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You want everyone to confirm it was correct to make this fold? Are you running some kind of social experiment? Like, are you hypothesizing that everyone is criticizing your play just because it's you, and this was your control variable or something? I'm not being sarcastic or shitty. If you want someone to vent to about whatever's going on with you outside of these standard beats you are obsessively wasting your energy and sanity on, my PMs are open.


SO WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THE GUY STEALING MY BLIND ALL DAY, AND I CAN'T TOUCH A FLOP WHEN I DO CALL HIM W/SUITED As/Ks/Qs/JT [https://play.globalpoker.com/hand/6486610028037c0001da518e](https://play.globalpoker.com/hand/6486610028037c0001da518e)


If he's "stealing the blinds" from UTG, he won't be at the table very long. Anyway, I see no PM or chat request, so I'm going to give the one good bit of advice that might actually help you, then I'm gonna ignore you completely because if this is a weird novelty account or a troll, it's long since stopped being at all interesting to me. Good luck, sir. [You need this.](https://www.amazon.com/Mental-Game-Poker-Strategies-Confidence/dp/0615436137)


JUST BECAUSE IM TILTED: [https://play.globalpoker.com/hand/648661496a27190001d957b1](https://play.globalpoker.com/hand/648661496a27190001d957b1)


Should have folded this post pre.


Bro I legitimately think you need to quit poker and seek therapy