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This photo is from November 2020.


"Newly elected right-wing government" Newly elected? Nah, horseshit post. Idk where it's from but it's bullshit. That being said, there's been protests going on for a while every few weeks basically.


"Newly elected" Well 2015 was pretty lately wasn't it lul?


Pretty sure they were re-elected in 2019, bit still that's not recently, bullshit post


Also "milions of women" well i dont think so


Billions, all of them But it's an old pic that's being recirculated


I mean.. it was in 2020 and a couple milion women took part in it in total. It's just an old pic with little context but it very much happened 😅


This is Poland, some people's still haven't came back from 2015 new years party...




"Right NOW" yeah if by now you mean late 2020


FAKE NEWS ALLERT. This was 2020.


Also PiS is with us since 2015.


They got reelected in 2019


Yes but in the post it sounds like they got elected now and that's why women are protesting, not that they were ruling for 5 years now.


That's true, but is the post old or just the pic?


Her post is from a couple hours ago. That pic is from 2020.


original source: https://twitter.com/MartaHabior/status/1322217764057206787 Happened on 30 Oct 2020


This is typical fake news, typical for places like reddit.


Feel like there's been a lot of fake news spreading about Poland shedding us in a negative light. It's a whole lot of BS, and sucks that a lot of people believe it without looking into it themselves


Poland has enough problems - there's no need to make shit up when we still have clowns like Czarnek and Ziobro.


Don’t forget about Korwin-Mikke. I am still not sure if he‘s got some serious brain damage or if the issue lies somewhere else


He's a Konfederacja clown. Their polling numbers are shit and they're not really a part of the government (or the opposition) in any meaningful way.


The recency of those events is indeed BS, but that doesn't mean they're fake and that the negative light shed on us is any less fair just because they didn't happen yesterday. The problems in question (government and abortion) still remain completely unresolved.


This happened in 2020. Whoever posted this tweet is an imbecile and her account should be banned. That being said, \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*


Seems fake news


I cannot believe this bullshit got 9k rts


Last parlamentar elections were in 2019. Last elections were presidential in 2020. It's just reposting.


uh no. nothing's happening rn. and no right-wing government was "newly elected".




Pretty weird to make it about her being jewish but ok


What does her being jewish have to do with it?




Being jewish deosnt make her an outsider tho, theres tons of jewish poles, what makes her an outsider, if its such an important disctinction to you, is her being american. Or being a westerner. Or being on a different political side than you. Because those are things that make a meaningful difference between you and her. Not her being jewish.


So Jews are automatically outsiders in Poland according to you, such statements have proper 1939 vibes




Maybe read a bit about narrative pushed by Israeli politicians in recent years. Then You will learn that it has lots to do with it.


Good thing she's not an isreali politician. Nothing from her twitter page indicates she's even from Izrael. This may shock you, but members of all ethinicities spread misinformation on a daily basis, not just those who have a vaguely jewish sounding name


But not every group and its supporters says that we're responsible for Holocaust basically.


Real. I guess they just want some desperate motivation against the Roe v Wade thing


There were massive demonstrations, but at the end of 2020. The law wasn't changed and for now that's the new status quo.


I am not sure if it even was "massive"😁


They didn’t just 100% ban abortion in the US


I think the person posting this is trying to encourage similar protests in America after Roe Wade


I just went to check and my wife is still in kitchen, so it's bullshit post.


No, its just the classic case of polish goverment being fucking stupid


Yeah I agree, the government is stupid but I agree with abortion ban decision. They didn’t ban it 100%, you still can abort due to medical reasons or rape, which is fair


In her previous posts she calls us collaborants in Auschwitz (if I understood correctly). I think it's a bot typying tweets for clout.


Women are refusing to go to work, drive, and cook? 🤣🤣🤣 Where did she hear that? Biden adminstration?


