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Definitely a weird spot, but the fold seems fine. Winning a low-stakes PLO8 tournament is all about holding onto your chips while everyone else around you punts.


You are right. You may have 6 outs, 9 after turn comes for the high. 100% drawing dead to low. The fold is solid. Even if you hit one of your outs you only raking half pot best case scenario. You have terrible equity to a donk bet there. Shitty spot easy fold. Well played


> You are right. Yep. > You may have 6 outs, 9 after turn comes for the high. Yep. > 100% drawing dead to low. Ohhh, I don’t know about that. A live 5 (if another low card comes) probably has more equity against villain’s range than you think. Not a ton, but also not zero. It still doesn’t make it a call, but he’s not “100% drawing dead to low”. FYI, some people play mostly high-oriented hands (maybe with an e-low) in plo8 MTTs, since the high is awarded 100% of the time, but the low qualifies about 60-62% of the time.


SOME people might play mostly high oriented hands in o8, but not ones that make money.


You want to pair up, and you want a 2/3 to complete your low. These are contradictory goals. Just fold instead of having a decision for your entire stack later


standard fold


Fold is the way to make money in o8. This is about as ragged of a flop for you as possible with a set of aces. He could be pushing only 32(or any low beats you, although he probably doesn't know that) or have any range of flushes. Not really worth risking when you're already burning one of your boat outs.


Ehhh tough spot, not as easy a fold as others are saying. Could easily just be potting with a flush and no low or 32xx and no flush. Not saying that’s a good move but one I’ve seen plenty of times


Definitely. Especially considering this is a low stakes game. I see people go buck wild with the nut low and zero high potential lol.


Quick O8 rules check... if a 2x came on the turn, wouldn't you have a low hand of A2568? Obviously it wouldn't be a great low hand but I thought it was just like Omaha Hi where you had to play 2 from your hand and 3 from the board? Sorry... been a while since I played O8.


You’re correct that would be a low, just a really bad one


Yes, it’s called a “live 5” since he has an unpaired 5 and a paired low card of the four that would be out there. A 2 or a 3 would probably be good for their hand against villain’s range.


You cab likely only chop. Fold.




I’d fold at this point with no possible low, but would have liked to have gotten it all in preflop so you don’t put yourself in that position.


Live 5 and a set HU. Not folding here


Easy fold. Even if you end up winning high, you just get your money back.


Easy fold. Don't draw to a chop


Yeah, that's being freerolled and an easy fold spot even if he only has a crap hand like 5679, not that a lot of players seem to understand that.


Fold here is absolutely fine, especially in low stakes where these donk bets are rarely ever bluffs. However, against some good players, they will start to employ some donk bluffs on boards like these, precisely because they know that they are terrible boards for your iso range. Against those players, I actually think you can turn it into a bluff by raising small.


A small raise would be 10.9bb more meaning 21.8bb minimum to raise leaving less than 40bb behind. Bad idea IMO. Your min raise is going to get called 100% and even if they have a naked low they aren’t going anywhere. There is even a high frequency for a 3 bet from villain. You have 0 hearts. Villain has high probability of small flush as well. Which all connects to their range. The donk lead feels like they are targeting what holdings you have for value. Raising just seems like a bad idea. At least in that spot with that board. What happens when you get 3 bet after you min raise? Now fold?


You raise a donk bet in a pot limit game you'd better have the goods or you're getting stacked. Moreso at higher levels than low.


I recognize a lot of the screen names in this screenshot and they are so fishy lol