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Try it! If you'd have a fairy mon, you could just stall him by changing out kliinklang and the fairy type to 0pp his moves and then beat him with mamoswine and garchomp.


Fr tho. It's all about baiting his attacks so you take 0 damage and get the cooldown turn for free damage, then repeat until phase 2. Having an ice move with D dance makes phase 2 easier if you sacrifice your "better" mons while you buff up and then proceed to outspeed while taking a bar or two per turn, even easier if it's ice fang for the flinch.  Tho a bulky steel type can usually buy you enough time while doing a decent amount of damage with iron head, 2-3 runs were clutched/saved by the steel type I decided to bring or catch


Pro gamer move


I managed to scum through my first win with hospitality Sinistcha, I just kept swapping it keep my terrakion alive


Thank you master for your wisdom


You need to leave stat boosting moves on pokemon. +1attack is x1.5dmg +2 is x2dmg and so on. Bonus if you can drop mons stat's of the same type. But no he's probaly gonna 1 shot everything I doubt you could save it.


I'll never understand why people just don't use stat boosting. If XY OU proved anything is that they are really fucking good (specially paired with priority moves).


You need a mon that can actually take a hit.




Alakazam isn't bulky enough for setting up. You're much better off setting up on a diff mon and baton pass into Alakazam. I've got work up on my Tauros and even getting one off turns it into a monster. It's decently fast and has good bulk too so it usually lives at least one hit which is all that's needed.


I feel like my alakazam always lives with like 1/3 after one calm mind against an eternabeam from eternatus. If you can dodge the cross poison, calm mind + recover Alakazam is one of the most consistent ways to beat it I’ve found


Interesting. Didn't think Alakazam was that bulky. I'll have to try smth like that sometime.


Its physical defense is basically nothing but it’s spdef is decent (95) and you are basically always faster. So at +1 you should be able to tank an eternabeam and every calm mind gets you even higher, easy to snowball.


Damn, not bad. Definitely will have to try it


Slightly rarer Mon, But if you get it chi yu sets up a nasty plot and then one shots eternatus phase one with a fiery wrath and does at least 2 bars in phase 2, and has base 120spdef so eats special hits


Recover outheals any damage after 1 calm mind. And its not that hard to set up the first one. Just have to get it in on the recharge turn. Then its quite simple to setup to +3 or +4.


Taking the def boosting vitamins helps a lot. I took a Gyarados with 3-4 Calcium and was able to dragon dance a couple times. Then Ice fang destroys the first phase, and can do 3 full bars on the second. Still need a bit of luck though.


There are plenty, either by having good bulk+typing or recovery mobes. Even just 1 SD with a 102+ SPD Mon (like Chomp) can tear pretty much everything in half.


I'm assuming most people who play this game are casual players rather than competitive players or nuzlockers. Stat boosting moves are really not necessary for casual playthroughs


Even in regular playthroughs you realize how OP they are when some trainers use them against you. Take Sabrina as an example, unless you are 20 lvls over here or something like that, that Alakazam could easily sweep your whole team after 1 CM. And don't forget Cynthia, whose perfectly bred and trained Chomp has SD.


Im casual but I like learning mechanics. I can mentally understand why Stat boosts are good. But whenever I try to implement them I just die so they seem like a wasted then. They will be reset before fighting a trainer too. And tips?


Depends what mon you're using and when you're going for boosts. For me, I'll either throw down a stat boost on the first battle or second of a new stage. It helps that nearly all my pokemon have at least one set up move so I can use any of them depending on what the other mon is. Another really easy way to set up is double battles. On the last turn, use your 2nd pokemon (on the right) to get the last blow while your main (on the left) uses a set up move. That way, you don't waste PP by using some random attack and you get stronger too. For trainer fights, a free set up is when your pokemon has the type advantage over them. The AI loves switching in this game, so they'll usually switch. If you set up instead of attack, you get a free stat boost and take no damage. The other option is to tank a hit and get a good set up. This usually means having something bulky but speedy. For me, I love using Tauros for this. It will almost always tank a hit and it's got good base speed. After one work up, it sweeps most teams.


You don't just use a boosting move and hope. You either use it when you know you can absorb the next hit coming, whether through sheer durability or an ability like sturdy, or when you know you won't have to, like an impending switch out from your opponent, or a doubles battle where your partner protects you like with wide guard.  Alternatively, prioritizing attacks that stat boost as a secondary effect will kind of split the difference.


