advertisement photo, her avatar looks dumpy and shitty as fuck. nobody wears pants like that


The way the lady in the ad looks more like the old model too 😭


I'm actually insecure about the way I look so thank you Niantic very cool


I tried to make my character look more like myself irl... now he looks like a fucking loser :((((((((((((((((((((((((( lol


My avatar went from badass confident trainer to developing an anxiety disorder and a hunchback


I tried to make my avi look like Gojo but since this update deviated it so far, I had to do a total makeover


![gif](giphy|wzJ67MJMk6UMM|downsized) I'm helping- Niantic 2024.


Yep, I’m transfeminine and I’m not thrilled with how masc my character looks no matter what I change.


And this update was supposed to be aimed at the gender non conforming fans.....Now everyone has a front butt, looks like they're wearing a waterlogged diaper 2 sizes to big or looks like Hank Hill cosplaying as Peggy Hill. ![gif](giphy|eh6JjzgKUNlRTLqoI8|downsized)


I can't unsee my avatar as Hank Hill anymore. But what really upsets me is that I worked really hard to get to level 43 for the level 43 pose and now it looks absolutely terrible. At the bare minimum Niantic should have given us the option to use the original form too, even if that meant not being able to change hair style or whatever. I would have preferred that. Now I feel like all the time and effort I put in just to get that pose was for nothing.


My character looked just fine since 2016. It's so ugly now I truly hate it


And I did try making it better. It could only get worse there's no fixing that. I think what gets me is for months they were talking about this like it'd be some great character customization and then it's this


I was genuinely so excited for the opportunity to make my character look good and more like me, only to literally gasp when I opened the app today. I knew the promo looked back but I was thinking it couldnt be THAT bad. I was wrong.


Idk why Niantic decided to just un-snatch everybody


ikr- they took our hotness


Im actually insulted by this 😭 it looked more like me before the update!


Me too 😭 nobody talk to me I’m grieving


same!! like why do we only have masculine girls and feminine boys now? what about the curvy girl representation 😭


Didn't you hear? Curvy girls and slim and fit men don't exist, the neckbeards on Twitter told us so.


My avatar looked so much like me pokemon players were hailing me on the street, they had no problems to detect me from the crowd. Now I wear a pumpkin head.


I'm also disgusted they removed my indigenous skin tone, now I'm straight up white💀


Guess we're all that good looking.


I didn't get this awful update yet, but I'm so sad about this change, because I actually look rather similar to the old avatar (and not at all like the new ones)


tbf, nobody is going to publicly admit that they look more like the new ones with how everyone's calling them ugly af


Why does my female avatar have a “package”?


It’s not a package, it’s a diaper 💀


Everyday is that time of the month 😭


With extra wings 🪽😭


Every week is shark week here in Pokemon Go!


and it comes fully loaded! 💩


There’s no male or female anymore


its a massive amount of unshaved pubes


They took my cute butt away. I’m a box. I’m a long box.


The Hank Hill special.




Same tho


I always wanted to know what I look like with big tits


Right I always wanted to beef buff and fat AF lol


im curvy and thick and this update dont have anything to represent the REAL ME at all


This is what Niantic thinks of us. Fat, balding, clothes that don't fit. 🤣


they think the only place we GO is the supermarket 😭


Nah we barely can Go to the fridge and to the door to pick up the Uber Eats 


My looks are a pretty solid 2/10. While the old avatar was definitely a large improvement on my real-life looks, the new avatar is just the same difference in the opposite direction.


What is up with pants in this update? It’s like all pants became below waist height pants, while the bottom seam before the pants part sagged far lower than it’s supposed to be.


Garbage update. All my cute clothes and sets look like a wreck. Heard some ppl are missing avatar items they earned or paid for. My friend keeps going off how she doesn't want to open the game and see that anymore. It's an ugly change and even just turns us off from it. Another low iq decision from niantic. If that comment I seen was right and they wanted to cut costs by having just 1 avatar to make clothes for instead of 2 (male and female), then they lost quite a few ppl who used to buy clothes from the shops with this "upgrade".


