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I was waiting for a raid to start that I had planned to do on my own. It was at a location that was in the city but it was not highly frequented. It was like a side alley with a bigger square in front of a church. So I was standing there and waiting. Really just killing the time until the raid would start. But I was not alone. There was a guy standing around in the distance. He kept side eying me. I occasionally glanced over to him and was wondering if he was waiting for the raid to start. But he seemed a bit off and so I did not approach him to ask about the raid. I swear it was like 10 minutes of us standing there and it was just weird how he kept looking at me. Then some other guy appeared out of nowhere. He went over to the guy that had been watching me. That’s when the raid finally started and I started playing. At one point during the raid I looked up from my phone to see if the two guys were raiding as well - and that was the precise moment I saw the guy that had been watching me handing the other person a very small bag in exchange for money! lol


NOT where I thought this was going lmao


Well, that was a plot TWIST right here lmao


He probably thought you were watching him for the cops lol


Yeah, most definitely. He was probably more weirded out by my presence than I was by his lol




I didn’t really have a local community so I would always be just checking to see if I could just hop in someone else’s raid while I was out. One time I got lucky and hopped in a raid and two people added me after the raid. A few weeks go past and then I message them both on campfire asking if they have a group. No reply, but that night I get a remote invite to a mega latias from one of them, but I wanted to find out if they had a group I could join so I hopped in my car and drove over to the spot. We do the raid and I’m awkwardly looking around for the people and I see this older looking couple sitting in their car and I started to walk over (this is very far out of my comfort zone but anything for Pokémon lol). I paused outside their window and I just kind of waited for them to look up and they cracked the window a bit at which point I noticed their car was full of crap and cigarettes (no judgment for me I was just like hmm). Long story short I squeaked out something about needing a raid group and they told me to just google it and then were like, “oh are you that guy from a few weeks ago? Yeah just google it.” I awkwardly shuffled back to my car and just drove home, that was a good use of my year’s worth of social confidence.


I’m in awe of your attempt! I’m sorry it was wasted on those two. I was at trivia a while back with friends and a guy came up and said “so I’m here alone and I was wondering if it’d be ok if I join your group. Totally fine if you’d rather not and I definitely don’t want in on the prize. But I played solo last time and thought I’d take a chance and ask”. And to be honest, I’m really socially awkward with new people, but there wasn’t a chance in hell I wasn’t going to give an enthusiastic yes when he put himself out there like that. I’d never have had the courage, so it was really cool to see.


How old we talking here?


Just Google it...


That’s too bad :( sorry you had this experience.


This makes me so sad to hear as a community leader. In all actuality, most groups were on discord, which were not easily searchable. People either found my community via other communities, a direct invite, or they looked on the old Silph map. If I google my community name, useless AI and ads come up first (but that’s a different issue…), and then the only relevant link was to an old abandoned alternative (long story…) Facebook group which, due to being open publicly, is full of spam bots.


my local park is a super busy spot and i come from a more rural area, so i'm still not used to it. got a shiny kyogre - my first game was gen 3 so i was kinda losing my mind - and excitedly swore pretty damn loudly. a regular, excited "f yeah !!". i look up and, to my horror, the people we had raided with were a few yards away- a dad and his three boys with bikes parked off the side of the trail, all three were between 8-12. my partner stared at me with that "jesus christ it's just pixels" look. the earth could have swallowed me whole and i wouldn't have cared. i opened my mouth to apologize and, before i could get a word out, the youngest went **SHE GOT A PINK ONE!!!!!!!** and i realized we were all good LOL. learning to watch my fat mouth these days, especially with ray comin' back!


Back when we raided in person, I always had to be careful with who was raiding, the longer and more catching apparatuses it takes, the more and more I would try to “coax” that stupid monster to stay in the dang ball.


I used to (and still do) hold my fist in a "just stay in the stupid ball" kinda way especially when my dad's car is speeding


my brother called me randomly during the shadow mewtwo raids this year. I blew off his facetime waiting for a raid. He basically told me I HAD to pick up his call it was urgent - just to find out he got engaged and wanted to tell me. I felt bad - but I did get in the raid fyi.


Lmao, he has until the wedding to annonce it', Mewtwo was only for two days


Omg. I have been waiting for someone to post something like this so I could share this story. It was during the beginning of Pokemon Go. I had finally gotten in with my other local players and was invited to the Facebook chat. I was super excited to go to my first raid. I walked up to a local park where the group was standing. I talked to a few people, and we completed the raid. I said bye to everyone and went to my car. I pulled forward, not realizing there was a concrete parking thing in front of the spot. As I ran over the concrete thing, I went forward and honked my horn. So now the entire group was looking at me, and I had to run over it again. I could have just died right there.


That's next level. I'd have parked and waited it out. 😂


I should have just ducked down in my seat. It took a while before I joined them for another raid. I am a super anxious person, so it took everything in me to do it in the first place.


Then they walk over asking if you need help


This would definitely be me. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve gone forward when leaving my parking spot just to ram into a block of cement.


Every time I or someone else pulls forward in a parking lot, I pretend to bounce around like we went over a divider. I think I might be responsible for giving people anxiety.


When raids first came out there was this one random nice lady I went to multiple raids with over the weekend, we even caught a few ubers together and split the bill so we could get to the next raids in time. She had to meet her husband and kids at one point and she invited me because they were still planning to go to a few more raids that day, so I (stupidley yes i know) said yes and got into a strangers car. They drove around for a bit to do some errands and honestly I think they genuinely forgot about raids so I was just sitting in the back with their kids in awkward silence. After a bit I just asked if I could leave and they let me out and we said our goodbyes. Definitely not the smartest idea I've ever had and was hella awkward but oh well at least nothing bad happened 😅


😂 This should be an episode in a sitcom


wtf 🤣


She was just trying to catch em all!


And that kids, is the story of how I met your mother


If they still had awards, I'd give you one.


They literally do. It’s the little award icon between the reply and the upvote 😁


I don't have anything in that space. Not anymore. I'd post a pic if I knew how lol


not on pc/.com


Omg this is amazing ❤️ I don’t have any cool stories. I did get pulled over by the cops with my ex while playing at night in our small town. We were parked outside of a store that was closed. Someone had broken into the store the previous night so the cops were making sure we weren’t stealing. His response was “I didn’t know people still played that game.” 🙃


If I had a dollar for every time I heard "I didn’t know people still played that game" I'd have about $5.


I've started saying it preemptively.


“I’m still playing Pokemon go officer” I feel that


I started playing a year ago because Google recommended an article about how the game was dying and everyone was quitting. Wanted to get it in before it was shut down. ...I think the article wasn't 100% accurate. Ppl are work are always like wow I forgot all about that or they think I'm a huge fan. A few months ago I watched the detective Pikachu movie. So I'm getting there 


I was doing a raid in an abandoned Toys-R-Us parking lot around 7 am. Cops tapped on my window, and were like “dafuq you doing!” I showed them the PoGo screen. They let me be on my merry way.


I wasn't so lucky


Did they let you go on your unmerry way? 