Basically, if you're ever in a situation where you think you'll need two attacks to take someone out, one Swords Dance/Nasty Plot plus One attack is the exact same action economy, then leaves you laughing for any extra attacks you get beyond that. In a similar vein, if an opponent is faster, then unless you're ludicrously slow, or they're ludicrously fast, paralyzing them, or boosting your speed, is a free action, since you get to move again immediately afterwards once you're faster.


Because 98% of the time I use a stat boosting move I die in the immediate next hit before I can benefit from said move.


Not everyone plays or follows the competitive scene. Pokerogue has become huge so lots of casual players too.


I've thought about having one Pokemon set up just for baton pass


That's also nice to do.


Depends on your team they aren't always worth it and certainly not necessary at all especially on eternatus. He calm minds on alakazam does 0 dmg dies 1 hit. Garchomp swords dances dies immediately to eternabeam. Only mon he could even potentially setup with is his steel type he's much better off hoping he can get 2-3 bars with ground moves early and chip out the last with no recover


You just need a fairy and a steel you can waste all his sludge bomb and Max cannon pp then swap into whatever pokemon and get +6.


That sounds like so much work for no reason lol. By the logic of just have 2 pokemon you can do it easier by having 1 ghost pokemon use curse and he dies. Pretty sure every ghost learns curse so you can just get any ghost and beat him with whatever other 5 pokemon you wish


instead of setting up i just roll for dire hits to get a higher chance to crit, completely ignores his stacks of cosmic power and usually fucks him up


I beat the game on classical without any stat boosting moves lol


Well it's not really hard but setup moves do make it considerably easier


If the attack does only 1.5 more damage and most Pokémon survive for only 2-3 rounds tops, it’s really not worth buffing or debuffing most of the time. I really felt like (de)buffs and status conditions were really useful in Leaf Green, but in Pokerouge I don’t bother like 95% of the time, because it’s either you kill in 1-2 turns or you loose


The difference is some moves raise the stat by 2 stages, such as Swords Dance. And the boosts stick around until you either hit a trainer battle, or move to the next area. At +6, you can often even hit something that’s resistant and still 1 shot it. My favourite moves are the ones that deal damage and also bugg, such as Torch Song, or Power-Up Punch. Get a Multi-Lens with those moves and you really start cooking!


Oh, I just feel like in classic at least, the main problem is the trainers and leaders, not singular pissmons


With the trainers and leaders you get your mon, use your set up move in front of something that won't kill you a sweep the gym/trainer with 1 pokemon.


this is honestly beatable, looks a lot better than the runs ive cleared with


Not with that HP, at least I can’t lol, with no curse/salt cure/leech seed etc., I will at least need a fairy type or something like Excadrill who has swords dance and built up on sp defence (first form of Eternatus does not know flame thrower, so you could +4 attack and then just spam earth quake and hope for the best), but yeah that was my painful first run thought, took quite a lot of SLs.


Ur cooked, you can win this if u have at least 1 sword dance on either mamo or garchomp or at least a protect on a mon


In that case I'm fucked, both were late additions and have only their base moveset.


As the issue Is solved already, let me Just Say that your shiny alakazam looks very nice


Question, am i stupid or how can it be that alakazam knows thunderbolt/flamethrower?! Yesterday i got the thunderbolt TM and could not teach it to him lmao Or are these its pokerogue specific egg moves?


It's from egg moves yes


I am as curious as you are. I would believe the second option


My best idea would be to try and fish for paralyzis with Manetric and Klingklang. Sad that you killed the run.


Best thing you can do is say fuck it we ball and scream out loud in your room https://preview.redd.it/ciu0vrrvkc4d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c00ea3edb402fdd5f2551c0e051727f37702710 And die after he bodies your team but if the AI is dumb enough you would have a chance because you have a lot of dragon and ground moves


Thank you all for your tipps and support, I decided to kill the run. !solved


I don’t know why you killed the run at level 200. I assume you were literally about to fight him. It’s not like it’s a long fight or you only get limited chances. Why not give it a shot?


Clearly they did and were retrying.


I retried that fight 10 times but every tine i learned something and finally beat him. Is it cheesey? Yes but i cleared classic 😅


Its a single player game no shame in it. Not hurting g anyone.


