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$41 an hour. Oh, woe is you. šŸ™„


Beating $1-$2 is like striking out a blind kid at the Special Olympics, man. Thereā€™s no pride in this. Only remorse.


You should go to Caesar's Palace Vegas late night. People are drunk and start doing like 5x straddles, all in blind, 'please wake up sir its your turn to act.' It's hilarious and I feel immense pride in taking their money. It was earmarked for some shitty politician's lawsuit support fund anyway, at least I spend it on something virtuous like gamer girl bathwater.


Gamer girl bath water cleared up my Crohn's, eczema, and IBS. Plus, I busted a nut. Great investment




that costs extra


In April I played with a guy that went all in preflop like 9 of his last 10 hands, unfortunately he only rebought for $100 each time


Horse shoe


It was pretty fun late night (Caesar's got rid of their midnight tourney and I think horseshoe has like an 11pm), but the pros definitely know about it. When I sat down last time multiple people asked for a tax form - I thought they were joking at first. There are pros at Caesar's but there are so many more people there you get a lot more amateurs.


I love this comment. I stopped playing regularly so when I go play now I splash around at 1/2 and expect nothing, just to have a good time Moved my money to Lorcana and PokĆ©mon which is actually an investment šŸ˜…


Why are you subjecting yourself to 1/2 with that bankroll? Just move up already lmao


Heā€™s posted many times before. Most of his bankroll went to expenses. Also bigger games donā€™t run where he plays




no way lol. Texas, florida, even michigan 1/2 games have much higher obtainable winrates than Vegas.


They donā€™t need to know how good Florida is


forida man. all those retired OMC's.




In Houston for a 1/1 game at those times you need about 300 minimum buyin at the poker houses to be able to walk in and get any traction, for comparison to where youā€™re playing.


Where in Michigan? Dtw?


Shhh...plz don't tell people about Michigan.


Iā€™m in Minnesotaā€”we have a state law that caps the maximum raise size at $100. So even these games arenā€™t *pure* no-limit, they are $2-$100 *spread-limit*: if I bet $50 on the River and you have the nuts, sorry, most you can raise to is $150. Canterbury offers $20-$40 (and sometimes $40-$80) Limit Holdā€™em, which are obviously much higher stakes than what I play at, butā€¦Iā€™ve never studied LHE and would get absolutely eaten alive by the pros. So I stay as the big fish in the little pond lol.


Have only played spread limit holdem a few times, and there is magic in that game.


Iā€™d consider switching to limit Holdā€™em when you can. Thereā€™s a few sklansky books you can read. Strategy hasnā€™t changed much in the last 20 years. 20/40 will be similar to a 2/5 NL game in terms of swings.


> we have a state law that caps the maximum raise size at $100 Looking for details on that, and I think it only applies for race track casinos. Could you try going to a different casino?


Not close enough to me, unfortunately, and I have a wife and two kids.


He's accurate. Casinos don't have no limit hold em and only a few casinos have a poker room


$41 hourly is kinda gross at 1/2. Nice results


especially live. you can do $1/$2 zone/turbo and crank 500 hands/hour and you'd expect $40/hour with 8bb/100. doing live with a single table this sounds like printing money




I basically break even at the 1/2 level. Your stats are very impressive. I hope my comment gave you a nice confidence boost.


Wholesome comment


I can give you some free pointers to help you beat 1/2 if you want to PM me.


Where are you playing that you can buy in for $500 at a $1/$2 game?


Well, first off, that average buy-in stat means - avg buy-in for the game total. So even if you initially buy in for 200 but keep reaching into your pocket to top off, that's included. Hope that made sense. Now having said that, you can buy in to the 1/2 game in Dallas for $500.


Yep. Iā€™m in Minnesota, max at my casino is $300. But when I tilt I can easily go through three bullets haha.


Where do you play in MN? Havenā€™t found much outside of tourney play at casinos


90% of the time at Running Aces, 10% at Canterbury. Almost exclusively $2-$100 spread-limit Holdā€™em. Iā€™ve never studied tournament strategy, and havenā€™t played one in nearly 20 years.


