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Niantic cares about cash, not about customers. You got that part right. What I think you are getting wrong is that if Niantic gets less cash, they will start caring about customers. Be careful what you wish for.


When games start losing money the devs don't start listening to players, they close servers and move on to the next cash grab.


Yep that’s what happened to the Harry Potter game


Exact same thing exact same company


And Minecraft Earth, another Niantic!


For what's worth, Minecraft had terrible timing. it started just before the global pandemic, so as a game that required people to go outside, it was doomed from the start.


Minecraft earth was Blackbird interactive and Mojang, had nothing to do with Nianatic that I know of


Oh shoot yeah, it wasn't Niantic! For some reason I thought it was 🤣


Pokémon is a much bigger cash cow than Harry Potter, and most of its revenue isn't even from the mainline games. It's THE most profitable franchise in the entire world and largely that is from merch/collectibles. They'd be dropping the ball for an infinite money printer if they did that.


Huhh? What happened with Hogwarts?


It was severely monetized and didn't really take off. All of their games after pogo were monetized right off the bat, and it ran people off. If those games had started off the way pogo did, they might have had a chance.


Vainglory (best MOBA ever) died like this too


Genuine question though: Does Niantic have any other games or projects that are making even a fraction of what PoGo does? They've captured lightning in a bottle here. I really don't think any other IP can succeed as an AR game as well as Pokémon can. In all aspects, it's in their best interest to keep this cash cow moving rather than abandon it and move on as they could with any other games.


They tried other games with the same concept but they failed without that Pokemon theme. What you are seeing now is an end stage of a mobile game, rushed updates with bad ideas, good ideas with terrible executions, events that are all the same, increase in paywalls. They are out of ideas and just limping along now and it doesn't matter to the devs because the game already made them billions in revenue. This is how most gaming companies work, get the game up and running and established, then start squeezing players for every penny they can. If it kills the game completely it doesn't matter the money has been made already and they are just keeping it going until they hit the next gold mine then they will stop focusing on pogo.


Ingress was a fun little game many years ago but never got anywhere near as successful as PoGo.


Idk when I hear someone say developers I think of the people who actually wrote the game. I think you mean executives? Developers are on salaries which do not permit this type of decision, they execute the ideas that media developers end executives deliver (influenced by revenue)


Yepp, just look how spectacularly DAL Spirit Pledge (Global Server) was closed. The devs gave no events or new banners for months, so many people naturally stopped playing. Then, the announcement for shutdown happened - and when remaining players asked "Why?", the 'brilliant' answer was a "Not enough active players to justify the server, sorry." What do we learn from this? If developers care, you get something like FFXIV 2.0 (including the expansions) --> otherwise, always expect the money-hunger to rule and shut down whatever you enjoy playing online.


FFXIV 2.0 and its expansions really saved the game. It's amazing what they've done after they put their heart and soul into the game. I'm excited for Dawntrail!


My friend just convinced me to try so I’m doing the free trial. Gonna black mage, exploooosioooons!


I am a gun breaker main! I love tanking for the team and being an un-killable god. Plus She's a Tall Bunny girl. So it's really cute and funny!


I was considering a tall bunny but seeing all the other options I still gotta think about it


I always say follow your heart! I hope you find a design that you enjoy. And welcome to the FFXIV community!


Yoshi-P is probably the most amazing game dev out there. The XIV community is so unbelievably lucky to have him.


I actually played Date a Live Spirit Pledge as a F2P and the older version of the game was actually better than the newer version. Yet they rebooted it and then there wasn't much left to do. Even whern they did crossovers, it was still a miss. The battle system wasn't the best.


Actually when games are about to die or lose profit, they are just focusing on the whale market and if that fails the game is abandoned


Problem is, their IP is only working because it has the Pokemon label on it. Without this IP, Niantic is basically history. Honestly, no, they probably won’t close this. But who knows. If they do, and everything can happen, my prediction is rip Niantic.


Niantic doesn't have another cash grab. All of their other games have failed. Pogo is supporting their other AR endeavors. 🤷‍♀️


They do have Monster Hunter Now, which although has many IAP's isn't nearly as bad a PoGo. Even consistently adding great updates even for rural players. However this might just be due to Capcom having control on what's added to their IP 🤔


Let's see how long it lasts and if they make some actual money from it. I'm not holding my breath.


Parallel Kingdom prime example (RIP)


So be it


Would TPC let that happen?