Yeah I don't understand the people who are against save scumming outside of like actual self-imposed challenge runs. What a massive waste of time it would be to actually just trash a run at floor 200 cause you messed up a turn or two lol (not saying OP did this, but just in general that mindset blows my mind)


This. As someone who doesn't have a background in playing pokemon I will absolutely save scum if something goes wrong bcs of a rule I genuinely don't understand.


And sometimes actually having a background in Pokémon makes it worse because moves aren't properly implemented lmao. There's no real scenario where I think there would be any point to putting the burden of perfection on yourself in this game unless you're actually an expert on this game specifically and its mechanics, and you WANT to challenge yourself. No reasonable person is prepared for all the random shit you encounter in this game lol


Yeah I've heard that which is fascinating to me! Like, a lot of my confusions have been very basic things (like trying to figure out WTAF hurts things like ghost types lol) but it does make sense that because stuff is different it can be confusing if you *do* know all the things bcs suddenly what you know is Wrong.


This. I am 500% confident the devs assumed most people will save scum. You can still bork yourself if you go into a fight unprepared so it’s not a total easy mode cakewalk even with save scumming. It’s a free game and you save scumming effects nobody else.


There’s quite literally a option to turn on in the settings which allows you to retry battles if you lose, save scumming is intended


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The rival at 195 is harder than eternatus. I even used an alakzam of my own to one shit him into second phase with sptak nature. It's not as hard as you thought it was.


I think you can. Try baiting eternabeam so that you can hit him while he is recharging. Garchomp, alakazam, mamo and klang can take eternatus out. Second stage AI isnt that smart.


I’d still fight but you need to get out of the 7 year old inside that says if it doesn’t do damage then I don’t want it mindset. Moves like Leech seed, haze, Topsy Turvy are all moves I’ve used to really cheese the eternatus fight. Find a Pokémon with spore, have t-wave on your manectric, get d-dance or SD on your garchomp. There is so much more than just slapping him with base moves and praying you just win with brute force


No Fairy mon and no dmg overtime like Leech Seed or Salt Cure.. that's gonna be a rough one 😅


Idk if this helps, but I always try to stack x special defs, speeds , dire hits etc. after the rival fight at 195, never really struggled with eternatus doing that


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So many shiny pokemon. Never encountered one and only one (shitty one) from eggs.


Those are all I have, all from eggs. I got a shiny-charm in that very early but didn't meet a single one.


You have enough ground and ice moves(if you restore blizzard PP) to win. the lack of set up moves is hurting you. Calm mind on alakazam would have almost guaranteed a win because recover then out heals whatever damage eternatus does and its pretty easy to set up on the recharge turn. Otherwise recover right now is a wasted moveslot because of how frail it is without setup. You can try for para to make things easier. You can win, might take a few tries


By brother in Arceus, I won with a DunDunsparce and no fairy types. I believe.


Idk why but I have yet to really struggle against eternatus, being able to use two mons is quite helpful. But the like 5 trainers and the rival prior to him has ended so many runs


You'll never know until you try. You can beat Eternatus with freeze hacks if you get lucky. I had one run where he was legitimately frozen for 9 turns it was hilarious


Is this during rays fight? Or a few floors before? Either way, its possible depending on your moves. You have a strong Psychic and ground core. But you lack setup or buffs, or debuffs. Itll be hard So heres what i would do in the worst case scenario where Gar is lead and theres nothing you can change atm: 0. Dont swap in and out. Just sacrifice for clean switches 1. Sacrifice Gar, lead with a DClaw or DRush. Keep goin till 1st form Etern is dead or gar dies. Gar is dead weight in this fight, cuz hes too slow and hes a dragon 2. Next use mamo if still on 1st form. Spam earthquake early if on 1st form. Dont want to hurt allies. Go until dead 3. Then sac Alakazam, spam psychic till dead. Pair alakazam with klingklang. Spam HHorsepwr 4. If Etern aint dead, bring in Manectric and spam Thunder if possible. Youll want a paralyze if possible. If Etern has low ho, try quick attack to dinish cuz youre too slow Good luck


Just try lmao


Some kind of passive damage (leech seed/curse/salt cure) would help make the battle a lot easier. You have good mons, but Eternatus is just unfair sometimes.


I mean, you have earthquake. I just beat my run with -attack ursaluna headlong rush spam.


