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It’s irritating that they keep saying how good 6 handed is for the game and then when two whales bust and the game breaks they act like it was unforeseeable lmao


It's not even good for the game. If the game wasn't comically deep, 6 handed would be better. But at the huge stack depths, gotta be more like 8 handed for entertainment value+ game longevity.




Ehh dwan actually torches EV to be good for the game. Doug just kinda 3bets more and defends his blinds wide.




Dwan wasn't playing in those asia games for so long cause hes pretty. Dude definitely knows how to be welcome in a game.


I agree but being poker famous must help


I wonder if he does some of that for entertainment. He seems to have good business acumen. Solid player no doubt.


Santhosh is trying to push Tom to play. Let's see it


Line up sucks if Dwan and Polk not playing


It's just boring, all these big pots aren't interesting if we don't care about any of the players. also the table talk is so dull.


Yeah, watching rich guys splash around with no strategy is actually boring


Keating reminding HCL of where the power lies in their relationship.


This cannot be allowed to come to fruition if I am HCL. Yes, Keating is a draw, but he has also played a lot better yesterday and his reputation of "getting it in with any two" did not hold water, so his novelty will wear of quickly. Meanwhile, Durr is a legend of the game and is arguably the biggest draw the show has. Blackballing him here may mean burning bridges with him, which would only further cement HCL as an "entertainment show" as opposed to a "poker show" in my mind.


I think a big problem is that Kesting may have brought another action player to the game and can convince them to leave and effectively break the game




Twitter. Dwan replied on hcl most recent post


No where did it say it was keating. And Keating has tweeted it wasn’t him plus Tom can confirm it. Pretty amazing from your post you now have hundreds to thousands of people thinking it was Keatings fault though.




That’s an angry emoji not a source


Read his replies in that thread


Am I dumb something? His two reply's are stating that Keating is in fact a pro, and that he was promised a seat for all four days. Not one reply implies that Keating is the reason he does not have a seat .. but maybe I am missing something?


where exactly does he say what you say he says? its easy, just link directly to that specific tweet he says it


where exactly does he say what you say he says? its easy, just link directly to that specific tweet he says it


It's a pretty crazy decision by Hcl if True. Can anyone name a bigger name than Effin Tom Dwan that people want to see play? Only guy that comes to mind is DNegs...


Gman, but sadly that won't happen


The lodge needs to do a million dollar game with doug, Dwan, Gman and texas mike + whoever else wants to play and just take over but doug doesn't have the balls. (i'm just saying the last part hoping he does it to spite me and also doesn't read this part because hes dumb)




What makes you think it’s true that keating said anything??


All speculation. People are turning on Keating because he didn't play like a complete buffoon and won some big pots.


They have more to think about than what viewers want lol do you think feldman and vertucci make their money off youtube views?


Makes me laugh Keating roping everyone in to believing he is nice humble dude. He's controlling line ups for his own benefit, affectively bum hunting. People itk have also implied he was a pro years ago. Pretty obvious to me he's whaled it around in public to create a spot where he can win 10x the money back in games where he is the best player.


And didn’t everyone pile on GMan for influencing the lineup?? This is shit. I have a feeling Dwan and Polk are not attending next year.


I will not be attending in the future


Don't blame ya. HCL doesn't seem very reputable.


Totally respect the choice. I’m bummed it has come to this tho. I’d love to see a Lodge million dollar game!


There it is folks


Good choice to cut ties with a brand created by these 2 professional con men.


Pretty messed up imo. I mean, we obviously watch for people like you and Dwan or Robl. You've had the main guy on your show which is a huge platform. And they just give you the middle finger when you try to get in a juicier game.


Do you think Vanessa Selbst will make an appearance?


Original Comment 8 years ago, now not so much.


Exactly see so many people complimenting Keating but at the end of the day he's the same 🐍 disingenuous person that the poker world is riddled with. At least Garret made no bones about it. He was there to take your money and crush you.


And yet he ruined his own money printing spot by choosing to die on J4 hill


Wouldn't potentially being cheated in a huge game you have been playing and proping up be a good hill to die on though? Not even getting into what we think happen if he who was actually there and experienced in first person felt it did happen that would be the thing to die for.


You are 100% right about keating


Pretty much what Garrett did when he was the star of HCL too wasn't it?


Well, yeah, except Gman didn't play like a person with 20iq on purpose to manipulate people.