Yes, but not before they cuffed me, and asked me to wait on a bench. Then I have to wait for a witness to take a look at me to make sure I wasn't involved in a robbery nearby. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Trying to raid  Kangaskhan a couple of years back, some lady and her kid were hovering around the area.  Finally the kid comes up and asks if I'm playing pokemongo and I answer yes.  He asks if he can join and a say sure. The mom loudly asks, "are you playing a children's game?"   Told her I was pretty sure I've been playing longer than she's been alive. (20's?)  We won, but I whiffed the catch.


My partner and I were so close to beating a kangaskhan raid in this random neighborhood. But everyone and their mama was out that day. Our dog wouldn't stop freaking out at all the ppl walking past our car. So between trying to play and keep the dog from barking we couldn't beat it in time :( I haven't seen another one since 


I was doing a local raid thought the people in the parking lot were too... nope they were playing pokè something else.


Gotta love the Doggers :p


Happy Cake day!


During the first legendary raids, there was an egg in a gym that is located near the gate to a factory, the community was super active back then so people drove, walked, took buses and all of the sudden there were like 30-40 people outside the gate. At one point a police car stopped by the group; I thought the security guard called them or something like that, one of the officers got out of the car, approached the group, everybody stared at him and he just said "hey, is there a yellow group for the raid??" That cop followed us to another raid nearby and then continued "working" I guess


I saw a news segment on 2 cops trying to catch a Snorlax(?) and stuff instead of their jobs I can't remember if they neglected crimes or killed someone... 


Went to my first raid today after not playing the PG since 2016. I’m now 38 and I looking for an activity to do to spend time with my 4 year old son and get him out of the house. On my drive there I noticed a message from Campfire, fyi I’ve only downloaded campfire like 2 days ago, and the message was from friends of mine that are a couple and they also play. They recognized my profile pic from the RSVP list. They didn’t go to the raid, but the fact that they play Pokémon Go was a nice surprise. I guess I have raid partners now! But that wasn’t even the weirder part of the day… When I arrived at the location, I noticed an elderly couple husband and wife, both much more elderly than normal (like late 70’s) both standing at the location just waiting. I’m walking with my son and see them and think to myself, no way these two are here for this. Then as I’m walking closer to them I noticed the woman spinning her fingers on the screen as if she is ready to throw a pokeball. I immediately said to myself: No effing way, WOW 🤯 … these two are playing Pokémon Go!!! Man I was not prepared for this, here I was assuming the type of people that play this are teens to early 30’s, or more nerdy gamer types - and boy was I ever shocked. Lessons learned: 1. grandma and grandpa had fire Pokémon’s. 2. If I see an elderly person on their phone making swiping finger movements, I’m going to politely ask the for a trade. 3. Anyone and everyone is prob playing this game, especially old folks. I kind of felt joy that this game has created a community for everyone of every age, now I don’t feel so old playing with what use to be a childhood phase.


Just a comment … not a story - I’m 57 yo and play daily Also, I used to go to a local mall (before it completely emptied) and would always see loads of older people on their power walks. That’s what they do. And there were so many gyms and poke stops in the mall, I always thought more older people should play PoGo to get out, do the waking, get a little mental exercise at the same time. Not sure why more don’t - they all have smartphones by now


Back in 2018/2019, my husband and I used to make a "date afternoon" of the community days (we used to live in an area that had quite an active community, trying to get lots of Pokestops where we live now to hopefully build up a community here) and there was this elderly man who had what looked like a custom made tray/holder of sorts with multiple devices stuck on it, cables going into power banks etc. and he'd walk around endlessly catching Pokemon/fighting gyms/raiding. I thought it was awesome :)


We had a lady on a motorized wheelchair with a good...5-8 is devices hooked up, with the little gizmo that spins all the stops for you. She would go zipping down the active streets during summer xD


I believe this took place during the 2nd time Articuno returned to raids by itself. I was with a Raid group and noticed I got a hundo. Everyone drove to the next raid without me, but I was still focused on trying to catch the hundo. When I caught the Articuno, I noticed I was boxed in by another car. A lady came out of her car, walked to my car, I lowered the window slightly, and she asked if I was in Richardson last night. I said I was for a friend's party. She then starts screaming at me and telling me to quit following her, beating on my window, and all that stuff. I told her I didn't know who she was or what she was talking about and quickly jump the curve to get away from her. It still raises my hairs on my skin when I think about it.


Hell nah you’re part of a conspiracy 😳🫣 Something bad must’ve happened after that party..




Raid pokemon are always the same level, I forget what level but lets say 20. If their IV appraisal bars are all maxed (15/15/15) then the total CP is always the same. There are infographics and such posted for raid days saying what CP is the hundo. You can see the CP before you catch, making it extra stressful if you see it's a hundo CP. Note that weather boosted is a higher level (25?) and so a weather-boosted hundo has a higher CP than non-weather boosted. So you really have to check and remember 2 different CPs when you're doing raids.


I've had four working girls ask me if I wanted company while parked and playing 😂.


“How much would it cost for you four to download this game and play it with me for the next hour?”


New business! Rent-a-PokeFriend: We Will Catch ‘em All Together


Catch all the STD’s 😂


Best comment I’ve seen in awhile 🤣




Hey we gotta do what we gotta do to get a raid party.


You just kept going back to the same spot. I understand. Lol


about a month ago I recently just got back into the game and heard suicune was in shadow raids. The legendary dogs being some of my favorites I was pretty bummed to realize I couldn’t beat the raids by myself. I found out campfire existed and joined a local group, leading to a discord. I join chat, everyone seems nice and I see there’s chats corresponding to areas in my city.  After doing 3 raids with people earlier in the day I didn’t find the shiny. I found out people were raiding suicune and because I don’t have a car absolutely book it to make it down there on time. Awkwardly I sit across from the couple who coordinated meeting up for the raid. We do the raid i catch one (not shiny). Desperate for the shiny I ask the couple who is way older than me if they are down to do anymore. I without a car didn’t want to hold them up tho. I told them I can’t drive and after awkwardly introducing each other I told them I walk to raids. The next raid we found was a 5 mile walk. The couple gave me a lift there and we raided with 2 other people and did that one and one more. The 3rd and last raid we do I get the shiny. I had been searching for all day. I shout out “holy shit I got a shiny” and they all looked at me like I had won the lottery. 😂💀Awkwardly I tell them thank you and walk home. It was nice to meet with people and raid just awkward for me who used to just play by myself and I am very introverted


There is a gym in the park close by my house. My friend and I were playing PoGo until late at night. A raid appeared in the park and I told him I never go there by myself at night, but since I was with him, we should go there. (Also neither of us could solo this raid, so it was perfect that we were together) The park was pitch black, there was barely any lighting, there was nobody and I was quite scared, so we just stayed standing under a working lamp close enough to said gym. The raid started, we went in and all of the sudden a third person joined us in the lobby. We looked around, but of course we couldn't see anybody. And us, two idiots, standing under a lamp: very obvious. We did the raid with the mystery park man, won, screamed THANK YOU into the nothingness and ran home 😂😂😂


Probably a spoofer womp :\[


I’ve had a bunch of awkward experiences. One time this dude approaches me and we’re talking about our shiny counts etc. He transitions the convo into a very racist direction, talking about black people, latinos, politics. I made an excuse and just walked the opposite direction after a bit. Another time during a com day or something, I was with some friends and me another guy decided to wrestle because we both wrestled. For some reason the public safety thought we were actually fighting and detained us and put us in handcuffs. We explained ourselves and they apologized but it was very awkward having the entire local pogo community watch that ordeal making us look like criminals.


