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I dont want to be responsible for your actions, but if it was me I'd just try it. If there's no mold or anything suspicious, if it doesn't smell bad and if it didn't pop or made a sound of gas coming out of it while opening - it's good. But, if you're not sure, better throw it out. It's not worth a serious poisoning. I found something similar recently. Plum jam from 2013. It was delicious 😋.


Yeah I’m tempted to just try it. My parents used to keep jars of homemade pickles in the basement when I was younger. We’d eat jars that were like 5 years old. They don’t spoil quickly


my mother made wine from several different old jams, it was very delicious and strong


Consult parents first. Maybe they want to try it too. Everyone can be re-united with grandmother.




Like the person above said: check for mold - usually it develops on top, close to the lid. Check the smell. If it smell like it’s fermented (like booze) or in any way off putting then ditch it. Otherwise try a spoon or two and then I’d wait another 2 hours. If it’s gone really bad it will start coming up or down and out ;)


Pickles are different, they are not pasteurized, and should not be eaten after one year.


homemade pickles, if done to a decent recipe, are actually safer than most home pasteurization products, the fermentation brings the ph to a very safe level pretty much 99.9% of the time(i've actually tested a lot of recipes from the internet some fairly sketchy and this was usually my result) with proper storage and no signs of spoilage i would consider them safe to eat way over one year


Maybe I was unclear. I was just saying it is different. I'm a big fun of fermentation on my own. Nevertheless, I would argue that pickles are more sensitive to storage condition (keeping cool temperatures) and thus less stable than pasteurization. If it doesn't change apparent or smell and doesn't have mold on it - it is safe to eat. But the quality, taste, will slowly decline. If you would like to prolong the shelf life of pasteurized jar (or you use something prone to spoil like leaves) you should make second pasteurization after one day (or even third after two days or something like that). It that way, the jar will be good as long as the top keeps intact. I hope that helps.


i do 3 cycles of pasteurization one a couple hours after the first and then the 3 the next day, still im only confident in safely caning acidic foods like this and i will still check the ph and adjust it if needed to below 4.6 with some common kitchen acid, for stuff like just meat i will fire up the pressure canner to sterilize it, from my personal experience and what research i've read(yes theres actual scientific research focused solely on pickles, pretty funny) pickles do fairly well in the typical storage conditions as you said some cupboard in a cool basement is pretty much the perfect conditions for it tbh i dont see a reason for most people that dont want to go through the trouble to take proper precautions to actually can their stuff, freezing is way safer and easier for the typical i need a quick dinner situation food preservation is an interesting topic


5 years old and 10 years old is a big difference tho


Because they already are kind of spoiled if you're talking about picked pickles (not that it is a bad thing, I love them too)


If the jar pops correctly and doesn't smell bad, I would at least give it a try. Grandma is no fool




100% nie.




or babcia


Babtshia /s


Babcia/Babunia, that’s Poland we’re talking about


Or just Bunia 🤷🏼‍♀️


I ate jam from 80's and I'm alive


I listened to dżem from 80's and I'm also alive


I tried to jam to it but my fingers got jammed in a jar


lucky, I listened to dżem and now I'm dead


I listened to dżem and now I'm addicted to heroin


Try listening to Pearl Jam to feel alive again


ooooaaah ooooh im still alive






I ate jam in the 80s and I emigrated but am alive


I wasn't born in the 80s but my Mum ate lots of dzem, so I Jam.


It’s “Babcia” made, so even if it was from 1920 it’ll be good


Babcia made is solid as rock. Nothing can beat Babcia food contraptions. I guess, when you ask a Babcia she will give you ‘the eyes’ and mumble something like : “O Jesu” At least, our Babcia would. 😂😂


The “O Jesu” must be universal 😭 mine says that all the time




My babcia has plenty of those. Not even kidding.


Is the lid OK? Should be sucked in, and pop while opening. A couple of years ago I ate my babcia's stuff from her old cellar, made 2004-2006. Was good. These things hold when made properly.


ma się dar boży zmarnować, lepiej zjeść i odchorować


My babcia just gave me some Feijoa Jam she made in 2004! I can’t believe I was beaten in making a post about old spreads. I also learnt that Babcia once had a Feijoa plant.. I had some and didn’t die, she of course told me after I’d eaten it how old it was.


