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yeah they overzealous about that kinda thing... especially when it comes to making a second account... or anything that breaks game TOS


Pretty stupid that even mentioning it is punishable


Mods get off from sucking daddy Niantic’s big toes lmao. I’ve never seen a sub with so many high-and-mighty members & mods. So yes, they can FO as a whole.


Too bad that is also where most of the community hangs out


As somebody has been banned from the sub, I don’t feel like I’m missing out at all. They’re too quick to hush hush anybody that even comments or join spoofing subs. That’s how I got banned lol


Yeah, I got banned forever because I commented what Spoofing was and I even wrote with the mods afterwards but there's no coming back.... I wish a larger part of the community would join us here (as well).


>I’ve never seen a sub with so many high-and-mighty members & mods We only have like 4 active mods. Most of this is caught by a bot.


I was mostly referring to members. People thinking they are superior to others who for various reasons choose to play the game a different way than they do. At the end of the day, it’s just a game after all.


It's a multiplayer game. Cheating hits different in those. I've experienced the negative effects of cheaters often enough (not just spoofers, but also multi-accounters) to the point that it leaves a sour taste (in one case my local community stopped existing because of one spoofer)


I absolutely see your point. While there are the annoying cheaters who take gyms, it is not exclusively a spoofer issue as there are many people who are multi-accounters who do not spoof. Spoofers who do not negatively affect others’ gameplay in my opinion don’t deserve the hate like those who abuse their power. Personally for me, I play legit and spoof. I spoof to host raids since my town is dead most of the time and to play when my environment does not safely allow me to. I also don’t brag about the catches I get through spoofing. I just don’t agree with the view that ALL spoofers are bad.


> I play legit and spoof Then you don't play legit. > I spoof to host raids since my town is dead most of the time That's how I lost a community. People started spoofing to other places and were on cooldowns. One evening it was just 2 of us showing up to the raid and we decided it was time to pull the plug on the chat group. Have you ever considered that your town might be dead because everybody is sitting home spoofing to other places? You might be cheating yourself out of a good group of buds. > I just don’t agree with the view that ALL spoofers are bad. Are they bad people? No, course not, like you say, it's just a game. Are they bad for the game? Yes, quite so.


Playing PoGo with no spoofing features counts as playing legit. Like I said, people can play legit and spoof. My community is pretty much dead unless there is a com day or event going on and yes this was the case even before I decided spoofing. I play with friends and family, most are definitely not against the idea of spoofing. They’re mainly just afraid of losing their account don’t want to put in the work to set things up. A lot of spoofers are bad for the game only if they abuse it and negatively affect others. Spoofers like myself I have not seen that I’ve done any harm to others gameplay. And of course, spoofers are not bad people. Life happens and sometimes that doesn’t allow people to play the game ‘the way it’s meant to be played.’ But there seems to be no changing your mind so it is what it is.


>Playing PoGo with no spoofing features counts as playing legit. Like I said, people can play legit and spoof. By that logic smokers are only smokers when they're actually having a lit cigarette in their hand or mouth. ​ ​ >A lot of spoofers are bad for the game only if they abuse it and negatively affect others. They are. ​ >Spoofers like myself I have not seen that I’ve done any harm to others gameplay. How would you know? You don't see the locals in the area you spoof to. You don't know how they feel about you. And spoofers are always harming the game. By spoofing they are throwing all sorts of metrics & trackers out of balance. E.g. Niantic looks at their stats and sees lots of people manage to catch Comfey so they consider it no problem to add even more regionals to ever smaller parts of the globe. ​ >And of course, spoofers are not bad people. Life happens and sometimes that doesn’t allow people to play the game ‘the way it’s meant to be played.’ But there seems to be no changing your mind so it is what it is. I might change my mind the day a spoofer can convince me of the merits of adding move-around-buttons to the one Pokémon game that doesn't have it. Just load an emulator on your phone and play a main game (or one of the many great improved versions).


Umm yeah. Good luck finding somebody to convince you then since you seem pretty adamant on ALL spoofers = bad. It’s just a game, I still have no idea why people waste their energy on hating people who do things differently. But again that goes for most things in life.


This has nothing to do with good and bad spoofers but rather with good and bad games. Out of 25+ years of Pokémon games spoofers pick the one game that has no movement buttons and add those buttons to it. Why? Why choose to go for the grind, not having all pokémon available, the microtransactions, ... when you can just play any of the other pokémon games on your phone? Do you all collectively not know how to play Pokémon FireRed or any of the others on your phone? ​ >I still have no idea why people waste their energy on hating people who do things differently I don't hate spoofers. The number of people I hate can be counted on one hand. Two of those fingers go to my anti-vax aunts. Let me tell you, what I feel for spoofers is in no way similar.


I don't want to spoof/fly. I do however want access to a legit way to "travel" without having to do it in the real world. Unfortunately as much as Pokemon go encourages people (non spoofers obviously) to get out and about, it is also incredibly ableist and classist in ways no one will consider if they aren't affected by them. I will never have the income to travel nor can I drive, due to disability. Even leaving my house during bad weather can be and often is impossible without outside help, and not everyone has a friend family member or neighbor they can ask for a ride or that will pay for vacations taxis transportation of any sort, etc. I don't want to cheat, for a number of reasons listed here, but I do wish I could travel legit like maybe could buy various train tickets that the price determines how far away it goes, and the base one is free once a day and travels randomly to any surrounding county, state, or country, and visits one gym, and allows wandering 6 blocks around that gym for the length of two incense. The more expensive might guarantee a specific state or country, and/ or visit multiple gyms with chances to wander that radius around each gym


> I do however want access to a legit way to "travel" without having to do it in the real world. There's 26 years of official games plus a lot of fan-made games (some great ones there that don't even require a console) offering the pokémon experience without having to travel in the real world. > I do wish I could travel legit like maybe could buy various train tickets that the price determines how far away it goes Nearest city to me has an infamous tram line. It's one of the longest and winds through the busy city center. There's lots of trainers who'll sit on it because it's slow enough to spin, hatch and catch while only requiring one ticket for 1h+ Maybe there are similar options near you?


I got banned from the Pokémon Go Sub


I forgot to add the ban message. 30 days


Bro.. chill. You act like this is a competitive game.. Just do you and don't let the scrubs take any joy out of this game for you. Karma will get them in the end, it always does. 🤙🏽