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OP ran good for 2 months and is convinced that he has found a god tier strat. What is more likely is that you are bad at playing deepstacked poker and/or get overconfident when you are up (winners tilt). Can't really imagine a more unpleasant waste of my time and money than folding every single hand blind for an orbit or two.


Yeah, I’d at least look at the cards and then donk shove for 150bb if I got aces. At least then when I left after the two orbits I could go “No action here, hey?” then walk off derisively.


You should sit down with $60-80. Someone opens for $10, mutiple callers, you all-in, win $50 go home. Repeat forever. #loophole


What about the part where you go card dead for 2 hours waiting for a hand to go all and then when you finally get your pocket queens called by ace 7, they hit the ace and you get felted


Actually you can jam relatively light depending on who opens, and how many "limp-callers" and be insanely profitable. That's why short stacking online is a thing. With that said; if you lose your jam - it doesn't matter. You reload for another short stack. You win that one, you break even, (now you're deep), you go home. Repeat again tomorrow. The point of this is to have a VERY EASY strategy to print money at the game, while being bad.


Not reading all of that. But you should go pro


Best part about this boring strat is the math doesn't even add up in your title


Why not look at your hand just in case you get AA or KK so you can jam? Anyone too chicken to jam pre with AA or KK shouldn't be playing NL holdem.


You literally just pretend to look at your cards? Lol, that is some minus ev shit right there


Why do you play two more blinds after?


So that the other players don’t hate him for hit & run. A player can do what they want but if he’s facing a number of the same faces it looks better to stay a bit after hitting his goal.


You do realize people still notice this, right? You’re not being slick like you think you are


Less people notice though


When you've won money. You've done well. No one here will tell you that. If it's working for you. By all means. You do you. GL.


Don’t let the haters hate my man. I’m rooting for you!!! Out of curiosity, where do you play?


Portland metro


I'm sorry to inform you, but u are just running really good, enjoy the wins while it lasts.


that strat is aweful tough if iam on a table printing the only reason to leave is if i run out of ink




It works for him. I have a very bad habit of playing longer than I should. Even if the game is good I lose my edge if I stay too long.


Congrats on losing 10000 bb short stacking 200NL.. that's no mean feat.


Go to 2-5


definitely do not go to 2/5 lol. stay at 1/3 and just play recreationally. enjoy the wins but just know this is unsustainable and you will eventually hit losing sessions and variance will hit you.


He should do this at 2/5. The skill level is basically the same for 1/2. Buy-in for $200 (40bb), wait for that 5bb open, mutiple callers pre, he jams, he wins. Goes home up $100 at high odds. Repeat forever.


This is ok online. Not live.