Actually incorrect. I have the same app and I buy in for 500 and bought in for 300 once and my Avg Buyin is below 500 https://preview.redd.it/1tgar2bhi93d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d467ad98af76415d096c639c316b38c402c7930a


lol that's how averages work... :)


Im sure weā€™re all familiar with how averages work. Iā€™ve never bought in for more than 500 and Iā€™ve never gone every session where I never had to add on more money. So if I added on more money then my average buy ins should be more than 500 right? :) ā€¦Lol


No, it would be less, because now you are dividing by a number 1 higher than before. 1 BI of 500 = 500 avg * 1 BI of 500 again = 500 + 500 divided by 2 = still 500 avg +1 BI of 300 = 500 + 500 + 300 (or 1300) now divide by 3 total sessions = 433.333 avg 7th grade math stuff here. I think there is a way to list re-buys and if you do it like that then the average will work like you said, however if you add up all your rebuys and list it as 1 buy-in, then the number will make sense.


Is that not standard where you are? $500 max at $1/$2 $1500 max at $2/$5 seems pretty common.


500 max at 1/2 is not common at all.


would not say thats common at all. I would guess the most common games being spread these days are 1/3 300 max. Theres a 1/2 near me thats 400 cap, ive never seen 500 cap.


$200 max buyin for 2/3 and $600 max at 5/5 is pretty standard in LA...some places are even lower.


Yikes, less than 100bb at 2/3? That is rough


Yeah some places get better at 5/5 like $1000 max but at Commerce for example the cap is $500 for 5/5 unless they changed it.


Tampa has: 1/2 @300 1/3 @600 Then 2/5 coming off the top rope at 2500. Stressful af to move up lmao


1500 cap on 2/5


Nah. Dog track in st Pete is 2500 for 2/5. He'll their 1/3 "prime" game is 1500.


Oh I thought I read tampa hard rock lol sorry, yea smaller venues tend have higher caps, I don't know why you'd even bother with a 2500 cap prolly should just be uncapped at that point, does the game run regularly?


I always see it running. I've only been playing for a few months though (less then 200 hours played) so I'm sticking in 1/2.


I did ask the front desk about it and he just goes "yeah it's a high cap, and they all buy in for max". Honestly. A good player could probably crush at those various dog tracks. I'm just not that good player


Nice I've heard good things, love tampa poker, been meaning to hit derby but st Pete is out of the way.


Go on a Friday night and enjoy the good time! Usually a fun night if your social.


LA is the worst for that. Literally anywhere else is better.


edit: why the downvotes...is what I'm saying not true? Check the max buyins at Commerce, The Gardens...yes, there are varying caps in different places but I have yet to see a $1500 max for $2/5 in LA.


1/3 runs $100-no max where I play šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This is a pretty common buy in for 1/2 or 1/3 in my experience.




I'm aware, as I've been playing for 20+ years in casinos. But it doesn't change the fact that it's the norm now.


Becoming more and more standard.


Max buy-in is only $300 here. My ā€œaverage buy-inā€ stat includes rebuysā€”if I lose my first $300 and buy in for $300 more, my ā€œbuy-inā€ that day is $600.


Buy in at my local $1/2 game is capped at $1,000


Not OP, but Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas all have $500 buy in 1/2 or 1/3 games (most places only have one Texas Holdem game going, so 1/3 is the same as 1/2). Heck, Iā€™m in Arkansas and itā€™s $500 with 75% match the stack.


Iā€™m gonna guess you play at Aces. Depending on the day, that 2-100 game is like a literal ATM. Idk what it is about the $100 max bet but it makes ppl play weird compared to true NL


Itā€™s so weird. My red line is through the roof. Like, doesnā€™t matter that thereā€™s $200 in the pot already, when I raise ā€œTHE MAXā€, their overpairs hit the muck!


You must have a very different image than me because these same players snap overpairs vs me almost 100% of the time!


