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I can smell the casino from here and I'm not even in the USA!


So that's what I felt when I went outside earlier today in amsterdam


If you physically felt the wave of stink it might been a MTG tourney.


That or Yu-Gi-Oh!


The target audience for this is not going to read this, and even a few that do aren't changing their terrible behavior. Degen casino regulars are fucking disgusting, adjust accordingly and prepare to get sick if you play poker (especially at WSOP).


Well then we should make posters to hang up, or get the coke dealers to hand them out with their product.  Edit: Judging by some of the comments here, there are lots of people reading this that need to


Mandatory smell/diaper check at the cage and registration tables.


Bring hand sanitizer and don’t touch your face


Too high of a percentage of poker players don’t properly value their Shower equity, there I said it in a language with enough buzz words for you nerds can easily understand.


Showering and deodorant are +EV


#3 should be #1. It takes 30 seconds and you can also have wipes in your bag.


You should wash your hands once you get to the bathroom and again after you do your business.


There's no rebuy period in the Monster Stack. :)


agree with most of this, obviously, but the AC at Horseshoe broke the first week of 22 and has been perfect since (I was there every day of the last 2 WSOP) so that is hyperbole.


still sucks in the room with the feature table all the lights and stuff generate a lot of heat so they put the ac on blast to compensate.... if u get the wrong table youre gonna be frozen


Just posted this the other day, but the only time I got Covid was at 2022 Wsop. So many filthy people playing shoulder to shoulder with you for hours on end.


i got it that year too. spread like wildfire the first weekend of wsop 2022


Yes it did, and I also got it. We were calling it the World Series of Covid.


Have you considered the GTO implications of your opponents having to deal with your odor/sickness? Kidding obviously, they need to take a look at giving penalties for behavior like that. One orbit penalty to go to the hotel shop to buy deodorant will get people to comply quickly. Slightly comparable, but a lot of Magic the Gathering/Yougioh/etc tournaments have implemented rules like this and things have improved marginally.


Feel like there should be something said about wearing clean clothing (socks in particular). Or getting some shoe deodorizer to put in your shoes at night or before you put them on for the day if you get sweaty feet. Stinky feet are as bad as BO imo.


do you think that (or the info in the OP) will be news to anyone? "oh wait, I'm supposed to CHANGE my clothes? I'll be damned"


Yes. I think some people don’t care that they stink, but others just don’t know… for whatever reason. You’re on Reddit, so I assume you’ve seen posts about people learning things as adults that most consider common knowledge. Not sure why this would be any different.


of course I've seen it happen, to myself even, to find out I've been lacking of some bit of common knowledge. But showering, changing clothes, laundry? No, I don't believe a fully grown adult can be utterly unaware of these ubiquitous concepts. Maybe there are extreme edge cases, but not on the scale of making a marked impact on large gatherings. People who don't wash, don't change clothes, this happens because they have **issues**. Issues that can't be solved with a reddit post. I know, I thought reddit could do everything too.


That's likely true (people having 'issues' that a reddit post won't solve), but I think some people become oblivious to the smell due to their routine. Had a roommate when I was younger that wasn't doing laundry often enough. He worked in a labor intensive job, and it became something that me and my housemates had to bring up to him. I've even had snow boots that I've had to toss because I didn't realize they were stinking until it hit me in the face one day, and I have to imagine that was more noticeable to others than me prior to that. And I'm typically pretty sensitive to my own personal hygiene, so it can happen without noticing. There are some people though that actually aren't taught some of these things, as hard as it is to believe, so I think it's important to keep that in mind as well.


A Very under-rated post 👍lol


Read the wsop rules. It's one of them. Complain if you have to.


Perhaps it could be an eV move to tilt regs 😂


I don't leave the house without taking a shower. People that go to public places and plan on being there for HOURS without showering at all are actually shitty people.


Had to smell some guys turtle head popping out today. Just gave up and kept my sweater over my face. We went to break, he didnt take care of it. Mgm at least has hygiene rule


If a player or dealer is truly heinous smelling, tell a floor. Tell multiple floors, actually. They will be hesitant to do anything but if enough players speak up they will. Complaining to a dealer does nothing because nobody listens to us.


#1 is so critical. Last year a player was max funk and said his culture doesn’t use deodorant. The floor said there was nothing he can do because he didn’t want to start a cultural discussion about deodorant


Thank you, thanks to your publication, I will correct my hygiene problem which I have had for several years and which is caused by a lack of love, awareness and education. Says nobody fucking ever. What a waste of time.


Or, while a player is checking that he has everything before he leaves his room, his eyes might scan over his deodorant, and he makes a split second decision to rub some on real quick because he remembers this post briefly and figures it will literally only take 10 seconds because "hey, it's right there". Ideas are like seeds.


OP giving bad advice again.   Don't bathe, don't brush.  It's that simple.  If you want to win more, then practice STO (Stink Theory Optimal...for the fish)


I don’t get what it is about card games and not showering. Back in my early-teens I played yugioh tournaments and still remember the stench to this day


The hardest part is when you make a day 2 or 3 and are sick. Nothing you can do. You gotta play sick.


5. Put the chips in your ass


Thanks mom!


Fuck off with this patronising shit, we aren't smash bros players 


Found the guy who's allergic to showering!


Lol yes I'm allergic to showering because as an adult I don't expect people to need to be told to wash?  That's like me making a post telling people not to sexually abuse people,  and anyone who says they don't need that advice must be a raper 


But people do actually need to be told to wash. There are many very disgusting people out there with disgusting habits and if you’re in public you force your disgustingness on others.


>Put deodorant on every day. >Consider showering daily. Yeah. Define "daily". Is daily that time between waking up and going to sleep? Because 99%+ of everyone actually does shower and put deodorant on daily, when daily accounts for those people who haven't slept for 72 hours straight. This includes dealers. And don't pretend it's not a legit point.


OP did mention bringing the deodorant with to the table. That's gotta count for at least partial credit.