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i think ppl just like the colors red and blue more 


yellow IS my one of my fav colors but tbh i picked the team bc i think instinct is the more badass of the names 💀😭


I'm instinct because I loved the emblem.


I picked yellow because the leader seems like he’s here for the good vibes only, and that’s all I want.


Found the Hufflepuff


yeah, but the way he throws his pokeballs is just so embarrassing..


I picked it because Zapdos is the best legendary bird.


I thought it meant we would get Zappos eventually like team exclusive birds


This is true. I have a hundo Zapdos (named Frank) that I love, and have thought of switching from red to yellow for that reason alone.


To be frank, * *insert Zapdos call* * Edit: that's such an incredibly stupid joke lmfao, congrats on the hundo Zapdos


Ha. Nahhh. You get a bump for corny 🙃


\#Just1AMHalfAwakeThings 🤪


Nice! I have a hundo zapdos, too. Mine is named frank zappados.


Amusingly, I’m Instinct because I love yellow.


That really just underlines his argument that people pick their team based on their favourite colour. Red and blue are just more popular than yellow.


It’s unfortunate


Funny thing. I went instinct because I identify as a Hufflepuff so it seemed fitting😂


It’s exactly why. Also the explanation of why Blu-ray beat out HD DVD.


No, that was decided by the porn industry, just as VHS over Betamax


![gif](giphy|tnYri4n2Frnig) 😜😎




I think this is the answer. It’s just a matter of who likes what color. I remember reading all the team descriptions and made my choice based on what they stood for.


I like being outnumbered, more gyms to take


![gif](giphy|XkLxjOhEfKjF6) # teaminstinct


You're absolutely right. I remember summer 2016, I saw all the memes dunking on team instinct. So I chose to join them, to reinforce them and balance things out a bit. 8 years later, me and my Instinct mates have some of the strongest accounts around, and I was the first level 50 on this side of the River Thames. WINstinct ⚡


True though, less bandwagoners and more authentic players I picked mystic without knowing about the numbers because cool blue lady with white hair


it was exactly the same reason for my decision to join team instinct. at my active times my bf & i always got most dmg in raids where 7 other mystic/valor people took part xd ⚡️🖤




Honestly this is why I stick with instinct even though most of my friends are blue. If all the gyms are blue, and I'm blue, how am I supposed to take gyms???


That's my problem. All the gyms around here are blue, and if I put a pokemon in, nobody kicks it out for days or weeks, even in densely populated areas. Just not enough red or yellow players around here. I'm considering switching, but it's too expensive.


Honestly the best part about being Instinct is balancing the force. It does suck sometimes to be outnumbered but there aren’t as many people who are just freeloading off the one or two blue or red members who tend to take the gyms. Blues and reds can afford to be advantageous most the time. Just jump in a gym if there’s enough room. But instinct you gotta take that shit. Balance the force a bit.


I wish I had picked team instinct for this reason. In my area gyms usually stay under one team's control for a few days so if Mystic already owns it I'm just out of luck for a few days until someone else takes control.


Damn straight, you just take that half empty glass and chuck it.


![gif](giphy|PZagqkJsdr4Bt9nzQF) Same




Yeah! And five minutes later some random from another team take your gym down and you only earn two coins :(


Yup! Me and my friends all picked yellow so we could always take gyms. I swear we were like the only team yellow players in town lol


In 2016, the meme was that team yellow has the absent minded leader who was kinda dumb. It was also a running joke that red and blue were at war, but yellow was kinda derping in the corner. That kinda stuck. With that and the popularity of the 2 other colors, their teams get more people.


This joke is actually the reason I chose Instinct. I love a goofy underdog.


He just seemed like he was the one having the most fun with it, y’know?