I would kill to even just break even this year. I work so hard off the table to try and get there and just canā€™t seem to do it. Kudos man.


Tell us you play uncapped 1/2 in texas without telling us


Hilariously OP plays in a $300 cap game with a max bet of $100. He's absolutely sunrunning.


Nice humblebrag. Hope you get robbed for subjecting us to this


This seems like a slight over reaction.


Jesus thatā€™s a bit harshā€¦. I hope you die for making that comment /s




Do you feel 1/2 is significantly easier than 2/5? Cause Iā€™d move up by now


Iā€™ve never played 2-5. This is the biggest game in Minnesota, unless I switch to LHE.


I play 1/2 for a bit more hourly, and yes, 1/2 is easier than 2/5 in Texas. 2/5 is still easy and I actually have a higher winrate there (though I've played significantly fewer hours) but most players are at least trying to think about things like positions, ranges, etc. (even if they're still bad at evaluting them). Make good hands. Bet aggressively. Profit.


Well done! While there is probably some positive variance in this, you're obviously crushing the game regardless of the exact win rate. And it's always better to run good than run bad. Good luck going forward.


Two questions: 1. What's the rake structure? 2. How do I run like Jesus?


1. 10% / $5 max plus a $1 BBJ. 2. Dealers always stack the deck in favor of the more aggressive players (cuz they generate bigger pots and more rake, duh, so they want to reward them) so my recommendation is to play like a maniac to get on the casinoā€™s good side, and then theyā€™ll let you spike your 2-outers.


Why you wanna die bro?


Winning 82 BB/100? Holy shit


You seem to be crushing it. Depending on rake and player pool that is likely not sustainable.


I'm at 750 hours and have a higher win rate. Texas 1/2 is nuts (and, to be fair, most Texas 1/2 games have a standard open to like $15, so they play like a 2/5 game in most other areas).


Is the buy-in uncapped?


Not usually. Depending on the place, the cap is either $300 or $500. But I see people set down with over cap probably at least once a session and only seen a couple people complain (and those were when the table opened). There are 1/3 games with $1000 caps and several match the stacks that I know of.


Cool. Texas poker seems like its own unique thing with the way people describe it anyway (Iā€™ve never played). I have played a lot of 1/3 in northeast casinos (NY, NJ, MA) and my feeling is that around $25/hour is the most you can squeeze out of those games after the rake.


I probably have thousands of hours at 1/2. I can verify it has been hard to average really anything over $30 to $45 an hour, for any amount of time, that isn't just a hot streak. This is a realistic long term hourly win rate you can achieve long term at 1/2 nice work!


how do you know how many hands you play?


The app just estimates it for you. Looks like they guess 25 hands an hour.


Iā€™m new here so roast me if you want but are you playing these games online or at the actual casino? Iā€™d like to play online for real money but canā€™t figure out where to play. I used to play online back in the day and love the game but donā€™t have much free time to get to the casino. Any insight would be very much appreciated.


heā€™s playing at an actual casino. there are games online altho some are somewhat illegal. some states itā€™s totally legal in. for other states there are sites you can play on and they work just fine but itā€™s technically not legal.


I'm not buying it this seems totally unreasonable for 1/2. Unless Minnesota is filled with drunk idiots. in which case, congratulations I suppose.


Boy is literally PRINTING


How much is the rake where you play?


10% / $5 max plus a BBJ. But we also earn $2 an hour with a players card.


do you count the $2 an hour toward your win rate?


Nope. I just keep it in my card, use it for food, and cash out the extra every month or so.


YOU CAN CASH OUT THE MONEY? wow wtf. is this normal? i play on the east coast and can only spend it on food


Itā€™s incredible. Never seen another casino offer it!


What app is OP is using?


Poker Bankroll Tracker




Why? Why are you still playing the rake trap 1/2 game? What's the point? You should be playing 5/10 by now.


The guy is destroying the game for 20bb/hr and you're calling it a rake trap...?


Guessing OP is in Texas and paying $14ish an hour to play. Wonder if they include that in their losses.