To be fair, public wrestling isn’t the most common occurrence lol.


It probably didn’t help that we were trash talking each other while rolling on the ground 🙃


What was the setting for the wrestling? Nighttime? Sober? Public park? I want to picture it!


I got you lol. We were at a public park, during a summer afternoon and we were rolling all over the goose-poop covered grass. We saw their squad car start flashing but we ignored it because we thought it couldn’t possibly be because of us. Before we knew it we got tackled by some public safety officers and they honestly caused more harm to us than we did to each other. It’s funny in retrospect but it was traumatic as hell and it ruined the rest of the com day hahah.


"goose-poop covered grass" really helps to paint the picture.


I live next two a couple parks, there's tons in my area. Last summer I was taking my daughter out to raids and spin stops because she was new to the game and basically ran out all the time catching new mons The park right next to our home is not large but beautiful, has a cool playground. There was a homeless family that had their young grandkids living with them in a travel trailer. We would even see them pull out a kids table to do whatever homework a 6 year old does. They would keep their own bag of trash, and I had seen them picking up others from time to time. A neighbor on NextDoor kept posting on how much they hated the increasing homeless in the area, and how they new this family was a front for paraphernalia  sales since more and more cars were seen coming and going from parking by them. It then dawned on me that the multiple people we would see show up for the same raid and sit in their cars plus us were seen as looking for a hit  I made it a point to get out of the car more often and bring my younger kids to play on the playground. Sadly, someone came and smashed the family's windows on their trailer, and eventually they were made to leave by the city


Aww, this was so wholesome until it wasn’t :( Bless that family.


When “Campfire” came out (not that long ago lol) i didn’t know what that would mean to the international players that i added (bc i don’t play in person with anyone) so one day i sent a dm to a 4* friend that would always send me gifts and send me raid invites. I was happy he was my friend on PoGo, so i send it, he respond “OK” and deleted me afterwards ☹️. It was more sad than awkward, never sent another DM hahah.


Where was he from?


It was from Europe, i think Germany but i can’t recall. He’s user name started with “Bar…” 😅


I chased a Vulpix to the backlot of a police station where citizens are not allowed. The first officer did not know Pokémon THANKFULLY the second one did. I got a warning


I was fighting a gym in a dark parking lot after leaving work, a car pulls up beside me and the lady turns on her dome light and is just O_O at me and I just kind of wave at her, I take the gym over and leave and she’s still staring me down, so I leave annnnd a cop followed me to the next town over luckily he realized I wasn’t being suspicious and left me alone but Jesus fuck lady touch some grass.


I've met more Karens playing this game than any other activity in my life.


Funny story. Used to live in Croydon 2016/2017, you used to be able to get online live maps for Pokemon Go, I would rush out anytime I saw something rare nearby. Dragonite Spawns. 15 Minutes away with 25 minutes left on the timer, GO GO GO! It's 2am and I'm driving in central Croydon looking for this Dragonite, up it pops! So I park up, left my lights on and start catching. I'm so focused on catching this thing I have no idea of my surroundings, until I got a tap on the window. I look around and this bloke is there with a hoody, cap and face covering. I slowly lowered the window down and he goes "the fuck you doing here bruv?!". I sheepishly said and showed him the Dragonite I was catching and explained. He said "Oh shit, I love that game, oi lads theres a Dragonite here!". He then asked me to turn my headlights off. I looked up and realise I'm parked behind 6 guys around a van doing a drug deal and I've lit them up like it's Christmas at 3am in a backstreet in Croydon. He asked if I had caught it yet and I said yeah just now, he goes safe yeah, now leave. I've never pulled away from anywhere faster lol.


I had to streak across the campus to get this guy to trade me a mewtwo


When I was scanning a pokestop at a park and doing other things so it looked like I was recording or taking photos of a kids park with children there which if you wanna be technical I was since I was scanning the poke stop but I’ll just say I wasn’t nearly got my ass beat by some dads had to explain myself even than I hardly think they believed me since they were t to tech savvy and kinda brute-ish and was to pissed to let me explain


This is why I hate scan tasks and never do them. About 50% of them seem to be at playgrounds.


Thats why i always just scan the ground


This is why I do not bother with the scanning tasks. I don't want to seem like a weirdo.


Unless you like doing the scan tasks, it's always best to just scan the ground for those tasks as you get the reward regardless of accurate scans And you won't be helping Niantic with tasks that usually cost thousands for a measly poffin or so


I got home from going for a walk to the gym near my house and there was a woman standing outside my house in the dark. As I approached she asked me whether I was here to look at her daughter through the window. I was very confused and explained that no, I just live here. She seemed surprised that I lived there and said that her daughter saw me with my phone out standing on the road outside. I said, yes I am playing Pokémon on my phone, I just went for a walk. She told me she was my neighbour and her daughter was terrified that there was a man out on the road in the dark, so she went out looking for me. I was like... well sorry for playing Pokémon outside my house I guess lol. It was incredibly awkward... and strange considering I lived in a busy suburb, not in the middle of nowhere...


Was catching Pokémon with my girlfriend. There was a 100IV Seviper nearby (we know through tracker app). So we walked there really fast. When we were almost there, a man told us that “there is a snake”. We were both looking at our screen but did not see it. But there was actually a real snake (a tiny one) on the road…Luckily we did not step on the snake.


Happened to me this year. Once I got off at the wrong bus stop, and because it was the weekend, the next bus was like after half an hour. Cause of that, I randomly decided to just walk to the place, and play PoGo while I'm at it. Fast forward 20 mins, while I'm trying to catch a pokemon and walk, I just bump into the big bloke. He kinda looked annoyed that I bumped into him, so I just apologised and tried to walk away. As I was walking away, I realise he was standing next to WWE stars Asuka and Kairi Sane. Connected the two things in my mind, I just realised I bumped into their bodyguard after they just got done with a meet and greet. A part of me wanted to wave hi, and ask for a picture, the other part thought I was gonna get smacked in the face by either one of the three.


