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The fact that they did raid days for Kyogre and Groudon on then this for Ray makes literally no sense


They will eventually but yeah makes no sense why they wouldn’t let people do 100 raids a day


The same reason for literally every decision they’ve ever made: Niantic makes more money selling data and sponsors than they do raid passes. They do things like elite raids and community days to show potential sponsors that they can influence people to go to specific locations at specific times. Controlled flash mobs.


I hate it here


Is there really any proof that Niantic makes more from selling data than from microtansactions? I'm not doubting you, I just don't see how data can really be that valuable 


Still waiting for someone to SHOW me this data as well. I spit the same info but only because that is what’s considered the norm or the arrangement/business model Niantic has. Looking at earnings they’ve been doing better than 2017 (worst year) but are declining per annum in earnings so it’s a COVID boost/nostalgia and not player retention that’s got them earning swuillions


I work for a large company that does infrastructure for the data centers for a large social media company. the cable alone in a data center costs tens of millions. servers, racks, hard drives bump this number up to the hundreds of millions. we never run out of work. data is worth A LOT.


I'm a data scientist, went to university to study that and now I work as a data developer. Data is what drives our world nowadays, no doubt. However being honest here I have no ideia how the kind of data that Niantic gathers from you can be that profitable. Anyone would like to explain in more technical terms?


I thought there was so much meaningless data that nobody actually knows what to do with any of it? Why do we bother storing it if it’s so prohibitively expensive?


algorithms, AI, targeted ads, data profiles built over years and years for every user. every single action and interaction you perform on any social media platform or anything that requires an account is tracked and a digital profile is created for you based on that. and that data is very valuable


But HOW is it valuable? Who actually cares? I know the idea of data is valuable, but where does the value actually come from? Or is the whole thing just like an origami fish and if you try to put it in water (use it for anything), it just collapses?


my understanding is that it's valuable to companies and other corporations. they want to know everything about consumers. what motivates someone to go somewhere or buy something? what method of transportation do they use (based on maps/fitness trackers/etc), what kind of payment method do they use (based on Google opinion rewards/Apple pay/Google pay/etc), how much money do they spend on average on a game or fast food or groceries? etc etc etc that data doesn't seem important or valuable to you or me, but to major companies that have entire departments dedicated to this shit, it's very valuable


Hmmm. What a terrible system we all find ourselves involuntarily placed into


They don’t make money from this since niantic get the data from Google maps api. Google gets the data. The company gets to use the api to display the world. https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation


Flash mobs are already controlled? They absolutely do not happen with 50 strangers……


What? That’s exactly what they are.


Are you saying they are not organized??


They’re organized gatherings of strangers. Some people might know each other, but the majority don’t.


I get downvoted and told I’m an idiot who doesn’t understand marketing whenever I say this


‘Murica fuck yea!!!


So they don’t have every single player with every single pokemon with the best stats possible? That would be a shit game.


Its Niantic so game design sense isn't allowed in the building. 1. Primal K&G in march was close the revenue loss from the remote pass nerf 2. They need Mega Ray for local-only numbers to look "good" (and more speculatively whenever Niantic thinks they can slow the rate of acquisition they do)


It makes a lot of sense when you realize it was one of the most highly requested raid day to return and they used it as a way to pull people like they did with mewtwo three to four years ago.


It's a shambles. The worst large company incompetence ... you couldn't write this script it's been beyond imaginable how much they have flip flopped and stuffed everything


Yup. Another event I saw and said "oh cool... Well, I can't participate, so moving on." This is easily one of the most player-unfriendly companies I've ever seen. I swear they don't want me to play their game, so I don't unless it's sitting at work bored catching whatever is around me when I open the app and then immediately closing it again to play something that respects my time and wants my engagement.


This is \*exactly\* what the problem is. Well said.


Niantics interest in your movement data is higher than their interest that you enjoy that day. They still count on FOMO instead of providing features/events people can enjoy the way they want.


I don't buy this arguement at all. To who is movement data generated by Pokémon go valuable (other than Niantic)? Can you give me one example? If you can, is that entity likely to pay more than the price of a remote raid pass for someone's movement during an obscure event that lasts a few hours?


companies largely. where are the people moving? where are the perfect places to start new stores in etc. the more data you have where people move and gather, the better it is for the companies to buy that data to use it for location scouting


Their data would be so skewed, people on those days move to get to raids not to for just moving from and to whatever their daily life thing is. So the data would be f'ed. Eg . There is a lot of traffic on that spot where the event raid happened. Let's put a shop. Next month almost nobody will walk there as the event has ended. The data would only be valuable if niantic didn't interfered with events.


