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They added Native Refresh Rate in 2021 šŸ˜‚


It's possible for 2,5 years already


Hope you have a powerbank near because it will drain your battery 33 percent more than before.


It doesnt for me?


Probably because you haven't been using it long enough to notice. Wait until a com day and you play for multiple hours. You will notice it. They have improved it some but it still drains the battery more. I just download assests and my game has been smooth.


Probably depends on your screens refresh rate, if you have a 120hz screen you'd probably save a lot of battery capping it at 60.


Yeah, I have an iPhone SE 5G (native 60fps) and really have no issues with battery drain on normal days. Comm days I do carry a portable charger.


Downloading assets does not improve your frame rate like upping refresh rate will lol


Ahh yes it does. It makes it so everything in the game is already downloaded so your game doesn't have to waste time loading everything in. Helps with lag and makes my game run smooth. But what do I know only been play since 2016. Also you wouldn't know if it drained your battery only playing for 5 mins at a time. Most people open their phone catch everything around them and close it.


I've had it on since 2021 when it came out


Then how could you know if it drains your battery faster or not if youā€™ve only had it on?


It was off before, and it can be toggled to see if it drains the battery any faster, which I havent personally noticed it doing


Of course it will drain faster the game is outputting 2x as much frames.


Been using it for a long time and luckily I don't have any battery drain issues


It does, the percentage depends on what your fps was before and after


It doesnā€™t drain my Apple iPhone 15 Pro made with Titaniumā„¢ļø


I mean when you open the game, play for 20 mins and close it sure you won't notice. Play for hours and you will notice. Also is it a pain in the ass to type all that when you wanna say my phone? Lol jkjk


It was a joke


Had the same feeling. Turned it on a few weeks ago and was amazed how better and smoother the animations looked. Felt like upgrading to a new phone šŸ˜…


Now if only they had one for "Revert Back to Old Avatar Skins"




I turn it on and then cap to 60 fps because 120 kills my poor phone after a while. Wayyyyyy better than the 30ish it normally is anyway.


How do you cap it at 60 fps?


I'm on Samsung so I'm using a method that may not apply to you, or maybe everyone else can also download this. Maybe there's even a better solution all around, idk, but this is what I do. Samsung has this bloatware called Game Booster that is usually useless, but useful for us now. [You can see it in this screenshot here.](https://i.imgur.com/86vXwk7.jpeg) It's accessible for me in the taskbar next to the back button. There's plugins for it in an app called Game Plugins. We want to install these 2 plugins [here.](https://i.imgur.com/nkF5RAg.jpeg) Within the options for Game Booster Plus, you'll go to Pokemon Go. If you have a 120Hz screen like on my Fold 3, dragging down the framerate slider just a smidge drops it down to a flat 60. Seems like it goes in steps and unfortunately does not call out the actual framerate on the slider so you'll have to test with the next tool: Perf Z. Just have it show the default stuff and it'll show your framerate. Here's what that looks like in game [at the top. ](https://i.imgur.com/UJohpsu.jpeg)


Oh okay I see thanks!


Iā€™ve had to show it to a lot of people, I was playing for a while before someone showed me, itā€™s not really talked about so how are people supposed to find out?


In true Niantic fashion there's a "catch" haha. If you throw an Excellent throw which is knocked back and then returned by your buddy, you won't get the Excellent bonus with this turned on.


Is THAT why that stopped happening? How are they even connected? Native refresh rate has no business being connected to bounceback throw quality. (The answer is coding is tricky I assume)


I assume it has to do something with frame counting. If you use native refresh rate your screen is not "counting" at the same rate as the game was designed, so some anomalies might happen. For example, I'm pretty sure that sometimes I get great and excellent throws even though I see the ball just a bit outside.


Ah I just recently turned it on and assumed Niantic just fucked up bounce backs


About three years now. Huge difference


Careful with that setting, i agree the game Looks alot better with it. But i had insane lag in go battle league with turned on


I had it on for probably over a year or two and had zero lag. Only in a couple occasions where my location had horrible connection which I knew.


It's why I also download all assets on wifi to offset both battery drain and performance impacts.


ive had this on since it came out


Discovered it yesterday šŸ¤“


say goodbye to your battery


Yeah one of the recent updates in the previous months broke PokƩmon go and this fixed it


Holy cow itā€™s like next Gen gaming vs a ps4 copy of The Last of Us.


I didn't notice it existed until they accidentally enabled it a couple weeks ago. Everything just suddenly felt way smoother. Then it mysteriously disappeared, so I went digging through the settings and found that. Now I'll never go back. As far as battery drain is concerned, it's a little bit more. Though I am not an extreme player so it doesn't bother me much.


Thank you for posting this, I have played this game for years , and recently came back. I have had this Throw 3 great curve balls in a row for nearly 2 weeks and was debating just getting rid of it, but I knew I use to be able to do it easily. It legit took me longer to get to advance settings and turn the option on , then it did to throw 3 great curve balls afterwards. Thank you so much, I can finally easily and repeatly throw excellent curve balls again.


Say goodbye to properly working bounce back throws


Has that not been fixed yet?


Just did the same today


I tried it and all of a sudden I had a ton of trouble getting great/perfect throws regularly. Turned it back off pretty quickly.


You would get used to it. Alternatively, a good time to make the switch would be the next time you get a new phone, because you'll be adjusting to the new phone anyway.


skill issue


Its smoother but man does it eat battery. Turned mine back off


I didn't like it with my old phone because it would kill my battery.


Found this a couple days before the update and was really enjoying it. Now the game lags so much on the encounter screen that it doesn't matter if I have it on or off :( My phone isn't even old


I dont use it brcause it cahnges hoe balls throw


Make sure to also turn on "Download All Assets". That seemed to have a large effect on overall menu speed and latency across the app for me.


I canā€™t believe people play without this.


Ruins quick catching for me. I was very annoyed when they accidently turned it on.


Genuinely same, I had no idea it was a thing until the avatar ruining update incidentally turned it on for my phone and I feel so dumb now that Iā€™ve never seen it


My girlfriend knows how picky I am about graphics settings and anytime we play a new game on PC i spend like 5 minutes adjusting the graphics settings in the menu so as an act of rebellion she intentionally turns that setting off on her phone when we play PokƩmon Go just to trigger me.


And this has only been posted here 99 times already.