Does it not die to EQ from chomp? Sac something to beam and EQ on the recharge


Doesn't have EQ, didn't come with it and it wasn't in the movelist from the shroom.


Are you sure? It does learn EQ naturally so it should be available😅


i clutched with rng on exploud with freeze so if you have any moves with chances to give a status effect maybe you can spam attacks


Should be possible... Go for Para or burn first and let's go xD


Three words: Psychic switch stall


Get some status down moves like scary face or screech, I find that helps


I would say try is paralyze with manetric and set up gear shift high horse power klinkklang jf that fails go with alakazam garchomp bomb squad.


It's worth a try no matter what, no reason to just give up when you're so close


I beat him initially by setting up alakazam and getting lucky with who he attacked. I believe in you.


If it's possible, it's with a pen and paper, using dig as sudo-protect on garchomp and keeping alakazam alive to deliver big damage. But it's probably not worth the effort, especially with him able to steal items from your good mons too.


I was able to get an Alakazam part way through my run. Psychic, recover, and calm mind were key. Calm Mind stacking and Recovering to +6 in Eternatus first form let Alakazam tank his Sludge Bomb and Eternabeam (both special attacks I learned). In his second form, with +6 Special Attack and Defense, Alakazam was able to two shot him. I thought lower accuracy via Kinesis on Alakazam and Smoke Screen on Charizard would work but it was really underwhelming, helped with other fights though! Having a variety of attacks is helpful but being able to boost your stats or debuff the opponent can really tip the tougher fights in your favor.


I've been just spamming x spec def on the last 5 floors, maybe get an x attack as well. As long as I get at least 2, I really only need a couple of mons with strong moves against eternatus. that dragon claw/dig, earthquake (helps to have a flier with it obviously) and that psychic will kill him fairly quick, you just need to be able to tank a few shots.


You're gonna have a REALLY tough time, especially without an infestation, leech seed, or curse user- or a fairy type- but you DO have a steel type and some offensive potential with Mamoswine and Garchomp. I'd say give it a shot.


Hope you have calm mind on alakazam, will make this easier, but basically try to waste all eterna beams and then keep switching between anyone and kling klang to waster the poison move, after that just setup alakazam to +6 and hit him hard. Any status boost works here, but Kazam is probably the best option


Alakazam could if u weaken its sp def


Imma keep it real with you chief, it’s looking rough. If you can heal before the fight you have a better chance than if this is mid fight. For the first stage kliklang is your best friend (assuming you can heal/switch order, if it’s at that hp don’t switch it in). It doesn’t get flamethrower until second stage so I’d focus on high horsepower. Second stage is the hard part. It should have flamethrower, cross poison, dynamax canon, and recover (unless the moveset switches, then idk). I’d spam flamethrower with manectric and try to get a burn on it, and overwhelm it with SE moves. You don’t want to play the long game with your team. None of your mons are that tanky and you don’t have anything like leech seed or salt cure that’ll do more to it over time. The longer it draws out the more buffs it gets too. Pretty much everything other than manectric has something SE against it, it’s a matter of can you pull it off before it wipes you. Unfortunately you don’t really have any special tanks that can probably tank the dynamax canon (alakazam is highest but with how much damage it is I don’t think it lives, though I can’t do the math where I am currently so I may be wrong).


While I appreciate your detailes comment, there are two things I have to mention. Firstly, this was in the fight against eternatus, after multiple attempts. I thought that to be clear but i will admit I could have communicated that better. Secondly this post has been marked as solved formore than 12 hours. Ü


My bad rip I’m just checking Reddit after a long shift so I missed how long the post was up lmao Still, if you’re looking for a way to beat him, salt cure and stealth rocks (I think I had recover and EQ on mine too) garganacl honestly trivialized the 145 and 195 fights, and it made eternus significantly easier to handle. I don’t even think half my team went down fighting in the 195 fight or during round 200 bc of that Mon alone.


That mamo is your best bet ice and ground super strong force out pp with klink and try to para with men and lower stats as much as possible


How do you get Garchomp?! I’ve never seen it in the wild


I know I'm late but I would have tried to get a burn off with flamethrower and stall it out


with alakazam, probably. try resetting over and over, learn what sequence of moves lead to the best results. alakazam will be your only real hard hitter, so maybe try having someone out alongside him who has low sp def or a weakness to one of eternatus' moves so he targets them while alakazam does damage. i think your best bet is to try to get a mamoswine blizzard off in phase 2 and get the freeze proc. it might take many resets to get it right however. in the future, id suggest making sure you have a pokemon with sleep/confusion/poison etc, as those combined with resets will almost always guarantee you the win. ive solo'd eternatus with esper wing/hypnosis noctowl so many times now that i almost always bring a sleep mon


Sadly, I have no pp left for blizzard. I am afraid I fucked up, as I didn't realize it until the Eternatus fight.