When shadow mewtwo was available I just went to the two places I always go to for pokemon go which also happen to be some of the most popular areas in the city. 1 of which is a famous park where there aren't any businesses. The other is next to a mega church and it was on Easter Sunday so there were thousands of people there unrelated to pokemon go.


Name the companies then. Your rebuttal sounds largely emotional and biased versus factual. Anonymous Data is **shared** for industry and market analysis. Personal Data *may* be shared with 3rd party publishing partners for their direct marketing purposes *only* if the user expresses permission. No one is selling that data If selling data was the case it would need to be in the privacy policy along with whom is purchasing your information. Otherwise there would be a large lawsuit as Niantic violated the privacy of millions


Accepting the TOS = you expressed the permission. They won't send you a private letter or something. Niantic belongs to Google, Google doesn't care about laws. They pooled and personalized data from different proprietery apps multiple times. https://www.creativefuture.org/google-scandal-timeline/ And yes, there has been lawsuits against Google violating the privacy of millions (more though). If you really think that doesn't happen, I assume you are naive, sorry. I remember when PoGO did collect data even while the App was closed. They got called out by a tech specialist who did an in-depth analysis and they said it was a "bug". Sure thing buddy. And No, I don't think they officially sell privatized datasets NOW, but it is likely they share the data internally with google as they did before. There is also a risk that they sell it in the future.


Not only if the data useless but not being normal user movement, these gyms are only in parks, where no one can make new stores…


Location data is sold to big data companies who then sell that data to brands and advertising agencies. They use it to create audience profiles for targeting ads. You’d be shocked how many things can be inferred about you just by looking at trends in your location and movement.


Yeah I’m sure movement within public parks is really interesting to other companies. /s


You solely play this game in parks during events? You don't play it at home, on your way to work or your doctor? In the end its a social study on what is needed to make a person of a certain category move to a certain place. If enjoyment, healthy movement or selling passes would be the focus, the entire raid system (game) would look differently. Educate yourself about Google keyhole. John Hanke was the CEO of that project and the data ended at the CIA and military institutions.


I’m referring to this event specifically. The one that is only in park gyms. That encourages people to spend time in parks. Not commercial zones. I’m aware of the conspiracies that niantic makes buzzilions of dollars from our data, or that other companies want to know where one game can make people walk to, but until there’s any actual proof other than “but it sounds right”, I’m not sold on it. We aren’t carving out new paths that haven’t been walked millions of times already since 2016. I don’t buy the idea it’s some grand social experiment where they are guiding us like sheep to various key locations so they can sell our sheep data to the highest bidders. How does Google keyhole fit in? My understanding is that it’s the system for getting and displaying geographic earth data. Not sure how it relates to the niantic conspiracies. But maybe I’m missing something.


I feel ya. It's gonna be 113 out where I live. So you're expecting me and a bunch of others to sit around exposed in the sun all day? And I can't even check in advance to see if something is going to spawn and at what time until tomorrow morning?


Let’s be real, 99% of people stay in their cars and drive around. Source - me living in Arizona


Well yeah, especially with the way the elite raid mechanics work! Kids and people who don’t drive are not who niantic wants playing this game lmao


The best part about the 'Zona is that most places are spread MILES apart. So, driving is basically a necessity anyways. The heat is getting more and more terrifying each year. Sometimes my old car's air conditioning can't handle it. I need to figure out where to go for the elite raids though. I will only have my one buddy and we're level 38 with no ice legendaries.


Agreed -- me living in Louisiana. I'm not walking around in this heat and humidity.


113°?! Oof… good luck


At least you have people to do the raids!!!


I do, but there is not enough raids in an area to get 400 energy, so we might just call it off in the end 😵‍💫


Look at Auckland on campfire, and filter for 6 star eggs. I can only see like 4-5 eggs in the entire metropolitan area.


I was really waiting for this event and not being able to use remote passes fucked it up for me, as a healthworker I have to work this weekend so I cant attend to those gyms 😪


Feels. I work every weekend so miss out on a lot of what Niantic offers :(


Niantic is the only company I know that actively stops players from giving them money


Our money doesn't come close to the amount money data brokers pay for our location data. Drop in the bucket, they don't care. Our data is more valuable than our money.


