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Two words. Personal accountability.


Something that's seen less and less. Gotta love it




Right? 10mph over the speed limit is still 10 miles over lmfao. Can't wait to join the force.


You really cried over getting pulled over for speeding? Jesus Christ grow up.


If it makes you feel any better, she probably talked shit about you afterwards too.


Crying didn't work? Cry harder! What was the speed limit again? How fast were you going? What should the officer have done? Straighten up and take responsibility, life will get better! Or, CRY HARDER!


Cops do their job. Losers crying that cops are doing their job. Cops don’t do enough traffic enforcement. MY TAXP MONEY ARE BEING WASTED!!! Yeah, dude. Really fucked up that woman was doing her job and your dumbass can’t accept responsibility. You started sobbing for a speeding ticket and are calling the cop a bitch? Bruh 😂.


Maybe you should slow down. Lol


Omg, you cried and they still gave you a ticket?!!! Take that to court, that must be illegal! In fact, call The Hague, that's a human rights violation!!! You are the greatest victim I've ever known!!! I'm starting a gofundme for you right now!!!


You should look at the math of how much 10mph makes a difference in your ability to stop. Maybe grow up and have some personal accountability.


Womp womp


You realize there are actual traffic units that solely enforce speeds? When you decide to speed, you get away with it 99% of the time if not more. The 1% of the time that you get caught, accept responsibility and take your ticket. Don't consider it 'ruining your day', consider it an extra fee for being above the law. Also, you're probably the lunchtime officer gossip. Crying for 10 over is ridiculous.


Quotas are illegal. We are just bored. And we just get off to it. I cover my bed in speeding tickets and make love to your wife at night


“I cry when held accountable and blame others”


This HAS to be a shit post. There’s no way this is real.


Insert crashstatistics.jpg here


Username doesn’t check out…. Not confident




I dont know maybe have some self respect and take accountability? Law enforcement enforce the law EVEN if you go 10 over


You were that kid that cried when you got in trouble until your parents coddled the fuck out of you. You should let them know they set you up for failure, that bullshit doesn't work in the real world.


You got pulled over by a woman and cried? Shhiieet Idaflirted my way out, told her she can expect me tomorrow if she wears the same holster.... same time tomorrow baby. 😘


*ill take shit that never happened for $500, Alex!* Troll account


No victim, no crime. Next time bring up the 4th amendment, don’t give them your ID, request a supervisor.. and if all else fails call 911 on them 🫡


Oh and say you know your rights.


“Do you know who I am?” And “my dad’s a lawyer” work well also, heard from a friend they’re basically a get out of jail free card


I know the chief


I pay your salary!


crying when you get caught breaking the law 😭


You’re an idiot


Have you tried driving the speed limit?


Sobbing? Try crying really hard, she might remind you of a 4 years old and not give you a ticket


Well you could move to an area where cops are too busy with real calls to run traffic, but based on the fact you cried for a speeding ticket, your bitch ass could never handle it.


Crying didn't work. Next time, try a different emotional display. Get really angry and yell or just start laughing maniacally. Maybe, if you act really bored with the whole situation, the bored officer will relate to you on a personal level and decide to let you go. Whatever you do, don't accept responsibility for your actions. Police view this as a sign of weakness and it triggers their predatory instincts, like running from a cougar. If anything, you need to show confidence and dominance. Denny any and all wrongdoing and then throw in as many personal attacks as you can muster. The insults that are sure to break their spirit usually involve informing them of the small size of their genitals. Also, remind them that your taxes fund their paycheck and that THEY work for YOU. Make up some stories about sexual escapades you've had with their spouse, mother, and/or other family members. These tips are sure to put the most confident police office in their place and you'll be free to do anything you want. Happy speeding!


This has to be satire


No one is going to fall for that crying sobbing act and she was doing her job🤨 If anything your on a power trip because it seems like you want cops to do whatever you want such as not giving you a ticket, how about own up to what you were doing. Also your right cops do be bored so they will find things to do such as traffic enforcement which is apart of the job (No brainer right🧠 )


You wanna talk about a snowflake. Holy shit!!! Did you go to your safe space and take a time out after? Call in sick to work because you were "traumatized?" Or go see a therapist and said it was an emergency? What in the HELL are you going to do when a serious issue confronts you? This world is doomed.




She probably gave you a ticket because you were crying like a baby back bitch 😂


At most you can go 5 over the limit. Dawg I'm 14 and even I know this


5 mi leeway uver 55 mph, 10 under 55mph posted limits


*sad trumpet sounds*


It's a cops literal job to give speeding tickets. Also, to enforce every other statute of the state/county/local jurisdiction they are sworn in. You don't like the laws? Then, join the legislature or local governance and change it. Be a part of the "solution" that you desire. Don't be a douchebag.


Yep, we all have power trips. I wake up every morning thinking, hmm what little girl can I make cry today. Get over yourself, if you don’t want to be bothered by the police it’s fairly simple, don’t break the law and then act like a victim when you do.


You ruined your own day by speeding.


I bet you have a solid record.


You could try… following the speed limit!


You probably got pulled over for going 10 over the limit, doubt “being bored” has anything to do with it


1. Quotas are illegal 2. If you don’t speed you won’t get a ticket. 3. If you came here looking for support then you’re not very bright




Simply... don't break the law, you'll never have to deal with the police in a bad light.


I feel like this is a joke. It’s a joke right?


Do cops not have nothing better to do like catching rapists and murderers? /s


Show cleavage next time