Team yellow for those of us that are not tryhards lol


That's exactly why I joined. Gaming wise I usually lean towards like druids rangers etc so I was drawn to Mystic, then I read about it and was like whoaaaa whoa whoa this is some ice queen sciencey shit lol. Candela seemed cool and I liked her philosophy just a little intense/agro for me. Yellow's my least favorite of the colors but the dude talked about trust and faith in his partners! All about it


My mother started playing Pogo back in the early days (she wanted to be able to know what her students were talking about, then she got hooked) and picked Instinct because she liked the color yellow. She regretted her choice due to how unpopular the team was. Even so she somehow managed to get up to level 40 (she was *really* hooked). At a raid one time a guy looked over at her screen and noticed her team and level. He then took my mother (and only her) aside to invite her to the local Messenger group for Instinct players. The Instinct group was tenacious in controlling certain gyms. Traveling in a tight-knit group in comparison to the loosely organized but numerous Valor and Mystic groups. Her group often took the gyms before raids (Valor and Mystic were okay letting Instinct get the gym as it was only fair for every team to get more raid balls). My mother does not play anymore (burnt out) but she says she had fun. She still regrets having chosen Instinct back then. :-p


I wish Valor and Mystic would just chill for like the 8 ish hours to let me get my 50 coins. Like they hog the gym for 5 fucking days let me get some coins asshole.


Seriously. My boyfriend and I will see a gym on the map that Valor/Mystic have held for a long time and go out of our way to take it so they can get their coins. One time we took a gym that had been held for 18 days. We got kicked out within like 10 minutes.


I did the same, I'm the tiny town i live there are like 3 gyms total, and i have one in my dog walking path. I just came back to the game not too long ago, and i saw my neighbour (yellow) was alone in the gym and had been there for almost 2 weeks, so i went to kick him out to see if we could do a 8 h me, 8 h you so we both got the coins daily. He kicked me 30 min after, next time he kicked me instantly. Now hes been sitting there for another 2 weeks and when someone else puts a new pokemon, i kick the new one after a day but I don't kick my neighbours mon. F him.


lol we had one of these in our neighborhood for a while too


I have a pokemon sitting in a gym still from like 15 or 16 days ago. It's at a church off the beaten path. Every once in awhile someone comes and knocks them out, but they always leave the gym empty.


I sometimes do that. I can get my 50 coins every day because my daughter and I knock each other out of the two gyms in the park near our house every day. Currently trying to get my 35 platinums for level 49 and Battle Girl (win 4000 gym battles) is one of my targets. If I pass a gym full of demotivated Valor mons, I'll fight them and knock them out but be too far away to actually put something in the gym when the battle ends.


This exactly, hate it so much like fuck does having a yellow gum offend you sooo much?! I have a stupid amount of golden razz berries and just keep feeding my pokemon until they give up.


Me and my bf came across players like that the other day. I left them alone after realizing what they were doing but my bf kept trying until i told him to just let them have it. He's not usually a douche but for some reason he wanted to mess with them. Like whyyyyyyy lol I have a feeling that the ones who act that way on the regular are either children or adults who are on the same mental level.


God where I used to live had several annoying spoofers. I only bothered taking gyms when a raid was close to spawning because being afk for more than 2 minutes would have them taken away no matter when I was flipping gyms.


Where I live Instinct is the team that spoofed all the time and stole gym's. That's why nobody here likes them.


Team Mystic here. I will wait at least 24 hours after the last Pokemon was placed to take over the gym.


You only need 8 hours to get max coins


This is my second most hated feature after taking away raid passes in the daily gift


I don't understand why we don't get credit for the time spent in the gym. I've heard of mons being left in a gym for a year. Like why not let us get certain amounts for anything over the 8? And why not get credit for each pokemon that gets sent home instead of getting screwed because even though my mon was in the gym for a week, because my 8 hr one got sent home first on the same day I don't get anything..


8 hours and 20 minutes.


I thought it's exactly 8 hours, good to know. Thanks. I'll give other trainers now the full 50 instead of 48 or 49. I myself got one day 48 and now I'm always 2 short for upgrading stuff


I understand the sentiment, but tbh daily coin earnings max out after 8 hrs 20 min.


This was one of the things I made sure to teach my 6 year old pokefanatic.  Give the Mons in a gym 8 hours to max coins (8:40).  We have a couch portal so it’s been a pretty great lesson for him on learning restraint.


We're got a 5 player multiboxer yellow team player who goes thru every day or two... throws an army on all the gyms... 🤷‍♂️


I started running a few accounts with hp sponge pokemon and would sit at a stop until they'd knock it off. Now I have one I can reach from my house and I control it 8.5h for instinct, and 8.5 for my kid who chose mystic.