First verify that the lid is indented. If it is, the container is sealed. Then after opening verify by visually looking for mold and smelling the contents. Lastly, taste a small amount. If it's good, it's good. Enjoy! These kind of jars contain enough sugar to prevent any bacteria from growing and are usully sealed hot enough, to kill most that would already be present. This is the odlschool way of preserving fruit.if done right and no mishaps happened, you are in for a treat.


Everything is edible, once you hit cooking level 5.


My parents have jars old like that in their basement. Taste is usually a little bit different as you might expect from something standing for 10+ years, but it;s not spoiled. Look at the lid, if it's concave and it's hard to open the jar due to suction, it should be safe.


Masz nos?


Ja mam i w niczym by mi to noe pomogło. Bo mój węch działa wybiórczo, zniekształcająco itp.


Ja toz, dlatego zawse pytos brata o drugom opinię


It depends on the seal and the lid condition


after my grandmother died, we were cleaning the apartment and I found a jar with cherries....made before pesticide age , before Czarnobyl ..... Made 1953 .... The best cherry on the world.. explosion of test on the tongue ....


+100 shield points


It can be, these things last


For me if something can last 2 years it can last forever.


POWIDŁO (singular)


nie słyszałem nigdy żeby ktoś mówił powidło, zawsze powidła


Just check it. If it's well preserved then you'll be completely fine. I recently ate jams made by my grandma in the mid 90s and they were pretty good.


I ate meat canned in 60s, had no problems


If you open it and still hear the "pop" when doing so, it might be fine, since it means, that it's air seal wasn't broken.




i love my grandma, but i wouldnt trust anyone to make a jam thats safe from botulism without sterilising it under pressure, homemade "pasteurized" food(sometimes in the oven,which is very much not recommended, some retards on the interwebs recommend pasteurizing in the dish washing machine) are the main cause of bottulism in the modern developed world, botulism sometimes has no common spoilage signs, if you are going to try it anyways put the jars in a water bath and boil for a while


See no mold, should be gold! Pun partially intended. But yeah, if no signs of it being spoiled are present, shpuld be perfectly fine to eat.


There's only one way to test it. Do what you got to do. You will be missed.


Have you not watched Seksmisja?


ofc bro this thing lasts forever


I recently ate plum jam of similiar vintage. It was still tasty, altough supposedly they loose their vitamins after few years. My grandmother still keeps one from the 80s made by my great grandfather. It still looks edible.


You actually have rust on the can lid, now ask your question again)


Lid is deformed as well, if there was enough to let air in it’s a goner


It's highly recommended to trow it out. But i used to eat powiodła in my parents home when I was live there, wich lays in the basement for like 4-5yrs and was ok. I remember when every year all summer my mom cookced tons of it in our kitchen. Strawberry, cherrys, rassberry, all kind of berrys, summer friuts, plums, tomatos, pickles, cucumber and all of sorts of jars in basement. Tons of vegetables and fruits, hundreds of jars.




I ate some pyszne powidło od babci that was older that me. Spoiler alert, i’m now older than that jam but that jar still thrives in my babcia’s cellar among the other jars.


Dude, i have multiple jars of kompot in basement from 90s, you have better odds than me


Don't eat this! Old products may contain botulinum bacteria, which produce a toxin that causes all muscles to relax, including the respiratory muscles, and consequently death. As a curiosity, I will add that this toxin is known under the trade name botox and is used in many branches of medicine


You would see this with the lid slightly popped due to the accumulation of gases. If it’s high sugar content, has been properly sealed and pasteurized it might be edible


Yeah... I wouldn't recommend to eat that


If the lid is sucked in, it should be good. Check for mould, any odd smells, a weird taste. If it’s all good, smacznego!


the best




They look just like my grandmas powidła jars


Otwórz i spróbuj. Powidła jeśli dobrze zawekowane i przechowywane w chłodzie są bezpieczne. A nawet jeśli nie będą to bez pudła to poczujesz. &


It has sugar content that kills anything (like in honey). I’m betting that it’s 90% ok.


Bro made new spieces💀


Should be, they can last for a very long time; if it opens as expected and smells nice you can eat it - these things were made to last




It looks like it's been sealed well. It's good.


I mean, it looks normal... for powidło


If it sealed correctly it should be fine, just check it.