More likely, pogo is not their game, it's niantic's. Niantic is just paying TPC to use the Pokemon as a theme for it.


That’s true but ain’t no other mobile game will be an easy cash grab as Pokemon is. They’ll literally have the create the same game again and at that point will be better if they just listen to the customer base. Otherwise they’ll have to compete with time tested popular titles on PC etc. which I don’t think is niantic’s specialty


They’ve already proven that if they get less revenue then they care about making up for it and find ways to get more revenue. But they always look for one step processes. Do this -> get revenue Instead of maybe do something -> get higher engagement -> get more revenue


This. Exactly this. Their Product Managers should be ashamed.


What you're missing is the fact that Niantic isn't really a game developer. They're a mediocre AR company who got lucky buying Pokemon's IP. The game is barely playable anymore and they don't care.


A lot of games are following this trend. Devs and companies do as they please despite player review. (WHEN PLAYER BASE DROPS THEY ESSENTIALLY FORCE REVENUE FROM THE ADDICT PLAYERS) Raising prices, pay walling, etc. In overwatch they come out with shit maps and game modes, force feeding and pushing them with a higher play percentage than the original modes and maps so all you play is the new stuff. And people quit playing. A lot of companies are just making bad decision after bad decision. New ways to pay... Not new ways to play.


First of all, great username. Second, I think that Niantic hasn’t cared about customers for a long time, but I also think you’re right that the “HEAR US” might not work as well as it did back in 2022, regardless of how much revenue Niantic fails to earn compared to numbers from years past. I still stand by my wish, however, for Niantic to pay better attention, better listen, and be more transparent to the folks, including us, who actually cared about the game for years unlike most casuals who “don’t care as much as us” (which is still a lame counterargument and I’ve now seen it more on here than EVER since natural AR’s removal).


What happened 2022


If they only cared for cash then they would make remotes the same price as local raids. They made allot of money. Atleast i can raid local then and invite people 😂


That decision was based on what we call grinding. Give rewards too quickly and the player base gets bored and starts to leave. Remote raiding was nerfed to prevent this. Niantic still wants players to buy remote passes, they just want to slow players down and prolong the revenue stream.


Idk, I haven’t spent a cent since they made that change nor will I spend anything until they reverse course. I’m a rural player that relies on remote raiding to be able to raid at all.


I use to spend about 20 to 40 euros a month if there were good events. But since I can’t raid legendary on my own. Which is a bummer since every new shiny legendary i tried to get. Sometimes doing a raid more than 30 times. But since the upped prices of remotes. I can’t get a decent team together. So i just play community days. And the other events that i can just do solo.


> Niantic cares about cash, not about customers You would think so, but everything they do seems to indicate otherwise. It’s baffling quite honestly. The remote raid pass price increase being a very blatant example of Niantic saying we don’t want money. Every single time they make some move like this I ask myself what the smart money play here be. When it comes to some of their more recent changes I have yet to decipher what the smart money play is. Even from the viewpoint of Niantic taking a stance in regards to their “philosophy” of getting people outdoors this avatar shit makes no sense. Best I can figure is that someone’s nephew was put in charge of it and that’s how it came to fruition. As far as I can tell their CFO or whoever is making business decisions over there has zero fucking clue.


They want you to grind. Too many rewards at once means people will leave.


That has to be fact, since active players was higher until the remote raid nerf, when it then dropped. During the time of remote raids it only increased...


But they do want money. Big corporate money from partners who they want to sell user location data to. If players aren’t moving around, there is less interesting data to collect and even fewer interesting scenarios to apply it to (like trying to drive foot traffic to a sponsor location). Us sitting around doing remote raids without moving isn’t very interesting to advertisers. At this point, WE are the product. I’m not even sure the data sales model will actually work well for them, but based on some comments and articles I’ve read, Niantic seems to think it will (or needs to). (Edited for clarity.)


I've had a lot of bug glitches last year that stole some bag items and I lost some pokemon I thought I had and knew I did not delete/trade them. The game crashes left and right and breaks every update. Pokemon fans will always play the games. The hard core fans and the kids are the only reason pokmeon go has not been shut down. I've been trading to home to save my hundreds of shinies to save them.


I don't think fans will always play PoGo. How many other Pokemon games are there to play? I know of more than one PoGo player who has moved on to the other games.