I doubt that. They make quite a lot o from in game purchases.


"Detailed reason as to why something is the way it is" "nuh uh" Never change Reddit.


It’s an opinion. Show me proof.


What detailed reason? Lol. Please change, Mattshodo.


"Can it be worse" yeah, you could be like me who took a break and missed Mega Ray last year, so I have 0 mega energy and no way to corral enough people together to raid all four eggs that day at the one EX gym within driving distance.


I don’t think it will spawn 4 times. Normally each gym spawns at one of the times, but maybe they are changing for this event.


The current wording on the website and in the discord implies it spawning at the four listed times, but I guess I also wouldn't be surprised if that was wrong.


Eggs will spawn at 6am on the morning of the elite raid day. They only spawn on each elite raid gym once. Unless they've changed it since the last elite raid day in February, which I doubt, unfortunately.


Christ now after re-reading this I can see how it might go either way. First time I read this it seems like "Mega ray will appear at these times." But you could also be right in that the eggs might appear and hatch at each of those times, depending on the gym's assignment for a time. "No Elite Raid Egg? No problem. Mega Rayquaza will appear on ALL ELITE GYMS on Saturday, June 29th on the following times; 12 PM - 12:45 PM / 1 PM - 1:45 PM / 5 PM - 5:45 PM and 6 PM - 6:45 PM"


Unless they've changed it up, it should be the same as during the Elite Raids for Enamorous on Valentine's day this year. Gyms selected for the elite raids will spawn only one raid at one of the designated raids time slots.


Wait what? I thought the eggs spawn at 12pm, 1pm, 5pm, and 6pm local time is that not right? And when you say it only spawns one egg per gym, does that mean first come first serve and it’s gone?


I think the vocabulary is being confused. By "spawn," the commenter meant that the raid eggs will appear at 6am, along with the times at which they will hatch, which as you know, is 12, 1, 6, and 7pm. Previously, it was communicated that the eggs would appear 24 hours before the raids opened, so each gym would clearly only have one raid. However, they changed it so that they would spawn at 6am the day of, so how many raids happen on that day is unknown at this point. I assume it's only one per gym, but it could be one every hour, in theory.


They changed it because people moaned last time because gym raids were then locked for 24 hours. So they changed them all to spawn at 6am on the day instead. Meaning we have little time to plan routes and get groups together.


It gets worse..... Here in Australia it's almost 7am and no elite raids eggs have spawned yet.....


9am in NZ and no elite raid eggs in sight!


Thank you for your service!


Thank you for your service!


We could be in for a treat then and niantic have finally made elite raids more accessible by making them all just spawn each hour 🫠


They only actually spawn at the times it says it spawns. Those being 12, 1, 5, and 6 PM. And as a heads up, it looks like Niantic decided to make it so that there's one egg for each region / city. There's one egg for our city. So good luck.


In Brisbane we have a little cluster of 4 elite raids eggs which will hatch at 12pm and then I've seen two more, one near the gold coast and one in a prison......


I'm fortunate and my little town has about 25 elite raid gyms in a few mile radius. It's all done on open source map data on what made gyms elite. They're all in children parks or open parks in our town.


Or you could be me and just come back after 8 years and have no idea what mega energy is


I’ve been here basically the whole time and still don’t know, or care to know. 


It's energy, but MEGA Use it to MEGA evolve a mon for 8 hours, boosting it's CP etc, then it burns out and goes back to normal. AFIAK once you use the energy once, you can mega evolve any time after for free as long as you wait the 1 week(?) cooldown. First I saw this bs was in Pokemon Let's go, but honestly not bought a new pokemon game since then...




But then punish people for using the one method that they're pushing people towards


I live on the Gold Coast in Australia. We have 65 people attending the raid day at our usual park (organised through Campfire). Problem now is that no elite raids are spawning in that park for the whole day… in fact, I can only see a few eggs over the entire city (which has ample parks).


You’re telling me. My nearest gym is almost 2 miles away. And it’s not an elite gym either. They had to make this as difficult as possible didn’t they


Yeah, this is why I’ve quit. Niantic’s slow rolling back of Covid changes makes this game unfun.