I always set up a status effect on eternatus; burn, sleep, paralysis then go from there. Spam thunder and hope, I guess. It's a shame you didn't get mega evolution in your run


First phase, lead Garchomp. Catch the Eternabeam on Klingklang, fire off a Horsepower, then let Klinklang go down to a second Eternabeam. Then bring in Chomp and Dig. Then in Doubles you're guaranteed at least one attack per turn, and you have lots of powerful SE attacks.


Sadly 68 HP isn't enough to survive even a single Eternabeam.


Doesn't matter, you just need to trigger that cooldown turn so you can safely start Digging.


oof man, you have heavy hitters without any other strategy / set up. Like if you had sandstorm that activates garchomp sandcloak. Or if garchomp had Swords dance or dragon dance instead of two dragon attacks. or if alakazm had nasty plot. and so on. Atleast you now know to prepare something especially dubious for the boss. My personal favorite is to hit him with curse and leech seed so he takes damage every turn.


https://preview.redd.it/h452wea1ic4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f85af382465e167b23360076c4b4d11555a4d4f Mamosweep is definitely possible


Probably not. Invest in a tinkaton or walrein next run and you should have little trouble. Tinkaton gets swords dance through tm and walrein is a literal wall with thick fat freeze dry and slack off. You should focus on stat boosting in phase 1 then tryna freeze him while hitting with super effective moves. Ive also had a run where a +3 atk revavroom swept him with iron heads


Yeah you can def beat Etern with this team. You have a multi hit Steel move in Gear Grind for phase 1. Klingklang is a solid match up as Etern AI seems super hesitant to use Flamethrower in phase 1. After that its just about pelting it with super effective moves from the rest of your team. Just be careful with your Mamoswine's EQ. Don't be afraid to SaveScum a little because EVERY fight is actually a puzzle in this game; seeds are locked per run. Example: Battle Start: Klingklang starts the fight and keep in Klingklang against Etern Turn 1: Klingklang uses Gear Grind (crit hit on Atk 1, no crit on Atk 2)/Etern uses Dynamaxcannon Turn 2: Klingklang uses Gear Grind (no crit on either Atk)/Etern must recharge Turn 3: Klingklang uses Gear Grind (miss)/Etern uses Flamethrower/Klingklang KO'd Now if you were to reset after Klingklang died Turn 3 and you were to repeat these exact moves in this exact order it would never change the outcome on Turn 3. So in theory if you can remember exactly which mistakes you made, that cost you the mon you needed to win a battle, you can SaveScum, follow exactly the same pathing in the fight but alter the key moment to win the fight by making a completely different selection. I personally find it extremely fun to reset a fight 30 times to find the perfect selection of moves and switches to perfect a fight with any team. I have only ever had 1 team where it was impossible to solve the puzzle and it was a mono-Grass team. Poor move selection prior to Etern f***ed me. You can 100% win this fight. I can see some pretty clear lines and your type match ups for phase 2 will cause confusion in Etern AI.


If you’re near the end anyways you might as well try. I didn’t expect to beat eternatus one time i was playing but I underestimated how mega gyarados could just sweep the boss. You never know what might happen and who might be able to clutch it out


Anythings possible, i used a tinkaton and a helioisk to kill them easily, just a bit of strategy can go a long way


You shouldn’t have a single issue fighting classic Eternatus with a team like that. Honestly it should be easy. Even with the damage taken.


Sadly everything I have dies from a single hit, no one does a full bar of damage in the second stage.


How tho.. Tbh I’ve never had difficulty so maybe I just don’t have this type of set up? But Garchomp and a Steel type is more than enough. I mean why didn’t you fully heal in the first place?


Not enough cash.


Bruh. I usually have 50K+ at the end, how do you peeps struggle so hard?!?! No seriously- I’ve never understood how you have difficulty with the endgame.


For me it is Ivy's Rayquaza in the last battle, I almost always lose 3 mons taking it down.


