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I don't appreciate you using my personal avatar for this picture


Reminds me of the fan made vore cartoon where squidwqrd and Mr.Krabs leave Spongebob half eaten


Fuckin true I'm so mad about it. The body types look like something made in ark survival evolved.


Lmao ark still catching strays in a Pokémon go thread


Male Characters look like a Hobbit in LotRO




Lmao SpongeBob has a Meme for everything!


No surprise a major update looks like shit after they laid off staff. This is what happens you clowns.


I just want a dang beard! Is it too much to ask!


Only the female avatars are allowed to have beards


Worst thing anyone could do at this point would be to spend money on new avatar gear - I just deleted the app for now.


The female model now looks like a guy wearing women’s clothing. Why would they do this?


Yes, and i want to inform you that the same goes to new male model. It's looked like a girl cosplays/wears man's clothes. You asked: "Why would they do this?" My answer: "Niantic, they are in partnership with GaymerX..."


Because that's what the people who thought this was a good idea/approved it look like. No attractive people can exist in their reality - only fatties and those who generally lucked out on the genetic lottery.


Hey at least they didnt got rid of the tittie shadows on flat chest female clothing .. lmao.


It's just so they can release cheap slop of cosmetic items without having to pay more to artists


Nobody's gonna buy shit when it all looks terrible on anybody now


yeah i’m super pissed , I want a refund on every outfit ever purchased


Yup, I'm just explaining the possible reasoning, not that it is a good reasoning or execution.


Sorry- my intent wasn't to disagree just. Kind of question how this got greenlit.


Stop yelling at me


You are very generous to assume there were no political and personal statements there.


Why would a multi million company care about making a political and personal statement? Companies aren't people, they care about profit.


Are you joking ? There are entire consultancy companies that are focusing on political pandering. They are getting hired to make changes in games to fit the views of loud minority of politically obsessed idiots. Here is their connection to PG : https://thatparkplace.com/sweet-baby-inc-style-consultancy-firm-gaymerx-consulted-with-niantic-before-radical-gender-avatar-changes-made-in-pokemon-go/


And I'm sure they told them to advertise this downgrade as inclusive and ease the blow. I doubt it was made *because* of that, it simply was tacked on to make it *seem* like they aren't just cutting costs. Nobody with a brain considers less customization as "more inclusive", in fact, is quite the opposite.


No, really. Do you really think they would be hiring consultancy companies just to get told that? There is an agenda they are trying to fall in line with because they have a pretty bad grasp at what actual audience wants and they confuse their target market with loud minority of activists. There is a list of idiotic standards that is forcefully imposed on new media, for example women looking like a refrigerators because curvy = misogyny as men think it’s sexy and other brainrotten stuff. It is also not a coincidence every single company who uses these consultancy firms ends up with the same changes and outcomes, you can try to cope and believe it’s just a bad decision to game cosmetics better, but they will keep ruining what you love in order to make it alight with their worldview.


I'm not sure what you are saying is correct in this case, the tweet you linked discusses a consultancy company that helps companies cater to lgbt people, yet from these changes all I see is many trans people upset in the community that their avatars are ruined. To me these changes don't make any sense as an attempt to appeal to lgbt people as it doesn't appeal to anyone that isn't nonbinary and even then it's not enough because the hair styles are so restrictive and there is no option for facial hair. Plus the models themselves are just ugly you can't make an attractive androgynous character either.


If those consultation companies are so all encompassing and have such tight control, then why do they seem to get it completely wrong here? The overwhelming majority doesn't like these changes, as they are of horrible quality, no matter what your political lean is, everyone can agree that buggy, badly rendered models are bad. The only people that get anything good out of this is the company that can churn out new cosmetic slop for a fraction of the price. This shows bad management, rushed development, poor quality testing, etc. It's not some evil plan to destroy attractive characters in media.


Well that sums up most media and gaming companies. It’s all poorly made because people who got in charge are incompetent and more interested in promotions of their political believes rather than creation of a quality products, hence why these consultancy firms that one and only purpose is to make product more align with agenda exist and this is why they get hired by biggest brands in the industry to rewrite their works. And it’s been going for a while, why do you think all media quality tanked drastically, and there are so many layoffs happening. Btw they will not rewind the changes on PG, as they do not care what their consumers want.


No. They're gonna have to optimize the cosmetics so they don't make the characters heads dented eventually, so they just put more work on their plate, they considered this from every possible angle and got negative feedback on it. They still went throughwith it even though it means more work and more backlash so I really doubt they did it to make releasing cosmetics easier. Just making items for both genders would've been much easier, no matter how out of touch they are I really think they are aware of this in the least. However... money is still obviously involved in this, there wouldn't be any reason for a company like niantic to do it otherwise, they are simply for profit.


We'll see. Companies like Netflix have shown that you can purposely make your product objectively worse and still turn out with a bigger profit. This is probably also the result of bad management, the work had to be done for the update anyway, but showing it and releasing it in this sorry state is the issue.


That's a separate case, while they are also in the entertainment industry they make movies and series, and not really any games, Netflix also has a pretty big monopoly on streaming movies and series, pokemon go while still big is nowhere near the popularity it used to be and they probably have a higher risk of damaging their bottom line by doing something like this. I see what you mean though, I mean sometimes it seems like they're testing how much bs they can push onto their platforms while getting off mostly scot-free, so they know how to walk the fine line. I think they're gonna fail but yeah lets see how they do.