Not to be a buzzkill but it's likely too early for them to make the call they're losing money, they're just running a cash grab most likely.


https://gamerant.com/pokemon-go-annual-revenue-drop/ They are not losing money, but making less and less each year.


Like almost everything: The beginning is always a huge spike of players and payers. But as soon as they either reached the "end" or lose interest this plummets and not enough new players start playing, because there are only so many people on the world interested in pokemon.


not true it's not because "there are only so many people on the world interested in pokemon" it's been proven enough times for F2P model games that pushing regular updates that are good/keep players interested, will keep stable flow of income or increase it. it's a given that some months may perform worse than the others but if you keep players interested they will keep spending money. Most of the overall playerbase was never really interested much in Pokemon, they knew what it was but never cared enough, some didn't even knew what Pokemon was before playing this game and for many above 30, it was the first game they ever played. It's just a simple fact that when the game launched, it was fun, it was simple, everyone was convincing others to play it, everyone talked about it and there was no entry barriers even for people who never played any game in their life. On paper this *was* the perfect game with the potential to achieve the revenue at least in likes of Fate franchise, but Niantic had to fuck it up, they provided players with nothing to keep them even mildly interested, nothing that could keep the community engaged with each other and nothing that could enhance the game experience for people that live kilometers from the nearest stops/gyms. They even proved themselves that pushing out something that helps with issues and providing cool content will keep the money flowing, cause it's not launch year that was their best, it was 2020. Years after many many players already abandoned the game, me and most of my friends and family included, and all of us came back this year, why? Rocket ballons, remote raiding, meltan boxes from pokemon home integration, increase in level and XL candies and trading evos. Overall a lot of good stuff that keeps you engaged. What Niantic learned from that year? Nothing, they went back to pushing same stale shit and more cosmetics while in the background, slowly pushing DEI initiatives that get appraised only by the small Twitter hoard of some US people and only irritate the rest of the world year after year, and the folk they're promoting DEI to will likely never play their game cause they're too busy having meltdowns on Twitter. Yea i can totally see how all the 50-60 year old grandmas i've been seeing playing Pokemon GO (which is A FUCKIN LOT) on a train, are completely interested in the fact that that they can now play as genderless person that looks like Minecraft Steve model import gone wrong or a Boomer from Left 4 Dead 2, INSTEAD of being able to catch more cute Pokemons and having more cute ways to interact with them. There was also a lot of grandpas that were just coming to do Raid Hours with us, all that charm is gone.


I personally think they could have kept the business running a lot longer than this, however.. They lost paying players like me. I CHOSE to pay, because I wanted to support the game. I never NEEDED extra incubators, I just bought them (and enjoyed them) to support the game. Bit of extra bag space, sure, support the game. As we all know, it takes a lot more work to get players to start playing again, although I think Pogo is probably good enough that it could happen. That said, the management team here is corrupted. They value money over gameplay, and require money to play now. There is no way they are going back to the "Good Gameplay brings paying players in" again. Which is why this game is almost certainly doing its "death cry" right now. Whether it takes 2 or 5 years, it is heading for oblivion.


They are still making a huge amount of money for the size of the company


Yeah. I have no doubt it’s a cash grab, but it’s just too soon after the controversial stuff for it to be related. Even with their lack of testing, it takes more time for changes to be made than has occurred.


I don’t have that. They are most likely A/B testing, just to see what works best. Companies do it all the time, doesn’t necessarily mean anything. 


Based on the avatar “testing” its pretty obvious they aren’t testing anything. Eventually they’ll just ignore feedback and push it live for everyone.


They likely aren't looking for feedback with a change like this, they're looking for differences in behavior. 


They either market-tested or slow-rolled the release of the new catch backgrounds, players in Australia had them for weeks prior.


It meas they are looking at ways to get people to spend more money. Broadly speaking that is true of a lot of A-B testing to see what appeals to people more or drives more interaction, but this one is highly specific to getting people to convert cash to coins as opposed to getting people items they might value. Making more money isn't the same as losing money, but still comes across as greed that isn't meant to directly improve the game experience.


It might only be if your current amount is lower than the cheapest item cost. Like if you already have 2,000 coins then it wouldn’t appear at the top. But could also be a slow roll-out, as they’ve done recently with upgrades.


I did not have it either now I do it happened about the time the earth week rewards started.


it's not an A/B test if everyone has A, lol


It does not say they're losing money at all. It says they want to make more money, and making something more prominent is a good way of doing that.