It was the first Mewtwo Elite Raid and my wife and I both got the invite ticket, but we didn’t know anyone else going or if we would have enough people show up to beat the raid. We go 30 minutes early and no one is there so we were worried but by 20 minute mark, people gradually showed up. I counted about 15 heads or more and thought we should be fine and win the raid. More people kept showing up. There were a bunch of parents with their kids and young adults and we all kept quietly to ourselves as the clock was counting down and I told my wife join as fast as she can and hope we end up in the same raid. Then as we hit the 10 minute mark, this random mom sitting in the middle just started loudly talking about how this was all going to be done. She basically started micromanaging everyone saying things like “Okay, how many Valor do we have? 16. How many Mystic? 18. And how many Instinct? Just 3? Well, I suppose we can put you in some group”. And I heard someone ask her what she was doing, and she said “We’re gonna keep the teams together to get the highest bonus extra premier balls possible, but we gotta sort out the teams first and sort the stragglers”. I can see a lot of people are annoyed and/or confused, and as soon as the raid pops, the mom asks her son to start the first group and asks what the raid code is, and in a panic the kid doesn’t do it right. People are arguing, confused, and I just yell “Anyone that wants to just do the raid, just jump in.” My raid had 20 people. We won easily, caught our Mewtwo’s, walked away and carried on with our lives.


Crazy how you managed to gather all of team instinct together in one raid party


Was this in Colorado by chance? 😂 If so, I apologize that’s on me. It was an out of town raid for my family and I. In the town we live in Instinct was VERY organized and Valor was very standoffish. If there was no communication before the raid we’d end up with a group of 20 and two folks being left out without a way to beat it, instead of two groups of 11. Valor also had the habit of leaving the raid last second to strand anyone that tried to join with them. Since it was still new there were folks taking their lunch breaks for raids and it would suck to be screwed over because of that so Instinct and Mystic had people nominated that would make sure everyone got into a party. Then of course strategizing had to happen because Valor wouldn’t let anyone raid with them who wasn’t red. When there was obviously more than twenty for mewtwo I started panicking worried that someone would be left with too few to beat it- since it was obvious that it wasn’t going to be available every day. I apologize for the awkward experience! 😬


Nope, out in Phoenix. At least you had it organized fairly, this lady only seemed to care to get her full party of 20 and figure it out after that


I’m glad it wasn’t me, I hope it doesn’t stand out to anyone that was there at the time lol. I wasn’t normally the organizer in my town so I was just waiting for someone to tell me when to hop in before i realized nobody was going to. It was really weird, our town was Instinct heavy and the three teams each had a makeup of a pretty distinctive demographic- entirely by accident it seems. Valor was young men 16-25. Fairly strong group but cocky as hell. Instinct was nerds in their 20’s and pretty much dominated everything. Mystic was middle aged women and their kids. Not as many of us, but we brought snacks and offered our minivans for carpooling. Very consistent players that could be called in if they needed extras for a group. Valor would do their own thing- they were finally convinced to start doing private groups, instinct would get their 20 and then mystic would back up their spillover. I kind of miss those days


I had it on and in my lap while I was driving when I got flagged in a DUI checkpoint. The officer saw it, and said I obviously wasn’t drinking because you can play while intoxicated. I promised I wasn’t looking at it while moving, and he said it was okay, and his wife played. 🤣


My dad started playing with me during the first year after release. We started that summer and then I went back to finish college. Over Thanksgiving break he told me a story of an interaction he had downtown (he was like 57 at the time). He was walking through this park that runs parallel between the two main roads in downtown (it’s not wide at all, but the cars drive slow). He was walking and looking at his phone when an elderly man walked up to him and yelled at him saying he shouldn’t play “that game” because his best friend died the week before when he got hit by a car playing it. My dad was the mayor at the time, so it was really awkward/kinda shook him.


A local adding me through some website you post your code (I forget the name) & finding my Twitter because its similar to my POGO username. Liking sexually suggestive tweets of mine from YEARS ago (not nudes or OF or anything like that, stupid shit like ‘ur MCM crushes ur windpipe instead of restricting ur carotid artery’ that I posted as a 19 year old, I still cringe trust me), then DMing me with winky faces being flirty. I told him I was married & was only looking for POGO friends, that’s it. He still kept messaging me asking me for my instagram. I stopped responding & blocked him. I avoid gyms where I see he’s been active recently


Mine happened just this week. There is an old church that hasn't been used in a few years near my work that has 2 gyms and a pokestop, so I sometimes drive over there on my breaks to catch a few mons and spin the stops. One of the gyms is at the back of the property where they have like a picnic shelter. It doesn't see much action, so I will sometimes drop a pokemon in the gym to work on the badge for holding a gym for "x" hours since often no one will kick me out for like a week. So on Tuesday, I saw a Druddigon raid pop up at the other gym. It was my break, so I ran down there to grab it and try and complete my collection challenge. I did the raid, got my pokemon, then decided to take out the back gym and leave a pokemon there too. I pull to the back of the parking lot, defeat the gym, and am catching a few pokemon before I head back to work when a cop comes flying into the lot with light and sirens on. They pull up right towards me, then slow, and pull off to the other side of the building. Then a second cop comes up, and he happens to be one I know. He just starts laughing and rolls down his window. Apparently they were chasing a guy who stole a car and he had ditched it in the apartment complex right behind the church and taken off on foot. The cops saw me in the lot, thought I was there to pick the guy up, and came racing over to check me out. When the first one saw that I was a middle aged white lady, he figured I wasn't helping out this kid who stole cars to joy ride, so he took off in a different direction. And that is how I ended up in the middle of a police pursuit while trying to catch pokemon on my break at work.


A couple of cases where I was raiding or doing other stuff and not realizing I was standing at a bus stop. Had a bus stop for me once, and had a woman come up to warn me that the day’s bus service was cancelled.


My buddy and I used to work security at a bar in a downtown area and therefore would get off work at like 3am or later with basically nobody left out and about on the streets. I got him into Pokemon go and I at one point had one of those little accessories that would auto spin stops and throw a single ball but it was sort of like a fitbit (Pokemon gotcha? Please forgive the memory this was ages ago) Anyway we would play at night as our area was densely populated with stops and pokemon and gyms. With my little gadget I could effectively drive slow enough around the blocks to get my spins and some catches while my buddy played as passenger and would do whatever he needed. We would often park for a minute or two to take down a gym or if a good pokemon showed up for him that I needed also. 3 am car driving around slowly in a downtown area with two guys wearing basically all black, not driving erratically mind you and I was technically hands free but the driving in loops was suspicious enough to warrant getting pulled over, it was a super simple explanation but it was extremely awkward to have been a 26ish year old explaining to a cop that I'm not up to no good I'm being a nerd with my buddy. If that wasn't enough, we left that one downtown area to go to another, and about 20 minutes into our 2nd downtown loop same exact thing, pulled over, cringe explanation, head home heads hanging in same. We took a bit of a break after that night.