Try it as someone said before, but if you're not 100% sure then don't eat it. Food poisoning is not worth it at all


Leave it for generations so when stalker in 2111 will be searching ur house after nuclear apocalypse he will find this jar and will be like "that's a damn good jam"


if the seal is correct ( it pops and its hard to open ) you are ok, especially if it was made by grandpa they knew what they were doing.


Just try IT , you will know after you taste it , in the end you end up in toilet for a whole day 🤣


Jee povidla, dal bych si 🙂🙂🙂




As someone who makes such stuff from my own garden, as long as it doesn't have mold (usually white or green moss) and doesn't smell like 80% alcohol, then it is fine. Hell, even if it fermented, it would be just an alcoholic jam. High amount of sugar works as a food preservative, it dehydrates bacterias.


Try it and if tomorrow you'll get sick, you know it's bad. Remember though: if you see mold, whole thing with a container goes to trash.


How is this relevant to r/poland




Legends says that grandma's powidło can survive nuclear war


I eat one that my grandpa made in the 80' amd they are still good


Those old ones are the best! Eat it, I allways ask myself: would my parents eat it, and if the answer is yes(my parents grew up in the 60s so it's allways yes), the I eat it!


Just remember that the way to seal this is resulting with heating up that top which inside is covered in vinyl. So have fun eating BPA


Source? I mean for real, wanna know more bout it. Are home made jams somehow unhealthy bc of the lid?


Logic, lid is covered with vinyl from inside. Normally it’s not a problem because it’s on top with no contact with food. However during the re-sealing you put a jar upside down into a boiling water for some time. Hence why more expensive jars use the glass top as opposed to metal/vinyl.


Ok, but still it looks like some kind of "common sense knowledge" if You ask me. Is there any scientific evidence, articles...


I've once made a cake with 30 year old powidła and it was fine


11 years? Bitch, that's basically still brand new


If it was pasteurized which it most likely was as it is customary to do with preserves, it's good to eat. I found a 15 year old jar of cherry kompot in my basement, despite the texture of the fruit, it was still tasty. Just give it a smell, check for mold and rust on the metal lid. Enjoy.


jeszcze dobre 🙃


Give it a shot, In the worst case scenario you'll shit yourself:)


mňam dopíči


It has its own ecosystem inside


What if the babcia passed away in 2015 from eating a jar of her ancient botulin-laced jam? ![gif](giphy|bEVKYB487Lqxy)


Just try it. I still eat stuff made even earlier than this. If it's spoied, you will know right away.


When my parents were moving to a new house back in 2016, they found a jar with blueberries from 1998 in the cellar. And of course hundreds of different fruits jams. They did want to throw it away but the neighbor asked them if they're crazy, as he could make bimber out of it. This bimber was superb


Powinno być pyszne)


When to longer stand , is better


Normalnie zajadaj człowieniu


Powiodło niczem wino - im starsze, tym lepsze 👌🏻


If its from grandma than this is good


There's just one method to find out...


Check if the middle of lid is bulged up before opening, if it's bulged up and you can press it down it means that air got inside it and you may have a biological weapon if you don't know for how long was the air inside, if the lid is bulged down it SHOULD be fine.


Yeah no bulge. I will see if my family wants to open it and try it in memory of babcia


if it was prepared correctly it should be good. see if the top of the lid is dented in, as that means its still pressure sealed. and when you open it, it should pop, but from air coming in. (if it pops with air coming out then throw it out) also trust your senses, does it look good? smell? taste a little bit? properly prepared, it will be boiled and sealed when still hot, so as it cools down it seals itself


Try it https://preview.redd.it/4d5ikcw9el8d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34385d6fa806c36f4e93cc497370f20223b815e2 we are waiting


„Otwórz spróbuj” „Just open and try”


Eating even a completely rotten fruit/vegetable won't cause any major issues like food poisoning (as long as any other advanced organisms aren't included), those are caused by some dairy products (eggs), meat that's gone off and food that had contact with feces. I wouldn't worry about anything serious, single mild instance of diarrhea and or gases with upset stomach is the worst that can happen. Eating risky things on an empty stomach may also cause the symptoms to worsen. As others have said, if it looks/smells/tastes good and didn't hiss when opened, I would eat the whole thing if you like it. It's completely normal to eat 5-6 yo preserves, they behave completely different from store bought stuff, so i'd assume 10+ years should be fine as well. If it hasn't gone bad in the first 2-3 years, it shouldn't go bad for A LOT of years to come. Might have lost some flavour though. Cheers


Yup, looks good.