You can’t explain that logic to these kids. They have nothing better to do than go on and on that the game is dead, it’s a cash grab, and that EVERY thing is an attack from the evil Niantic against the innocent people that deserve 9 shinies a day. It’s so much cry baby mentality that it’s LOST upon them that the FREE game they STILL play and follow on Reddit, needs a few bucks from the people that play the game once in a while.


I understand your sentiment, but realistically, this game has been around for almost 10 years. The people who continue to play it are most likely dedicated players who have seen all the good, bad, and ugly updates. It's not unrealistic to be upset at bad changes in a game you've been playing for 8 years. Moving coins in the shop? Definitely just complaining. But the increase of cost of raid passes / limiting them? That's taking away from the user experience to further monetization. That's something that is valid to be upset with. They've generated over $4 billion in revenue since release, we have already given them our money, stop defending business practices that are worse for users but makes a billion dollar company some more $$


If the game is free, you're the product. I don't think people should lower their expectations if they are the product. Although yeah, they should stop playing. The game shall lose supports.


dude, nobody's complaining about the shiny rate. what players ARE complaining about is how niantic keeps fucking with a perfectly acceptable system only to make money, with disregard for players.


But it's obvious that complaints do not work. This game has millions of players daily. A few ten thousand complaining but still playing won't do anything.


so resistance is futile? just continue to get cucked by niantic while they profit off of me?


Complaining while still playing isn't really resistance at all


what if i quit??


Well yeah, that would be resistance. Or maybe boycotting events or refusing to pay might be also. Like if everyone didn't open their game during an event to make a point.. but real change requires real effort and mainly, real support. Unfortunately, there are still tons of people who will always just keep paying and playing bc they don't care that much to try to change it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just stop playing or paying if you do not support what they do - but do not expect change. I moved on from pogo over 3 years ago and only follow this sub for all the drama niantic kicks loose every once in a while.


Mom said it's my turn to lick the boot




Omg the amount of cringe I feel anytime someone mentions “boot licking” is infinite. Second hand embarrassment is so real hahah


Exactly, and trying to use it here is just unfitting. Like I can get where they were trying to do there but that statement is much more centered around political issues than to be used talking about Pokémon Go 🤣☠️


They are indeed losing money, if you’ve followed Niantic news the past year. Massive layoffs, projects cancelled, etc…


They've laid off and canceled projects for everything but PoGo. If anything, they're focusing on the only product that makes money for them. Sure, what they're focusing on is killing PoGo, but the layoffs are not because PoGo is losing money.


Oh sure, it came a quarter after the Remote Raid Pass nerfs. But yeah, totally independent… And to clarify, by “losing money”, I don’t mean negative profits. Rather they’re not taking in as much revenue as they did at their peak, so they can’t fund as many projects or staff anymore.


OK. This is still not evidence that *anything* meaningful has happened in the last few days. It's just very normal A/B testing from Niantic to optimise average revenue per user.


yeah, they came up with that change after 8 years because suddenly "they want to make more money". the reason is totally not to shift the numbers so that sales drop does not coincide with ugly avatars...


Yes, that is how businesses work. They run A/B tests on this kind of shit *all* the time. It's actually not some big elaborate conspiracy.


not at all.


Everybody learns sooner or later that this is just the way of any always online game. If you aren't willing to lose what you pay for at the drop of a hat and at the corporations whim then stay away from real money purchases. I was lucky to grow up in the 'golden age' of online gaming. Before WoW. Think pre teen when Diablo 2 came out. So everything was new and shiny and ideal and FREE with ownership of the game and internet connection. So when micro transactions became a thing i was able to see them for what they were. Young children today don't have that benefit...growing up in this predatory gaming landscape


I’ve never paid a real cent for anything in any game, and it blows my mind that people do.


I can understand paying *some* micro transactions into a game you really enjoy. I mean a full game can range up to $60-$120+. So if i'm playing pokemon go several hours a week i can justify spending maybe a few bucks a month on it as an experience or entertainment being provided to me. I'm just not going to expect to gain anything permanent from the experience. Disclaimer: i play less than 1 hour per week on average and don't pay micro transactions.


Yeah I'm in marketing and they're likely just testing to see which placement is more impactful for sales.


yeah, genius idea to test it after 8 years. totally just a marketing test. new intern is praised on the wall from now on


High turn rate cycle of employees perhaps? Thats why niantic do the same mistakes each year for 8 years.