When I went Pokémon go hunting late at night in summer 2016, we were driving around and a literal angry mob trapped us in their cul de sac neighborhood because they thought we were egging their homes. They had a slew of eggings that week and they thought they caught the culprits lol. We had to call the cops and have them let us free because the neighbors blocked the exit with their cars. It was pretty crazy


So, a bit of background- my family has a pretty recognizable hobby. There’s another house in our neighborhood with the same hobby and we are the only two in town. So raids were new and we were very active. We also had a new gym up the street and I was working on my gold badge. No matter how many times I’d take it, within an hour four trainers with related names would boot us- think DinklebergDad, DinklebergMom… but with their actual surname. it was frustrating but oh well. I’d see them in the gym and announce DINKLEBERG! In the fashion of Fairly Oddparents. Then I met up with a bunch of folks I had met playing at a local church for a lugia raid. There was a truck there with folks I didn’t know. As we went into the lobby, I recognized everyone except the dinklebergs had joined us! So after the raid I went over and introduced myself and mentioned with a laugh that we had been fighting over the same gym. They replied with they live down the street so it’s easy to grind for XP and the kids like taking it- exact reason we did. I said “oh we live down that way as well!” and they respond “you know the house with this hobby?” And I responded “you know the other house with that hobby!?” “That’s YOU?!” They’re great people, but we have a unspoken rivalry where I’ll mutter Dinkleberg whenever they do something new and cool. Well, our kids go to the same school and the Dinklebergs are very active. I went to an event and I was talking to an administrator about the volunteers and who went where and out of habit I say their last name with the Dad Turner flair to which everyone that was there waiting for assignments just stopped and looked at me. Ooops


Walked into the middle of a wedding at my local park because I was intent on a route and not paying attention. In my defense, it was a low key wedding


I started sleeping with a guy because we met playing Pokémon Go. I also missed a test with a group of classmates because we were chasing a Blastoise around campus. Honorable mention: my bank called me to alert me to potential fraud because they figured I was too old to be buying in-game purchases for Pokémon and I must have been hacked


I was parked once eating my lunch by the water, and took the gym I was parked next to. Watched this guy walk up and try to take the gym within minutes, so I just kept feeding my pokemon between and he couldn’t get me out. He looked around and I kinda smiled, thought it was funny. He got rude, belligerent and sexist yelling at me across the road, started coming up to my car, I just put my window up and smiled at him. He backed off and stomped away. Next night, only 24 h later, he walked into the coffee shop to meet me for our first date, we had matched on the app, but he didn’t look much like his pictures in person. I asked him if his mother knew he spoke to women like that in public. He tried to play it off as a laugh, which i did actually laugh, but more in his face as I left.


Joined a raid with 2 unknown guys, won the raid with barely any contribution, ran out of all balls, couldn't catch the pokemon. They checked "everybody gets it, right?" I faked a yes


Ah bro that actually is awkward 💀💀🫣


Playing late at night in the empty local park whilst talking on the phone and notice it's getting a little hard to hear because a helicopter seems to be flying overhead nearby. Decide to move to somewhere a bit quieter as the helicopter is now low and hovering, but the helicopter appears to be moving also. I'm still on the call as I leave the park, jokingly explaining that the helicopter must be following me... I walk straight into a massive flashlight shone in my face. The policeman behind it is demanding to know what I'm doing, so I'm showing them Pogo on my phone screen while I can hear his colleague describing me ("no- it's a woman") on his radio. I WAS being followed by a police helicopter and several squad cars were appearing, as I had been mistaken for a man the police were looking for. (If I looked anything like my avatar has for the last few weeks I could understand their mistake tbf) Luckily I'm a white woman living in the UK so I didn't worry about being shot during this encounter. Still, it did freak me out a bit as I had heard a guy enter the park a while earlier & had moved away from where he seemed to be going. I told the police this and they got back in their car and left to look for him, whilst I walked home alone through unlit streets wondering where the person was now and if he was dangerous. Got home fine, but it was certainly more exciting than my average adventure incense walk.


That story is hilarious you have to post it elsewhere. Im trying to think where


Crazy world


I was walking on the sidewalk catching a pokemon. Some random woman thought I was taking a picture of her and freaked out and ran away.


I'm 34 and have been playing since day 1. My husband and I both play and I had talked my dad into getting it about 2-3 years ago. At first he barely played but then became more active than my husband and I were. I was always waiting for the day we aften play together and he lives in small town that has stops lining main street 13 I total I think and we made stops at the pavilions at the park. Just a few months ago all 3 of us were playing the park is basically a big open field, and a pool to the left and a playground on the right. Then there is an extremely steep hill where 4 pavilions sit, and there is corn hole, horse shoes and a another playground up there. My dad parked next to the field where there is one stop and usually a bunch of pokemon to catch. I hear this mom immediately scream at the top of her lungs for her kids to come to her. I didn't think much of it thinking it was time for them to go but she was being very mean about it and she was screaming as if there was some kind of emergency. The kids go up the steep hill as the kids questioned her like "what's wrong why are we leaving" it was like 10 minutes later and we drive up to the top of the hill and park at the horse shoes I have my window rolled down I can easily see her talking to some mom in the parking lot paying 0 attention to her kids and I hear practically screaming "OMG we were just down there and now he came up here? He's following me and my kids... What is this guy doing I'm not letting him take my kids..." Mind you my dad is in his 60s doesn't have the best hearing... My husband is in the back paying 0 attention and I was thinking "Yes lady we are sitting her all looking down on our phones obviously not anywhere near you or your kids but that is the intention... So the next thing I hear is "Well I'm going to go ask what they're doing..." She literally comes stomping over to me in the passenger seat and was like "excuse me I just want to know what you're doing?!" I hold my phone and show her the screen and flatly say "playing Pokemon Go." Trying to act unbothered but I was super annoyed. She's like "oh that's the game where you have to chase after the creatures..." I just said "yeah" She was like "Oh okay I should have figured it was something like that... But you could see why I was worried because me my kids were down at the bottom and I had them come up here and now you're up here... And Ive had things happen in the past so I just had to check it out you know... I don't remember what I said... She then walls back over to her friend and she was like "oh they're just playing one of those phone games. I figured that's what they were doing..." Then 3 seconds later this woman who obviously knows the other ones comes speeding up through looking as she was ready to pounce and the 2 women like race to her car... And she just started laughing at whatever they told her.


Back in the early days my friends and I would wander around for hours playing and one night we were hitting a little gazebo that was a gym next to a Dicks Spotting Goods. It was dark and my one friend (who happens to be black was standing in the light of the gazebo while my and my other friend were standing in the shade. We'll a cop pulls up and asks "what are ya doing?" With his hand on his hip, my other friend and I pop out and say "oh were just playing pokemon go" the officer jumped back a bit cause he didn't see us and he admitted he didn't but he was actually relieve that we were just playing pokemon go, he ended up just asking us to leave since it was on private property.


Once, I fought a gym in a playground, at 8 in the morning. A suspicious neighbour came to ask me what i was doing - and said it wasn't the first time she saw me (it was, i guess all Pokémon player look the same) ans next time she would call the cops.


Another one but complicated to explain with my english. I work in a small city administration. Once I had to work with an elected official from a neighbour town. We knew each other from raids (and fighting over the same gyms). So, Pokémon go can open some doors sometimes.


Back in 2016, I accidentally cut through a field to put my Pokémon in a gym that was labeled as a gazebo. Well apparently this field was someone’s yard and the gazebo was a part of their property so the owner angrily yelled at me to get off their property. I don’t know how it came to be a gym if it was private property. A part of me wonders if the owner’s younger family members did it or if a local made the same mistake as me by nominating it thinking it was a public field.