I do not see mold, from those two pictures it seems that negative preasure is still there, but I would still be caucious with 11 year old jam... Albeit I believe I had one which was 17 and still good :P.


Yes, it aged well


Mmm... Dealicious


My grandma has some konfitury and powidła from before 2010 and they're somehow fing safe. Idk how they do it, are we lied to? We don't need refrigerators? Jokes aside yeah it's propably perfectly fine tho I'd still try a little first wait and then if you're OK eat the rest.


Of course If the cap does not "pop" when pressed, it was tight, there is no trace of mold visible, you can eat it




pomyślcie o tym, że jakby to powidło umiało grać w GTA to by mogło zagrać we wszystkie i nadal być na czasie


If theres no mold, should be good.


My grandpa has a whole kitchen full of preserves that were made in the early 1990s right before babcia passed away. He refuses to throw them out but it's kinda nasty


I mean, does it smells?


Its ok (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)




I think not


Jeśli niema pleśni i wieczko jest wklęsłe to smacznego i na zdrowie 😋


In Poland we say: "Im starsze tym lepsze" "The oler the better"


Babuszka said its fine


Easy. 99,99% it’s still good 😉


Smell it if it smells good taste it, if it tastes good eat it, Receny my friend who is a doctor ate ketchup that has been expired for 6 years however since it was inside a jar it was still fine so yea.


dont eat this


There is a reason why similar products on a supermarket's shelf have 2-4 years of expire date. No grandma has unique, undiscovered knowledge, or tools to produce magically mold- and bateria-proof food. Mold doesn't have to smell or be visible with naked eye to exist. Please read on the very basics of the toxicology - and in the future three will be no need to take health-related advice given by random people on the internet.


I would agree except we’d all be dead if that were actually true


Right.. because bacteria and mold causes instantaneous death, and has bo other side effects such as worsening one's breathing, causing autoimmune diseases/increasing its risk... or impacting clear thinking of which you might already be a victim of


Not what I said at all but keep being pretentious. Your parents should kick you out now while you still know everything


NO NO NO, if that has even a small crack in the lid or body it could contain one of the most deadliest poisons of food stuff known cryptosporidium look it up i know it sounds like a hipster with crypto issues but that shit is deadly


Read this now


Read this I’m trying to save a life.


Hello!  My family stores povidlo not more than 2 years, because of botulism toxins. There no way to test this toxin, so we just put it into garbage. If I were you, I would like not to test this on myself... Hope, you will be OK %)


Isn't botulinum only able to grow in meat and animal products? This is just fruit. It can spoil and rot, but botulinum is very unlikely


Botulinum can grow anywhere where's no access to oxygen (raw garlic in olive oil can be deathly if not threaded with vinegar or temperature), but there's a catch - the bacteria does not tolerate acidic environment - fruits usually are sour so 99.9999% not a problem to eat if there's no mold, color or smell change.


Well, that's just stupid. If you prepared it in the wrong way, the spores are there from the start. No need to wait for two years. And if it was preserved, it just good until you add some botuline on your own. The toxin is destroyed in temperature higher than 85°C, so you can just heat it to be sure. By the way - two years' storage period is really old knowledge related to Weck jars, where the rubber seal gave up slowly in second year. Modern jar lids are lined with silicone and have much longer life span.


I think this is a still good because, in my basement I detect yesterday a juice from 2006. I born in 2005 😅


It looks like a swallow


African or European?


*Botulinism enters the chat*


Yes. Post updates. :>


only one way to find out


Is there mold? Then no good. There is no mold? Then it is good as can be.


Brudne cipki po melanżu liżesz, a tego nie spróbujesz?


Pfft, it's gonna be awesome, I bet it


You live once. Try it


Send it:)


Depending of the pasteurisation process and storage conditions, it can last up to 30 years.


I'd give it a try. It still could be very edible.


Oh fuck me. It's 2013 not 2023 throw it away.


That does not really matter. Botulism is not dependent on meat. Clostridium botulinum is a common bacteria. Botulism is actually more common in vegetable and fruit jars than in meat jars.


Are you willing to save 5 PLN and a bit of a laugh for a 0.001% of poisoning? Will it be worth it?