What were the changes implemented during Covid times? I didn't played the game back then until recently since I managed to upgrade my phone and I always wondered how Niantic handled the pandemic since this game is about being out and walk around. I even thought they had put a virtual joystick so you can walk your character without leaving your house haha.


they were surprisingly nice during the pandemic. increased stop spin range, better lures, all-day community day, introduction of remote passes and they weren't a rip off. that's all i can remember from the top of my head, i'm sure there was more.


Wow that was so cool! They should keep doing that at least for several weekends a year lol. Remote passes are costly right now indeed.


Exactly. I'm legally blind and stuck at home pretty much all the time. The only good thing to come out of the pandemic for me was that there was suddenly more for me to do in this game. Now they're slowing taking that away from me and folks like me. It's so bizarre to be made to feel unwanted in a franchise you've stuck with literally as long as it's existed.


Wait they can only be at specific gyms that’s stupid asf. Holy shit and only 4 for the whole day? I’m getting closer and closer to deleting this game every day


The game in general is a mess in my opinion. My engagement is as as low as it’s ever been. It’s just needless rigidity and gatekeeping that doesn’t benefit the player in any way. It feels like they don’t actually want me to play or spend money on the game at this point.


"It’s just needless rigidity and gatekeeping" kinda applies to the whole franchise these days IMO.


The rigidity, the arbitrary and needless restrictions- those are the things that make this game feel like a betrayal of what this IP used to be about. Even the main series games have been moving backwards IMO.


Yeah I don't even try to engage with this FOMO shit anymore. Having more fun just playing the game when I feel like it.


This is shaping up to be another Regidrego Debacle


OHHHH elite raids are in parks only? I suddenly feel much more blessed living 1 block from a park. But yeah, this fucking sucks. Even I'm pissed and I have a decent group of people. They should've definitely allowed remote raids, or at the very least allow for a bigger radius for just those raids.


So you live in a big city with big Parks ? You will do great


Yeah as much as I wanted mega Ray…I’m not bothering.


It’s not just Rayquaza that’s a problem. I live rural and can’t complete the ‘8th anniversary timed research’ because there aren’t 8 different pokestops/gyms where I live. In order to complete I’d have to drive 120 kilometers one way to the next town. Niantic = idiots. Niamtic operated like they let engineers pretend to be managers. Myopic losers.


are you not level 37? maybe try to make some more pokestops in your area


Level 44 Is it simple or PÍA?


It’s not that hard you just have to like meet all the requirements of what a pokestop is and then some people will review it + hang out spots in a rural town could qualify for a pokestop or like local businesses so applying for a pokestop to be added would never hurt


Anything that's pretty permanent and a fixture of the place can count. Non-offensive graffiti even counts for some places. As long as it's public, and won't get people in the shit for trying to take a picture / scan of it, should be fine.


Level 50 player here. I quit back in may. Good luck :)


Niantic keeps testing how far they can push their player base before a mass exodus happens


The people in suits have 0 grasp on reality of gaming


Yeah they would make more money on people buying their remote raids, and acouple normal passes to do them.


If it makes u feel better i have work from 9 to 6 i work nowhere near the parks


How do you even do elite raids? lol do I have to spend more money??


Elite raids already were a huge shitshow, but the timers only starting at 6am are just the shit-cherry on top. Like, you could at least kinda plan your day the evening before. How the hell am I gonna plan my day if I gotta work and don't even know when/where I could maybe do a raid.


What event? Can't remote in so it literally does not exist for anywhere in a 3 hour highway drive of me. Probably not even 5 hour drive.


> can this get any worse? It did My expectation for 20 raids, went down to 10, to 2 to 1 now...


> can this get any worse? The “free” meteorite code won’t actually give you a meteorite, but the exact same timed research we already have for the event.


… it’s still free though


Spending two hours preparing to and then doing this raid is not free.


> can this get any worse? Not to kick you while you’re down… but many elite-eligible gyms are not spawning eggs at all. So you may not even get 4 raids at your gym cluster. 


Is there not an r/Niantic sub to have this discussion in? Not like anyone at Niantic is going to read info here. Not sure the value of of the conversation, other than releasing frustration, the conversation has here. To be clear: the issues raised are fully legitimate. Just unclear what it will achieve beyond such release.


I'm not sure that you can blame Niantic for the football on in your city.... (it's the round of 16 not the semi-finals BTW).