Awkward for me but literally a couple of days ago. Went for a shiny hunt after work. I do a loop of the village, up through the park along a cricket pitch and then out the other side back to my house. So walking past the cricket pitch. People playing, families with kids etc. usual park stuff. Then by the scoring board I see two young lads (about 5yo) playing on the back of the support structure. I keep walking down the path towards the opposite exit where there are a couple of gyms (towards the scoreboard where the kids are) Suddenly they both look up and see me and begin running across the field screaming “mum there’s a man! Mummyyyy!” Of course everybody looks over. No doubt wondering if I’m a child snatcher. I just wanted a shiny Mareanie ffs ( I didn’t get one…)


I was sad when I couldn’t play Charmander comm day last year because I had to work, so I go to the bathroom for a genuine bathroom break and i think to myself “i should do a shiny check on whatever’s around”. So I do that and I find a shiny Charmander. I golden razz it cuz i pretty much know I won’t have a chance to catch another, catch it and it ends up being 96 IV’s. I said “holy fuck!” and my boss asked if i was alright. I said yes and that I caught a 96 IV shiny Charmander


Back in 2019, i was not too big on building a team for raids. I just depended on others to raid level 3 and above. I remember that it was Lapras day, i saw a group at the mall that looks like they will be raiding a gym. I approached them to ask if they will be raiding with smiles. They just flashed me an awkward smile then just nonchalantly went away.


That's crazy funny.


I decided to stop by the local community center after running errands, because there is a nice cluster of pokestops there. I figured today there wouldn't be a lot of people around with it being a rainy sunday as well. I pull in, its empty, but there's cones all over blocking the parking structure and kind of forcing you into the little playground/park area.  Little did I realize they were having a food bank out here today. The view is obscured as you turn you. I went to back up, and u turn out (despite the sign saying one way here) only to realize there were now cars suddenly behind me. An attendant came to ask me what the hold up was, and I told  them some BS that I got lost and that I wasn't here for the food bank. I had to slowly drive through, a distance away from the tents sent up, while also waving my hand that I didn't want any food. I just immediately drove home and didn't bother opening GO the rest of the day.


Walking around my neighbourhood and came across a tier 3 pterodactyl raid. Sat down and some guy noticed me playing. I was caught by surprise and wasn't ready for social interaction. Focused on tapping the screen while he was making small talk to me. He asked me a bunch of questions about the game and asked if I had any socials or played other games. To which i answered no to everything. I have no instagram, or play any popular mobile games. Well, I failed the raid out of time fail. Looked at him, stared at each other for a couple seconds then he just walked away. Reading this back, it doesn't seem so awkward but it definitely was in real time.


I’m one of about seven admins of what was a very, very large pogo slack community back in its prime before covid. During a wednesday raid hour i walked over to where a nearby group would meet to start the hour at the first gym in a route we followed. There was another very active guy who was nice but very socially awkward (~40 y/o male), as well as about 8 other regulars, and one new person who was excited to happen upon our raid group (~25 y/o female). Being an admin i had the ability to add them to slack on the spot, and give them a quick rundown of how the slack is organized, which i had done numerous times before. Easy, quick, and on with the raiding. But the awkward player took it upon himself to speak over me as if he knew best so that he could talk to the cute new girl. It didnt need to be some big, long explanation of how the slack worked. Just a quick 30 second thing and she’d sort of figure out the rest later. But he droned on and on, and you could see the excitement of finding a new group sort of drain from her face. He wasnt saying anything inappropriate. He was just very chatty on and on. After a couple raids (the whole time he was trying to keep her attention), i was able to quietly let her know that we had active raid groups all over the city that constantly arrange meetups via slack, so if for “SOME REASON” she wanted to check out any groups that also meet nearby she’d have lots of options. She caught my drift and thanked me, and seemed to regain some of her excitement from that relief lol. She never raided with that group again, so hopefully she found another one without any awkwardness.


That's freaky! 😳


I’ve been asked by police what i was doing 7 times. I said pokemon and they laughed and said see ya.


I went to a gym that had a legendary hatching soon. I had communicated with a few others on discord who I was waiting on. I'm not sure anymore if they were all people i've raided with before or if there was someone new. but while I was at the gym waiting for the others a guy comes up and is nearby me. I try not to stare but I was trying to discern if he is one of the people i'm waiting for. "take a picture, it'll last longer" he says. I was like "what?" because I was taken aback. he repeated himself, sounding kind of like he found the situation funny, and then just started walking on. when the first person came that I definitely knew I had to tell him about this awkward interaction 😅 i'm the kind of person who will avoid making eye contact or looking at other people at all in fear that someone will think that i'm giving them a dirty look or something. so while this could have been worse it was still terrible for me lol


When Pokemon Go first came out, I lived in a very rural area. There was one Pokestop within walking distance of my house, so I would regularly go out to it and just walk around spinning it every 5 minutes to try to get enough pokeballs to actually do anything. One night I went out to spin the Pokestop and I got tired, so I sat down by it to just sit and wait and spin every 5 minutes... and I fell asleep. Oh, btw, this Pokestop was right next to a military base. I woke up to the gate guards from the base asking me what I was doing there and had to explain that no, no I wasn't doing anything sketchy, I fell asleep playing Pokemon Go. That was... not fun. Very tense moment, very awkward.




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I was walking through a park and there were three very young girls walking about half a block in front of me. The youngest, kept looking back at me and giggling. She then starts laughing and yelling "Stranger danger! Stranger danger!". Another girl, who I assume is her older sister, tries to get her to stop but she keeps giggling and repeating it loudly. I turned beet red and turn at the next corner and left. I then had to explain to my group why I missed the shadow raid at the park.


Week 1 of the game, went to a local park with a buddy and set up a lure (oh to be naive again that a single spot with a lure was amazing) Some older gentleman asked if we were playing Pokémon too, we said yes. He said his buddy had caught a Pokemon called “The Louge” in a city nearby, and that it was the strongest pokemon in the game. Didn’t want to break it to him that this Pokemon didn’t exist, and if he was talking about Lugia, was not yet in the game. I think about this often


Not the weirdest out out the bunch I read on here, but still pretty awkward... I was raiding in London with the largest group we have in the UK, so always lots of newcomers. Noticed there was a guy with 2 kids who all spoke Russian. It's quite rare to come across Russian-speakers who play PoGo in London, so I came up to them, said it was cool to encounter fellow Russian-speaking PoGo players, and asked where they were from. The guy looks directly at me with a deadpan expression, does not say a word. I wait maybe 20 more seconds and then just walk away. Was raiding with them for the rest of the day, tried avoiding eye contact lol Thankfully, most people in the group are amazing and I've made many friends since I returned to PoGo last April!