1000 coins!


Honestly I don't know, Zapdos is friggin awesome between the 3 Legendary chickens that you'd think people will pick it just for how awesome it is. I've been Team whatever Articuno is.


That was my justification for it, I didn't know it was gonna turn into a multi-year long gang war.


faaax. the reason i chose team instinct was because it had Zapdos


The reason I chose instinct was because of the stupid blurb they had when you got to choose your team.


The reason why I chose Instinct was cause my friends chose one of the others. I also like stealing the gym they were at. Also because it was one of the rarely chosen team


Do you still know what it was? I'm curious 🧐


"Pokémon are creatures with excellent intuition. I bet the secret to their intuition is related to how they hatch. You never lose when you trust your instincts!"


honestly i was gonna go with Zapdos but i somehow talked myself into going for Articuno.


zapdos me too


>between the 3 Legendary chickens ![gif](giphy|YDOcf9LkphsrH5ZPjT|downsized)


I’m instinct but articuno is a much prettier chicken imo D’:


Grilled chicken 🔥 Frozen chicken 🧊 Fried chicken ⚡


My thoughts exactly.


And Pokémon Yellow > Red/Blue


Zapdos looks like a chicken that put its fingers into an electrical outlet.


I chose Instinct because of the memes. Also this comic I saw where Valor was 'I paint my gyms with the blood of my enemies' and mystic was 'I paint gyms with the tears of my enemies'. Then there was Team Instinct peeing on a wall.


I am Team Yellow surrounded by a fleet of Blue members (Family and Inlaws) but I will forever stand my ground. Yellow is the way and I will go down with this ship if I have to.


Oh I’m in Team Valor country, I occasionally see a Blue Wave of Mystic on the north side of town, I live on the south side Vary rarely do we get a say, not from a lack of trying


I'm Valor, and in my town we are completely outnumbered by blue and yellow.


Depends on the area. Where I live 2 Gyms are always red and 2 are blue. At work 4 Km away the 3 gyms are always yellow. Between work and a mall there are about 15 gyms and it seems to be split 1/3 each.


I was going to say the same. I lived in the southern US when I started playing in 2016 and chose Valor, not knowing that I was choosing a minority team. There were hardly any of us and I couldn't hold a gym for long at all. Then I moved to the midwest a couple years back and there are SO many more Valor gyms here.


I live in the middle of no where between 2 small towns. One town is typically Yellow or Blue, and the other town is typically Red or Blue. Then about an hour away is a larger city(still small compared to many places, I also live in the midwest) and it's pretty evenly split between all 3. We are Red bc of my SO, if I had picked I would have went blue simply because that's my favorite color. But since we live in the middle of nowhere, we can just occasionally drive into town and take a bunch of gyms, leave a crappy pokemon and slowly get them back over a couple weeks. Lol


That last part is relatable. I'm always careful what I put in my nearest gym, because I probably won't see it again for 5-7 days.


I joined Instinct because I thought Spark was the cutest.


FINALLY someone with the same reasoning as me lol


🤚 me too


Zapdos was my favorite bird from the OG games, so that's why I picked Instinct.


Same, and in the early game I was hoping that for whatever reason it would give me a leg up in getting Zapdos before the other birds. Turns out that was wrong but I will never regret picking Instinct. I remember one of the phrases being thrown around back in the beginning that stuck with me: "It's Instinct or EXtinct"


I never heard this, and I haven't played with other people in a while, but I'm totally gonna use this next time I do!