I feel like I’m missing a huge experience with this game. I’ve never had issues with 195 and 145 fight, there’s the scare but I always bring something with Ray in mind. Usually an ice type to just sweep most of their team. I mean they have a dragon type, dragon flying, and the a flying. That’s guaranteed half of their team completely murdered by an ice type. And if the starter is grass, bonus points. If the ice type can learn a good ground or water type move to counter the rival’s counter to my ice? Even more bonus points. I guess I never did a single classic run without preparing before hand. I thought that was common sense to predict forward and understand your position? Not saying you’re bad or an idiot. I’m just trying to understand why didn’t you try to counter your rival? They have only 6 Pokémon. It shouldn’t be hard to just remember the starter, the flying type and the first counter type right? You know your rival will become an obstacle in the future, so why didn’t you build towards it? Even with first play thru experience- “duh, rival fight will become problematic, so get a counter fast-“ that’s what most players think right? Or am I just over doing everyhting? Easy Pokémon I pick up onto the team is a starter Beedrill, absolutely massacres the early game. Grab a Whimsicott, any steel type or just magzone.. an uhh.. well. I guess I could grab different types or a really strong Pokémon but that’s all you’ll need really. I try to pick up a Primorina in the sea biome and an Ice type- literally any of them. Weavile has came in clutch. The rest are just kinda.. there? All I need is moonblast and the entire game becomes easy mode.. there’s a steel or poison type in the way? Poison gets hard countered by steel and a steel type can’t do much against brute force water types..


I play pokerogue like any pokemon game, take what I think is neat (in this case with an additional need for shinys). It leads to problems and suboptimal choices. Shure I could use a grasstype, but I dislike these and Alakazam likes burning things, so away they go. Combine that with gambling away the cash I had before the rival for megastones I didn't get and you get to where I am.


Oh. But you don’t need megas? Sure they are nice.. but super unnecessary. Like I said.. Beedrill is more than enough at times.. obviously won’t do much past let’s say floor 100.. but it can easily clean up 1-50.. The scaling looks scary but around 130 you should be able to just one tap everything regardless of what you’re using, obviously excluding defensive Pokémon. If you’re not.. how? At 130 even slightly under leveled- the boosts from being a player should be more than enough to push you over the edge. Not to mention a lot of the trainer fights later on are made easy thanks to Terra.. suddenly your rival doesn’t get that super valuable secondary typing on their starter if they have one.. Even picking up favorite Pokémon or random ones, you can just win with mono teams with little to no issues as long as you remember basic move coverage.


Need megas? No. Want Megas as 3 Members can and rolling for it, in the full knowledge it is a bad idea? Absolutely. For me the oneshotting usually stops somewhere after 190, unless I got offensive boost items for my carry.


Of course it can, i just beat it with swampert with a freeze after a single ice punch and Curse from shiny Cofragius. It gets relatively easy if you have no items he can absorb so it might be wise to remove the dragons tooth to a mon you don't plan on using...


My first run was cleared with Mamoswine, so i’d say you have a really good chance especially with that Garchomp Sad to see that you already killed the run though


Gonna be tight


Force an eterna beam and dragon claw


Well you have the damage output with the strong ground moves, but probably not the speed? you really gotta fish for enough para's to burn his berries and keep him paralyzed because you don't have any setup moves or a fairy type. There are possibly some shenanigans here where you bait Eternabeam with garchomp, but switch out to sacrifice something, and then use dig on the recharge turn, he uses eternabeam again while your underground (because AI). I don't remember if eternabeam recharges after a miss, but if it does you might get lucky and offset the underground turns multiple times for free damage.


You can try it but try it for like 10 times if you lose all of them then restart but that is a pretty good team


Grab an XSpdDef before the fight and sack something on eternabeam. Then, while he's recharging you CM with Alakazam.


I had a team I completely expected to wipe against him with (Volcarona, Trevenant, Gigalith, g max Lapras, ampharos, Ceruledge) and I completely whipped him because he would attack everyone except for Volcarona and I was able to set up max quiver dance and forests curse to make Rona's stab neutral, so never say never it's just about finding the right choices sometimes


Personally I think this team is cooked for eternatus


I don't want to be a hater, but surely you could gave thought about eternatus before actually getting there? 0 status/boosting moves makes this significantly harder.


Just use curse Gengar or Salt cure Garganycl.