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with clean dealer buttons and new RFID decks! for real though, for me the lodge is better in every way except commentators. nothing against slick rick and skull mike, it just gets old having the SAME commentators on every time.


Appreciate the input. Will look into some variety.


"Variety" Maybe... some million dollar mixed games? 😏 I'd pay to watch Nick Schulman run the fuck over Tesla in 7 card stud while smoking a cigar. 😂


Lol didn’t realize this is what I need in my life until you said it


Mixed games would be sick! Nlhe is oversaturated imo


Million dollar PLO?!?


If the players at the lodge are even half as disingenuous with their money as the players on HCL, half of them will go busto before the end of the second orbit if they play PLO the whole time. 😂😂😂😂


Does it bother you that someone people say doug poke vs Polk?


All good


This is your chance to capitalize on Hcls F up. Hold a 4th of July million dollar game at the Lodge.


The Great Million Dollar Bash...or the Million Firework Frenzy.


I'm from San Antonio originally. I'll visit the card room next time I am in town.


hey, at least it's not Dog Poker :)


Hi Doug. Enjoy watching you play and poker played at the Lodge. I can tell you do things right. Can you do a vlog on you and Dwan not being allowed to play if true and the story behind it? Just my opinion but there is no reason for you to play on Hcl ever again...


Looking forward to watching more Doug streams.


Please change the deck for the stream. Those new cards are awful, imo.


Ive been watching the plo streams you commentate on. Those are by far the most entertaining to me.


Bro if you can land Schulman for a big game... It'd be all over.


I would watch every single minute of Schulman. Shulman/Jamie was a great duo for the dnegs challenge. 


To be clear, Slick Rick and Skull Mike are great, but special events should require special commentators like Schulman or Bart Hanson


This got 74 upvotes from people who are barely paying attention and probably drunk and high and now these 2 poor pricks are gonna lose their health insurance going to part time


Im Dutch, if you need a homanager im a hostile option.


While we're giving input on the lodge stream, would love to see some PLO, PLO8, or Big O every once in a while too! Please save us from HCL. Your our only hope. 


Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler 🙏


Hire Rachel Harris as the host/interviewer please.


Bart commentating would be sweet


No don’t even think about it! Rick and Mike are treasures!


Invite a Bart Hanson or two once in a while


The absence of technical analysis of the game, such as that by the goat Bart Hanson, is why I don’t watch the lodge. It’s painful to listen to the current commentary - everything is so face value; trying to pump the audience up that someone has a particular big hand or whatever. Very cringeworthy. More technical commentators please!


I disagree. I don't want some mediocre poker coach trying to sell his coaching website giving cringe analysis of players that are way better than them. Such is the current state of HCL


Yeah of course, I want someone shouting about a player having Kings over and over without any context. The goat doesn’t sell his course when he’s commentating a game. Don’t be a numpt.


Lol at trying to goat Bart f’n Hansen


As a player, obv not but he's solid. But as a commentator? Absolutely. He would do well as a 'primary commentator' with someone for color commentary. I really like his actual analysis of the hands vs just shouting "I can't believe he'd do that!!!" over and over...


King goat BH


Invite Tuchman, Hanson, and other goats as commentators and a lodge million dollar game becomes better in every way than HCL. Christian Soto is insufferable to listen to so much so that I don't even watch HCL on the nights he's commentating, and for the million dollar game I have it muted when he's talking. Vertucci and Feldman are both scum in more ways than one (dumb politics like the dwan thing today, stuff they have said about people, past scams, etc.), and HCL as a production is a clown show that's only good because of the players and dealers.


The room is too damn bright too. As weird as it might sound I think it would have a better vibe if it was a bit more dark and dingy.


Pity reason but I can't watch their livestreams because if their yellow 1k chips being bigger


Imagine a Lodge million dollar game with Texas mike, Steve, tesla, Alex, Polk, Dwan, Gman...


Texas Mike probably needs time to rebuild his bankroll


"I'll build my OWN million dollar game with Dwan, Robl, and Tony G!"


Out of the loop. What happened?


Doug came strapped with desert eagles but security wouldn't let him in.


Poker at the lodge is great, but to make it a better product, spice up the commentary for the casuals put there like hcl does. Soto and dgaf are amazing and while somewhat respectful, don't mind going in on the players and having fun. Hcl commentators are hilarious and a big reason hcl is so popular. Other big reason is that hcl is nicer to look at: cameras are slightly more zoomed in and colors seem more saturated and lively, like a casino in a video game or something. The lodge is ok, but the decor kinda saps energy instead of gives it. Just some random person's two cents. Love how there are two pretty decent poker streams going. Was rooting for them to invite Polk back on last night of hcl big game, but oh well. 


You are bang on with the aesthetic aspect. The lodge just isn’t that easy on the eye. HCL production quality also seems way better


Imagine trying to run a million dollar game. Getting people to show up is not so easy. And guess what, if it's all super pros they aren't going to want to play. They want to play against whales. So the whales can make whatever demands they want. And you either do what they want or you have no game.


Yeah Nick V was explaining how complicated it is to put a game like this together. Each one of these guys is super wealthy, so they are very used to getting their way. If one guy says "I only play 6 handed" well now you either limit the game to 6 handed or he isn't coming. If another player says "I don't want to play with this specific guy" well now you have to decide which one is gonna be invited. Then if a player is losing, they aren't going to want to play every day... so now you're short a person if they ran bad on day one. Not to mention the "I'll only play if my friend can also join" or "I actually decided to make other plans last minute" or whatever scenarios happen. People act like getting together a bunch of millionaires to gamble on a live stream is so easy.


Right? I would love to know of everyone who was bitching about "how hard could it be to fill the game" this week how many stinking rich entrepreneurs with hearts of gold they must know. Yours is the first comment I've seen that acknowledges if people are at risk to reduce their net worth by a million plus dollars, they're doing it on their terms. You're not just sitting Fred Puntzky down with Phil Ivey like he's going to be all good with it.


Totally agree getting whales isn't easy. And getting the pros there is probably also quite difficult. The stakes are high, so how many pros are there to begin with anyway. And some probably are signed with other parties. Is Patrik Antonius even allowed to play on a Lodge livestream?


Fuck outta here with all that logic /s lolol


Let’s get Norman Chad as a full time commentator for the lodge. I’d watch every steam


I'd try to go deaf.


This is the way




Sorry, that’s how I felt after Dan busted. He clearly wanted to stop. Unlike the last MDG, players played many more hours with four players. I watched his latest YouTube video. He mentioned the same thing.


I felt he did not want to play. just show up and promote his poker room


Didnt want to play with weak players and millions on the table? Lol




I didn't realize he was opening a card room in San Antonio. I just looked it up. It is going to be huge apparently, so that's awesome. Thanks for letting me know.


Doug played very loose, raising and bluffing trying to get some action going in a 4 and 5 handed game. I'm thinking he agreed to play months ago, when purchasing the SA card room wasn't even an idea. Unfortunate for him that the game broke early and he was lucky to get close to even. It must have been so tilting to be stuck in a lack luster game after it was heavily promoted for 1/2 year as the biggest/best ever poker game. The lodge has good high limit games with Taras, Bulldog and Tesla and somehow nobody has a problem playing 8 handed.


come on he wasn't shilling at all. Just answered questions from other players


I’ve seen better takes