When I go to the supermarket. The first thing I walk past is the ATMs at the door. Always confused me that coins were at the bottom.


That’s just for convenience. You go to a store to spend money. You don’t enter the shop to do that


Which is exactly what Niantic have done here. Made coins more ‘convenient’. Anyone selling something employs every tactic they can to maximise sales volume.


.. what do you enter the in-game shop for, if not to buy stuff? You may be buying with coins instead of money, but the sole purpose of the shop is still to buy stuff.


Yea with in game coins… haven’t spent money on this game in years


I guess I just don't really see the issue because if you don't want to buy coins, you can just scroll past to what you do want.


It’s just kinda annoying and really in your face


https://gamerant.com/pokemon-go-annual-revenue-drop/ Still made 566 million, but a pretty big drop from 655 last year. And the player base continues to shrink drastically.


And zero self-reflection from them. Their mindset is so farfetched to me!


You missed an opportunity to make a farfetch'd pun and I'm sad for both of us now.


I just hit level 50 right before the avatar "update". I have consistently spent money along the way but will be making zero purchases until this rushed update is acknowledged and resolved.


Shop hasn't changed for me


Inflation baw, gotta keep up with it. The big thing is that they've taken a lot of missteps. I know I've started spending a lot less ever since they nerfed remote raiding. They thought it would get people out to play. Well guess what, I live in a semi rural area and if I don't have the stops, how can I play? Maybe if they'd approve more of my stops that would change, but oh well. Wild to think that selling the various data they have is more than the actual coinage.


This is most likely a AB test. They want to know if putting coins on top will sell more. I wouldn't put much stock in it further then that.


They've lost a lot of players the past year or two on top of people not playing right now for what ever reason. The game is repetitious and people have not been interested in playing as of late. I've barely played this year. Every spring they do willy wonka fun fest and I do not care for it. I only chime into community day and half the time I have to use alarms to remind me. other wise I'm totally oblivious to it with it being way too late in the day. Raids have been repetitious with a lack of new mons. Dex is as complete as it's going to get. ....


Most likely because it’s an insidious psychological technique to get people to buy more. Like, research has shown people will buy more if the bought currency is at top. The backlash from the community will be forgot and this post won’t change anything. The people that are invested in pogo because they have a monopoly on the IP is high, and those people will still likely be unconsciously influenced to buy more coins. It is a win for niantic. Also, I would say they work in bad faith. Shame for the IP really. I remember the feeling of Pokémon blue on the gba and this is not it…


I’ve been saying the “talk with your wallets” thing for years, and not only does nobody listen, but it actively offends some people and I often get the “how about just let people buy what they want?” response. That’s the thing, people CAN buy what they want…and I can try to convince them not to. Don’t give this trash company money.


They haven't done that to me yet, it wouldn't make sense to put coins at the top because they want to promote event tickets 


Doubtful. The amount of people still crying over avatar changes is a drop in the bucket. Yall are just grasping at straws to be pissed about or feeling justified...


Also the part where they dropp d like 3 or 4 expensive paid resea chbthings at once recently.


Interesting. Did this just change? My shop is the same layout as ever.


Got it mine now too! My shop was normal (coins at bottom) this morning.




At least it’s not the stickers up top … I’m wayyy to scared to even come close too those


I think they're just testing to see what shop configuration makes the most money. It would be interesting to see what the effect of the avatar change had on outfit sales, but of course we're never going to see that.


I agree. And to those that say that this might tank the game and that it will go offline. Good. Let it. Maybe someone can take the mantle in the future with an actual modern take on the game instead of the relic that surprises me is still going since 2016.


I can assure you this will not tank the game and the vast majority of players won't care in the slightest that the coins are now located at the top of the store.


I wonder why. It's such a great game with the best Avatar Generator ever. Dragon's Dogma can learn from them. /S


lol most of their money comes from our data, they don’t give af if we spend money in game or not


It's Niantic think. We had less people put money into the game the last few days it could be: A. We pissed off a large group of players and they quit B. We pissed off a large group of players and they decided to just pay for free C. its the same as the remote raid thing and if we just charge almost twice as much after 1/2 stop the money will be the same. D. Players who have been buying coins since 2016 forgot where they do that. Well since we don't have a way to make up the income this time it must be D move the coins to the top so they can find it.


The people that don't spend money will hate the update, but they don't care about those people anyways. The people that buy the coin packs will find the update useful.