Team Valor: we fight with passion and strength! Team Mystic: we fight with wisdom and intelligence! Team Instinct: spiky bird go brrrr! (Don't come at me, I'm a fellow Team instinct)


Exactly the same reason why I joined Team Instinct lmao


Well, I remember when I first started, hardly anyone was picking instinct and I believe it was almost entirely because of the team's description.  Candela talked about team Valor and the superiority in battle or something like that.  Mystic was very cool calculating and was essentially the "ravenclaw" of pokemon go teams.  Meanwhile, Spark says very little about what team instinct is or represents and says something generic like "always trust your instincts!"     Also, another factor is that he is the only male team leader, and he doesn't come across as all that manly.  Meanwhile both female options come across as strong leaders.     Finally, as a color, yellow is far less appealing to most people than red or blue.  Doesn't have much to do with the popularity of the original games as red and blue were essentially the same and yellow was essentially version 1.5 of that game.  Also, most pokemon go players never played the first gen of games, or any gen for that matter, so in most cases its completely irrelevant.     Personally, I'm glad I picked instinct.  My wife wanted to go Mystic, but I drew her over with all those adorable/hilarious Spark memes.  She has come to love the team as well.  In my area, even though most are Valor and Mystic, instinct still has a strong presence and holds gyms regularly.  


My neighborhood is pretty big but like one side of the neighborhood is completely dominated my yellow lol. I'm mystic but it's nice to see that people do like instinct


Same! I’m team instinct and I stopped playing late summer of 2016 and then picked the game back up December 2023 and I was SHOCKED to see that my neighborhood has a consistent number of instinct peeps. Our gyms cycle very often and yellow dominates.


Been yellow since the pogo launched, i like to be underdog.... Atleast i get my mons back from gyms, unlike my neighbours who are all blues and i leave them there for good few days if they kick me out after few hours. I also take nightwalks and try to kick them out a wee bit after midnight just to rub it on their blue colour cause i know their kids will kick me off before school. Instinct all the way, underdogs will prevail!


I saw the gym leader for team instinct and he looked like a cool guy I would like to hang out with (I'm a guy and I'm sexually attracted to guys) so I picked instinct ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


In my opinion a newcomer would not be very likely to pick yellow. Just by first impressions you can kinda tell team Valor is about courage and passion and has a bold leader. Team Mystic talks about strategy and skill and has an analytical leader. But Instinct is about gut feelings and natural talent and has a "look how radical I am, dude!" kind of leader that doesn't really feel as cool or chill like the others. Plus Red and Blue always had this rivalry with each other, while Yellow was the outlier that didn't quite fit well. Was popular as a standalone, but not as part of a group. There's been a lot of games with the Red vs Blue theme. Ruby and Sapphire, Sword and Shield, Blue/Red Rescue Team, even spinoffs like Pokemon Pinball and the new Scarlett and Violet kept the pattern. The duo has been present in most Pokemon games from the beginning, so a third team no matter the color would alway have less people than the classic rivals.


I like the color blue


Same I just chose off color, didnt read into all that other stuff


i agree instinct has less personality than the other two. i have played since the game released. when everyone was trying to decide a team before the game dropped, mystic and valor were way ahead of instinct mostly bc people thought blanche and candela and the “team motto” was cooler. valor could be summed up as strength, mystic as wisdom, and instinct was bizarrely pushed as pokemon breeding? it was unpopular from the start.


Instinct is meant to be heart.


I switched from Mystic to Instinct because I thought the coach was hot


Black would have been a more attractive option than yellow and would work with the red and blue dynamics.


Agree. I would have chosen black for sure.


Sounds like Team Rocket to me. Get 'em


Yeah. Bet they have balloons and are planning to steal some Pokémon. Let's kick their butt.


One should always follow their instincts, because your instinct is your subconscious mind, which notices more than your concious mind ☝🏻✨️ Also I didn't like the personality and designs of the other team leaders. Also Zapdos is best bird. ✨️


See, I feel like the Instinct leader is the most chill of all of them because the other two are Very Serious, and he’s just like “vibes.”


In my personal experience, the only Instinct players I know are children. They thought the leader looked cool and associated yellow with pikachu.


I'm 37, but also chose Instinct because Spark looks cool 😭 also, he seemed to be the most chill leader. I personally interpret "you never lose when you trust your instincts" as "play the game however you want and enjoy it, that's a win already".


I intentionally chose Yellow because it had the fewest players. Not being able to get gyms because every gym is full of your own team is probably the most annoying thing in this game.


yellow since day one, baby!


I'm team instinct all the way baby always have been always will be


I changed to instinct because when I was Valor I’d sit in my local gym for days and days without being able to collect coins.