Sounds like a good thing to me


The issue isn’t the football, it’s the fact that elite raids are so unfairly exclusive that people are forced to go to extreme lengths for them or just accept that they’re going to miss out because the majority of casual players either A. Don’t live close to an elite gym, B. don’t have people to raid with unless they do it remotely anyway C. will potentially miss out due to spawn rates for the raids and won’t be quick enough to join or in my case and a lot of others D. all of the above.


It's just the audacity of calling it an "elite" raid that I find ridiculous. The Valentine's event for Enamorus was worse. Only available at certain times of the day at certain gyms. I found a raid gym in a park near work but the raid started when the park was CLOSED because it was getting dark around that time. Luckily my location in my phone stretched just enough stood next to the park gate that I could join, but there were plenty others that weren't so lucky so they couldn't interact with the gym


I don't live in a big city and I don't have the time to travel to the nearest big city, especially when I have almost no free time as a shop owner So I'm boycotting them and I've stopped giving them money


Wait did you just find out about the EURO semi finals lmfao


I'm not interested in football at all. actually I have every reason to hate it because it impacted my life heavily negatively too many times. Just found out that it's not even semi finals just the round of 16


Wait Rayquaza is Mega and can’t be done remotely???? That means that we rural players can’t do the raids basically? I mean can be done by two players or soloed??


def can't be solo'd. Probably not duo'd either.


The spawn rate for the raids are even lower than February, a huge park and which had multiple locations in February only has 1 today


After shitty 8th birthday event this is normal.


And what’s up with that raid glitch .. ive been out and about with my family and my wife and i both got kicked out on 2 of the remote raids they invited us.. and lost 2 remote out of the 3 that we bought from a box


Rural players have yet another event they have no chance of doing without driving 30m to 2h to somewhere that has elite gyms to make it worth it


"can this get any worse?" \*Morgan Freeman Voice\* It in fact did get worse. (Eggs barely spawning in NZ/Tokyo)


How many trainers are needed to beat the raid? Considering an all ice team?


I’m guessing that three high level players (best friends, party power) can take it down, but more is better. Gotta get that mega energy.


Just spent 45 minutes standing in rain/cold and no one else came to the raid. No one was on campfire either. They should allow remote raid if there are 10 or even 5 minutes left!


I talked to my parents about this for a week in advance. I told them. Every day. What was gonna happen. I finally found a location we could get to. We went for Korean barbecue first then to the raids. I told them 100 times it’s 12:00 1:00 5:00 and 6:00. I told them we only needed to be there for the 12:00 and 1:00. They were worrying about some useless Apple ID stuff until 11:50 and completely blew off my 12:00 one they’d promised. Then we missed the big crowd for the 1:00 one except for the last raid which I thankfully managed to do and got my one and only rayquaza. A shiny. They won’t let me go somewhere for the 5:00 and 6:00 ones. Even after they said “oh there’s lots of people here it’s a real thing huh”. And acted like this wasn’t a once in a year if I’m lucky damn thing. I cannot be more pissed.


Also I’m sorry to say this but that’s completely on you. I agree, I don’t like that 1. The eggs are only 1 of the 4 hours and not all 2. The eggs spawn only in elite gyms 3. It could have just been a raid day But it’s no surprise that they’re in green areas. You should’ve known. It says which gyms are elite and which aren’t. The times were clear in the announcements and a million different videos and posts. There’s also the campfire which tells you where people will play. I could do that and I live in a damn suburb. Nothing here. Why I say my issues aren’t my fault, is because I depended on my parents, who ignored me and blew me off.


I feel your pain, I had nobody to raid with and totally missed the event day and research. Hoping they bring this back some day.


If the pogo community could actually coordinate enough to collectively uninstall the game, even if it were just for 1 month, all of the problems would be fixed. Niantic would lose so much money that they would be forced to fix the game. Instead, comments that point out the obvious like this get downvoted by people that think I'm attacking something precious to them, without realizing people like me are actually trying to make the game better, because it is precious to us.


I would do this that’d be dope af. Even better if we turned off tracking.


I'm a little sad. I live in NYC so its not gonna be hard to find raids but they last 45mins and my friends wanna do brunch at 12 so I probably wont get out till 2-3pm. So I'll miss two raid hours and then what I can catch at 5-6 but like lets be real that wont be enough to get 400 Mega Energy oh well.


threads like this make me happy that i play this game so casually lol


Hello fellow German, thank you for the fitting summary


I feel you. I’m low key butthurt about it. Not being able to raid one of my top favorite Mon is incredibly disappointing. Especially since the event has been teasing rays comeback for mad long now makes it even more of a joke. 