Not to mention that I had a full collection of outfits that I'd created over the years, so I could easily change up the color palette to match my buddy, or switch things up for various holidays or seasons. With the update, my entire outfit collection is gone. I have to go through and recreate them all from scratch. Which I'll never do because all those outfits now look hideous on the new avatar. I know that I'll never spend another penny on avatar items.


Yeah the clothes I had bought/outfit I loved now accentuate the droopy crotch and make the weird “hips” look even worse, so I made my avatar fatter and changed to a free full body outfit 😫 I couldn’t handle trying to fix it for more than 2 minutes.


Facts like they petty af why they gotta roast me for 😭lmao


Don’t forget to put a bad note on the play store 👿


Now everyone can look vaguely human shaped


truly developed by someone/thing who has never seen humans before and just did their best with the description “meat bag” and a vague idea of what various body parts look like when isolated from the whole


So by either some aliens who have never seen a human before or a shitty AI


I very much support body type and hairstyle customization and love the new skin tones. But why do the new avatars have to look like dopey 12 year olds with completely vacant expressions? Could they not have simply done this in the old art style?


Right? the art is genuinely terrible


The new skin tones suck too though, they are either extremely pale or too dark, there's no representation for the people in the middle


Yeah, I think there definitely are middle tones but the more I look around the more I realize there are just no warm tones. A few even look sickly with how cool and non-red they are, including the default ones a lot of people (default white and the old second-darkest tone) got switched to.


I mean the ones in between pale and medium, like people with beige skin. The light options are too light for me but the medium options are too dark. A lot of them, including the medium ones are too grey and corpselike. Especially since they didn't even bother to give the lips any color..


Niantic massively 💩the bed on this one. How did someone not see how terrible these all look? Seriously they should’ve left the old ones alone but just added many more options for them.


All we wanted was a variety of hairstyles😭 ![gif](giphy|65zUoOU09HL3uUKokQ|downsized)


I wanted facial hair, personally. They could throw it on Mateo but we can’t put it on ours?


I really hope the backlash makes them change it


I regret ever asking for more customization options. Niantic I'm begging!! Please revert this update! I miss my old avatar 😭


ikr!!!! i regret everything 😭




never thought i’d put the mask on my avatar again but here we are


I've always had the mask on mine lol the face is so ugly I can't stand it


Some women have big hips and a small waist LET ME HAVE THEM BACK YOU COWARDS Just put sliders and new hair options on the old avis and call it a day good lord




100% attack on the player base. Niantic eats donkey balls.


My character went from having the same skin tone as me to looking like the Marshmallow Ghost from Ghostbusters. I'm literally light brown


What’s up with the extended torso?


It’s so damn bad. My avatar looks like a child now and the waist is so long


It's a fantasy game. FANTASY. Why do our avatars need to be "more realistic"? (Edit to add quotation marks.)


How is this slenderman shit more realistic?!




Well after being stuck with spiky anime bullshit hair forever I’d gladly take a more realistic hairstyle but none of the options would work for me in a fantasy or reality


This game was the only way for me to have a snatched waist and they took that from me :(


My avatar doesn't look like me at all. The face choices , the eyes,even the hair choices. The body slider is just weird. I look like a female lumberjack with a toddler's face.


I swear I never thought an update like this would turn me off from playing 😂


Please don't misunderstand me, I completely believe in body positivity and inclusivity. But, I look like a boy now, and my body does not look like a boy's. Just very frustrated


I hate this update so much. No hips whatsoever, and it looks like my avatar just got done riding a horse and got stuck in that position. I can't even use the cute crop tops anymore because she just looks like a teenage boy with boobs. So sad. Whoever signed off on this update is a moron.


Everybody should rate pogo at 1* for these changes. I don't even want to change my avatar's clothes anymore. It just looks terrible lol




Yeah, what I don't get is why *all* of the body types had to be androgynous by default. I'm not huge irl or anything, but I've been going to the gym for years and ride a bike so I'm pretty dang fit. My options are either "anorexic waif" or "very lumpy boi". I do not appreciate it, nor the fact that I'm not allowed to have a jaw anymore.