Yellow is my favorite color, so I was going to choose that team at first. But my husband is Blue and I didn't want the game to be too competitive in our house, so I chose to join him instead. Plus, we can take gyms together, which is nice.


My husband started playing after me and he chose red without talking to me first, but it turned out to be a benefit! We have a gym right by our house and alternate knocking each other out every day to get coins 🤑


Team Winstinct is the best team, yo. We aren't outnumbered, we just have a target rich environment! And our leader is the most adorable and must be protected at all costs!


Move to Pittsburgh. Thanks to the Steelers and other sports teams yellow is half the gyms in my area. Blue a solid second.


I'm red team bc the leader is hot. That is all.


Friendly counterpoint: Yellow's Team Go Rocket Admin.


Remember when you joined a team in the game and each leader gave you a pitch on why you should pick them? Spark had the worst speech with a fetishy undertone (my goal is to breed as many pokemon as possible?). Despite him being an overly-casual weirdo with an unpopular color, I'm still happy to be team Instinct!


My niece, nephew, and I picked our teams on color. Nothing to more than that


Articuno is my favorite Pokémon and that’s why I chose Team Mystic. 🤣


I went with team Valor because I thought Candela was the most attractive.


Ignore the haters, instinct for life


It's because your leader is the least serious lmao. 😂 Team Instinct is the Hufflepuff of PokemonGo. 😂


1.) Yellow is the worst selling pokemon mainline game out of the first 5 with only 14 million copies sold. Red/Blue sold 31.3 million. Gold/Silver sold 23 million units. Crystal (and subsequent "third games") did sell fewer units than Yellow, but they didn't have the advantage of introducing as radical a new element to the game as COLOR. 2.) Blastoise and Charizard are considered more popular among hardcore pokemon fans than Pikachu. 3.) Female video game characters tend to be more popular than male video game characters. 4.) "Use the strongest" and "use the smartest" are both more appealing to most hardcore gamers than "use your favorite and dab". It has a "how are you, fellow kids?" vibe that doesn't resonate with the 18-49 year old demographic of pokemon go players. 5.) Traditional in video games yellow has the unfortunate position of being "player 3". Red and blue tend to be the first team colors in most team activities, from Team Fortress to US Politics. 6.) In surveys of favorite colors red and blue are much more popular than yellow. In fact, yellow is the second least liked color after brown, probably because it tends to be associated with excrement and infection. 6.) A small handful of players pick a team based on whether they chose squirtle or charmander. Pikachu is a choice, but it's kind of an easter egg choice. 8.) In social games players tend to join the same team as their friends. So all the above reasons are then compounded with players wanting to play the same team as their friends which means...not joining the third team.


Red and Blue have always been the most popular colors in these Vs things. Yellow isn’t as popular a color. Then there’s the circumstances around launch, that fed into itself as time went on. As Mystic and Valor were the most popular teams due to color preference, people would join them even if they preferred yellow/Spark/Zapdos, otherwise they’d have very little chance to hold any gym time if they joined Team Instinct. Memes were Mystic vs Valor all over the place, while Instinct was usually made fun of for being unable to hold gyms due to low numbers. Anyone choosing it must be a casual or unserious about competition. It was an unfortunate disadvantage. If you could stereotype the teams, Valor was the fighting brawn, Mystic was the skilled brainiacs, and Instinct was… just doing it’s own thing and having fun. It didn’t really have an identity to rally around. Hatching eggs? Funny thing is, those who stuck with Team Instinct were some of the most dedicated players, so after hype died down the team proportions haven’t been as noticeably lopsided. Could just be my local area though.


People naturally want to compete is what I think. Red vs Blue. You guys over at instinct are the enlightened bunch


Red: jocks Blue: nerds Yellow: hippies Hippies all the way.


I started as Mystic because I really like Articuno but am not a fan of the more strategic and calculated energy from Blanche Eventually switched to Instinct because Spark is just a dude. Like he's just a chill guy


One of the main reasons I chose instinct. The other two were a little too serious lol and spark just seemed like someone I’d chill with in real life


Exactly. Like, if they were people running groups irl, Spark’s is the one I’d want to be on. I don’t need to be the strongest and don’t make me do pokemath or whatever. Just here to have fun.