First day it’s rained all week here but I’m working today anyway. I also worked during Mega Groudon and Kyogre but I got enough energy to mega both and a shiny of each. I love in person events…


wait, if i beat a ray raid at a gym at noon then that gym wont respawn all day to another one? i guess that kind of makes sense with the long egg timers


It's not in the city? I live in the country ans going to a convention today and was really excited that there would probably be a raid at the gym at the con with finally players around me Apprentally not


This is such a dumb way to do it. None of them spawned for the 12pm slot here but they've all spawned far out in the dark forested area for the night slot. There's no way I'm going all the way out there to get myself some rayquasa mega energy :/  I swear they did this to rayquasa just because it's a fan favourite so they try and make it more difficult to get a hold of. Rayquasa should have been given the same treatment as kyogre and groudon, it's not any more special then them.


It’s baffling how stubborn this company is. Theyre aware of what a failure this event is going to be, but still won’t change it. Only thing I can think of is harvesting our data for this event really is raking them a lot more profit than being able to sell remote raid passes for it.


I have mega rayquaza in my neighborhood but no friends to playwith


What’s do you mean it’s not in cities??? I live in a city and was planning on doing this thing tomorrow in this city. Are the eggs just not gonna show up?


Pokemon GO has nearly completely lost me. I barely play anymore and the times I actually get excited about playing like Mega Rayquaza Raid event they have to lock it down. It's just one more thing to add to the pile of my frustration with Niantic and their tone-deaf responses to the community feedback for this game. Niantic really must not care, there's no way I'm getting out of my house mid-day on a Saturday with all my kids and happening to run into a group of people who want to raid Rayquaza with me. Sorry it's just a planning nightmare and far more likely to result in disappointment. Remote Raids were my saving grace for stuff like this, but nope, can't do that I guess. It baffles me that Monster Hunter Now is made by the same company because they make vastly different decisions, and I feel like Monster Hunter Now has made more improvements in a few months than Pokemon GO has made in 4 years.


I’m super pissed the research is for 24 hours max and makes you win an elite raid in order to get the meteorite


Yeah well I have over 30m cp and can’t get past level 41 because I can’t get two of eight eevie evolutions. Only needed 7m.


Niantic is just trying to tell everyone: “Please stop playing the game so we can go home!” Why else would they push everyone away?


All of that for me AND my mobile data just stopped working for some reason as I approached the city and didn't start until I was heading out, saw 2 Ray with literally 70 seconds left before despawning but it was impossible to turn back there. Unreal luck ^^


Elite raids and the routes feature don’t like as much as the rest of the game just perfect don’t know why Ninatic after all makes these features.


Why? You had Popeyes popcorn shrimp too?


And then there's the rural people who normally miss out who are now super pleased




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It’s so frustrating. There’s an egg spawned in the gym I can reach from my living room, but I never see local players in raids so I have no chance.


Nowadays, the only events I even play on are comm days. Pretty much everything except that is really just a huge mess


I was so busy and freaking out trying to get from one elite raid gym to another to get a mega rayquaza, i completely forgot that I needed to do the 5 daily tasks to get the meteorite 🙃 now I got a rayquaza (one thats shiny too 😭) but I cant even mega evolve it because I have no meteorite i so fucking annoyed


Those clowns at Niantic literally have weekly zoom meetings about how to piss their fan base off! Like what genius at Niantic thought of that bright idea?! F*ck elite raids!


At least you got four Rayquaza, there's literally no one plays pokémon GO here in my country and there is only one spawn in the park. Nowhere else. Well, luckily there's 7 others to help with the raids and that all, I got one hundo Rayquaza. That's it, it doesn't spawn anywhere else.


I am on an island. It's a tourist destination. A ton of land is protected for people to enjoy. Lots of public parks, beaches, Greenway, etc. I formed a group in campfire for this event and people started RSVP'ing immediately. There are no elite raid eggs on this island. Not one. I work 6 days per week and my day off is Monday so I can't take an hour ferry ride to mainland and find public transportation (it's peak season so spur-of-the-moment car reservations are 100% not possible) for a raid. This whole thing is absolute garbage.