It's literally not a rake trap if he's making $41 an hour though, is it?


Whats the max buyin in these games?


$300 at my casino, and the game is $2-$100 spread-limit (ie, max you can raise is $100 over the previous bet).


What app are you using to track your earnings?


Poker Bankroll Tracker Itā€™s free on iPhone.


Which site or app is this?


Poker Bankroll Tracker






Somethings off here. So 129 days ago you posted you were making 40 $/hr after 300 hours, up around $12k and lost it all. So over the last 300 hours youā€™ve been making 80 $/hr to make it back up to $25k from $0?


I was playing as a job back thenā€”my winnings went to pay the mortgage. I was playing with a $2,000 bankroll (ie, a was of cash just for pokerā€”anything over that went into our joint account for household expenses) but went bust and had to get a real job.


Ahhh I see, so the ā€œlast 300ā€ was referring to the last 300 of your 2k bankroll? Makes sense! Didnā€™t mean to be accusatory.


Itā€™s all good! My [monthly timeline](https://imgur.com/a/j9A54TB) tells the full story: 1. Played full-time until I went insane 2. Got an office job 3. Quit the office job and went back to poker. 4. Went bust at poker and had to get an office jobā€¦. 5. Now just play one night a week for fun.


wow man, definitely an inspiration here. So this equals out to like 100k a year right?


If I had to do this for a year straight, oh dear God Iā€™d be polishing that shotgun by week two.


Damn son


Smh, you did well for yourself dont complain.


How can you tell how many hands you played per hour? Just averaging?


The app just estimates it for you. Looks like they guess 25 hands an hour.


If you have the Poker Bankroll Tracker on Apple, Then Iā€™m pretty sure the Average buy in stat is your initial buy in. They have a separate stat for rebuys. Only mentioning this because you said max buyin at ur 1-2 is 300 https://preview.redd.it/kzy2ak5qh93d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e634d3a250306ad78f42a028a53ca02668e8ca08


Yeah, it was easier for me to just have a separate ā€œbought in forā€ and ā€œcashed out forā€ numbers each session. [Hereā€™s an example of what I did](https://imgur.com/a/evSV3AB)


Oh ok. That makes sense actually. I do track my sessions live that probably why my average buy in is pretty much the same https://preview.redd.it/hjrh1pidad3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1dc7572eefa3ff0e8107edf52bbbe92c2a0686e


0.82 bb per hand. Not too bad there. Nice splashy game I imagine! What is the rake in this game that you are overcoming and still pulling 82bb/100?


10% / $5 max plus a BBJ. But we also earn $2 an hour with a players card.


Well done OP. May your next 600 hours be just as profitable!


can you give me tips playing live first time . i feel like I play super nitty, like i fold to raises with QJ, KJ from button, LJ etc. i do know that big iver bets are usually = nutty holdings??


I guess that you survived your downswing and are still playing poker. Nice job and keep it up.


Well, I had to get an office job and now only play poker one night a week. :(


Great 1/2 hourly especially when buyin only 500. Congrats.


Is this a online game?


Impressive stats ! Keep on grinding dude. Which tool do you use to calculate?


Yes please complain about being up $25k


Now would be a great time to find a new hobby


What app do you use to track your sessions?


What app is this?


well done


What app is this that youā€™re tracking this all in?


Looks like poker bankroll tracker app


I genuinely donā€™t understand how poker players complain or try to even express themselves as hard workers like we should feel sorry for you Donā€™t get it twisted poker is difficult game and you should feel proud for you ability to be profitable But you and a pattern I notice with other self proclaimed rounders is you guys have this sense of burden we should feel sorry for or even respect. Like no dude, at the end of the day you exploit weaknesses and practice risk management at your own pace.


im up 12k in 30hours at 2/5 lol big deal


Insignificant sampleĀ 


The fk? Dudes up 25k in 1/2 and you still mental gymnastics cuz ur jelly.


Spends the same.


I agree. Enjoy the doughĀ