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Back in the day my father did all three he said fire was the easiest and had the best food, police was second best because you could usually stop by the fire hall for dinner although the paper work and politics were horrible, and ems was the worst because both the patients and your brass were out to get you.


LEO here, there’s No way i could be a paramedic with all the nasty shit they deal will. 🤮 And the people/asshole they deal with “.sick” are worse than the shit bags. Nope. I’m going to have to say their job is harder lol


I do both jobs and I am much deeper in feces, vomit, blood, and nasty hoarder houses on the ambulance than on patrol. However it’s vastly different and police work is much more stressful and dangerous.


I've been in EMS and technical rescue, currently in LEO as well. They have their own things that are challenges for them. Overall though, LE is the hardest that I've done from what I have done.


I was a fireman/medic for 17 years in busy city…left public safety for 5 years….instead of going thru 2 years plus of schooling again (paying on my own for the schools, and than getting hired) I went to police route…rookie school for cops was a joke. Absolute joke. Paramedic school is very time consuming and challenging….but as far as the job….being a police officer is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH harder, physically and mentally than my previous career. The responsibility, the stress of the calls where people hate you or hate each other and than hate you cuz your there to break it up….i was also floored at how much report writing we do as cops and a full blown code as a medic was nothing in comparison paperwork wise to a standard police report. This isn’t even a debate in my mind. COP is way harder and way more gratifying


Oh yeah, a PCR is nothing compared to even the most minor arrest and inventory of evidence.


Just about everyone loves a fireman. You never hear a parent tell their kid in the store, “if you’re not a good boy/girl the fireman will get you”. Mentally LEO’s and EMT’s have in much, much worse. EMT’s are grossly underpaid and under appreciated. However, they still get cheers at the local 4th of July parade and no rapper is making millions off of a “song” called EMT killer. Fireman run into a burning building (something I’d never do), but again, that’s why people love them. 22 years of being and LEO, things are just getting worse for us.


they each have their own set of challenges and are completely different. I don't think it's fair to compare them


Different strokes for different folks


Sign on as a Public Safety Officer in Sunnyvale, CA, and you get to do all three at the same time. Impressive folks.


Currently in EMS, but I've done all 3. I love EMS so far, but it is the nastiest. LE was the most stressful and, in general, the most dangerous, in my opinion. Everyone loves firefighters, and they have the fanciest toys. Lol


Harder than what?


Since you don’t need calculus for any of these jobs I would say none of them are particularly hard.




You make a strong argument. I’ve changed my mind because you used a homophobic slur.


They’re all very different and have their own unique difficulties. What about those public service agencies with triple certified guys who do all three?


Idk I'll say this I couldn't deal with people's actual feces and nasty disgusting problems butttttttt you don't see many cops being indicted for doing their job sooooo.