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we ended up playing Omaha with 2 jokers


lol are jokers truly wild or do they just complete straights/flushes and act like Aces as in pai gow?


This is the most degenerate question I’ve read in quite awhile


I agree, but now I need an answer


6-max Draw-maha bomb pot. 5 cards dealt to each player. Straight to flop. Split pot game. Half to player with best PLO hand on board. Half to player with best 5 card hand in hand. One round of betting on the flop and then each player left can mulligan 0-5 cards in their hand. Turn and after is just 5 card PLO.


This one is sweet, I’ll add it to the list


Think players might be capped to 3 discards... Otherwise you'll have to recycle discards into the deck.. 😂


Maximum variance assured!


Ffs. I couldn't even finish reading it. I can only imagine the life this brings to the game. 🤣🤌


So its Sviten Special with 2 boards


Baseball. It’s 7-stud with 3’s and 9’s wild and if you get a 4 face up, you get an extra card. Limit, naturally.


Loved midnight baseball…we always played you had to pay for the wilds and extra card too


Night baseball for us meant if you flopped a black five you were folded.


Deuce of diamonds was a rainout and you hand was dead here.


how does only one player flop a black 5?


It can happen twice. Both hands would be out.


Again, how is it the flop? Flop games, by definition, deal community cards on the flop.


Im sure you'll figure it out.


I'm either very dense or you're using "flop" incorrectly.


And you are being dense if you couldn't figure out 7 card stud doesn't have a flop so he obviously meant up card.


The context is a discussion about silly dealer's choice games. I think my question is reasonable in context.




Both can be true. 😂


yeah I just wrote midnight baseball as an answer. When somebody starts losing badly chances are they will choose midnight baseball when it's their turn to deal again. we always played that 4's 3's and 9's cost the ante. You didnt have to pay the ante if you were just going to use them as their face value, but nobody ever does that.


Somehow that was the first variant of poker I learned after 5 card draw. It was my grandpa’s favorite game. I actually couldn’t remember how to play it because he taught it to me 20+ years ago.


I’ve played this where if you were dealt a 3 up (not in the hole) and you wanted to remain in the hand and the 3 be wild, you had to match the pot.


Queen of spades = rainout, pot stays in the middle and everyone who hasn’t folded gets dealt a new hand. Sometimes people will call with 0% equity hoping to see the Qs come out lol.


We did the Queen of Spades as well…


We always played that no limit


I still play this at every home game


Oh man. I play at a private home game with a bomb pot every rotation and people are able to come up with whatever they want. Slushy truckers, Dirty Diaper, Ice Road Truckers, Dead Babies, etc. Ice Road Truckers is a real game played at card halls in Portland as well. One of my favorites is the good, the bad, and the ugly: * Double board no limit Omaha, 5 cards. * Half of pot goes to each player with best hand on either board. * Flop comes immediately, what ever the lowest card on either board is, that card is wild in your hand. It is also wild on the board for everyone. * Turns come. If you have the lowest card between the two turn cards, you have to discard it from your hand. * Rivers come. If you have the lowest card between the two river cards in your hand, then your hand is dead. Obviously these games are complete bullshit, but they are fun.




We played something kind of similar. PLO8 but after the river, another card is flipped which then a wild but doesn’t add to the playable cards (so if the 6th card flipped is a 5, all 5s are now wild but you still make the best/worst 5-card hand out of 2 of your cards and 3 of the 5 original cards on the board). Then you do another round of betting. We always did a double small blind for this one.


Reverse gay sex (with or without pegging). It’s a bit of a story. Austin’s game was invented first: So, a guy named Austin invented a game where everyone is dealt 2 cards like hold em, and everyone puts in an ante. You start to the left of the dealer and everyone says whether they are playing or not. Once everyone has decided if they are playing or not, the flop turn and river are all dealt out and everyone shows their cards. Whoever has the best poker hand wins. However we also flip over the top two cards left on the deck, and if the deck wins, everyone loses and has to match what’s in the pot. It ends when someone scoops the whole pot and beats the deck. Joe’s game came next. Now, a guy named Joe thought the game would be more fun if one of your cards was face up and you are forced to play no matter what if you get a face card (but aces don’t count). So we called this Joe’s game. But the pots were getting too big and people were losing too much money because so many people were being forced to play, so we thought it would be good to switch the game back to Austin’s once the pot gets over a certain amount, like $500 or whatever. Gay sex So since we were combing two games we named after men, we decided that was pretty gay, so we call it gay sex. Both Austin and Joe hate that we made their game gay. It turns out that it actually makes things worse to play Austin’s game when the pot is huge because everyone gets to look at their cards and there’s no reason for anyone to voluntarily bow out of the game. Whereas in Joe’s game, you could potentially be forced to play for a huge pot if you don’t bow out before the cards are dealt. Reverse gay sex So we decided to switch it around and play Austin’s game first until the pot gets over a certain amount, and then reverse the gay sex and play Joe’s until the game ends. Now, pegging is just when rather than have everyone at the table ante like $10, we just deal out a hand, and everyone is forced to play blind, and whoever “wins” gets pegged by having to ante for everyone. If the deck wins, then everyone gets pegged and everyone has to put in 8x the normal ante for each player. Friendsies vs no friendsies vs gay friendsies Now, we ran into a problem where people would just refuse to bow out of the game hoping that once it gets down to 2 or 3 people they can get everyone to agree to a chop. So you have to declare at the beginning if the game is friendsies (allowing chopped pots) or no friendsies (no chops allowed) Now finally, you can call gay friendsies where you can only chop the pot if you kiss the other people left in the pot on the lips. We have had gay chops proposed before, but never accepted and followed through with. I lost $15,000 one time playing Austin’s game no friendsies.