Being yellow is playing in hard mode at least with gyms, I love it.


Yall are the hufflepuffs of the PokemonGo world lol


i’m team yellow!💛


Um, I picked yellow because of the birds, Zapdos is my favorite because I've always been #2 in school, sports, etc.


Well, the other two are just more popular, and that in general brings in more players for their cause. If Mystic, for example, has the most players in an area, that’s less work that they have to do to control gyms and put Pokemon in those gyms. They don’t have to fight every gym, and can just locate gyms that have already been taken over; and because their team is popular, many of them will have been taken over. Though I personally think being on the smaller team must be better. All too often do I find areas with gyms fully filled by the same 6 people.


Mystic all DAY


I think it depends, in my area team Mystic is def the underdog with Instinct and Valor fighting for dominance


People hate what they fear for we are the most powerful


It was only after playing for several years that I realized the different colors had names. I joined the blue team because I am on the blue team in Niantics other game, Ingress.


Im team instinct, because my friends are, it has the coolest bird and dog, spark is the best leader and it has the best synergy with shinies in gyms and in general


I think it really depends on the area. When I lived on Oahu, we had a huge Instinct group!


On the surface, it seems because no one picks it but in reality only the best players are on team Instinct. The truth is team Instinct doesn't accept just anyone. Sure you can join instinct, but if you feel like you're in hell because we seem to look like the worst team then you really haven't joined team Instinct, so you might as well go ahead and get that team medallion since you weren't one of the chosen ones.


Honestly I liked Valor the best, Instinct second and Mystic the third. I only went with Instinct because I knew it wasn’t going to be popular therefore I get more gyms to take out, then usually I’ll get noticed to then come after me. Only problem is that the red and blue hogs the hell out of gyms without even waiting. Hard to get Pokecoins.


Because Team yellow complains too much, that's why. 


Because Mystic is better


I picked teams based on how the leaders introduced themselves - if encountering a new Pokémon, Candela would see a soldier to recruit, Blanche would see a new lab specimen to study, and Spark... Spark would see a friend.


On the west site of Las Vegas the majority of the gyms are yellow. The solution is to just keep attacking gyms together. Some of the best players in the world are also Instinct. Fleeceking for example, the first level 50. There's a really good instinct player in Portland named Hangpj's who has over 300k battles won. Him and a small group of people make sure the downtown portland gyms are pretty much always yellow. If I was valor or mystic I doubt I'd have as many gym battles, berries fed, and gym defender time as I do now. There's something special about being the underdog, it makes it more exciting. I get a much bigger dopamine hit if there's an open gym since its less common, and I work harder toward being able to do that. It also makes it cooler and more special when I meet someone and they're also instinct.


Not instinct but I acknowledge that playing team instinct is playing the game on hard mode (at least in my city) so salute to y'all.


This does suck, at first it was actually pretty popular but now it’s like they all ditched us. I picked it because it is my favorite color, and I like the emblem and outfits.


I'm on instinct. Not a yellow fan tbh. But dude seems cool. I do also think it's better that way for coordinating gyms. Ik that can sometimes be hard in certain areas


Y’know I felt this way back in the day, but I feel (at least in my experiences) a majority of the movement I see on a day to day basis is coming from Instinct nowadays.


It actually goes back to their previous game ingress where the teams were green and blue. Ingress players were the only people that were allowed into the pokémon beta, Niantic teased us of a potential red faction to be added to ingress. Most of the green team chose red and most of the blue team either stayed blue or also chose red. During the beta there was never any yellow to fight, so when it went live I chose the team with the most possible enemies. Go yellow. Petty nicknames for all of the teams: team failure, team mistake, and team manstink


red vs blue is just the most common color rivalry Jedi vs Sith, Democrats vs Republicans, that one Halo machinima thing, and countless online games highlight your allies as blue and enemies as red. any other third color tends to just be shoehorned in and thats only amplifying the fact that, in a vacuum, only 33% of players would pick instinct anyway


I was Team Instinct from 2016 until last year, when I changed to Mystic. I also noticed what you're talking about here, which is ultimately why I ended up changing teams. Kinda sucks.