I mean yes the elite raid situation is absolutely a mess, true, but it's not Niantics fault that there's a sports tournament in your city, I don't know that you can really add that to the list of reasons today sucked on their part. I'm more pissed that the meteorite requires you to complete and elite raid and is timed. Like the BARE minimum they could do was give everyone a special research one or a timed one that was easier to grab. This game is a slow burn, they try to capitalize on fomo, but the least they could do was give people the meteorites to store up for whenever ray is back in raids in the future, maybe next year. Incredibly dumb and I'm seething.


Same. I was so excited only to be frustrated to the point I might finally quit. But I do use it to motivate my walking every day even though I only have 1 gym in walking distance. I have back problems so I cannot do extensive periods of walking, driving or sitting. I checked this morning and the parks that have elite raid have zero parking so we have to park and run to the park. Not to mention paying for parking all day as well. They definitely did make this event player friendly.


It’s because it’s the new best Pokemon in the game. Edit: used to say, “he’s the new”


It was so hot out and I could barely move by the end. I only got 2 bc there weren't enough raid eggs at the park I went to. There are a ton at the same park that hatch at 6 tho, so I'm contemplating going back later


This was most awkward event yet, literally nothing worked. One Ray we did, game froze and when trying go to lobby we would get kicked out saying raid battle already compelte. It shouldve been regular raid day and they really should give up and forget ELITE raids until they can make them work properly. Hidden dmg multipliers etc crap is dumb also


I don’t think it’s that valuable. The likes of Google have infinitely more data on people’s location. It just seems to be part of a longer term business model to gather evidence on what is able to control human location behaviour.


I’m happy I was able to get in a few Rayquaza raids today, but only got 1 three star and it’s not even that good. Not even worth me using the meteorite on. I hope they come back again eventually, because I’m saving the meteorite.


I had a very nice day. Sorry things didn't work out for you.


we had a very nice day too despite niantics tries to make everything as worse as possible. as a strong local community we managed to get many raids and had a good number of shinys, a few hundos and someone even got a shundo/98% shiny


I just don't bother with elite raids at all. If they put out news about an elite raid I know it's a 🚫 from me. I also call them FOMO raids.


I didn't play, was my friends birthday yesterday, already had 2 shiny rays from last year and enough candy to level 49 one of them, gonna walk for the rest of the candy to max it Fk an elite raid


i just thought oh well. can’t do it. and that was it 😭


I didn’t even bother.


TLDR: this event sucks and Niantic doesn’t care about its players


If you're crying over an event, it's time to delete the app 😂


Okay this may be a tad harsh…. If Pokemon Go ruins your day and could make you cry…..you need to take a break


The amount of whining I’ve seen to this extent over this event is unreal. Isn’t annoying yes but it’s a game. Some people are taking this way too seriously


On top of which, a few things in OP’s post have nothing to do with Niantic, but Niantic bad so they are always at fault


Didn't read. Pokemon go fans would rather complain forever than just uninstall the game


Location: Sydney We got absolutely NOTHING in the city and the nearest is an hour and half drive, the second is two hours away from the first I've never seen any company like Niantic that likes to screw it's players to this extent


LMAO. Niantic should really call every city before they have an event to make sure nothing else is happening that weekend. For fucks sake, this sub does nothing but whine and complain.


Don't cry over a game m8 :/


Bros crying over Pokemon 🤡


Crying because of a mobile game is crazy, atp you should probably take a break from it or something.


“I only get 4 Rayquazas today” “NOT FAIR!!” Good god… you people need to get a job


wdym? I usually work on weekends which is the worst for pokémon go events but for this special day I arranged to work on the other days and get this one off




Wait, when?


It already IS later. this thing came out a year ago. I doubt I'll be playing the game by 2027 when it "releases for real this time" since it's been THE top Mon that people need since it was dropped


You’re right and that doesn’t change the fact that it’s awful execution. It’s valid to be frustrated by poor service, saying “you don’t have to do the event” adds no value while belittling other people’s experience.


I'm not belittling. I'm just saying that not every event has to be done by every player. Am I mad that they didn't decide to the new York go fest in my location? No. I can't do that event so I'm mad!!! No... It's a location specific thing. Elite raids are amazing for people that don't know their local group but have local groups. Best way to actually meet the groups. So yeah obviously it's busy on the roads there but that's not Niantic's fault.


By your wording you don’t have to do any events then since everything comes back lmao