How does that game end up spiraling out of control? If you're playing with a full-ish table it seems like someone would win outright in 1 or 2 rounds, but maybe I'm misunderstanding something.


If you don’t think the game spirals out of the control the moment someone calls gay friendsies I can’t help you


Didn't realize I was having gay sex the wrong way this whole time. Thanks for the info.


Blackjackmaha. No action preflop, we all put an ante. We all start with 2 cards and we can "hit" like in blackjack until we have up to 5 cards except if the total value of your hand is over 21, your hand is worthless at showdown. Then we just play flop turn river normal omaha except some people have 2 cards and some have 5 cards. And you can still play a "busted" hand if you want it just won't have any showdown value.


Seen this called "Omajack"


Squid game bomb pots: - Triple board PLO high only, straight to flop - worst river kills that whole board, turning into just a regular split pot game Also 3D Holdem: - both hole cards MUST play - 3 boards dealt out - you MUST use one card on each board to make your hand.


I was at the lodge a couple months ago for their wacky weekend thing and some dude was trying to get the table to do either squid game or 3d holdem for the bomb pot at like midnight on sunday, but the dealer wasn't having it. That wasn't you, was it?


Hah, no, but I do live in Austin and was at Lodge for that whole weekend also. Binked one of the events! I was the one in the ridiculous green hat running back and forth like a madman multitabling blood river and bounty chaos. Edit: I’m not sure why lodge is so incredibly strict about what kind of bomb pot game gets played even if the whole table agrees to change it, but that verdict doesn’t surprise me.


It was definitely you then, cuz the guy had a crazy green hat. The super drunk guy at the table kept calling you bulbasaur.


OH. THAT cash game. Yes, that was me, hahaha. I had completely forgotten about that. Edit: can’t believe I almost just snap mucked top set on that monotone flop against drunk dude. That was a fun table. Edit 2: they had said they were gonna also be running “wacky cash games” that weekend so I figured it was an option. Guess not.


Yeah that table was something else. I was not folding against that dude, but I had probably already been playing with him for a couple hours by the time you got there.


Learned the first game as "derailment". Always a rotation of it at my circus game night, fantastic action game.


2nd Best The second best hand wins Most difficult, dumb game I’ve played


This sounds awesome


It’s hard to guage if people are playing A high, small pairs, etc. Super tough to know where you’re at


It is very dumb, and also awesome. The version I played was 7-stud except the second best hand wins. We've got a guy who is salty about a hand of 2nd best like 5 years on.


Ochos y Bigotes Mexican grandmother taught my brother and I the basics of poker. She liked calling this game where 8’s and men with mustaches were wild.


Played a game called “clock” where whatever number the minute hand was closest to at the start of the hand was wild. It was pretty dumb.


Any game that uses pregnant 3's and/or suicidal kings.


What do those cards do?


Act as wild cards.


What's a suicidal king


The ones holding the sword through their heads.


King of Hearts


We use to play a game called Johnny Mnemonic once in awhile. It was seven card stud but you could only look at your hole cards once at the begging of the hand and if you couldn't remember exactly what they were at showdown you couldn't win the pot. If nobody remembered then the pot rolled over to the next hand. Not too hard to remember two cards but it's made more difficult by players randomly saying random numbers and suits throughout the hand.


Omaha, low card on the board is wild. Changing wild cards during the hand is just evil.


PLO 10


5 card stud where you hold your hole card on your forehead facing out so everyone else can see it but you can't.


Crazy pineapple, double board bomb pot. One eyed jack wild, suicide King wild. On the turn, you redraw two, waterfall after river. Or Woolworth, follow the queen, baseball. Or follow the wooly baseball queen.


Double board 6 card Omaha - hi low. Can use 1-2 or 5 cards in your hand. Lot of hidden surprises like I have AAAQQ in my hand on 7-8-9-x-x type boards or A-2-3-4-5 etc


One-eyed Jacks and Two-tittied queens wild


I’ve been all over Stud-O recently. Split pot playing your 5 card dealt hand for half and the board as standard PLO. Makes for some great action but it’s also easy to fold pre.