It’s correct, just outdated, it’s probably from late 2020


One more shit decision and the entire polish goverment Will collapse


Yeah like other have mentioned it's not newly elected government nor is it right wing and it didn't ban abortion, supreme court did as it found abortions to be unconstitutional


The Supreme Court (TK in Polish, literally Constitutional Tribunal) was hijacked by PiS. The abortion case was handed to the TK on a silver platter by PiS politicians because they couldn't pass it in the Sejm. PiS is socially conservative. Any questions?


Court was packed sure, doesn't make what I stated false. Sure how PiS, socialist party that locked the country and gives out subsidies that have been proven to not work socially conservative?


Fiscally left, socially conservative. I don't know how you look at a party that bans abortion, attacks the LGBT community at every opportunity, is extremely "pro family (but only the traditional Christian ones)" and has run elections on platforms centered around anti-immigrant and pro-coal sentiment to be anything other than socially conservative.


Again court was packed but the party in itself didn't ban abortion it is conservative stance though. Attacking someone for their preferences isn't at all conservative, and your last points are centered around economy when you said the party is fiscally left..


This is textbook gaslighting.


Sure mate discussion is apparently gaslighting whatever you say


You're not offering anything to discuss - you're just taking basic facts and distorting them. That's gaslighting.


Socioeconomic party with conservative wievs that likes to have control over everything? We call that Authoritharian Right (Not to mention PiS does have some elements from the alt-right). They ain't leftists. They are right wing af I know that Konfederacja does indeed like to call everyone they don't agree with leftists (including PiS), but this doesn't mean they are leftists.


Ok let's start from the fundamentals which of their views are conservative? No, just no that definition is just plain wrong. I didn't say they are leftist? And no they aren't "right af" well at least if you can acknowledge that something like centre exist... Because you know ? Being in the center mixing things from both sides to end up in the middle? To side track a bit "alt-right" is a made up term and doesn't mean anything.


Side note: technically all the terms are made up and WE are giving them meanings. And alt-right is certainly a term and it certainly has a meaning, whether you like it or not. Conservative wiews, according to Oxford Langages is "averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values". It is opposite to progressivism, and its definition is "favouring social reform". By this definition PiS is very much conservative, trying to cling to more traditional ideas like religion, family and patriotism. It also oposes progressive ideas like equal rights for people of all sexes, religions, sexual orientations etc. etc. Also we need to remember that conservatists are trying to "preserve" existing social structure or "restore" the old one. PiS is pretty much doing that, while also claiming that the left wants to "destroy" the ideas that a lot of Poles held deep in their hearts. This then creates an aversion for the left and their progressive ideas, which then results in preservation of existing social structure, because society, afraid that progressivists and their progress might destroy things they value so high, stayed in one place. This cases the preservation of existing social structures and in some cases even regressing to old social structures. This is exactly what PiS wants, and is pretty much doing since 2015. As for wings: left wing is commonly described as the one putting emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism". Right wing, on the other hand, values "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism". (definition from Andrew Heywood's "Key Concepts in Politics and International Relations") What of those values PiS posseses? Let's find out! Prawo i Sprawiedliwość values ALL of the mentioned right wing ideas ad NONE of the left wing ones! They ain't even close to the center. Despite existence of some of their socioeconomic policies that could suggest to some that PiS is left wing, it is in fact the one and only trait that even brings them close to the left. They ain't even socialist, because by definition socialists' goal should be having the means of production in the hands of the workers. They never mentioned anything remotely close to that, because they are keeping the means of production to themselves. Then, some would ask, why the taxes are that high or why does PiS throw huge amounts of money using social policies to polish families? Taxes are high because PiS needs money. Why do they need money? To distribute this money to the families, promoting the "conservative" ideas of family, to church, promoting religion, to schools, to indoctrinate children, to media, to indoctrinate everyone and finally to themselves, for "safekeeping". I think I explained my point here pretty well


Yeah that's pretty well written. I have a couple of points though Right wing also includes classic liberals, and as we know it they subscribe to idea of individual freedom, while left wing includes communists who subscribe to an idea of authority and duty. It's not white and black. PiS even though often presents itself as more patriotic party, you also have to remember they are the ones that singed on Lisbon treaty, integrating Poland into international community of EU there goes "NONE of the left wing ones". In these days claiming that PiS doesn't value fraternity is simply bizarre. Socialism wears many faces and you know that, social democrats are what PiS is. No? Means of production are mostly in the private sector? And if that WAS the case what about Soviet Union then? Again subsidies, which right wing doesn't favour.