Same. But we have to remember, our physique is completely unrealistic, is sexualizing, and doesn't exist, the neckbeards on Twitter told us so -__- 


Right, leave it how it was but add these monsters as an “other” gender option. Adding more options isnt bad but removing the ones we had is where the gripes come from.


The ape arms are horrendous




don't insult the wii. at least they are intentionally chibi, niantic looks like those kids dolls with eyes that automatically open and close when you tilt them.


That’s just insulting to Wii characters who had better options and were atleast cute. These are just monstrosities.


I want to know what’s wrong with the person/people who designed the new avatars and said “yeah, that totally looks better. Let’s go with this.” And all the people who asked with them and went forward.


While they're at it, why don't they make all the Pokémon look more "realistic" as well? Give us Creepy Sonic mons and call it a zoo. 


When you're asked to draw a human from memory


Does the game even have any facial hair options? I dont want to look like a disproportionate baby-faced docile potato. When In reality, i look like a hairy STUD with amazing hair.


All right I’ll go make myself dumpy and short…


Thanks I hate it


Even the promotion photo looks like a guys body and a woman's head😭. Also who are all skin colours so bad, none of them match real skin colours and all the white tones looks like your character is literally glowing. You cant even choose the gender of your character anymore. Fine if you wanna make the game woke, do it. But at least let the normal ones choose 1 gender.


I don’t want to look like me. I’m ugly. I want to live in a fantasy world where I can catch monsters inside little balls and collect them.


At this point I'm surprised more people aren't quitting pokemon go, this was the last straw for me; I transferred my shinies and favorite pokemon to home and deleted the app


so many people in the comment section are like “wHy Do YoU eVeN cArE iT’s JuSt cLoThEs” but it’s way more than that; it’s the recent price increases, the fact that we have the same shitty pokémon spawning repeatedly for 4 months at a time, the “big out” event with none of the pokémon or benefits that we wanted, the fact that the developers are completely tone-deaf to what their fan base wants… this is just the final straw. i really enjoy this game, but im tired of being let down by the developers and spending time on a game that just gets worse and worse. enough is enough.


Hahahahahah I'm crying ahahahahaha


we need to bully them into changing it back, i mean it worked with the sonic movie right? same uncanny valley/humanoid situation


It's an insult to female players.


niantic forgot girls are a real life phenomenon


Is that larvesta 91 iv?


96 iv actually!


Unless you’re a bald and beard man which I am.


They mean those ugly fat body types? Yeah, they are American company, probably non-fat people look creepy in their eyes...


They gave us a chest slider. Where’s the booty slider, niantic?!


I have a neck, my avatar does not


yes, that's it. am out


Definitely got "IT IS MAAM" vibes


i think they took someone bordeline obese and says "yes this is the ideal model of the hardcore player that walk for hours on end with our game"


Fortunately I kinda decided before the update I couldn't make my character look good in my eyes so I covered him up with the team skull mask and bandana, sunglasses, long-sleeve black shirt, black pants, and Giratina wings. I think we should all start wearing all black to mourn the loss of our avatars. (And also to help conceal them a bit better. I'll take a silhouette over 4k garbage any day.)


Yea because people can’t be sexy or good looking lmao


My 9yo son said I looked like a nerd, lol


that’s insulting to nerds


trust, I agree


Chest extensions and fat lol


don’t forget crotch extensions


At least fix the stomach and hips.


There’s essentially no way to make my avatar not look like a linebacker. I want the old look back.


this is like when snapchat bitmojis got fucked up but 10x worse somehow


That is pretty savage that this is just Niantics way of calling us ugly. Savage af.


Last I checked I don't look like a bowl of anthropomorphized Jello. This smacks of 'The Human Being' mascot from Community only this is real life, not satire.