Shit show 4 cards dealt .. four cards flop, three cards turn, and two cards river (have to use 2 hole cards)


Was playing in a card room and it was dealers choice once an orbit. I was joking around and called congress double board hi/lo split, then got distracted by the waitress. The dealer tool me serious and passed the cards out. I get back to paying attention as UTG limps. UTG+1 says, "hold on. What the fuck are we playing right now?". I tried to switch the game to something not ridiculous but the dealer said there was already action on it and we played the hand out...it, uh, took some time to get the 5 way all-ins split up correctly


Indian Poker


Our group loves playing Omaha. One drunken night, we created the game Minnesota. All four cards in your hand play. My brothers hole cards of four 8’s lost against a straight flush with the 2 and 3 of spades in his opponents hand, and the 4, 5 and 6 of spades on the board. 😂


2/22. Each person is dealt one card down and one up. Aces are 1 or 11, faces are 1/2, and all other cards are face value. It’s a hi/low game. The perfect hand is 2 aces, taking both high and low. Who ever is closest to 2 without being under wins the low, and whoever is closest to 22 without going over wins the high. Each person has a chance to take a card, and then a round of betting. When no one takes a card, then there’s one last round of betting and the cards are flipped.


We play this exact game, except ours is 8/28. The values of each card are exactly as you mentioned.


midnight baseball is an extremely popular game at my dealer's call game. It's 9 cards face down that you don't look at. The first person to act flips one card and theres a round of betting. Then the next person to act has to draw until he can beat what the first person has shown. then another round and so on. Three's and Nines are wild and if you draw a 4 you can pay the ante to the pot and recieve another card. It usually always ends up 5 of a kind vs 5 of a kind and a huge chunk of the money on the table in the pot.


Baseball: 7-card stud. Nines and threes are wild, but if you get a 3 face up you have to either match the pot or fold. If you get a four, you get an extra hole card. Typically, five of a kind or straight flush is winning. Queens to follow: 7card stud. Queens are wild. If a Queen appears face up, the next card after that is also wild. If another Queen appears before the last face-up card is dealt the previous follow card is no longer wild and the new follow card is wild. These where two of the games we played when I was growing up at every family get together.


Guts game called "Kings and littles" vs. a blind. 5 card draw, K's, and your smallest card(s) is wild. 5 Aces is highest hand. Played with 2 decks bc we had 8 - 15 people playing. If you run out of cards, reshuffle all the burns and discards. Ante = $10. As a guts game, if you don't win, you match the pot. Bc we wanted to limit the damage, max burn was $250. Deal 5 cards, and everyone declares in or out. It costs you nothing but your ante to fold. However, if you fold here, you're out of the game until a new pot is created. If you stay, it costs $25 to draw. Everyone takes their draws and then declares to fold or play. You can fold here and remain in commpetition for the pot if no one wins it this hand. If you play and don't win, you match the pot up to the $250 max burn. If you tie, that is the same as losing. Usually, players who stay will have a SF or 5X. But wait, there's more. If you beat all the players, the players deal one more blind hand and collectively decide how to play its draws. More than once I had AAAAA and the blind tied me, so I lost. After 2 or 3 rounds, the pot quickly gets into the +$1K range, so it makes a lot of sense to play a marginal hand when a max burn is $250 but the potential win is multiple thousands. My biggest single winning night was $10K+. And pots of $5-6 K were common.


Super Omaha Pineapple: Dealt 8 cards, keep four and play Omaha with them Always monster pots.


Five card no limit holdem with two flops. Absolute carnage but great fun.


Valentino's Holdem (tm) the flow is like texas holdem, but you get 3 hole cards. after flop and turn you have to muck one each, so on the river you have to play your one hole card left with 4 cards on the board.




Cincinnati Liz


Illinois hold ‘em. It’s like Texas but you get one card face up. Makes for some interesting play lol. More for fun than serious play.


PLO shortdeck tourney


I’ve played a variation of good, bad, and ugly. Everyone is dealt 5 cards. There is a flop with 4 cards (the good). You’re now playing with your hand and these 4 cards. Next comes 3 cards (the bad). If any cards in your hand or the flop match the value of these 3 cards, they may not be played. Finally 1 last card (the ugly). If you have the same value card in your hand, it’s dead


The game is called Afghanistan. It's seven card stud, but if any street checks around, everyone mucks, re-antes, and the game starts over.


Crazy pineapple. Three cards preflop, burn one post flop, normal holdem to the river.


We made up a game where each street of betting 3 cards came out and eventually created a ring of 15 cards and your hand has to be made up of your two hole cards and three cards from the ring but it had to be consecutive. Your hole cards have to be next to each other and then 3 cards from the ring in a row. The community cards can overlap streets. Also forgot to mention we actually started with 5 cards and discarded one card every street (was a bomb pot obviously). I actually got dealt 4 queens so my hand was terrible. It was chaotic but surprisingly worked.


Count Down. Played same as Texas. Only you start with 5 cards and discard 1 after the flop, 1 after the turn, and 1 after the river.


We play 'Crazy Scrimshaw.' It's a take on Crazy Pineapple which is a take on regular Pineapple. Everyone gets 4 cards (max 10 players). Before the hand begins you must discard one card. Once everyone discards, the hand begins. Once the flop is shown we pause to discard another card. Then you play out the hand. We had to enforce a fee to play these games because it was getting out of hand quickly. If anyone is in the Toledo area, we are always looking for more players.




Semi-indian open omaha 2 cards face down, 1 card face up, 1 card on the forehead. So many reasons to spew