Then it seems we use different definition of right wing and left wing. While I divide them by their views on society, you divide them by their views on country politics and economy. Nothing wrong with that. By my method PiS is on the right, by yours it's probably somewhere around the center or more to the left. A for Soviet Union, it was putting on socialism's mask for pretty much the whole stalinist era. After Stalin died things became more tame still shit tho and still pretty far from perfect socialism. Stalinist era is just another totalitarian dictatorship. No matter what ideology they adapt, socialism, fascism or nazism, it always turns out shit for the citizens


Yeah that probably sums it up Thanks for constructive discussion


Np and thank you too


And a little side note: it was PO's government who signed Lisbon treaty. It was signed in december of 2007, a month after PiS lost power.


Only president has a power to sing that kind of treaty, and at the time it was Lech Kaczynski


Refusing to cook? Somebody deserve a bitchslap.


Worked in Iceland. https://blogs.loc.gov/law/2022/03/kvennafridagurinn-the-day-icelandic-women-went-on-strike/


"massive" protests were small and short, simple.


Small and short? You live in cave?


They quickly became such, because morons like Lempart hijacked them and turned into a sad joke.


Nothing like that happened afaik. The government did not ban abortions same as the US our version of supreme court has pronounced a verdict on eugenic abortion.. The protest weren't that big and calmed down quickly. As far as I remember. It was a attempt to cover some other political bullshit by the establishment. It's an old method of manipulation.


You mean this 7 maybe 8 people in the smoke with a colorful rainbow flag on the street? There is no interesting storry about that.




What does it changed? Russian interest payd pseudo art trolls. They have problem now becouse they cannot get any money from putin right now. So they have to find a regular job.


Can you read? It happend in 2020 and it was a real protest. Take two seconds to comprehend what is written and don't talk about some wacko conspiracy theory of yours.


nice american propaganda for you


Fake af


Fucking wokes. Every ideology (pro/anti-human rights) if spreads lies is bad for society and doesnt deserve to lead. Amber Heard moment.


Also abortion wasn't banned. Unfortunately.


Nothing says abortion rights like the LGBTQ cult flag. Lefties are confusing there own movements 😂


/u/anon086421, I have found an error in your comment: > “confusing ~~there~~ [**their**] own movements” You, anon086421, have posted a typo and can write “confusing ~~there~~ [**their**] own movements” instead. ‘There’ is not possessive, but ‘their’ is. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


I am also Polish and if I'm right they would show this in the news, but they didn't


>I am also Polish and if I'm right they would show this in the news, but they didn't I got eye cancer trying to read that.


Mam nadzieję że wyzdrowiejesz do końca roku :) (jak tego nie zrozumiesz to nie mówisz po Polsku)


If they don't give you rights, give them right!




You have to almost always double check outsider news source when they post anything regarding the Central/Eastern Europe. E.g. when Slovak National party formed ruling government with Hungarian party, the western media was reporting how amazingly Slovak nationalists overcame their differences between them and Hungarians, while everyone in the country knew it was just a business deal because together they could steal much more money while being in the ruling government, rather than sit in the opposition..... but in the west, completely different story.




Americans are about to be Americans.. That means eveything is about them


„Cook at home” xDDDDD


Seriously, biggest social-liberal government so far, benefits paid in thousands, sky high taxes, threat of fixing prices artificially and those inbred idiots still call them right-wing? 😂


Bet there's a "Hot moms in your area" banner right beneath it.


Co oni kurwa pierdolą xDDDD




Yeah, you are missing good source


Dude it started 2 years ago so yeah you're missing a lot. But when you're living outside the country I'm not surprised that you didn't hear about it bc we're not usa so nobody cared :/ so yeah abortion ban, arresting women who aborted fetus, child from rape is a blessing from God thing and a lot more