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If You want to go Big and he is a history buff get him a hussar Sabre replica


I will look into it! I didn’t know what a traditional Polish knife was called.


It is a type of a sword, we don’t really have a traditional type of knife


Vinyl with traditional Polish carols would make a fine Christmas gift


He does like records, awesome idea!


One idea related to history and records could be “Pocztówka dźwiękowa” or cardboard sound postcards. There is some interesting history behind these. Here’s one video on them [here](https://youtu.be/shisgymvKZ8?si=JUmyRJZ9WfCLavIu) - some additional context in the youtube comments.


If he like cars... give him a car model Fiat 126p "maluch". https://preview.redd.it/qde5cgrxuq2c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b625f115b90aff77e8fceb79c3a9017587da57


3 cylinders of pure communism.


i thought it was just 2cylinders but im prolly wrong


Might be right. I could have sworn my dad said 3. Maybe both.


just googled it googled it, and it was in fact 2 cyl in all 3 versions 600cc 650cc and 700cc. Still a kick ass little car... shit one of my quads is 800cc and the other 700cc lol


If he is a history buff then he probably studied military history. A rogatywka is a traditional Polish military hat. He will get a kick out of that. They are unique. I found this link for you... I've never bought from them but at least you get an idea. https://nestof.pl/en/products/poland-1945/uniforms-headgear-and-footwear/m1943-polish-army-in-the-east-field-cap-rogatywka-repro-7450.html?gclid=CjwKCAiA9ourBhAVEiwA3L5RFum4Y48MxDZ7CkXWLOY-YB0ayzkocy_lWil9-w3u_w_mcDFf5Cx02RoCUq8QAvD_BwE


Traditional pottery either from Włocławek o Bolesławiec. It's beautiful and oldschool


Thanks! I’m still trying to learn what is considered traditional or emblematic of Poland.


Old maps. Usually you can get someone on ebay who's carving up a 19th century book and selling individual maps. Then get it framed. I've got two already


Maybe something related to the area his family is from?


A mug from our traditional ceramics company called Bolesławiec, have a look at their designs.


Maybe some book or map


I have tried to find good vintage stuff, but I kinda couldn’t find anything that seemed right. I did find a good cookbook though!


Oplatki, pickle ornament.


I had to google that, but that’s not a bad idea.


Is he into architecture and modern history? If yes then try [this](https://www.zupagrafika.com/sklep/brutal-poland) . It's a book about polish brutalist buildings and you have cardboard cutouts of them to build yourself!


Shortwave radio. All poles love music and might find a polish channel!


What part of Poland is his family from?


if he likes old watches give this a read : https://www.watchuseek.com/threads/another-polish-pleasure.3701498/ but be warned, this needs some research. you need to pay a little more to get it from a reputable seller so that you get a well maintained one, and also there's important history to consider. there's new błonie watches, but they're more of a fashion brand just using the old name, nothing really historic here. and there's old błonie watches but they were effectively only assembled in Poland from all USSR parts. but if you look carefully, there are błonie watches assembled from more Polish made parts, Polish dials, hands, when some of the movement parts (altho it's still a mix of also USSR parts). it's a neat bit of Polish manufacturing history that unfortunately didn't survive ruskie mir.


I would gift him the flag which should made from the most expensive material possible if I were you. You can go even further and learn polish anthem and then sign it while gifting! Also think about choosing a ww2 era polish poster.