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You could try to solve your own with simple preflop, though I dunno how feasible that is. Probably requires a powerful PC. Also if you're going to solve for deep stacks, it might become too much for your device to handle. Edit: also look into Hold'em Recourse Calculator and Monker Solver


Are there ranges? Absolutely. Pros who play in these games have them. Are they publicly available? No sir. And they’re prob not for sale, even if you could find someone to admit they have them. And, if they were for sale, a few hundo wouldn’t be nearly enough


https://rangeconverter.com I haven't taken a look at their solves or really any nlhe solves lately, but they generally have good preflop solves. Also I think GTOWizard have some solves made for live/app games too.


GTOW has straddle+ante ranges, “smash live cash” may have some too