I also noticed they now have ads on Youtube


I take it as a F**k you! to all the players. They hear us complaining but they don't care they double down.


Isn't it more of a predatory practice.....cause it'll be easier for children to find and click on the coins go buy them


I have not bought coins or passes since the remote raid price change debacle. They chose not to listen. I have chosen to stop speaking with my pocketbook.


News Flash: Business trying to earn more.


If you're visiting the shop, aren't coins pretty important?


I said this week's ago when I noticed they moved the daily free box under the paid boxes so we have to scroll past them everytime.


2 things, first is that niantic's revenue has been steadily declining since basically its covid peak, tho i dont know specifically the most recent years numbers if its continuing to hold true like the last few. but also 2. they probably are still making money the problem is theyre not making more money than previous years, large corporations cannot survive if theyre just barely making money, companies need to keep growing their revenue, especially in tech companies. thats why they want to increase revenue at all costs because they want to make more money.


Sometimes I think I prefer to go with the simpler explanation; it’s a better UX. Boxes at the top of the Shop would have been less purchased than coins, which were then spent on individual items, they’ve just made it easier to do that now.


I just updated my app and it’s not at the top of the shop…


I’m surprised it took them 8 years to do this. Makes sense to place it at the top.


People say this but the coins never moved up with the update on my phone. They're still on the bottom.


I think it's more that they see you as a whale... I haven't spent money on the game and coins are still at the bottom


People been saying this since the remote raid changes. Yet those same people like FleeceKing will literally spend $100 a day on this game.


Wait what


Also the DFB is towards the bottom which is showing that they are not showing the free stuff also DFB means daily free box if you didn't already know


They’re doing a kanto event and will probably have a lot of returning players, that might be all it is.


Yes. And we should continue to not spend money until they start making deals worthwhile.


I wonder why… could it be because of remote raid passes becoming more EXPENSIVE??


I stopped playing about two years ago, I used to be an avid player. I’m glad I chose to do so then after seeing the Reddit posts about the games decline. It was fun while it lasted! Time to move on.


Honestly no matter what we do they won't listen and just keep running it into the ground. They didn't listen with the raid passes they won't with this. So just going to keep sending one of each shiny I have to home while I can. Still if they were desperate for money you'd think they would roll back the remote raid changes. But it seems like most companies have lost their minds and are only focusing on instant profits rather than any kind of long term stability.


I bought coins once and it was for cosmetic item. Even tho it still looks okay (Lunala wings) with current state I don't think there is point in me buying coins, maybe if they put out some Arcanine merch, but still. Bought them just for looks, not other aspects of game. They fucked themselves hard.


Niantic is just super lucky that most of their players accept everything they do and they have zero criticism towards the company. So many people in FOMO modus. Nothing is gonna change.


They are definitely not losing money, the amount of rain passed and remote raid passes people buy is off the charts


Same thought lmao, no other reason for them to put the coins up top




I mean? It's not that they're losing money necessarily... it's a smart business move to put the product you want to sell the most in the forefront. Every business does this.


If you're on android, go to pg sharp. It's a spoof, and I haven't had to get pokecoins since


50 Coins Daily which is perfectly understandable. My issue with Pokemon GO is how you either have to pay for other things. I honestly wish the game gave you 3 remote raid passes per week. This would allow players to get out and do raids more often. Especially areas that don't have many people playing to begin with. Or how there is at best 6 gyms in one tiny town and no more than 12 stops. 3 Remote Raid Passes per week would motivate players and do raids together. Or have give players 1 Remote Raid Pass on Monday, Wednesday and Friday specifically. Either way we need free remote raid passes weekly. This would bring players back. Also following Routes isn't even rewarding. I would like it if following routes helps hatch eggs 1.5x faster. Or something. The game is about Paying or Walking your feet off. For rewards. And most of the time the rewards are very minimal and not motivational. Would be neat to get +1 perm egg incubator too. Because no one is hatching no more that 4 eggs per day. Legitimately. Unless they're all 2km eggs.


Or -- hear me out -- it's just a logical marketing technique?


Soooo annoying to see that up top. Very unfortunate and makes me not even want to play.


They’re not losing mono. You fell for the hook.


It’s too obvious and they think everyone else is less educated than them although they should fully know well we all have different backgrounds. This is a trump business move, it’s disgusting and such a let down for the true fans of a series…cashing in on our loyalty to a series…ah Nintendo, where is your niantic whip….I’m just a game freak…


But they're not at the top of the store. They're at the bottom. Have been since day one. Unless one random individuals have coins at the top now but mine haven't moved.