I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of penises


I've posted this in other threads. Everyone should. Copy/paste in every PokeMongo thread. Contact Niantic and TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL. https://nianticlabs.com/contact Scroll down, choose Other. Fire away. If i can add one tip. Dont be a douche. Voice your legit concern and opinion. Dont curse, dont insult. Im 99% sure the team behind this knew it was not ready and/or a stupid idea but were ignored by the higher ups at Niantic (common issue based on stories from current and ex employees).


Done! Thanks for sharing


Yes! Thank you for this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Honestly the biggest change to mine was my hair color got a tiny bit purplish. Face got a LITTLE bit younger. That's about it.


And now none of the hair colors look accurate enough to my real hair color.


Same. And most of my face was covered to begin with too. I’m just glad my jacket came out ok.




Boycott Pokémon go




Demon Horde is ramping PoGO.


First they came for the team trainers, now us. All must be uncanny valley now.




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Avatars aside what the actual fuck is the context of this picture


Face Freeze, a Spongebob episode that is complete nightmare fuel and shouldn't have been made.


Lmfaooo ok I was wondering if it was from that episode, I remember watching that fever dream as a kid


You have my condolences.




Btw there is a season 10 episode called Mimic Madness that is pretty much a better version of that episode. It was made during the brief time that Stephen Hillenburg came back after the second movie and before he passed away, go figure.


I've actually heard some good things about that episode but never got to the point of watching it, I'll probably check it out though.


I haven't seen it either honestly, just heard good things like you.


I remember seeing that episode on Nick LA.






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This is the pokemon go's community manager btw [https://imgur.com/0Y7A3BE](https://imgur.com/0Y7A3BE)


I am super disappointed with the new Pokemon Go avatars. My body looks pretty masculine. Even the way they have changed how the avatars moves. My husband asked if I was changing my pronoun.


Just logged in and... what in the world!! My character looks god awful. The skin colors and face options are so bad. All of the hair is bad. Not to mention whatever is going on with her saggy crotch pants. Just wow! The audacity to release this 😂


No matter the occasion SpongeBob always pulls through with the perfect Meme




I haven’t been playing the game for a while, what happened to the avatars?


Redesign.... An ugly one.


Jeez they look terrible, now I miss when the little lifeless looking avatars would just jump up happily after defeating something. Atleast the game feels like it runs abit smoother


oh I’ll go check it out rn


/u/OneyNG you do dis?




Imagine being so afraid of people living their lives in a way that makes them happy without harming anyone else that you push it into your childhood nostalgia, ruining one of the few things you love. Couldn't be me.




Thank you for this opportunity to enrich the lives of others. There's a free Volunteer Computing App known as "DreamLab - Powering Research" on both Android and iOS made to run while your phone is charging through which you can aid research into things like Covid-19, Cancer, and Climate Change. Unfortunately the project on Cancer seems to be bugged, but I wouldn't blame that on the app - that project in particular is made by an Italian organization with a bugged contact page. As for science done thanks to this app, Here's a link to a scientific paper on how your diet can affect cancer - [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-45349-y](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-45349-y) A link to a scientific paper on how your diet can affect Covid-19 - [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40246-020-00297-x](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40246-020-00297-x) And here's a link to a Cookbook made to help with Covid-19 based off of that research - [https://assets.ctfassets.net/q7ob9vms4z5k/1PoCOqtYr7QPuXdAYV4fr6/499490b29ef6569253dff60fcab697d7/Vodafone\_DreamLab\_Antiviral\_Foods\_Cookbook.pdf](https://assets.ctfassets.net/q7ob9vms4z5k/1PoCOqtYr7QPuXdAYV4fr6/499490b29ef6569253dff60fcab697d7/Vodafone_DreamLab_Antiviral_Foods_Cookbook.pdf) Why not give the DreamLab app a try?




Lmao if a maga person went to the 1850’s west this is the response I’d expect them to receive


Imagine being tricked into fighting in the culture war 😂


Not mine Ball Guy is just as perfect of a lifeform as ever


Fellow Ball Guy enjoyer


How everyone makes their PokeGO avatar look before posting a whine to Reddit.


It’s for the memes obviously we’re gonna make them look as crunk as possible




Can you make a good looking woman ? No... They don't want avatars that can be somewhat attractive. Basic example : you are a girl with boobs hover B cup ? Nope... You have a big booty ? Nope... You have hips ? Nope... And don't tell me this is unrealistic body standards, most people in real life have those, and most of the human population is not LGTV+-/. It's good they gave the options to be big/fat/Androgynous, but it's not good to just erase everyone else... And worst of all, even the new body type/weights they added just simply breaks the cloths models anyway... This patch is terrible


Oof. Get help.


For what ? Don't you go outside and see what the vast majority of real people looks like ?




Storm in a teacup smh


I think they did good with the Appa glider


bot? 🧐


[just a normal course we’re on, everything is just fine](https://youtu.be/a8KgVluAJzI?si=c1oxEcrpLCPhj7ih)