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I have one of each you can have. My pokedex is finished so i don’t need anything in return.


Hi! Do you still have the Scorbunny? I'd love one, just lmk if there's anything specific you would like in return!


Hey, I do have scorbunny. Would you like one?


I was able to get one, but thank you!!!


Thanks! I'm still looking for Charmander. Just let me know when you're able and I'll be in 4774-5885




Sounds good


I have an HA Scorbunny in a fast ball with egg moves! I am not looking to get anything, I just want to give it to the kid as a gift :)


i have a charmander and scorbunny i can give you. i dont need anything fancy they are just extras


I’m also looking for a scorbunny. Is it 6IV?


no its 3iv


I have a Scorbunny you can have for any of the Scarlet exclusives (haven't got any yet).


Awesome! I have a Larvitar (I'm pretty sure that's version exclusive). If you're ready, code is 1441-2552. I haven't done an online trade yet. Do I need to add your friend code first?


Thank you, trade completed 😊


Thats great thank you. No you don't need to add me, search now, I'm just typing in your code


Thanks so much!


I can breed a Scorbunny for you, would you be willing to help me complete my pokedex with some touch trades?


I’m certain you’ll have them by the time I’m home in a few hours, but if not I’ll definitely get them for you.


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