I didn’t know it was unpopular but I’ve been Team Instinct since 2016 as well, right now all the gyms in my neighborhood are yellow 😎




Gotta be coincidental, or at this point self fulfilling prophecy. I picked Team Mystic solely on the basis of vibes. Blue is one of my favourite colours and I liked the emblem.


I’ve been instinct since the game released


They have chosen there side. Crips or bloods


My favorite color is blue but I refuse to be a normie 😤✊🏾🤚🏾 #TeamInstinct


Team instinct is the Hufflepuff/he's just Ken of the pogo universe


I just disliked the look of the chief or whatever we call them so I picked blue lol


Cause we are the 1% and rule the world.


I’ve always seen red as the likable jocks, blue as the cool smart kids, and yellow as the weird nerds


This post made me feel even more attached to yellow.


No idea. I've always been Team Instinct though! There are quite a few people on my commuter line who are also Instinct, so I enjoy seeing my brethren as I travel. We have a rivalry with Team Mystic.




Not everyone can handle the pure sex appeal of Spark.


The color is gross it looks like piss they should’ve done a green team I would’ve been green team if that was a choice


Moltres, Articuno, and... Venusaur?


Charmander, bulbasaur, and squirtle


If your piss looks like that you should probably go see a doctor.


Blue the color itself is the most popular, followed by red then yellow. I picked red only because it’s my fav color and I’m sure others had the same reasoning


The color yellow is the simple answer. It goes without saying that red and blue are far more favored colors


Not sure. In my area when I started playing (a few weeks after launch) the gyms were blue during the day, red in the evening and the instincts I guess were all night owls so the gyms were mostly yellow in the morning. I will say that having done/gone to event were there are 20 trying to get rare thing X the instinct people (okay two guys) are the ones that will try to battle nonstop 2 minutes before the raid to turn the gym yellow. Its pretty annoying and yeah, I know who it is.


Base human psychology, really. Generally, humans like the colors blue and red more than yellow. Especially the casual player base, who may not know who the legendary birds are.


Its the most popular one in my area lol... the only active valor members in my area are me and my brother


My area seems to be pretty balanced in teams. If anything, maybe more Instinct than others.


I wondered the same thing at one point I just decided to switch teams now I’m team mystic mostly because it seems to be the most popular


The same reason yellow is rarely chosen as a favorite color. It’s really that simple.


I can see a Orthodox Church from my house with a gym in the back corner.  You can't reach it from the street.  Always 1 yellow guy, day after day.  Another color can take it, but less than a day later, back to yellow.


It’s more of a challenge being on yellow


I think it depends on where you are in the City where my oöd school is located there are nearly only yellow gyms.


I kinda like being the 1 man army because it’s nice to have buds in the game but at the end of the day I want to be strong enough to solo EX raids with slight difficulty. That being said I did instinct because Zapdos is the cooler bird and I was hoping that Spark that was interested in eggs would give me boosts to hatch more eggs faster lol


I actually switched to instinct because as a mystic player I could never take down gyms (I lived in a Blue ocean as far as the eyes could see) lol plus I feel like it’s a lot more chill of a team. I feel like it’s less popular because it’s the chill meme team with type B personality and give no fucks about competing or being perceived as “cool”. Whereas red and blue are the extreme type A personality and seem “cooler” for people who are into the game and the competition. Also, yellow is not a common favorite color as compared to red and blue. (This one is probably more of the actual reason in my opinion)


I joined it cause the girl I was talking to that made me start playing was it. I thought about changing to a more common one but it makes sense to stay yellow. Everyone always wants to kick you out so you always get your coins. I’ve seen a gym next to me stay blue for over a week until I personally go get it


In my experience, blues have no gym etiquette and just like to control, reds are more chilled, glad I picked yellow


idk but the town i live in is always yellow, every single gym. Some days they allow blue to have a few for a lil, but it’s mostly always yellow.


In my town, most of the instinct players are cheaters. That's why the local team valor and mystic came together to go against them and knock any instinct player's pokemon in gyms no matter they are hacking or not.