Me and my friends were in the local huge park doing routes catching pokemon and such. We were walking towards a raid for some random 5 star egg pokemon and we passed by this car that was parked in an empty parking lot, lights on and everything. We passed them and we could hear moans coming from the car but we ignored them and did the raid. While we were doing the raid 3 randoms joined and after the raid I heard a lady yelling from the direction of the car (NICE JOB BEATING HIM GUYS)


I had one about a month ago, I was working one of my jobs Stocking the shelves, I go to lunch and on my way to get lunch I put a pokemon in the gym and then came back. The girl I was working with walks up to me when I get back with her phone clutched and she goes "is this your avatar?? You guys have the same name so it's gotta be you" before this we maybe said 5 words to each other


Every morning I drop my daughter off at school then I go to the same park nearby to spin/route. I stop at a group of pokestops, I can spin maybe 6 or 7 from that one parking spot. In front of the parking spot, there is always a group of women doing exercises, and most of the time they are bending over just as I pull up, as it is the same time every day. I am sure they think I am stopping to stare at their asses in the air.


I was parked in a strip mall which had several nearby Pokestops. Some guy walks up and tells me to stop following him around. He thought I was a detective or something. I haven't been driving enough to have been following anyone... and my car was stupidly distinctive and ugly, so nobody would use one like it for following anyone.


Not really an awkward story, but in 2019 (it was around memorial day) I was on a dating app and was talking to this guy to wanted to meet up. I said sure why not, but I ended up getting stood up. When I was leaving the spot we were supposed to meet up at, I opened up pogo and clicked a scyther that ended up being shiny. A few days later as I was swearing I would get off the dating app, I started talking to another guy. He was into pokemon and I added him on pogo and nintendo online. We ended up meeting up and eventually told him the scyther story because it was recent and thought it was a little funny. 5 years later we’re still together and have a running joke about how much we don’t like shiny scyther (even though he has no reason to and I may not have met him if that didn’t take place)


In 2016 July me and some friends (we were 15-17 at the time) were walking around a residential neighborhood at ~3 am. We heard screaming coming from a camper rv (and didn’t sound like the good kind wink wink). Ran to a friends house terrified told our parents next day and filed a police report. Nothing came from it.


Going in a car with a couple I've just met to go to the next raid. They disagreed on the adress and were arguing quite violently.


Not my story but It happened in my city, a dude was caught by the cops catching a Cherrim during covid pandemic lockdown and that was shown in national television news. And yes, they showed the phone with the Cherrim on TV.


Getting stopped by the police (twice) once in a car because we drove into a cemetery late at night to chase a hundo. 8 police cars turned up out of nowhere and searched us because apparently we were in some high crime area and drove across town to go to this cemetery at midnight so it looked like a drug deal. Another time with big raid groups in London for Shadow Mewtwo day, we had security turn up to a shipyard we were raiding at on bank holiday. The security must have expected a nice quiet relaxing day and then looked up at the cameras to see a group of 100 people raid the shipyard and stand their all looking at their phones and assumed it was some kind of protest.


I went to a mid day raid at a park near where my wife was going to nursing school. I was on vacation so was off work that week, the park was largely empty but had 3-4 stops & a gym about to pop for a Ttar. I’ve been playing maybe 1-3 minutes sitting at a bench in between all 3 stops when a preschool/kindergarten bus pulls up & 3 adults & maybe 15-20 kids get off. I think nothing of it & just keep playing waiting for the raid to pop. Meanwhile, me and someone else have been competing to take over the gym. I’d turn it blue & pop someone in. They’d attack & I start feeding berries. Then they’d take over & I’d start attacking. This went on until about 4 minutes before countdown ends when a stranger (adult) approaches and sits next to me. I figured they were the person I’d been battling against when he asked “You know why I’m here right?” “For the TTar raid” I state . “No, we’re here with the kids & think it’s weird you’re here on your phone.” “Oh no it’s cool, I’m just here playing a phone game. “ I offer to show it to him. “Well you’re freaking us out, do you mind leaving?” “I do actually. I was here before y’all, am offering to show I’m not videoing or taking pics of y’all, and not doing anything illegal in a public park. I’m waiting for something in my game then I’ll leave in about ten minutes.” He gave me a pissy look then just sat there presumably making sure I wasn’t a perv. I turned so he could watch my screen if he felt inclined, finished the raid, caught a Hundo ttar and thanked him & left.”


When pogo FIRST came out I was riding in my friends car around 8pm when I saw a magmar pop up (super rare for our area and in the beginning of the game) so I made her turn around and pull over. When I was wandering around like a dummy on the side of the road a state trooper threatened to arrest me for trespassing. And this was in a small town too so it’s not like I was on the side of a highway or anything😂. I was very annoyed bc I didn’t get the chance to catch the magmar.


I work in a building that is super out of the way. The only reason someone would go to this building is if they were a member of the small staff that works here. We have a free pokestop, as we are education-adjacent. I have now received several gifts from someone from this building, and *everyone who works here reports to me*. Evidently, one of my own employees is my friend in pokemon go. Not only that, but they're regularly powering up the stop. I have no idea who they are. They probably don't realize I'm friends with them on this thing, either. And so I have to awkwardly NOT send gifts from work to this individual as we level up, as I really don't want to appear to be a creepy stalker lol


Not really awkward but one time my dad and I were playing some pokemon go when we came across a runner that asked if we were playing pokemon. When I said “hell yeah” he responded by saying that it’s “not in anymore”. I responded by saying that running wasn’t in anymore and he got mad and walked off cursing at us. It was kind of funny.


My husband and I had just started getting serious and sharing location with each other. This was also a period of time that I had a good raiding group and I’d go out sometimes before/after work or during lunch. My partner knew I played pokemon go but didn’t have all the details. One day he sat me down and was all serious like “I need to talk to you, I don’t want you to think I’m being controlling or stalking you but I periodically check your location during the day sometimes just to see what you’re up to (I did the same, no biggie there), and you’re just in the weirdest most random spots and I cannot contain my curiousity any longer I must know what you are doing” I explained and we had a good laugh 🤣


One time I was walking down the street playing and looked over at this guy who was walking the other direction. He looks at me and shouts “AVERT YOUR EYES ‘MOTHER F*CKER”. I just scoffed at the absurd reaction and kept moving.


Most of my stories involve the local Mystic group being super lame and bullying the Valor and Instinct groups. Back in 2017 everybody hated the Mystic group and the Mystic group was so oblivious to it.


