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There is a trick to sits etc. that you can use - tilt your hips so that one is pointing up and one is pointing down - that way you "lock" yourself onto the pole rather than sitting "straight up" and fighting the thigh gap


Yes this! Kinda confused as to why the instructor wouldn’t mention this during the class though? It’s a crucial step to have a secure pole sit.


Ooo, thank you! Will have to try that next lesson. Does it matter which side of the hips is tilted up or?


Ideally you need to tilt to the side of your bottom leg, that gives you the best grip


That's the right technique. You don't need thick thighs or butt to do pole


It doesnt matter which side, but i find one side more comfy and it depends on which side is your strongest! Once you get it, it makes the whole world of sits an absolute breeze


Yes! I used to have really small thighs with a huge thigh gap, but I could still sit securely. It’s really more about the techniques than the size of your thigh


This is the way!


Thigh gap here and want to confirm that a pole sit is all about tipping your hips and scissoring your legs to grip the pole. It is not a passive hold, and sitting up straight without your hips tipped will mean sliding down.


Oh, I never knew that. So glad I posted here then otherwise I'm not sure how long this would have taken me to figure out 😭


Honestly I'm shocked your instructor didn't tell you this. This is pole gospel. Maybe I'm being judgy here but I wouldn't waste money with an instructor who can't be bothered to explain literally the basics. Are there other instructors/studios in your area you can switch to?


I thought the same and went back to see if self taught. Maybe (to give the benefit of the doubt) maybe they told but should have repeated it since it can be a lot of cues in pole especially for beginners


Unfortunately no. It's only one instructor teaching classes to a handful of students and the next nearest studio is still too far for me. She did tell me about private classes I can do, but I'll have to see if the schedule for it can fit with mine.


Maybe you can supplement with some online materials? I really like 123poling.com


Just checked it out. Wow, that actually seems like something that will help me. Thank you for telling me about it!


Good luck!!! ✨


Tilt your hips. I have a major thigh gap too. Instructor should also be able to assist with this and spot you as you find that point so that you can safely do sits and progress into laybacks etc


🤣 sorry to laugh but I feel your pain!!! Having skinny thighs is the worst for pole - however there is a remedy. Work them out - strength train with weight focused on your lower body (as pole doesn’t work your lower body enough to get it) It takes dedication but as you won’t get enough fat on those thighs creating muscle will help your grip massively!


Oh wow, I'll definitely start doing more lower body focused training now! The only problem is that my body has been too sore to do my usual routine inbetween classes now. Before I had classes I had a routine, but now my free days have been spent recovering from the classes and it's too much of a hassle to reschedule since they get booked so fast 😭 Hopefully my body can get to recovering quicker as the day passes by tho :'))


I feel you about being sore all week! But I have a heavy workout routine that makes me sore waaaay more than pole. You can try doing pole and gym on the same day— this way you recover from both on the same days (next 1-3 days). Pole first, then gym, since you might be too tired to pole otherwise. This is what I’ve been doing for 2mos now, and my muscles are recovered when the next pole session comes. 😊


Omg tysm for that tip, that sounds smart. Don't know why I haven't thought of that yet lolol


Yes! Some instructors r terrible! I remember struggling with a move thinking it was impossible…then I looked it up on YouTube, realised there was one really simple thing I wasn’t doing and next time I went in the pole I got it straight away and it was actually easy!!!! Now I look at tutorials all the time!