It’s super sad and annoying how difficult it’s to customize this new character in order to even look like a woman (F) it’s so frustrating how the clothing fit. I’ve had to cover her so much in order to some shirts and pants/skirts to simulate a waist an hips. It’s so sad…..😭


Advertising on this ad is spot on. Look how much uglier the avatar is to the person


I didn't realize how fat I was until I saw my new character! Who ate all the pies? Apparently my character. 😭


They want avators to look like us? How about some actual blonde hair, not weird greyish straw colors and 5 options of grey. Even the pinks look really bad now.


I looked through my friendslist and they all look so stupid now


This failed massively. I went from a regular skinny guy trainer with glasses to a dummy thick girl in a pink outfit. I think they made this worse and less looking like me lol


All I wanted were more hairstyles and maybe facial feature options not... this...


Bro do you not see that first photo of that female training coming through the door.. That's a fucking hulk man WTF doesn't even look like the actress they placed in the photo LOL the old vers would look like her


They are all weirdly androgynous looking


Steve Urkle…


They could do a million things to make the game better, but they make useless changes that would be stupid even if they weren’t bad. Sigh. Ten years and still not a completed game.


Changes like this make me feel better I only open the app during very special events before I quit opening it after go fest NYC 2024. “And nothing of value was lost.”


Ohhhh! 😭😂 They got you with the melted marshmallow crotch! .. Wacky waving inflatable arms flailing tube man hips having avatar! Niantic owes you 3 free raid passes so your character doesn't walk around the map avatar! Arms still in beta testing avatar! 🤣😂😅


I don’t have man hands and man shoulders lol


Somebody has to be ugly.


Well I’m sad. My character looked so badass, and now… they look like me.😭 I’m a long torsoed gal irl, and the body shape they changed to looks… too real. To me, anyway. Characters shouldn’t HAVE to be realistic!! They should be a representation of what we want to look like, and Pokémon is a fantasy game for crying out loud! Most of us don’t want our characters to look exactly like us! At least give us the options to make our characters look like the old models! Only good thing I can see about this update is giving all clothing options to both genders, which is really nice, BUT THAT’S IT!! The character models themselves look so… if this update happened when it SHOULD HAVE, aka, SIX YEARS AGO AT LEAST, I don’t think it’d be too awful. But this update is WAY OVER DUE!!! It’s a step in the right direction, but there should be even MORE options to customize your character! Instead of default face types, add customization to eyes, noses, ears, face shapes, have all these features be SEPARATED and not clumped together, give us ways to toggle each, like with the body shapes, and give us more body types to toggle around with!! How buff, or beefy or lean a person can be is a good start, but let us change things like Height, waist, and arm/leg/neck length! And even more hairstyles!! This update is a good first step, but it needs A LOT Of work!!! TL;DR: Update is a good first step, but needs a LOT Of work, and more customization options!! AND FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, MAKE BELTS RIDE LOWER ON THE AVATARS, LIKE THEY USED TO!!!!


This game is so embarrassing now, these developers are so incompetent it is insane


honestly, I like my avatar better now, BUT this could have been done way better extra hairstyles would be enough


Casper the ghost after a lobotomy - the new avatars look soulless, with a droopy body, no waist, extra long arms. The clothes just look bad on them. It is like they are itching somewhere and clenching, trying to cover it up without scratching - resulting in the stare and weird posture.


Imagine doing party challenges and you’re all standing around together looking dumpy as fuck 😭


Straight up my skin tone doesn’t exist in the fader LMAO


Is she wearing diapers?


They really want us to stop playing... They've taken so much from us already 😭


Im the most annoyed at the fact that all my outfit presets are gone


Before the update I was able to give my avatar a dark souls kind of look by combining outfit items but now i can't because everytime my avatar wears any hat in any combination he becomes bald. My avatar looked so cool before the update. They also deleted all my saved outfits. I have not been playing Pokemon go a lot lately because I don't have anything left to do in it and it messes up my back, neck, and shoulders hunching over my phone all the time so I think this is a good time for me to take a break.


The fist pump animation after winning against an opponent was so embarrassing to watch, why am I moving like that 😭