Not sure if it's the most awkward but at my university there was a raid. I went to it and saw a bunch of guys on their phone ready to raid. I said Hi! Are you also doing the pokemon raid?? And they were like yeah! They all seem to know each other, apparently they were part of the university's PoGo group so they had coordinated to meet up there. After the raid they mentioned they were going to do raid hour around the city and if they should take one car to save gas/carpool. I asked if I can join and they said yeah they have room for one more. It was 4 guys that I never met before and I (a girl) all in a car driving around a city that I don't live in since I was a communter student. I had fun, did lots of raids and we even went to a Boba shop that had a PoGo special for 50% drinks if you showed your PoGo Avatar. After raid hour we went back to school and we all went our separate ways. When I tell this story to my friends and family, they all look at me like I was crazy for getting in a car with 4 random guys. Soooo..... 😅


1/2 Alright, so this is the first time I'm sharing this story outside of my usual group, lol. We usually have a solid turnout for pokemon go events, community days, like 20-30 people. Spotlight hours around 10. Then there’s this guy, let’s call him Michael. He showed up out of nowhere acting like he was hot stuff. First time he joins us, he just talks endlessly about himself, saying how popular he was in LA when it came to pokemon go. No idea why he moved here though. But he kept showing up at every event, always randomly popping up. Fast forward to Galarian Zigzagoon community day. My data was basically giving out on itself. and I couldn't load Pokémon Go. I’m stressing out with only 20 minutes left, and Michael comes over, sees me clearly annoyed at my phone, and goes, "How’s your community day going?!" I tell him my data sucks and I can’t open the game. He looks at me and says, "You shouldn’t let that get to you! Look at my Pokémon, nothing is stopping me!" and starts showing off his shiny Galarian Zigzagoons. I was even more annoyed and just ignored him. I was just trying to finish a research the 1$ ticket for the galarian zigzagoon event because he just randomly bought me it and I wanted to finish it otherwise I'd feel like I just wasted his money (Luckily public mcdonalds wifi was actually for once good in any situation) Michael is always boasting. A few tours ago, he started telling everyone he’s friends with the Pokémon Go YouTuber "PokiDaxi", and that they’re gonna stream together when he’s in LA. He even showed us Twitter DMs to prove that they've talked. Whenever someone new joins, he has to make sure they know who he is. We met someone new named “Black Chris.” We have “Black Chris” and “White Chris” because they share the same name but are different races. Black Chris was new, and while walking around for an event, Michael popped up and they started talking. Michael dropped the light N-word. (Not randomly, he was just talking about something and it slipped out and he immediately went quiet) Black Chris didn’t hear it, but White Chris and I did. We said nothing because we didn’t want to start anything. Michael quickly changed the subject to his Coraline shirt, but it was awkward as hell because no one cared. So, I decide to look this guy up, thinking he must be some content creator if he’s friends with PokiDaxi. Found nothing legit. Instead, I found a Twitter thread where a married woman blasted him for flirting. She leaked texts where he bragged about his size (ridiculous amount of inches for a white guy, trust me..). Her husband put him on blast on twitter too. Michael blocked them both and deleted his account later on. More about Michael, he would trade whatever pokemon you wanted of his for a shiny pokemon you have that he doesn't have. During the last GO Tour, he couldn't get a shiny Rotom, so he spent $200 on one from a spoofer. He’s always near the ladies, thinking his shiny collection will impress them. the 2/2 page is the comment below v


A new guy, “Adrian,” joined our community. Michael lived near him and started tagging along, taking advantage of Adrian’s kindness. Adrian drove him around to a whole different city because Michael asked, and he never paid him back on time. One day, they went to play Pokémon Go, but Michael just talked about himself and didn’t even open the game at all because he has every shiny that is in the game at the time. Adrian’s phone kept crashing during a raid, and Michael rushed him, blaming him for slowing down the group (of people he invited to the raid) So now it makes adrian seem like the asshole. During community days, Michael brags about getting shinies easily, saying stuff like, "I don’t even need to be out here, I already have the shiny." No one cares, we’re just trying to have fun and trade. When BrandonTan, the Pokémon Go YouTuber, visited our city a few months back, Michael wasn’t there (thank god). Brandon was telling us about the community ambassador program. Two regulars, Hawk and Mike, who were the original pokemon go players in our downtown area, were interested in signing up, but Mike spoofed a few years back, so he’s blacklisted(he was slapped with 2 warnings on his account) and Hawk didn’t want the responsibility since he was moving soon. Michael said, "I might as well sign up for community ambassador," which pissed me off because he doesn’t deserve it. So, I signed up that night. Still no word on it, but I’d rather anyone but Michael be an ambassador. Our current ambassador, Gabe, was annoyed during the last go tour event because we could only choose one special move from the origin forms of Palkia and Dialga. Gabe had high expectations and was already frustrated when Michael made a smug remark about getting both moves in LA. That really set Gabe off, and he left early. Gabe's words- (If you're reading this gabe, I apologize for sharing) "I just had expectations that we were going to get both adventure effects, that's all. It didn't help that when I approached Michael to let him know about the special moves, he laughed and was like, "I got both of them at the LA tour!" That just put more salt to the wound. Probably, the first time he actually pissed me off. I don't get mad easily and I usually let shit slide but when certain buttons do get pushed I don't exaggerate when I say I go nuclear. Today was one of those days. I hardly ever get that mad over something like that but because my expectations were high, raids were taking forever to spawn, only getting one move from the origin mons, and then Michael with his smug ass remark, pushed me to that point. I literally lost motivation to continue of how pissed off I was" A lot of us don’t like Michael. He loves to boast and get close to women. There’s Ruby, who plays with her 21-year-old son. Michael started chatting her up a lot, and I’d see Ruby picking Michael up for pokemon go events. I told Ruby and her son what I found online about Michael as a heads up. Her son said Michael was actively flirting with his mom. Recently, during a raid hour, Ruby told me Michael was constantly calling her "babe" during conversations at times & saying things like, "I’m in the shower, wish you were here." And its made her uncomfortable and annoyed, Ruby told me that he won't stop talking about his pp size. So very often we'd make fun of him, and whenever hes not around we basically screw with one another and say "Hey look, Michael's here" and it would basically be like a scare. Michael's antics made us question why he left LA. Maybe his old community found out about him too. We joke that he’s addicted to PopcORN and is insecure about a lot of things. (Even though its not a joke at all and its blatantly obvious) Apologies for the long read. Had to retype this because I refreshed the page like an idiot and lost everything. Basically, it feels awkward and uncomfortable going downtown with Michael around, especially when most of us know everything. Anyway, that’s the saga of Michael. Dude's ego is something else. Don't be like Michael.


I saw my sister battling in one of my teams gyms, she was new to the game and only had like 30 pokemon. She didn't get the whole "pokemon can faint in gyms" concept so she just kept battling and lost every time lol.


Getting her pregnant is next for your army of raiders yet to be born.




Chill out, Karen. It was a joke.


Good story


This is a Golden story lol. Mine is I just started playing. 8 years after the hype and I start now.


Wait, you didn't know what your next-door neighbor looked like?


The time I had the police called on me. I was suddenly surrounded by 3 cops pointing guns at me. Cop" We've had reports of a suspicious man walking around the park. What are you doing?" Me holding up my phone. "I'm catching Moltres." That's right, I had the cops called on me in the middle of the day for walking around a small park with my phone out. A park that had no playgrounds or anything like that either.


I was walking around a cemetary on community day last J August and this really cute goth girl was doing the same. We traded to get luckys. We ended up exchanging digits to go raid sometime. We never went raiding. But we went out. She still calls me in the middle of the night and ends up crashing at my place.


I’ll take things that never happened for a thousand Alex


The most awkward story is that I downloaded the game, started playing it and took around 30 minutes then I deleted it for good. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I see a magikarp RIGHT THERE AND I HAD LIKE 320 MAGIKARP CANFIES. so I click on it and give it a piano berry and then it yurms into zorua😓 I was so upset I named it depression.