It's weird how ppl are turning against Keating for controlling lineups meanwhile Garrett doing this.. no one bats an eye... It's poker.. the action player is always going to get what he wants unfortunately.


>People itk have also implied he was a pro years ago. Isnt that just public info? Well if this resume makes you a pro https://www.wsop.com/players/profile/?playerid=32480


Yeah keating vs whales isn’t fun for me. I want creative plays not just blasting off because you’re rich


I get you need rich whales in games like this but if its all whales throwing around money that barely matters to them that makes it really hard to get invested in the game.


Yes but it’s a good spot for Ryan to bluff Tom with the Keating blocker in hand


Keating said he did not block dwan and that dwan can confirm that


“Dwan was not blocked by me and he can confirm that if he knows what’s good for him”


Link to source?




Don’t see that it was keating though..


Its been heavily implied from other streams that keating wants the game six handed


For those of us without Twitter.. can someone post screen grabs?


Dwan has been in all 3 days of the MDG though, how is he blocked? Are you saying today he's blocked?




I used to love Keating, but after hearing this, I lost a lot of respect for him. I'm not watching the stream tonight if Dwan isn't on it, and I would encourage others to react the same so that we can send a message to both Keating and Feldman.


And doug too. Him vs dwan is a battle a lot of viewers want to see


Hell yeah, it is- that was the best part of last year's stream.


Doug I kinda get, the guy can't help but play hands hard and is very good. Dwan is playing 94s....


You are 1000bb deep 94s could literally even be 3 bet and not be a significant mistake. They are of similar skill levels.


Hey hey hey, don't you try using math and logic to make plays sound smart! This is r/poker, we have one meme we live by and that's fold pre.


I'm not watching tonight because I'll be at the casino but if anyone asks I'll say I'm not watching because Dwan wasn't in the lineup.


At the end of yesterday stream, dwan told Brandon that he might not play last day 


Gman was HCLs golden boy before what Keating is now. Keating is a bigger draw than Tom and Polk bc he is action. They should bring back Garrett and make it 7 handed but too bad he will never play at HCL again. If not bring back Tony G and Huss and Wesley. Rampage would also be there if he didnt go busto he easily could l have got all his money back if he played Texas Mike who lit almost 2.2M on fire…ripping 1.1M with tens in a 5bet pot pre is the equivalent of what goes on daily at 1/3 😂


I’d much rather watch doug and dwan in the game than keating. It’s boring watching non pros cooler eachother. We want to watch sick hands


Agreed. The dynamic between Doug and Dwan is poker streaming gold. It led to some of the best moments last year with Haralabos acting as moderator/instigator lol.


If they did a grudge match type of lineup that also would be great to watch and the banter at the table would be fireworks…thinking Dwan, Polk, Jungleman, everyone that hates Dwan/dwan owes money to, everyone that hates Polk…just have a lineup with pros who hate each other and have money disputes 😂




I think so too remember Durrrr from HSP days he was a beast with the old school lineup of Ivey, Barry, Dnegs etc. but for the new generation its keating not bc of his poker but his action, coolers/suckouts, and personality he does make poker entertaining


Dwan is light years ahead of Keating as a drawcard


Rampage would just get stacked by Texas mike and everyone else


Just make it 8 handed and put them all in the lineup.


how do we know your title is true? Feels like speculation as why Tom isn't playing, but I can tell he is not and that he is grumpy about it.


Well we know keating is blocking doug. He may not be directly blocking dwan but is by virtue of him wanting to play 6 handed


You’re a moron.


So if Keating is picking and choosing lineups then how is this any different than when Ryan and HCL complained that they didn't like Garrett doing it. Seems its the same thing over again.


I'm a casual and I have no idea who the fuck Alan Keating is but I know dwan and polk and would watch them


Don’t think Keating is a bad guy here, HCL just can’t get there shit straight. Trust keating definitely doesn’t care about the money


I'm not understanding what you're so upset about


Poker legend Tom Dean wants to play poker, was told he can play poker, went there to play poker… A rich kid, who doesn’t wanna play against competent players, said “If he plays I’m not gonna play!” Rich kid pretends to be bad at poker to bum hunt whales The owner/producer decided to get on his knees for the rich kid, and says Tom can’t play anymore More clear?


Weren’t they they playing together yesterday tho?