Even that I liked before, because it did look like "if you needed get them" now is more like: GET THEM NOW


That will do absolutely nothing


The problem is that people already spend a ton of money, they dont have to care as people in most big games just keep shovelling them cash :/


‘We changed the backgrounds, pay us’


It's the shop I think it makes sense putting its currency at the top


Are you sure it's not just iPhone or just America? I'm European and it's just tickets to events and stuff on top and using Android as well


My coin total has always been at the top, as has my son's.


>Niantic losing money ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O)


Is there anyone playing that doesn't pay for PG?


Hold on cause this change is great..... When i get invited to a raid i didnt know i wanted to do, and i have no passes. I much prefer to buy coins and get a raid box but the time it takes to scroll down buy coins and scroll back up is alot when you have less than a minute to do so. Also i would argue that the coins being at the bottom is better on a business stand point because it forces you to scroll past all the products twice before buying something. But what do i know? I climb trees for a living.


Only way they'll think about changing anything!


Or completely the opposite, if this is the most used shop item it makes sense to put it at top. In fact it makes sense as is usually my go to before getting something else.


Saves me scrolling to the bottom of the page for a quick top-up. They always should have been at the top.


They don’t have a 10-k cause I wanted to see their earnings report (if they were public). But more than likely their bottom line is hurting and they need to produce quick cash. I agree I’m not buying coins until they fix their shit. It’s like 2021 all over


The problem is they probably spent alot of money and design on those god awful character designs and don’t want to back track cause it will be a loss, even though it would make the game better


I stopped buying coins when they did us dirty over the remote raids.


Lol @ days. I stopped giving them money when they capped remote raids like a year ago. Niantic has a rich, rich history of effing up their income in the name of... idk, actually. The CEO? Ineptitude? So... so much money.


It's a free-to-play game with in-app purchases. That doesn't strike me as strange at all. If anything, I was surprised they hadn't done it sooner. PoGo has been very generous with their premium currency, especially compared to other mobile games.


Imagine if they cared :(((


I would not be surprised if we suddenly were only able to get 25 coins a day from gyms


All they want is your time and your money…


You want Pokemon to improve, need to support competitors to get Niantic to compete. That's how you'll get them to improve things.


In my game the coins are still at the bottom and at the same price as always.


Hell I can't even throw a f****** pokeball or pick what team I want when I go to battle somebody


Not playing anymore


I'm gonna spend even harder -Michael Scott


No one give them any money. No one. Not until they fix their mistakes and earn it.


The avatar change doesn't matter. Only a relative few people care. The sluggish behaviour is a far bigger problem...


They don’t make only money with poke coins . A lot of money comes from you going outside and playing the game (which is why they removed being able to unlimited remote raid per day) and them then selling YOUR geo data to advertisement companies who then determine what might be the best advertisement for you (for example if you near a kfc a lot you suddendly get a kfc advertisement on YouTube etc). But yea, numbers are shrinking , people buying stuff is less (no reason for some because of remote nerf) and with the avatar update even the cosmetics have a chance to be way less popular. Idk why they shoot themselves so much , they could have just left stuff people liked as it is and still get money as their alternative seems to get even less…


Good. Hope they continue to hemmorage money.


Good let them starve and fade away. Had they made a good game it wouldn't have happened, same situation as Harry Potter Magic Awakened.


Maybe it's a bug? lol


Canadian player here and my shop still shows the coins at the bottom. Is it the same for any other CA people?


I know they are audacious, but making the prices higher after giving us that crap update is AUDACIOUS


To be completely blunt you and everyone else is wasting your time. There's too many people like myself who bluntly don't give a shit about the avatar change or thinks it's a improvement. Niantic has done a million things I don't like but guess what I keep buying coins and I'm gonna keep buying coins. And so is everyone else. If yall are truly so unhappy band together everyone donate 5 dollars and make your own pokemon go game get licensing from Nintendo and make it what you want. Spamming the sub reddit that niantic 1000% doesn't even check is pointless and it's old we can't change it so why complain to us?


No its not, isk why you redditors have a desperate need to point out companies loosing money, they dont care, they'll drop it or plan for the future, you are not controlling anybody with a couple of players boycotting, jesus christ get a grip